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Philosophy of Music Education

Music is an emotion that brings people together. Music in a classroom allows students to
create and express their feelings through the arts. When we hear music, we are engaging in a
feelings-based experience. Our feelings are different from one another, but they can be traced
back to specific structures or expressive elements in musical works and life experiences.
Students need to engage in music classes due to the emotional and aesthetic education aspects
are essential to the human experience. Students need to learn how to have a structural outlet
through music. When students are taught music, they are also gaining new academic experiences
to enhance problem solving, focus, and to expand their horizons. Students should grow with
their musical abilities and engage in the process of continuous growth.

● Why Teach Music? Music education fosters creativity, self-expression, and confidence,
while also enhancing language skills, memory, and cognitive function. By learning
music, students develop discipline, perseverance, and teamwork, essential qualities for
success in all areas of life. Moreover, music provides a unique platform for self-
expression and emotional intelligence, allowing students to communicate and connect
with others in a profound way. By teaching music, we empower students to find their
voice, tell their story, and share their creativity with the world, preparing them to make a
meaningful impact in their communities and beyond.
● Where and When Should Music Be Taught? Music should be taught to students every
day from a young age, all throughout their educational journey. Foundational music
classes in elementary school introduces students to many different types of instruments,
this will spark their interests and allows them to have a hands-on experience which can
lead to a potential musical future. Students who are engaging in a music class everyday
have a creative outlet to their day and this can give them something to look forward to
during the school day. Music should not only be taught at the elementary level, but also
at the secondary level. Students engaging in a musical experience at a secondary level
provides them with a deeper understanding and appreciation for the arts.
● What Should be Taught in Music Classes? A vast array of skills should be taught in a
music class, including creating, performing, responding, and connecting to music.
Students need to create artistic ideas and learn how to organize and develop their musical
ideas. When students perform music, they are learning how to take pride in something
they put hard work into. They are learning how to refine their artistic ideas for their
performance. When students respond, they are analyzing and interpreting their musical
repertoire. When students connect through a musical outlet, they are bringing all of their
musical skills that they learned in their everyday life at home and at school and using it to
enhance their daily lives. They are relating their musical ideas within cultural, social,
historical, and academic content to a wider understanding of their world. When music
educators put all four of these skills into an activity or unit students can see all their
musical achievements come together.
● How Should Music be Taught and Assessed? Music needs to be taught in a way where
students can thrive in their musical growth. Students need to have a wide range repertoire
that they can enjoy and learn new genres. Teaching student’s new genres of music
showcases multicultural appreciation. Music teachers need to set goals for their students
to achieve. Music education needs to be assessed by growth. Musical goals are not
achieved overnight, they are achieved by continuous practice and patience. In music
education a small success can lead to an even bigger outcome. Students should be taught
that music is similar to a puzzle, adding a few pieces together make a big picture.
Mistakes should be celebrated by showing students that a mistake can be fixed in a safe
environment and mistakes are part of a learning experience. When students see their
continuous growth, they become more focused, motivated, and engaged in all areas of
academics and life.

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