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National Convention on Responsible Artificial Intelligence: Law

and Ethics

Submitted to: -
Ms. Varsh Dogra
Assistant Professor

Submitted by: -
Keshav Soni



The Centre of Excellence of Cyber Law at VSLLS, Vivekananda Institute of Professional Studies,
orchestrated a thought-provoking seminar entitled "National Convention on Responsible Artificial
Intelligence Law and Ethics," in partnership with the Centre for Intellectual Property Rights and
the VSLLS Pro Bono club. This collaborative effort brought together leading minds in the field to
delve into the multifaceted dimensions of responsible AI.
Throughout the seminar, attendees were immersed in enlightening discussions and insightful
presentations that shed light on the critical importance of responsible AI. Esteemed guests,
including experts and practitioners, shared their invaluable perspectives, highlighting the ethical
imperatives and legal considerations surrounding the burgeoning realm of artificial intelligence.
The event served as a platform for meaningful dialogue, fostering a deeper understanding of the
ethical and legal frameworks necessary to navigate the evolving landscape of AI technology

The felicitation ceremony commenced with Mr. SC Vats, Chairman of VIPS-TC, presenting a
bouquet to Hon’ble Justice Mini Pushkarna, symbolizing admiration and respect. Following this
gesture, Dr. Rashmi Salpekar, Dean of VSLLS, graciously draped a shawl around Justice Ms. Mini
Pushkarna, signifying warmth and appreciation. Dr. T.V. Subba Rao then presented a photo of
Swami Vivekananda, encapsulating the spirit of enlightenment and inspiration. The ceremony
culminated with the presentation of a peace plant, symbolizing harmony and goodwill. Professor
(Dr.) T.V. Subba Rao, Chairperson of VSLLS, initiated the proceedings with a respectful greeting
to Justice Pushkarna.

During his address, he lauded Justice Pushkarna for her exemplary service to the nation, spanning
over 25 years of unwavering activism and legal advocacy. He highlighted her pivotal contributions
to various crucial legal domains, including but not limited to matters concerning Right to
Information (RTI), women's reservation, environmental conservation, animal welfare, and the
protection of rape victims.
Furthermore, he emphasized a groundbreaking initiative undertaken by the Institute, marking the
first of its kind in India—a charter titled "Responsible Use of AI," authored by Dr. Karnika A
Seth, Professor of Practice at VIPS-TC. This charter is founded upon six principles aimed at
guiding the ethical and responsible utilization of artificial intelligence.
Additionally, the event witnessed the announcement of a significant publication titled "Aspects of
Violence Against Women" by the Centre for Legal Research and Development, VSLLS. This
publication promises to be a valuable resource shedding light on crucial aspects related to violence
against women, furthering the Institute's commitment to advancing legal scholarship and societal
Taking the stage next, Subba Rao Sir reflected on the founding principles of the institution in
2000, emphasizing its commitment to professionalism, social relevance, and the pursuit of
excellence. He paid homage to Dr. SC Vats, underscoring the institution evolution and enduring

At last, Justice Ms. Mini Pushkarna ascended the platform, delivering a thought-provoking
discourse on the intersection of artificial intelligence (AI) and ethics. She shed light on the Digital
India Act, emphasizing its regulatory framework and the collaborative endeavors between NITI
Aayog and the Ministry of Information Technology. Justice Pushkarna proudly announced the
pioneering initiative of the institution in formulating India's inaugural charter on AI and hosting
its convention. Drawing from the landmark Puttaswamy judgment on data privacy, she
underscored the imperative of robust data protection legislation.
As the distinguished chief guest, Justice Pushkarna expressed heartfelt appreciation towards
VSLLS and VIPS-TC for their groundbreaking efforts in AI ethics. Delving into the essence of
AI, she elucidated on its ability to mimic human behavior and problem-solving capabilities,
encapsulating the evolving landscape of technological ethics.

By citing numerous examples, she vividly depicted the profound influence AI has had across a
spectrum of industries, ranging from healthcare and education to everyday household devices.
Underlining the interdependent connection between society and technology, Justice Pushkarna
underscored the necessity of harmonizing innovation with ethical accountability. She accentuated
AI's pivotal role in reshaping the legal landscape, citing advancements like e-court systems, online
case filings, and digitized judgments, all of which have streamlined legal processes to foster
greater efficiency and accessibility.

The technical session commenced with a warm welcome and introduction by Dr. Rashmi Salpekar,
the esteemed Dean of VSLLS, setting the stage for an engaging discussion on the complexities of
modern technology and its ethical considerations. Dr. Karnika Seth, a renowned authority in the
field, initiated the proceedings by delving into the pressing issue of data protection in our swiftly
digitizing world. With a thought-provoking inquiry into the wisdom of intelligent machines, she
sparked a reflective atmosphere, encouraging attendees to contemplate the ethical dimensions of
Referencing a landmark case involving Google Book algorithms and copyright disputes, Dr. Seth
navigated through the intricate interplay between artificial intelligence and intellectual property
rights, elucidating the complex legal precedents governing this emerging field. Furthermore, she
shed light on the elusive "black box" scenario, wherein the inner workings of AI systems remain
opaque, prompting critical concerns regarding accountability and transparency.
Dr. Seth fervently advocated for robust data protection legislation, highlighting potential penalties
of up to 250 crores, and underscored the importance of addressing issues such as algorithmic bias
and fairness. Her insightful analysis underscored the symbiotic relationship between AI and ethics,
emphasizing the necessity for their harmonious coexistence.

Professor Uday Raghunath Birje, Co-founder and Director of ThinkStreet Technologies, and
Professor of Practice at VIPS-TC, wrapped up the session with a thought-provoking contemplation
on the perils associated with unbridled AI expansion. Drawing attention to the exponential surge
in data utilization and the ethical dilemmas posed by AI-driven applications, he cautioned against
the potential hazards of unregulated technological progress. Birje's impassioned call for collective
accountability struck a chord, emphasizing the necessity for a balanced approach to AI deployment
that prioritizes ethical considerations and societal welfare.
The session culminated in a dynamic question-and-answer segment, fostering spirited dialogue
and critical examination of the ethical complexities surrounding AI and automation in modern
society. As participants dispersed, they departed with a newfound appreciation for the intricate
interplay between technology and ethics, inspired to navigate the evolving landscape with
discernment and foresight.

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