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Woxsen Business School , Hyderabad



CASE: Salesforce Ignite: Scaling Design-Led Innovation

Services and Overcoming Resistance."



Rishabh Thakur:23WU0202230
Rahul Kiran Sonkar:23WU0202250
Nazimul Haque:23WU0202032
Ridisha Bhavikatti:23WU0202229
Yash Jhalani:23WU0202281
Keshav Krishna:23WU0202267

Table of Contents:
1. Executive Summary
Overview of the case
Summary of key findings and recommendations
2. Introduction
Background of Salesforce Ignite
Importance of design-led innovation in tech companies
Objectives of the analysis
3. Analysis
Problem Statement
Identification of central issues faced by Salesforce Ignite
Internal Analysis
Assessment of strengths and weaknesses within Salesforce Ignite
External Analysis
Examination of opportunities and threats in the external environment
Factors and Frameworks
Application of analytical frameworks such as SWOT Analysis and PESTEL Analysis
4. Alternative Solutions
Proposal of potential solutions to address the identified problems
5. Evaluation of Alternatives
Assessment of pros and cons for each proposed solution
6. Risk and Contingencies
Identification of potential risks and development of contingency plans
7. Implementation Plan
Detailed plan for executing the recommended solution
8. Monitoring and Control
Establishment of mechanisms for tracking progress and ensuring effectiveness
9. Conclusion
Summary of key findings and recommendations
10. References

Executive Summary:

The case of "Salesforce Ignite: Scaling Design-Led Innovation Services and Overcoming Resistance"
highlights the challenges faced by Salesforce Ignite, a design-led innovation team within Salesforce.
Despite initial success, Ignite confronts obstacles in scaling its services to meet increasing demand
and overcoming resistance internally and externally. Key issues include geographic divides, metrics
for impact evaluation, engagement qualification, and team expansion. To navigate these challenges,
Ignite must refine its offerings, align with customer needs, and demonstrate the value of its projects.
By doing so, Ignite can overcome resistance and expand its influence within Salesforce, paving the
way for continued growth and success. This executive summary encapsulates the central challenges
faced by Salesforce Ignite and underscores the importance of strategic decision-making to drive
innovation and transformation within organizations.

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