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Cover Page

Contents Page

Executive Summary - Write a holistic/overall overview of your integrated marketing


Company Background: To include:

• Name of brand
• Name of product/service
• Type of product e.g. convenience product? Refer to Topic 3
• Industry of the brand is in

Situational Analysis – SWOT Analysis

Segmentation, target market and positioning

• Indicate and explain who are their target customers. Segmentation and target
marketing are clearly defined and identified based on the relevant demographic,
psychographic and behavioural segmentation approaches.
• Indicate and explain positioning of the brand e.g. Starbucks is premium brand offering
differentiated experience. Positioning of the product/service is accurate and follows a
logical rationale.

Promotional goals, objectives and strategy of three-month marketing campaign

• Refer to Topic 8
• Indicate and explain objectives and strategy
• 3-month campaign

Barriers, Benefits, Competition

• Barriers = Challenges faced by the company
• Benefits of the campaign – how can the company benefit e.g. sales increase? Market
share increase?
• Competition – e.g. Are your recommendations better than your competitors? How will
it affect them? E.g. lose market share? Lose sales?

Monitoring and Evaluation

• How do you know whether your objective/s are achieved? Please set some KPIs e.g.
sales increase
• Talk about how you will monitor and evaluate the effects of your proposal.

• Brief conclusion to sum up the key points of the proposal in order to look forward to
the future.
• Conclusion is accurate, logical and consistent with overall analysis and research.

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