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Q.1 Two small identical electric dipoles AB and CD, each of dipole moment p are kept at an angle of 120° to
each other in an external electric field È pointing along the x-axis as shown in the figure. Find the
(a) dipole moment of the arrangement, and
(b) magnitude and direction of the net torque acting on it

Q.2 A hollow cylindrical box of length 1 m and area of cross-section 25 cm2 is placed in a three dimensional
coordinate system as shown in the figure. The electric field in the region is given by E=50xi, where E is in
NC-1 and x is in metres. Find
(i) net flux through the cylinder. (ii) charge enclosed by the cylinder.

Q.3 Two infinitely large plane thin parallel sheets having surface charge densities 𝜎1 and 𝜎2 (𝜎1 >𝜎2 ) are
shown in the figure. Write the magnitudes and directions of the net electric fields in the regions marked Il
and Ill.

Q.4 A charge q is placed at the centre of the line joining two equal charges Q. Show that the system of three
charges will be in equilibrium if q=-Q/4
Q.5 In a parallel plate capacitor with air between the plates, each plate has an area of 6 × 10-3 m2 and the
separation between the plates is 3 mm.
(i)Calculate the capacitance of the capacitor.
(ії)If this capacitor is connected to 100 V supply, what would be the charge on each plate?
(iii) How would charge on the plates be affected ,if a 3 mm thick mica sheet of K = 6 is inserted between
the plates while the voltage supply remain connected?
Q.6 Define an equipotential surface. Draw equipotential surfaces:
(i)in the case of a single point charge and
(ii)in a constant electric field in Z-direction.
Why the equipotential surface about a single charge are not equidistant ?
(iii) Can electric field exist tangential to an equipotential surface? Give reason.
Q.7 Four point charges Q, q, Q and q are placed at the corners of a square of side 'a' as shown in the figure.
Find the
(a) resultant electric force on a charge Q, and
(b) potential energy of this system.
Q.8 (а)Find the relation between drift velocity and relaxation time of charge carriers in a conductor.
(b)A conductor of length L is connected to a d.c. source of e.m.f. V. If the length of the conductor is tripled
by stretching it, keeping V constant .Explain how drift velocity would be affected.
Q.9 (a)Deduce the relation between current I flowing through a conductor and drift velocity Vd of the
(b)Figure shows a plot of current I flowing through the cross-section of a wire versus the time 't’
Use the plot to find the charge flowing in 10 sec through the wire.

Q.10 (a)Two cells of emf E1 and E2 have their internal resistances r1 and r2, respectively. Deduce an expression
for the equivalent emf and internal resistance of their parallel combination when connected across an
external resistance R. Assume that the two cells are supporting each other.
(b)In case the two cells are identical, each of emf E = 5 V and internal resistance r = 2 ohm, calculate
voltage across the external resistance R = 10 ohm.
Q.11 An electron moving horizontally with a velocity of 4 x 104 m/s enters a region of uniform magnetic field of
10-5 T acting vertically upward as shown in the figure. Draw its trajectory and find out the time it takes to
come out of the region of magnetic field.

Q.12 Deduce an expression for the frequency of revolution of a charged particle in a magnetic field and show
that it is independent of velocity or energy of the particle.
Q.13 Two identical loops P and Q each of radius 5 cm are lying in perpendicular planes such that they have a
common centre as shown in the figure. Find the magnitude and direction of the net magnetic field at the
common centre of the two coils, if they carry currents equal to 3 A and 4 A respectively.

Q.14 Two long straight parallel conductors carry steady current I1 and I2 separated by a distance d. If the
currents are flowing in the same direction, show how the magnetic field set up in one produces an
attractive force on the other. Obtain the expression for this force. Hence define one ampere.
Q.15 (a)Briefly explain how galvanometer is converted into an ammeter.
(b)A galvanometer coil has a resistance of 15ohm and it shows full scale deflection for a current of 4 mA.
Convert it into an ammeter of range 0 to 6A.
Q.16 Write three points of differences between para; dia- and ferro- magnetic materials giving one example for
Q.17 A bar magnet of magnetic moment 6 J T-1 is aligned at 60° with a uniform external magnetic field of
0.44 T. Calculate (a) the work done in turning the magnet to align its magnetic moment (i) normal to the
magnetic field, (ii) opposite to the magnetic field, and (b) the torque on the magnet in the final
orientation in case (ii).
Q.18 A metallic rod of length 'I' is rotated with a frequency u with one end hinged at the centre and the other
end at the circumference of a circular metallic ring of radius r, about an axis passing through the centre
and perpendicular to the plane of the ring. A constant uniform magnetic field B parallel to the axis is
present everywhere. Using Lorentz force, explain how emf is induced between the centre and the metallic
ring and hence obtain the expression for it.
Q.19 (i) Define mutual inductance.
(ii) A pair of adjacent coils has a mutual inductance of 1.5 H. If the current in one coil changes from O to
20 A in 0.5 s, what is the change of flux linkage with the other coil ?
Q.20 A rectangular conductor LMNO is placed in a uniform magnetic field of 0.5 T. The field is directed
perpendicular to the plane of the conductor. When the arm MN of length of 20 cm is moved towards left
with a velocity of 10 m s-1, calculate the emf induced in the arm. Given the resistance of the arm to be 5
ohm & (assuming that other arms are of negligible resistance) find the value of the current in the arm.

Q.21 The figure shows the graphical variation of the reactance of a capacitor with frequency of ac source.

(a) Find the capacitance of the capacitor.

(b) An ideal inductor has the same reactance at 100 Hz frequency as the capacitor has at the same
frequency. Find the value of inductance of the inductor.
(c) Draw the graph showing the variation of the reactance of this inductor with frequency.
Q.22 Determine the value of phase difference between the current and the voltage in the given series LCR

Q.23 A source of ac voltage V = Vo sin𝜔t is connected to a series combination of a resistor 'R', a capacitor 'C
‘and a inductor L. Draw the phasor diagram and use it to obtain the expression for impedance of the
circuit .
Q.24 Name the parts of the electromagnetic spectrum which is
(a) suitable for radar systems used in aircraft navigation.
(b) used to treat muscular strain.
(c) used as a diagnostic tool in medicine.
Write in brief, how these waves can be produced.
Q.25 Prove that the average energy density of the oscillating electric field is equal to that of the oscillating
magnetic field.
Q.26 A plane electromagnetic wave of frequency 25 MHz travels in free space along the x-direction. At a
particular point in space and time, E =6.3 i V/m. At this point find B⃗.
Q.27 Define the term 'critical anele' for a pair of media.
A point source of monochromatic light is' is kept at the centre of the bottom of a cylinder of radius 15.0
cm. The cylinder contains water (refractive index 4/3) to a height of 7.0 cm. Draw the ray diagram and
calculate the area of water surface through which the light emerges in air.
Q.28 (i) Define SI unit of power of a lens.
(ii) A plano convex lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5. The radius of curvature of the convex
surface is 25 cm.
(a) Calculate the focal length of lens.
(b) If an object is placed 50 cm in front of the lens, find the nature and position of the image formed.
Q.29 A double convex lens is made of a glass of refractive index 1.55, with both faces of the same radius of
curvature. Find the radius of curvature required, if the focal length is 20 cm.
Q.30 A symmetric biconvex lens of radius of curvature R and made of glass of refractive index 1.5, is placed on
a layer of liquid placed on top of a plane mirror as shown in the figure. An optical needle with its tip on
the principal axis of the lens is moved along the axis until its real, inverted image coincides with the
needle itself. The distance of the needle from the lens is measured to be x. On removing the liquid layer
and repeating the experiment, the distance is found to be y. Obtain the expression for the refractive index
of the liquid in terms of x and y.

Q.31 A ray of light is incident on a prism at an angle of 45° and passes symmetrically as shown in the figure,

Q.32 With the help of a ray diagram, show how a compound microscope forms a magnified image of a tiny
object, at least distance of distinct vision. Hence derive an expression for the magnification produced by
Q.33 State the conditions of total internal reflection. Refractive indices of the given prism material for Red,
Blue and Green colors are respectively 1.39, 1.48 and 1.42 respectively. Trace the path of rays through
the prism.

Q.34 Find the equivalent focal length of the combination of lens.

Q.35 (a) In a double slit experiment using light of wavelength 600 nm, the angular width of the fringe formed
on a distant screen is 0.1° Find the spacing between the two slits.
(b) Light of wavelength 500 𝐴 propagating in air gets partly reflected from the surface of water.
How will the wavelengths and frequencies of the reflected and refracted light be affected?
Q.36 How can you differentiate whether a pattern is produced by a single slit or double slits? Derive the
expression for the angular position of (i) bright and (il) dark fringes produced in a single slit diffraction.
Q.37 Describe any two characteristic features which distinguish between interference and diffraction
phenomena. Derive the expression for the intensity at a point of the interference pattern in Young's
double slit experiment.
Q.38 The following graph shows the variation of photocurrent for a photosensitive metal:
(a) Identify the variable X on the horizontal axis.
(b) What does the point A on the horizontal axis represent?
(c) Draw this graph for three different values of frequencies of incident radiation 𝜈1 , 𝜈2 and 𝜈3
(𝜈1 > 𝜈2 >𝜈3 ) for same intensity.
(d) Draw this graph for three different values of intensities of incident radiation I1,I2 and I3 having same
Q.39 (i)How does one explain the emission of electrons from a photosensitive surface with the help of
Einstein's photoelectric equation?
(ii) The work function of the following metals is
given: Na = 2.75 eV, K = 2.3 eV, Mo = 4.17 eV and Ni = 5.15 eV. Which of these metals will not cause
photoelectric emission for radiation of wavelength 3300 À from a laser source placed 1 m away from
these metals? What happens if the laser source is brought nearer and placed 50 cm away?
Q.40 (a) Write the important properties of photons which are used to establish Einstein's photoelectric
(b) Use this equation to explain the concept of
(i) threshold frequency and (ii) stopping potential.
Q.41 (a) Explain de-Broglie argument to propose his hypothesis. Show that de-Broglie wavelength of photon
equals electromagnetic radiation.
(b) If, deuterons and alpha particle are accelerated through same potential, find the ratio of the
associated de-Broglie wavelengths of two.
Q.42 (a) Ultraviolet light of wavelength 2271 A from a 100 W mercury source is incident on a photocell made of
molybdenum metal. If the stopping potential is 1.3 V, estimate the work function of the metal.
(b) How would the photocell respond to high intensity (10 2W/m2) red light of wavelength 6328 A
produced by a He - Ne laser?
Q.43 Using Bohr's postulates, obtain the expression for the total energy of the electron in the stationary states
of the hydrogen atom. Hence draw the energy level diagram showing how the line spectra corresponding
to Balmer series occur due to transition between energy levels.
Q.44 (a) In Geiger-Marsden experiment, calculate the distance of closest approach for an alpha particle with
energy 2.56 × 10-12 J. Consider that the particle approaches gold nucleus (Z = 79) in head-on position.
(b) If the above experiment is repeated with a proton of the same energy, then what will be the value of
the distance of closest approach?
Q.45 Calculate the de-Broglie wavelength associated with the electron in the 2nd excited state of hydrogen
atom. The ground state energy of the hydrogen atom is 13.6 eV.
Q.46 (i)In hydrogen atom, an electron undergoes transition from 2nd excited state to the first excited state and
then to the ground state.
Identify the spectral series to which these transitions belong.
(ii)Find out the ratio of the wavelengths of the emitted radiations in the two cases.
Q.47 Write three characteristic properties of nuclear force.
Q.48 A nucleus with mass number A = 240 and B.E/A 7.6 MeV breaks into two fragments each of A = 120 with
B.E./A = 8.5 MeV. Calculate the released energy.
Q.49 Explain the processes of nuclear fission and nuclear fusion by using the plot of binding energy per nucleon
(BE/A) versus the mass number A.
Q.50 The fission properties of 23994Pu are very similar to those of 92 239U. The average energy released per fission
is 180 MeV. How much energy, in MeV, is released if all the atoms in 1 kg of pure 94 239Pu undergo fission?
Q.51 Answer the following, giving reason :
(a) The resistance of a p-n junction is low when it is forward biased and is high when it is reversed biased,
(b) Doping of intrinsic semiconductors is a necessity for making electronic devices.
Q.52 Write briefly the important processes that occur during the formation of p-n junction. With the help of
necessary diagrams, explain the term barrier potential.
Q.53 With the help of a circuit diagram, explain briefly Show a p-n junction diode works as a half-wave
Q.54 Draw V-I characteristics of a p-n junction diode .Answer the following questions, giving reasons.
(i)Why is the current under reverse bias almost independent of the applied potential upto a critical
(ii)Why does the reverse current show a sudden increase at the critical voltage?
Q.55 Suggest an idea to convert a full wave rectifier to a half wave rectifier by changing the connecting wire/s.
Draw the diagram and explain your answer.

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