Chapter 1

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This chapter presents: (1) backgroud, (2) research problems, (3) research objective,

and (4) significance of the study.

1.1 Background

English is one of the most important languages to be learned due to some reasons.

Rohimin (2016) proposed that English is a universal language that allows individuals from

many nations to connect with one another. In addition, Huy (2015) argued that English is

necessary for the transfer of knowledge, high technology, and even culture because the

majority of publications on high technology are published in English and as a result, and

English is taught in schools in practically every nation in the globe. Moreover, Anderson

(2003) proposed the importance of learning English, such as : 1). Improving intelligence, 2).

Providing to work in large companies, 3). Making easier to keep up with the times, 4). Maing

easier to understand and technology, and 5). Increasing self-confidence and rationality.

In learning English, one of the skills that students need to acquire is writing.

According to Richards and Renandya (2002), writing is a process of transferring ideas into

written form which is understandable. Furthermore, Nunan (2003) argued that writing is the

process of deciding how to put thoughts into clear and effective writing. In conclusion,

mastering writing skills is necessary to finish the process of teaching and learning English,

English as a formal subject is given to junior high school (SMP) level, which the goal of

teaching and learning English for this level are improving the four english skill.

One of the texts that students learn to write in varsity level is Recount Text. A recount

text, according to Anderson (2003), is a writing that recounts past occurrences, typically in

order, with the purpose of recalling prior experiences. Similarly, Knapp and Watkins (2005)

argued that recounts are sequential texts which focus more than sequence a series of events.
Furthermore, Knapp and Watkins (2005) proposed three generic structures of recount text,

such as: orientation, events, and re-orientation.

Despite its significance, Recount Text is considered as one of the complicated text to

write. Study conducted by Suryani (2020) revealed students' difficulties in writing recount

text are in five areas, they are: (1) problems in content, (2) organization, (3) vocabulary, (4)

grammar, and (5) mechanics. Furthermore, Diana (2017) found that students struggled with

content, organization, vocabulary, language, and mechanics when producing recount text.

Preliminary study was conducted at SMAN 1 Penukal, PALI by interviewing one of

the teachers of English. Based on the interview, recount text is presented to the tenth grade

students of SMA N 1 Penukal, PALI. In addition, the teacher confirmed that recount text is

considered as one the most difficult text to be written (TR, personal communication, January

20th, 2021).

Some researchers conducted studies on difficulties in Recount text writing. First, a

study conducted by Diana (2017) found that students struggled with content, organization,

vocabulary, language, and mechanics when producing recount text. The most common

problems with recount text are mechanical. Acording to the questionnaire’s findings,

students’ problems creatng recount texts can be attributed to four factors: poor grammar, a

lack of information and understanding, inadequate training, and educational background. The

similarity of both studies focus on the students’ difficulties in writing a recount text.

Meanwhile, the differences ls on the research design. Secondly, a study conducted by

Fitriyani et al (2019) found some difficulties encountered the tenth grade students of at

SMAN 2 Rambah Hilir in writing recount text was fair category, which implied that the

students still had a difficulties in composing recount texts. Meanwhile, the differece is on the

research design.
Based on the background above, the researcher is interested in conducting a study

which entitled "Students’ Difficulties in Recount Text Writing: A Case Study at SMA N 1

Penukal, PALI.

1.2 Problem of the Study

Based on the background, the research problem is formulated in the following

questions: What are the students' difficulties in writing a recount text at SMA N 1 Penukal,


1.3 Objective of the Study

Based on the research problem, the research objective is to find out the students'

difficulties in recount text writing at SMA N 1 Penukal, PALI?

1.4 Significance of the Study

The results of the study are expected to provide benefits and useful information for

the following parties:

1. Teachers of English

This study is expected to provide information on students' difficulties in writing recount

text. In addition, this study is expected to be used as one of the considerations in the

teaching and learning process, especially writing.

2. Students

The study is expected to be used as a source of information about what problems the

student have in the writing genre, especially in writing recount text. By knowing their

problems, the students are expected to improve their writing and they can make an

effective and good text.

3. Other Researchers

The result of this study is expected to be used as one of the references for other

researchers who want to conduct further study on similar problems. This study also can
also be used in improving the knowledge about the analysis of students' problems in

writing genres and getting more useful experience and information in order to be the best

for the future.

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