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This article analyzes scientific, theoretical and methodological significance of the

book of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sh.M, Mirziyoev «Strategy of the New Uzbekistan».

The work studies the role of the head of the country in explaining to young people the mechanisms for
the development of civil society. The author emphasizes the importance of the book in shaping the
foundations of the third renaissance.

Key words: new development, strategy, prosperity of the people, civil society, modern stage, economy,

higher education, the third renaissance.

Abstract: This article discusses the need and importance of the transition to a green economy, its

economic essence, the growth trends of the green economy in recent years, its share in the world

economy. Based on the study, the author put forward his conclusions and proposals for achieving green

economic development.

Key words: ecology, green economy, climate change, desertification, biodiversity, degeneration,

concept, GDP

Abstract: The growth and development of the ecological economy is one of the alternative

technologies that help to improve people’s lives in a way that is compatible with the improvement of
the environment and social well-being. One of the important components of the «green economy»,
which is entering the industry as a new, innovative sector, is stimulating the development and
implementation of sustainable technologies. This article outlines specific ways to institutionalize

environmental goals, conduct research, and engage effectively with the public in the New Uzbekistan

Development Strategy.

Key words: economy, green economy, environmental sustainability, digital economy, electronic
government, information, business, entrepreneurship, electronic commerce, gross domestic product,
Development strategy, scientific and technical popularization, integration.

Abstract.The article explores the benchmarking tool as an effective method of strategic and anti-crisis

management, which is a mechanism for comparative analysis of performance indicators and

technologies of more successful companies (both in one area and globally) to identify and implement
best practices. This article also examines the need and importance of applying the concept of
benchmarking in the Uzbek automotive industry. The concept of benchmarking and the results of case
studies applied in the automotive industry were analyzed, a competition model was developed based
on the benchmarking methodology, and on this basis the current financial performance of UzAuto
Motors was studied, 3 most advanced companies in the industry were selected and examined. Based
on the comparative analysis, UzAuto Motors compared the selected competing companies on the basis
of the effective use of the benchmarking instrument, and developed proposals and conclusions on its
de-monopolization and competitiveness.

Keywords: automotive, information system, benchmarking, market, inventory, marketing, financial

performance, monopoly, comparative analysis, competition, strategy, comparison, cost.

Annotation:the article discusses the trends of foreign investment, competitiveness and growth rates of
the economy of the domestic pharmaceutical industry. In addition, the need to ensure proportionality
Jawahir Akhmedov, Acting Deputy Executive Director of "El-Yurt Umid" Foundation,doctor of
philosophy (PhD) in economics. Investment environment of active foreign investment, competitiveness
and high growth rates in achieving sustainable development as the main criteria for state investment
policy was stated.

Key words: investment climate, state investment policy, foreign investments and loans, investment
activities of the pharmaceutical industry, competitiveness, economic growth, sustainable development,

Abstract: this article presents a scientific-practical view of the small town of Lahti in southern Finland
and its innovative environmental infrastructure. As a result of the effective use of environmentally
sustainable technologies, the city of Lahti was awarded the status of «Green Capital of Europe» in

Key words: innovation, ecological infrastructure, index, green capital, green economy, boreal
vegetation, metabolism, global, agglomeration.

Abstract: today, digitization is reshaping the competitive field in the economy, creating new markets in
the virtual world. The economy is changing the structure of existing markets. This competitive
environment poses a multifaceted challenge. This article allows you to familiarize yourself with the
wideranging work being carried out in our country in this regard and to understand its essence.

Keywords: digitization, structure, financial sector, algorithm, apple and google, Amazon and Tesco,
peerto-peer lending.

Abstract. The concept of green economy is one of the global strategies to combat the economic and
environmental crises of modern societies. The challenges and challenges of this global strategy, which
includes tasks such as ensuring stability, eradicating poverty and reaching the population in need of
social protection, are all incumbents. It is imperative that a green economy contributes to the
preservation of a healthy environment and the proper use of ecosystem services for both present and
future generations.
Abstract. This article was created in accordance with the scientific and popular style, and it is aimed at

elucidating the nature of the «Green Space» nationwide program implemented in our country at a time
when the characteristics of the global environmental problems are becoming more complex day by
day. It is emphasized that it is a complex process to fully imagine or describe the general picture of the

ecological situation on Earth, depending on the types of environmental problems, the picture of the
problems that are temporary and transitory on a global scale is revealed in some parts of the world.

Key words: green space, global environmental problems, environmental characteristics of the time,

environmental culture, environmental education and training.

Abstract. The article discusses the experience of foreign countries in motivating the work of employees,
carried out a comparative analysis of specific aspects, effective methods for applying advanced forms
of motivation, and also presented the author’s proposal on the possibility of using the Japanese
«lifetime employment system», the labor incentive system used in large US companies, and the
German social partnership mechanism in the republic.

Key words: employee motivation, wages, bonuses, compensation payments, lifelong employment
system, social partnership, social insurance.

Annotation: the system of complex analysis shows that the system of complex analysis is developed in
advance, the model of complex analysis, the model of complex analysis, the method of complex
analysis shows that the system of complex analysis is developed.

Key words: the stability of the economy development, comprehensive report, well analysis system,
economic activity methods of analysis.

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