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News Report

News reports are found in newspapers, and their purpose is to inform readers
of what is happening in the world around them. They have a certain style and

• Style:
- Informative (names, ages, exact facts and dates)
- No figurative language.
- No contractions or abbreviations.
- Use numbers instead of words (9 not nine)
- Use quotations.
- Written in the third person.

• Structure:
- Starts with the most important and recent events / facts.
- First paragraph (lead) must give main and basic information. This is done by
answering the 5 W’s + how.
- Give background to the news.
- Interview a witness (if applicable)
- Give information about what is happening, and /or give predictions.
- It is non-chronological, it goes:
Recent past → past – present – future.

• Rules and layout:

- 300 words -third person.
- No idioms or overly descriptive language.
- Stick to facts – no opinions.

1. Headline:
- This is the title for the news report .it must be accurate, clear, easy to
understand and straight.
- It should be attention -grabbing but not misleading.
2. Byline:
- Directly under the headline.
- Includes your name + who you are:
eg.: Sue Smith - School Reporter

3. Placeline:
- Where the article takes place.
- All CAPS
- Written on same line with (lead)

4. Lead:
- This is the opening paragraph and the most important one.
- To the point, with only all basic information.
- 2-3 sentences summarising the story (5W’s + How).

5. Body:
- Many short paragraphs.
- More detailed facts, more specific than the lead.
- Neural: information and no opinions.
- New paragraph for each new thought or piece of information.
- Includes quotes (must mention who you’re quoting).
- Includes attributions, they are where you got your information from.

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