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Given an array, 1 2 0 5 4 88 0 0 0 6 make it, 1 2 5 4 88 6 0 0 0 0

2. Gave me class hierarchy, List the number of VTables created
3. When to use List and when to use Vector of STL
4. Given a string “I LOVE INDIA”, print “INDIA LOVE I”
5. Draw E-R diagram of shopping site like flipkart.
6. What is the use of Virtual functions in C++?
7. OOPS is used in the real world also? How is it useful?
8. How to rotate an array?
9. How you will convert a binary tree to a mirror image?
10. Describe macros in Excel. Explain how they are used.
11. What do you understand by an empty class? What is the functionality that it offers in
12. What is Dynamic and Static Binding?
13. What are SDLC phases ?
14. What is Testing life cycle?
15. What is an index in SQL?
16. Why do we need a foreign key when we have a primary key?
17. What happens when we type an URL in the browser?
18. What is inner-join ?
19. What is natural join ?
20. What are left-outer, and right-outer joins
21. What are specialization and generalization?
22. Explain Normalization 1NF, 2NF, 3NF BCNF with examples
23. Differentiate between primary and foreign keys.
24. What is cloud computing?
25. What is big data?

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