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Sultanate of Oman

Ministry of education
Muscat Directorate
Al Imam Al Muhannna Post Basic School (10-12 )

Grade 12 Mock Exams

1st sem 2019-2020

Prepared by
*Mr Atef Qasser
*Mr Bader Al rashdi
*Mr Essam Salim
*Mr Mokhtar Mohammed
*Mr Khaled Ali
*Mr Ahmed Mustafa

Under the supervision of

School principal Mr : Abdelaziz Al daghari
School vice principal Mr : Waleed Al Ghafri
English supervisor: Dr Salim Al Gahawari

Diploma Examination for General Education

Semester One – First Session

English Language ‘Core’ Mock Exam One
Al Muhanaah Post Basic School

Red Marker Green Marker Blue Checker

Name Name Name







Final Total in Numbers

Final Total in Words

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

LISTENING 1 (Items 1-7) 2011 -2012 (7 marks)

You are going to hear a conversation between xxxxxxxxx.

Listen, and shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. Sami wants to complain about …………………

being overworked one of his colleagues his low salary

2. He has worked for the agency for ………………….

3 months 2 years 5 years

3. He has ………………………

no children a young son two children

The conversation is interrupted by two calls from a ………………….


garage hotel hospital

5. Their next tour will start in ……………….

Thursday Saturday Sunday

The group will travel ……………….


in two cars by bus in three cars

The woman's main interest is in …………………….


safety herself business

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

LISTENING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

You will hear a scientist giving a lecture about a dangerous disease. The text is divided into two parts.

Part One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).

8. In what year was the Apollo 13 flight?

9. Before this, how many Apollos had landed on the moon?

10. In which part of the spaceship did the explosion take place?

11. When this happened, What did Captain Lovell say to Mission Control?

Part Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

12. To save power, it was decided to reduce ………………….

heating oxygen speed

13. On the flight back to Earth, .................... was very limited.

food radio contact water

14. It took the spaceship ................ days to get home.

three four five

15. Later, Captain Lovell……………...

went back to the moon wrote a book acted in a film

the moon

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

VOCABULARY (Items 1–5) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

Abdullah asked Khalid to off the AC.


Repell turn shut begin

2. Working in journalism is dream

lifestyle temporary a lifelong tenuous

3. He on a course in creative writing.

enrolled joined neglect expelled

4. Please send your cv and a recent photo.

enclose enlarge reject reveal

5. In my first interview I was asked to a programme.

separate present pretend detach

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

GRAMMAR (Items 6–10) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option

Speaker A: Get down. You are on the wrong way.

Speaker B: Sir, I am sorry. I (6) ( did / does) not see the signal.

Speaker A: You have to be (7) ( careful / carefully ) in crossing the road.

Speaker B: Yes, Sir.
Speaker A: W h e r e are you (8) ( working / had worked)?
Speaker B: I am in Musandam school.

Speaker A: Now, you must pay (9) ( a/ an) fine for breaking the law.

Speaker B: OK Sir. I (10) wil ( inform / informed ) our Headmaster.

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY (Items 11–15) (5 marks)

Car accidents have become a (1) ............ phenomenon. They affect all people, young

(2) ............ old, males and females. Many children die in car crashes because their parents
do not pay enough (3) ............. to their safety. It is common to see small children climbing
over the seats of the car from the back to the front. As a result, the driver can become (4)
…………… and this can certainly cause accidents. Moreover, babies sometimes cry and this is
(5) ............ to the driver.

11. disastrous fabulous glorious fantastic

12. but with and although

13. attention tension abstraction ignorance

14. absent caring distracted puzzled

15. disturb disturbed disturbing disturbs

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

READING 1 (Items 1-8) (7 marks)

Read the texts. Are the statements which follow each text True or False?
For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.
1. (Message): ‘Hi Hala! Samah called. She says thanks for the information that you gave
her. She’s finished her article now and she’d like you to check it. How can she send it
to you? Should she put it in an envelope and post it, or can she send it by e-mail?’

Statement Samah wants to send Hala an article. True False

2. “I’d arranged a meeting with Amr Ahamed, my assistant, at eight o’clock in the
morning. But I overslept and got to the office fifteen minutes late! Fortunately, Amr
wasn’t there yet. Five minutes later, he came in, apologizing and looking very
embarrassed. I didn’t say anything. I just looked at my watch, and then started the

Statement Amr arrived at the office at eight fifteen. True False

3. Reaching the ruined temple was quite an adventure. First, we flew to Kalputi airport.
There is a good road from there to the temple, but it was flooded, so we had to go by
boat instead. Then it rained the whole time we were there.

Statement They travelled to the temple by car. True False

4. Hazem was on holiday in Florida. He was not a very good swimmer, but the water
looked so cool and inviting. After splashing around for a few minutes, he suddenly
found that a strong current was pulling him out into the ocean. Twenty-four hours
later, he was rescued by a Cuban fishing boat.

Statement Some Cubans saved Hazem's life True False

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

READING 1 (continued)

5. When he was eight years old, Amir Hussain lost both his arms in an accident
at his family's sawmill in Indian-administered Kashmir. Now, at 26, he's
mastered cricket and is the captain of the Jammu and Kashmirara-cricket tea

Statement Amir lost his legs when he was eight years old. True False

6. A famous Omani Travel Company based in Muscat.

We need Marketing expert who have GCC experience with Driving License. We
can give good salary, Accommodation and health care. Experience not less than
four years. Please contact

Statement New graduates cannot apply to this vacant job. True False

7. We offer courses which may be of interest to you. Our first course is called
‘Getting Started’. It’s a two–hour evening course, and it runs from 6pm to
8pm daily. It is useful for those who want to start new business.

Statement Getting started course is available all day long. True False

READING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

Read the text. Then for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.
Right now, I am looking at a shelf full of relics, a collection of has-beens, old-timers, antiques,
fossils. Right now, I am looking at a shelf full of books. Yes, that's right. If you have some spare
cash (the going rate is about $89) and are looking to enhance your reading experience, then I
highly suggest you consider purchasing an e-reader. E-readers are replacing the books of old, and
I welcome them with open arms (as you should).
If you haven't heard of an e-reader and don't know what it is, then please permit the following
explanation. An e-reader is a device that allows you to read e-books. An e-book is a book-length
publication in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, and produced on, published through,
and readable on computers or other electronic devices. Sometimes the equivalent of a conventional
printed book, e-books can also be born digital. The Oxford Dictionary of English defines the e-book
as "an electronic version of a printed book," but e-books can and do exist without any printed
So now, you know what an e-reader is. But you still may be wondering why they put printed
books to shame. E-readers are superior to printed books because they save space, are
environmentally friendly, and provide helpful reading tips and tools that printed books do not.
E-readers are superior to printed books because they save space. The average e-reader can store
thousands of digital books, providing a veritable library at your fingertips. What is more, being the
size and weight of a thin hardback, the e-reader itself is relatively petite. It is easy to hold and can
fit in a pocketbook or briefcase easily. This makes handling ponderous behemoths such as War and
Peace, Anna Karenina, and Les Misérables a breeze. Perhaps the only drawback to the space-saving
aspect of an e-reader is that it requires you to find new things to put on your shelves.
In addition, e-readers are superior to books because they are environmentally friendly. The
average novel is about 300 pages long. So, if a novel is printed 1000 times, it will use 300,000
pieces of paper. That is a lot of paper! If there are about 80,000 pieces of paper in a tree, this
means it takes almost 4 trees to make these 1000 books. Now, we know that the average bestseller
sells about 20,000 copies per week. That means that it takes over 300 trees each month to sustain
this rate. And for the super bestsellers, these figures increase dramatically. For example, the Harry
Potter book series has sold over 450 million copies. That's about 2 million trees! Upon viewing these
figures, it is not hard to grasp the severe impact of printed books on the environment. Since e-
readers use no trees, they represent a significant amount of preservation in terms of the
environment and its resources.
Finally, e-readers are superior to books because they provide helpful reading tips and tools that
printed books do not. The typical e-reader allows its user to customize letter size, font, and line
spacing. It also allows highlighting and electronic bookmarking. Furthermore, it grants users the
ability to get an overview of a book and then jump to a specific location based on that overview.
While these are all nice features, perhaps the most helpful of all is the ability to get dictionary
definitions at the touch of a finger. On even the most basic e-reader, users can conjure instant
definitions without having to hunt through a physical dictionary.
It can be seen that e-readers are superior to printed books. They save space, are
environmentally friendly, and provide helpful reading tips and tools that printed books do
not. So what good are printed books? Well, they certainly make nice decorations.

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

1. At the beginning of the text, the writer describes the books on the shelf as……...
ancient useless outdated

2. The writer wants to persuade the readers that e-readers are ………….

better than printed cheaper than printed easy to carry

books books

3. According to the author, e-books……….

were all once printed may be "born digital" don't display images


4. The writer is in favor of the e-readers as they are…………

Compact spacious attractive

5. Based on information in the passage, it can be inferred that War and Peace, Anna
Karenina, and Les Misérables are all…………...
small books timeless classics difficult to handle

5. As used in the text, which is the best synonym for sustain?

maintain allow enforce

7. The writer believes that e-readers are better for the environment because they……….

consume less trees don't use paper cause less pollution

8. According to the author, which of the following reading tips and tools are offered by
the e-readers?
space and font access to an online site other book jumping


DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

READING 3 (Items 16–25) (10 marks)

Read the text. Then complete the task.

Thousands of years ago, the ancient Egyptians believed that there was a life after
death. They also believed that in the next world the body was needed to feed the
person's soul. So, they tried to preserve the body of a dead person in a life-like
way. The dry heat of Egypt helped to preserve bodies. In addition, the Egyptians
developed a special technique called mummification to preserve the bodies longer.

To mummify a body, specialist workers removed the liver, lungs and other organs,
and then dried out the rest of the body using a type of salt. The mummification
process took about 70 days. When the body was completely dry, it was carefully
wrapped in bandages and put inside a coffin. The liver, lungs and internal organs
were preserved separately.

The Egyptians were not the only people who preserved the bodies of their dead.
Some of the prehistoric tribes of South Africa also mummified their chiefs,
sometimes by drying out the bodies very slowly over very low fires. Mummification
was also practised by the people who lived in the area between New Guinea and
Australia. The people of Tibet still mummify the bodies of some of their dead by
packing them in salt for about 90 days.

Sometimes, bodies can be preserved by a natural process of mummification. In

hot, dry climates such as Egypt, central Asia and parts of Peru, bodies may become
naturally mummified in the dry air. A well known example is the Inca girl of Peru.
Another form of mummification is through freezing. Fully clothed human bodies lived
hundreds of years ago, have been found in the frozen soils of Greenland and Alaska.
Mummified bodies buried for over 2000 years have been found in England, Ireland
and Denmark. In the mountains of northern Italy, the body of a five thousand-year-
old man was found. His body was preserved by thick snow and ice. He is now called
the Iceman.

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

READING 3 (continued)
Task One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).
16. Why did the Ancient Egyptians preserve their bodies?

17. What kept the Ancient Egyptian bodies well preserved?

18. What did they preserve separately?

19. How did the Ancient Egyptians dry out their bodies?

20. How was the body of the Iceman preserved?

Task Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.
21. It took about to complete the process of mummification.
seventeen days seventy-seven days seventy days

22. Some of the prehistoric tribes mummified their bodies _.

very slowly over very very quickly over very very slowly over very
low fire low fire high fire
23. Some people in Tibet still mummify their bodies in .
bandages a coffin salt
24. Many bodies became naturally mummified in _.
frozen soils cold dry soils hot dry soils
25. Choose the best title for the text.
Mummifying bodies" "The ancient "Natural

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

WRITING 1 (10 marks)

Write at least 100 words on the following topic:

“Friends are more significant influencers on students than family”
Do you agree or not? Give your reasons.

Your writing should be xxxxxx and xxxxxxx.

Marker A Marker B Average

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION by Mr .Atef Kasser 2019-2020

WRITING 2 (10 marks)

Complete the following task. Write at least 100 words.

Write a story about a teenager called Hamed who gets into trouble because of some
friends. Your story should end with these words ‘’ Finally, he understood, it is better
to be alone than to be with the wrong friends.’’

Your writing should be clear and interesting

Marker A Marker B Average

( )


Diploma Examination for General Education

Semester One – First Session

English Language ‘Core’

Red Marker Green Marker Blue Checker

Name Name Name







Final Total in Numbers

Final Total in Words

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

LISTENING 1 (Items 1-7) 2009/2010 1st sem 1st se (7 marks)

You are going to hear a conversation between a man and a woman who work in the
same company.
Listen, and shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1-They must complete the questionnaire

today tomorrow next week

2-Its aim to improve in the company .

sales facilities teamwork

3-There are people in the section .

seven eight nine

4-They hold work meetings .

everyday twice a week once a week

5-They have problems in the section because of

heavy workload lack of equipment a difficult colleague

6-Their answer to the last question is

excellent good needs improvement

7- As they fill in the questionnaire , the man becomes more and more

Interested annoyed suspicious

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020

Listening two items ( 8 – 15 )

you are going to hear part of a radio programme about an unusual Journey . The text is divided into two
parts .

Part one : for each question , write a short answer ( one or two words only )
8-Where is Michael from ? (country )

9- What’s his job ?

10- How long did he have to drive ? km

11-Who went with him ?

PART TWO : Choose the correct option A,B or C

12- The journey took

one week two weeks three weeks

13- In eastern Turkey , Michaek had a problem with the

food the weather air pollution

14-Driving in Iran was difficult because

he didn’t know the rules of the road the roads were bad other drivers drove too fast

15- When asked about the journey , he said he would

never do it again do it again soon do it again but later


DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

VOCABULARY (Items 1–5) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. She has decided to leave her job .No one can -------------- her to change her mind.

accept persuade benefit control

My sister is in many ways a modern girl , but she wants to have a ------------
wedding ceremony .
technical commercial traditional controversial

3 . The bus left on time at 7.30 . But because of ice and snow on the road , we only

reached our ----------- at midday .

departure conclusion destination solution

4 . In their article about us , they are obviously trying to ---------------- the public . I’m

going to complain to the editor .

absorb entertain inform mislead

5 . Before you go on a diet , it is a good idea to -----------------your doctor .

consult cure advise motivate

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020

GRAMMAR (Items 6–10) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.

Speaker A : Excuse me, madam. ((1) Is Does ) it your first vist to


Speaker B : Oh,yes. I’ve never ((2) be ) been to Oman.

Speaker A :Have you read ((3) anywhere ) anything about Oman as

Muslim country?

Speaker B : I’m sorry. I didn’t have enough time to read before coming.

Speaker A : Anyway. Now, we’re in the Holy month( (4) off of )

Ramahdan. Muslims are not allowed to ((5) smoke smoking

)in public during daytime.

Speaker B : Oh, I’m really sorry . I don’t know about that .

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY (Items 11–15) (5 marks)

At that time, I was under a lot of stress because I had just (1)
My job. So I became a ‘(2)------------- eater’ or ‘eataholic’. I just couldn’t stop eating ,
and this badly affected all areas of my life, including my health. Finally, after I had
been hospitalized three times, I (3) to do something about it. I (4)
for a special course which helps people with this problem. Since then I
have completely recovered, and my life has greatly changed especially my (5)
with my family and friends.

11. lose losing lost loses

12. apprehensive compulsive effective negative

13. decided deciding decide decides

14. agreed anticipated enrolled graduated

15. scholarship hardship citizenship relationship

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020


READING 1 (Items 1-8) (7 marks)

Read the texts. Are the statements which follow each text True or False?
For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.
1. When they crashed their car on the way to Salalah, Ahmed and his wife, Nasra, had a
very lucky escape. She has completely unhurt, and he only suffered from a broken
arm, from which he quickly recovered.

Statement Nasra was injured in the accident .

True False

2. The label on the package said that it contained one hundred cassettes, that is, ten
boxes, each with ten cassettes. But when I opened it, I found that two of the boxes
were missing! And then, when I went back to the shop, they didn’t believe me!

Statement There were 100 cassettes in the package .

True False

3. (Tourist guide in a museum): “It’s nearly 2,000 years old. It was found in the ruins of a
market in central Italy. On one side, you can see the head of the Roman Emperor, and
on the back, there’s the number ‘ 5 ‘.As you can see ,it’s round and silver and in
today’s money, it would be about twenty dollars ,enough to buy ,say, a pair of shoes.

Statement The guide is talking about a coin . True False

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

4. “Hi Khalid, What happened to you ? I sat there waiting for you, drinking coffee for
nearly an hour! Finally , I gave up , paid the bill and went to the cinema by myself .
Why didn’t you phone or something? Juma

P. S. Actually, you missed a great film !

Statement Juma and Khalid arranged to meet at a cinema .

True False

READING 1 (continued)

5. In a report published today, doctors warned that the number of obese teenagers in
the UK is rising rapidly. They said that 30% of British teenagers urgently need to
reduce their weight if they wish to live long and healthy lives. They blamed the
increase on lack of exercise and the popularity of fast food.

Statement The word ‘ obese ‘ means very fat .

True False

6. Police today warned tourists of the danger of poisonous snakes in the area .The
warning followed the death of a 26-year-old Frenchman who went for a walk with his
dog in the forest behind the hotel where he was staying .

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020

Statement The man was killed in a car accident .

True False

7. The Grand Hotel was built back in the 1930s ,and many people now prefer to stay in
more modern places .It’s true , the rooms are rather small and dark , but for me it’s
worth staying there just for the beautiful views in every direction .The scenery is
fantastic .

Statement .The main advantage of the hotel is it’s location . True False

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

READING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

Read the text. Then for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.
―During the 1920s, there was no better place to be a farmer than on the southern
plains of the USA. As wheat farming expanded to replace the natural treeless
grassland, it had become one of the richest regions in the country. However, this
expansion also exposed the earth to the winds and dust storms that first hit the
region in the early 1930s.
Huge areas of Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Colorado and New Mexico were affected.
Four million people were forced to leave their farms and migrate west to California.
The nine-year drought known as the Dust Bowl was one of the worst environmental
disasters of the 20th Century.‖ With these words, a modern reporter ended his TV
documentary: ‗Wasteland‘.
I am very old now, but as a child I had personal experience of what he was
describing. Before the Dust Bowl, we were doing very well on our family farm. We
sold a lot of wheat and earned a lot of money. We were even able to buy our own
tractor! Then, on 15th June 1930, the first storm arrived. That day, the weather
was calm. I was with my Dad, happily riding on our new tractor. It was a very hot
day, well over 30 degrees. But then, suddenly, the sun was blocked out, and the
temperature dropped to lower than 10 degrees. Swirling black dust clouds were
rolling towards the farm at an incredible speed. We were totally taken by surprise.
My Dad and I were able to reach the house, but my grandfather was on the other
side of the farm. I remember my parents and my older sister putting wet masks
over their faces and going out through the choking dust to search for him. Luckily,
after the storm passed, he got back safely and, despite inhaling a lot of dust, fully
That was just the beginning. During the next nine years, there was hardly any rain.
We ourselves were able to survive using windmills to get drinking water from deep
wells. But the fields were all dried up and there was nothing for the animals to eat.
Even the rats left the farm! The worst storm of all was in April 1935 – it lasted for
three whole days! In the same year, we were also attacked by millions of locusts
flying across the land eating everything that remained. Fortunately, some relief
arrived the following year, when the government bought hundreds of our starving
animals to provide some meat for poor people. They gave us a very good price, and
we were just able to live on that income for the rest of the decade.
But there was a bitter personal loss. In 1938, my younger brother, like thousands
of others, died from ‗dust pneumonia‘, which slowly destroyed his lungs. By 1939,
we were about to give up and leave, when thankfully, the rain finally came, ending
years of drought, dirt and dust. The Dust Bowl years are remembered in many books
and films. However, for me, the atmosphere of the time is best portrayed in the
haunting words of folk-singer, Jack Guthrie, in his famous ballad, ‗Wasted Time‘.

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020

The main crop grown on the writer‘s farm was --------- .


cotton Wheat sugar cane

The writer’s ------------ nearly died in the first dust storm.


Father Mother Grandfather

------------ people lost their homes during the Dust Bowl period.
4000000 400000 40000

11. The government try to help by --------------- .

giving animals to selling farmers’ purchasing the

farmers animals farmers’ animals

The American Dust Bowl was mainly caused by ---------------- .

Deforestation dry weather Pollution

13. The worst affected region was ------------ of the country.

South West north

14. 19. The writer‘s farm was also badly affected by --------------- --.

Wildfires Rats insects

15. 20. ‗Wasted Time‘ is a ----------------- .

Film Book song

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

READING 3 (Items 16–25) (10 marks)

Read the text. Then complete the task.

What a E-shopping or online shopping simply means shopping via the Internet. An example is the
integrated online shopping-cart system that allows the user to order directly over the Web. Then, there is
the online shopping-cart system that allows the user to generate an order form to be sent to the merchant
via fax or snail-nail.

Today, many people are taking advantage of this convenient way of shopping. However, together with
this luxury of convenience, new concerns on information security have emerged, with online frauds or
cyber crimes being one of the biggest threats.

To make e-shopping safer, here are some tips: First, choose e-shopping sites that are well-known or
provide trusted services like as these sites "put their name on the line". When in doubt,
always check out the merchant website. Contact someone there who can verify the company's privacy
policy for you before you make a purchase. Ask if they will send you a catalogue. If they do not list phone
numbers and only have an e-mail address, you have to be careful.

Before typing in your credit card information, look for the "plural URL." That is, when you go to the site's
checkout page, the "http" in the URL should change to "https." A closed padlock or key should also
appear on the page, letting you know your personal information will be encrypted or scrambled. if you
don't see either of these "locked" icons or a change in the URL, log out and shop elsewhere. Even if you
see a proof of encryption, such as the plural URL, you should not equate that with the site's
trustworthiness. To verify the site's trustworthiness, call the company to ask about its privacy policy.

You have found a trustworthy site with a secure checkout page. Now you are ready to pay. With what do
you pay ? Cheque, money order, debit card or credit card ? Experts say credit cards are the safest method
for online purchases as most credit cards have protection on them. Even if someone rips you off, you can
dispute the charge. Secondly, by using a credit card, it is not just your money on the line but also the
creditor's. If you have a problem with your transaction, the credit card company will help you resolve it. If
you are at the checkout page and the site asks for your date of birth and identity card number, be very
careful as people can manipulate this combination to start applying for new credit cards in your name. If
anything seems suspicious, call up the company. Also, be wary of sending out credit card information via
e-mail or instant messaging as neither is encrypted.

According to the latest survey, books are one of the things bought most online. This is followed by
accessories. Cosmetics and groceries are increasingly being purchased online. Today, most of the
travelers are buying tickets online because it is a quick and easy way to make a purchase.

Is online shopping safer than shopping offline ? It is difficult to say. When shopping online, caution is the

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020

Task One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).
16. What is the biggest threats against e-shopping ?

17. What is the second commodity in demand online ?

18. What is the most important thing you need for e-shopping ?

19. If you call a doubtful ,what should you enquire about ?

20. Why mustn’t you send credit card information via e-mail ?

Task Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

21. E-shopping means purchasing ----------- the internet .

Away from Through Far from

22. Shopping from well-known sites is -------------- -- .

Safer a risk Dangerous

If you send credit card information via e-mail you should be -------- -- .

Cautious Negligent Careless

Most travellers prefer e-ticketing for its ------- -- .

congestion Contradiction Convenience

25. Encrypted means ----

Known Code Legible


DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019-2020

WRITING 1 (10 marks)

Write at least 100 words on the following topic:

“ Foreign tourism is good for local population

What do you think ?Do you agree or not ? Give your reasons .

Your writing should be clear and well organised.

Marker A Marker B Average

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Essam Salim 2019/2020

WRITING 2 (10 marks)

Complete the following task. Write at least 100 words.

Your teacher has asked you to write a story entitled “losing a friend”
Write about a time in your life when you lost a friend who was close to you. Explain
.what happened. .why it happened? .how you felt.

Your writing should be lively and interesting.

Marker A Marker B Average

( )


Diploma Examination for General Education

Semester One – First Session

English Language ‘Core’

Red Marker Green Marker Blue Checker

Name Name Name







Final Total in Numbers

Final Total in Words

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

LISTENING 1 (Items 1-7) 2015- 2016 (7 marks)

You are going to hear a conversation between a husband and wife.

Listen, and shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. They will move into the new house in about

two weeks one month two months

2. They need to buy furniture for the .

living room bedrooms Kitchen

3. The woman wants to do this with her husband because .

it is an important he will pay the bills he has got good
family decision taste

4. He complains that she when shopping.

makes wrong choices spend too much money takes too long

5. When he suggests online shopping, she is most worried about the .

quality of the products Security of the website Price of the furniture

6. They agree to buy furniture with a style.

traditional Omani classic Italian modern American

7. The man has previously bought some online.

tools jewellery Books

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

LISTENING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

You are going to hear a radio programme about the building of a railway in Africa .
Part One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).

8. where did the workers who built the railway come from? long was the line?

10. When was it completed?


11.What did the local people call it ?

The iron

Part Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

12. workers died during the construction of the railway.

2.500 19.000 32.000

13. They died because .

There was not enough They were weak There were not
medicine From hunger Enough doctors
14. Some workers left because they .
Were offered better Didn’t receive their pay Were afraid of wild
jobs animals
15. The ghosts and the darkness is the title of .
book film Poem

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

VOCABULARY (Items 1–5) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. Oman’s main to other countries is oil.

expect import export Port

2. Cars contribute to air pollution because they a lot of greenhouse gases.

emulate emanate emote Emit

3. The doctor advised me to the amount of sugar in my diet

produce reduce introduce Deduce

4. There were 88 from 28 countries in the competition.

participants participation practises Participles

Frankincense was used thousands of years ago in rituals in ancient

temperature temple template Stamp

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

GRAMMAR (Items 6–10) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.

Speaker A: (6) ( have did ) you seen my new phone ?

Speaker B: No (7) ( where when ) did you buy it?

Speaker A: Last week .it cost me two (8)( hundred hundreds )rails .

If only I (9 ) ( have had )had money ,I would buy one too.

Speaker B:

Why don’t you ask your father to buy you a new one?
Speaker A:
I can’t ask my father to buy me (10) ( something anything )these
Speaker B:
Speaker A: Of course, because of your bad marks.

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY (Items 11–15) (5 marks)

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

Have you ever wondered (11) life would be like if we didn't have telephones?
televisions or even the internet! Without these (12) , people wouldn't
be able to watch interesting television broadcasts, listen to news reports and
(13) with family and friends. People invented things for many reasons.
Some inventors hoped to (14) a lot of money from their inventions. Others
just wanted to improve people's lives and make them better. Inventors (15)
known to be very creative people that want to make a
difference in the world. When they get motivated they put all their efforts into solving
the world’s problems. For example, Thomas Edison, invented the light bulb in 1879
which changed people’s lives forever.

11. what where why when

12. inventing inventions inventors innovative

13. become communication communicate connection

14. do send improve make

15. is was are has

( )

READING 1 (Items 1-8) (7 marks)

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

Read the texts. Are the statements which follow each text True or False?
For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.
1. Milan, in the north of Italy, is one of the most elegant cities in Europe. It is famous for
its magnificent architecture and paintings. However, according to the 2017 statistics,
the majority of young people go to Milan to visit world famous fashion houses.

Statement True False

Young people are attracted to Milan for its great architecture.

2. I have decided to study arts but my parents are not happy with my choice of subject. I
have been trying to convince them, but they are concerned that I will not get a job
after graduating. Therefore, I decided to become an English teacher as they are a lot of
opportunities to get a job and it is my second best subject.

Statement True False

Studying art is the writer’s parents best choice .

3. My doctor put me on a special diet. It includes fruit, vegetables, nuts and grains. I
have to follow it strictly for three months along with daily exercises, or join a gym and
take up a hobby that makes me move a lot.

Statement True False

The writer suffers from obesity.

4. The common belief is that Italians are the ones who invented pizza although the word
“pizza” is Greek in origin. However, historians claim that many more other countries
made these flat breads before the Italians. Records of people adding other ingredients
to bread to make it more flavourful can be found through ancient history.

Statement True False

Historians believe that pizza was first made by the Italians.

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

According to the ‘2019 Best Jobs Report’, there will be a great demand for nurses,
physicians and other medical specialists over the next ten years. Many students are
willing to specialize in these professions because of the employment opportunities and
high salaries available.

Statement True False

Health care jobs will increase in the future.

From 1921, mountaineers had made several attempts to reach the top of Mount
Everest. On the ninth attempt, in 1953, two climbers – New Zealander Edmund Hillary
and Tenzing Norgay, a Nepali - finally succeeded. This was because Norgay knew the
mountain very well and was able to guide Hillary to the peak.

Statement True False

Hillary guided Norgay to reach the top of the mountain.

7. Laila felt sorry for her father. Although she was five years old, she knew that only
something very bad could make her father cry. Her father had lost his job. All the
family gathered round Laila ’s father. He seemed very anxious and his face was red.
As soon as Laila saw the tears falling from her mother’s face, she began to cry too.
It was a very sad night.

Statement True False

Laila started to cry when she saw her mother crying.

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

READING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

Read the text. Then for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.
Good News for Coffee Lovers
Good morning listeners and welcome to another talk in our series ‘You and Your Health’.
Today we are looking at coffee and its health benefits.
I am sure it comes as no surprise that people the world over love coffee. But it may
surprise you that the number of adults who enjoy a daily cup of coffee, known as a “cup
of Joe”, has gone up a staggering ten percent over the past decade from just over fifty
percent to sixty-two percent. And that is not counting the less regular coffee drinkers
who only have it a few times a month.
If you were to ask coffee lovers why they like coffee, most would say it is the taste. Some
might say that a coffee break is relaxing while others would say it gives them energy. But
you would hardly expect them to say it is because coffee will prolong their life. Yet that is
exactly what scientists are now saying. In a ground-breaking new study from the Harvard
T.H. Chan School of Public Health, data analysis shows that coffee actually lowers our
risk of early death from fatal diseases. Whether it’s caffeinated or decaffeinated coffee
that you prefer, these two kinds of coffee are associated with disease prevention and
longer life. That is good news for coffee lovers.
At this point, you are probably wondering how researchers arrived at this theory. After
all, we were warned in the past about the harmful effects of coffee, especially the risks of
high blood pressure. However, what many people do not know is that the Harvard T.H.
Chan School of Public Health conducted independent research on coffee consumption
over thirty years. Their research was based on three separate studies with over 200,000
participants. The participants were tasked with tracking their diet, as well as keeping
a record of their coffee consumption in order to complete a questionnaire every four
years. When researchers analysed the data, they found that a pattern emerged that was
directly related to how much coffee the participants consumed in a day.
Now I am sure you are impatient to know exactly how much coffee one can have in a day
for optimum health – is it one cup? Two? In fact, it is higher than that. The research team
compiled data that showed that those who drank three to five cups of coffee per day
were far less likely to die from common life-shortening illnesses. These illnesses were
identified as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, neurological illnesses such as Parkinson’s
and severe depression. But what about the role of environmental factors, you might ask. Surely
such factors play
a significant part in one’s health or illness, for example smoking, physical activity levels,
diet and body mass index. However, after taking these factors into account, researchers
still maintain that it is coffee which proves to be the primary link to a lower death rate
from illnesses affecting our current societies.
Coffee naturally contains a variety of compounds including caffeine, antioxidants and
diterpenes. These contribute to the flavour and also to the physiological effects of
coffee. Not only do the bioactive compounds in coffee protect the heart, but as the
Harvard Department of Nutrition discovered, coffee helps significantly in the prevention
of Type 2 diabetes for the reason that it reduces insulin resistance. What scientists have
DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

yet to discover, however, are the exact biological mechanisms and effects of all the
compounds that are present in coffee. We are not talking about a few compounds, but
over 600. While caffeine has several beneficial effects on humans including improved
attention, alertness and physical performance, it is not linked to preventing disease.
Harvard researchers have made additional discoveries about coffee and how it affects
humans. They have identified six genes that have a direct relationship to how coffee is
processed in individuals. These genes relate to how quickly or slowly coffee is metabolized
by individuals and also to how coffee affects the brain. These discoveries have also shed
new light on why caffeine affects people differently. We know how it affects people –
some toss and turn all night after a cup of coffee while caffeine gives others instant relief
from headaches. It all depends on how the individual metabolises coffee.
Today, one thing is certain: drinking coffee can no longer be seen as a bad habit, a sign
of indulgence, an empty ‘food’ or an energy booster. You can now savour the fine taste
of many coffee beans safe in the knowledge that your “cup of Joe” is doing you the
world of good.

8. Sixty-two percent of adults worldwide have coffee at least once a .

day week month

9. The majority of people drink coffee because it is .

delicious relaxing energizing

The Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health conducted research for
three four thirty

11. The participants in the Harvard research had to .

drink coffee every day record their coffee chat with the other
intake participants online

12. For good health, consuming cups of coffee per day is recommended.
one to two two to three three to five

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

13. Data from the research proves that is the main factor in reducing the
death rate from diseases today.
coffee diet exercise

14. The radio programme highlights the effects of coffee.

positive neutral negative

15. Coffee is processed differently by people depending on .

when they consume it how much they consume how they metabolise

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

READING 3 (Items 16–25) (10 marks)

Read the text. Then complete the task.

Cars have always been a great mystery for me. When I was a child, we had a
beautiful old Italian sports car. I remember watching my father spend hours
cleaning it and taking
care of it. He absolutely adored that car. Of course, he never let any of us go near
it, and he would not let my mother drive it either!

Anyway, years later, after I had got married and left home, I learned to drive and
got my licence when I was twenty-seven, but I still had no idea how a car actually
worked. Then, one day last year, something happened to change all of that. I had
to attend a very important meeting, so I left home early. But, when I got into my
car, it would not start! What could I do? My husband could not help because he was
away on a business trip. After some minutes, I just ran to our neighbour’s house
and rang the bell. A teenage boy answered. He said his father was not at home,
but he agreed to look at the car. Guess what, within two minutes, he had fixed it!
I thanked him, of course, but inside I felt so embarrassed! How could I be so stupid
as not to know how to fix my own car!

Later, I told my husband what had happened. At first, he laughed, but then he
made a serious suggestion. He told me about a course called ‘Car Basics’. It was
organised by an insurance company, and it taught people how to look after their
cars. So, I decided to take a one-month ‘Beginners’ course, and whilst on that
course, I learned how to do lots
of useful things like checking the oil, changing the tyres...etc. I did not learn
everything of course, but I learnt enough to make me feel far more self-assured.
Now I can look after my car properly. The best news is that whenever it breaks
down I know how to fix it and do not have to depend on anyone to help me!

READING 3 (continued)
Task One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).

16. Why would the father not allow anyone to touch his car ?

17. Why didn’t she ask her husband for help when her car broke down?

18. Who delivered the ‘Car Basics’ course?

19. How old was the writer when she learned to drive?

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

20. What is the aim of the ‘Car Basics’ course ?

Task Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

Her fixed the car.

father husband neighbour

22. The course lasted for weeks.

four six

At the end, the writer feels when dealing with cars.

embarrassed helpless confident

24. When the car wouldn’t start the writer was going to
her father’s house
her husband a meeting

25 Her father’s car was

made in
Asia Europe North America

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

WRITING 1 (10 marks)

Write at least 100 words on the following topic:

“‫ا‬Happiness can be bought”
Do you agree or not? Give your reasons.

Your writing should be clear and organised.

Marker A Marker B Average

( )

DIPLOMA, ENGLISH ‘CORE’, SEMESTER ONE, 1st SESSION By Mr . Mokhtar Mohammed 2019/2020

WRITING 2 (10 marks)

Complete the following task. Write at least 100 words.

Write a story about four friends who decided to go on trip in the desert without a guide.
Your story should end with these words “finally after ten days they were found thrown
in the desert by one of the nomads unconscious and were about to die” .

Your writing should be clear and organised

Marker A Marker B Average

( )


Diploma Examination for General Education

Semester One – First Session

English Language ‘Core’

Red Marker Green Marker Blue Checker

Name Name Name







Final Total in Numbers

Final Total in Words


English Language Department

Imam Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS
Prepared By
Mr. Khalid Ali Mahmoud

LISTENING 1 (Items 1-7) 2014-2015 (7 marks)

You are going to hear a conversation between two foreign students at a university in the
USA. Listen, and shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. The two speakers are going to the .

classrooms library assembly hall

2. In Japan the school year starts in .

February April September

3. Japanese schoolchildren have weeks’ holiday every year.

6 8 12

4. In Germany, uniforms are worn in schools.

no some all

5. Students have to tidy up the classrooms in .

Germany, but not Japan, but not both countries
Japan Germany

6. Sophie studied at school.

French Latin Spanish

7. In Germany, exams consist mostly of questions.

essay short answer multiple choice


LISTENING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

You are going to hear a woman talking about a trip to Thailand
Part One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).

8. In what part of Thailand is the elephant camp ?

9. What is the minimum age for visitors?

10. For safety reasons, what must all visitors be able to do?

11. How did they get from the camp to the park ?

Part Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

12. At the park, the speaker bought .

a wooden statue an interesting book an unusual painting

13. In the evening, she specially enjoyed the .

dance performance cooking lesson film show

14. On the day, they went elephant-riding.

first second third

15. The best rider in the family was her .

husband daughter son

( )

Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS

VOCABULARY (Items 1–5) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

1. “I don’t understand your essay. It doesn’t make a at all!”

sense meaning Summary knowledge

2. “I’ve a lot of money in this company, so I hope it makes a profit.”

exported applied Invested developed

3. “The newspaper has a huge . It sells over a million copies every day.”

communication celebrity Citizenship circulation

4. The shortage of water in the region may lead to between the tribes.

damage satisfaction Irrigation conflict

5. “In the south-east of the country, people speak a strange ."

dialect diagnosis Diameter behaviour


GRAMMAR (Items 6–10) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

Speaker A: (6)( Do / Would ) you like to come with me to the cinema tonight?

Speaker B: May be. What film (7) ( are they showing / they will show ) ?

Speaker A: “The lost World”

Oh, that’s a pity. I’ve already (8) ( saw / seen)it.

Speaker B:

So why (9) ( not / don’t) you see it again?

Speaker A:

Speaker B: No, thanks. I (10) ( wasn’t / didn’t) enjoy it last time!

Speaker A: Ok then. I’ll go alone.

Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY (Items 11–15) (5 marks)

Complete the text. For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

Although (11)
of us believe that climate change is a (12)
that must be tackled immediately, we are also reluctant to talk about it, even with friends
and family. Conversations about climate change can bring up all kinds of difficult emotions.

And yet, solving climate change will (13) us all to work together, and we can’t
do that (14)
communicating effectively. It’s time for us all to (15)

more climate conversations.

11. the most most more the least

12. minor irrelevant crucial worthless

13. inquire enquire acquire require

14. about for with without

15. make do held having

( )


READING 1 (Items 1-8) (7 marks)

Read the texts. Are the statements which follow each text True or False?
For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.
1. I spend a lot of time with Ahmed. What I like about him is that he always makes
me laugh even when I'm feeling depressed! He's full of jokes and amusing stories,
and keeps all of us entertained. I don't know what we'd do without him.

Statement True False

Ahmed has a sense of humour.

2. For centuries now, the village of Phetburi in northern Thailand has been famous
for its high-quality, beautifully-painted, wooden umbrellas. Its craftsmen have been
able to maintain this tradition despite recent competition from cheap, factory-made

Statement True False

Making umbrellas is a new industry in the village.

3. As the storm approached, the sky was getting darker and darker. First, there
were a few drops of rain, and then a really heavy downpour. It was obviously not
safe to drive. But what else could I do? I had promised to visit my parents - and a
promise is a promise.

Statement True False

Because of the weather, the writer decided to stay home.

4. I went to their office to complain, but there was a sign on the door saying, "We
have relocated." It gave their new address and phone number. So I'm going to phone
and ask them how to get to their new building. I hope it's not too far!

Statement True False

- 'relocated' means to move to another place.

Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS

READING 1 (continued)

5. 'Nano' is designed for teenagers between 16 and 19. It's full of glossy colour
photos, and has articles on a wide range of topics. It also has a page where readers
can ask for advice about their problems. It goes on sale once a month, at a price of

Statement True False

'Nano' is an amazing device for teenagers.

Later in the day, it started to get quite nippy. I put on some extra clothes and
moved around in order to keep warm. Then when it got dark, I built a big campfire
and tried to get some sleep. When I woke up, all of my drinking water was frozen.

Statement True False

- The word 'nippy' means cold.

Marina Island is one of the most fantastic tourist destinations. Last year, most
visitors to the island came for fishing. Sailing was also popular. However, this year,
the new diving centre has attracted the largest number of tourists.

Statement True False

- Sailing is no longer popular in Marina Island.


READING 2 (Items 8-15) (8 marks)

Read the text. Then for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.
The Sky’s the Limit
(‘National Post’, 20 November 2012): When completed at the end of next March, Sky City in Changsa
in south-east China will be the tallest skyscraper in the world. It will proudly stand at 838 metres,
taller — though not by very much — than the current record-holder, Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, which is
‘only’ 829 metres.
Everything about the Sky City project spells ‘huge’. This single structure will have 220 floors and will
be able to house 31,400 people, occupying 83 per cent of the floor space. The rest will be devoted to
offices, schools, clinics, shops and restaurants. Residents and visitors will travel up and down the
building using 104 high-speed elevators.
However, what is truly remarkable is that they haven’t even started building it yet! The builders,
Broad Sustainable Building — usually known as just ‘BSB’ — are still waiting for Chinese authorities to
give final approval to begin construction. They are confident that this will be granted by the middle of
next month, and then the real work will start.
According to BSB, the skyscraper will be built at the unbelievable rate of five floors per day! This will,
they say, be achieved by using ready-made components which will simply be slotted together by
thousands of workers. This is the same method that they used, on a smaller scale, to build a 30-storey
hotel in Shanghai in only 15 days. So BSB have now promised that Sky City will be open and ready for
use in just 90 days after construction begins. To put this in perspective, it took six years — 24 times
longer! — to build the Burj Khalifa hotel.

Nevertheless, there is a price to pay for such speed. Like other BSB buildings, but unlike Burj Khalifa,
Sky City will not be pleasing to the eye: ‘plain’’, ‘featureless’ and ‘bland’ are three of the words which
have been used by other architects to describe the design. But for Zhang Yue, the company’s founder
and chairman, it’s not about style — it’s about practicality.

However, even this is questioned by some. One university lecturer who I interviewed said: “The limits
are not how tall or how fast you can build things, but the on-going supply of food, water, power,
waste disposal, access, maintenance, pollution and risk controls for the 31,400 residents of the

Most serious, though, are the doubts that many have expressed about the safety of the building. A
local college student told me: “Pointless speed is dangerous. The schedule will drive the projects and
safety concerns will be ignored. They’ll be lucky if it’s still standing six months later. It’s not a building I
would want to go into or be near.”

This student’s doubts are shared by some professionals. One engineer expressed his concerns: “BSB’s
buildings always save construction time by using less concrete in the floors and less steel in the
support beams. But there are forces working on a building that tall, including the wind. Just by using
these simple units all put together, you are not going to get enough stiffness. To put it simply, this
building will sway in the wind — like a tall tree!”

Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS

READING 2 (continued)
Sky City will be the Burj Khalifa Hotel.
not as tall as slightly taller than much taller than

The building will mostly be used for .

shops offices homes

Before they can start construction, they still need to .

get official permission obtain additional funding provide training for
their staff

11. Actual construction is likely to start in .

November 2012 December 2012 March 2013

12. Rapid construction will be made possible by the use of .

huge numbers of workers robots and other pre-fabricated parts


13. Architects have been critical of the building’s .

facilities appearance location

14. The lecturer thinks Sky City’s owners will face serious problems.

financial practical legal

15. The engineer talks about the danger of .

earthquakes sudden fires strong winds


READING 3 (Items 16–25) (10 marks)

Read the text. Then complete the task.


Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS

READING 3 (continued)
Task One: For each item, write a short answer (not more than FOUR WORDS).

16. When was “Nu Shu” invented ?

About hundred years ago

17. Who used it ?

18. What two kinds of texts did they write ?


19. When did “Nu shu “ finally become extinct ?


20. How was “Nu shu” passed to the other generations secretly?
(Give one reason)

Task Two: For each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

21. “Nu Shu” was used in of China.

the north the south all parts

22. “Nu shu” texts were written on .

paper clothes Walls

23. “Nu shu” died out because of changes in .

the climate technology Education

24. “Nu shu”has been most successfully preserved by .

special classes a dictionary a museum

“Nu shu” was completely in danger of becoming forgotten because .

Of customs and
women kept it secret men knew about it

( )


WRITING 1 (10 marks)

Write at least 100 words on the following topic:

“According to a recent study, the more time people use the Internet, the less time they
spend with real human beings and families”
Do you agree or not? Give your reasons.

Your writing should be interesting and well organised.

Marker A Marker B Average

( )


Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS

WRITING 2 (10 marks)

Complete the following task. Write at least 100 words.

Write a narrative story about ”a person who was living in poverty and came into an
unexpected fortune.”

Your writing should be interesting and well organised

WRITING 2 (continued)

Marker A Marker B Average

( )


Prepared By: Mr. Khalid Ali Imam Al Muhanna Bin Sultan PBS
SULTANATE OF OMAN Al Muhanna Post basic school9( 10-12 )
MINISTRY OF EDUCATION Mock exam 1st sem 2019-2020

Diploma Examination for General Education

Semester One – First Session

English Language ‘Core’

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Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

LISTENING : 2008-2009 1st sem 1st session

LISTENING (1) (Items 1 – 6 )
You will hear a conversation between two people who have studied in
the UK. Listen, and for each item, choose the correct option: A,B or C :
1- The conversation takes place
a. in the UK b. at a conference c. at a university
2- The woman is interested in students’
a- language skills b- exam results c- motivation
3- The man studied in Britain
a. last year b. two years ago c- five years ago
4- He will go there soon to
a. give a presentation b. continue his studies c. start a new job
5- The man offers to help her find
a. a place to live b. some books to read c. a language course
6- The woman complains about having to
a. write long essay ` b. attend lectures c. read a lot
LISTENING (2) (Items 7 – 15 )
You will hear a historian talking about the international trade in
amber. The text divided into two parts:

Part One : For each question, write a short answer ( ONE or TWO WORDS only)
7. What was amber usually used for ?
8. How was it transported along to Amber Road ? By
9. Which two European countries bought a lot of Amber ? and
10. What is the usual colour of amber ?
11. What can sometimes be found inside places of amber ?
Part Two : For each item, Choose the correct option: A,B or C
12. Amber is mostly found in --------------Europe.
a. northern b. western c- southern
13. It originally comes from -------------
a. volcanoes b. the sea c. forests
14. Now, it is usually found -------------
a. in or near water b. in the mountains c. on low-lying land
15. It has been traded for about --------------years
a. 1.000 5.000 10.000

( )

Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

VOCABULARY (3) (Items 11 – 15 ) (2½ marks )

Complete each sentence. Choose the correct option: A,B,C or D :
1. Every day, drivers who are rude and ------------ cause accidents on our roads.
a- considerate b- aggressive c- generous d- patient
2. She is finding it very difficult to------------ all the problems she has right now. You
should try to help her more.
a- turn off b- take part in c- cope with d- pick up
3. The city suffer badly from traffic ------------ New roads must be built in order to solve
this problem.
a- pollution b- reduction c- evacuation d- congestion
4. The computer course is not ----------- It’s up to whether you take it or not, but we
strongly recommend it.
a- controversial b- compulsory c- renewable d- temporary
5. The town’s drinking water has been ------------by harmful chemicals
a- contaminated b- anticipated c- vaccinated d- irrigated

GRAMMAR (Items 6–10) (2½ marks)

For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.
Speaker A : “ What have you 6 (be been ) doing all day?”
Speaker B : “ Cleaning the house. My sister 7 ( is will ) visiting us
Speaker A : “ How 8 ( often long ) will she be staying?”
Speaker B : “ Only till Friday. She has 9 ( too to ) be back at work on
Speaker A : “ Oh, where is she 10 ( working living ) now?”
Speaker B : “ In Muscat, with an insurance company.”

GRAMMAR/VOCABULARY (Items 11–15) (5 marks)

Complete the text. For each space, choose the correct option: A,B,C or D:
( Diary of an NGO workers, 23rd February 2004) : The roads were in very bad condition ,
so we (11) the village until 12:30. After lunch, I want to see the new bridge
(12) had been built by our project . I asked the villagers how (13)
about it . They told me that living in the village was now (14) than before. In
the old days , people who tried (15) the river were often attacked by crocodiles

1. . haven’t reached b. don’t reach c. didn’t reach d. hadn’t reached

2. . and b. who c. that d. it
3. . they felt b. do they feel c. they feel d. did they feel
4. . very safe b. much safer c. as safe d- the safer
5. . to cross b. crossed c. cross d- to crossing
Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

Reading 1 ( 7 marks )
Read the texts. Are these statements which follow each text True or False?
For each item, shade in the bubble under the correct option.

1. A man was recently found guilty of killing his wife. In the court, the judged asked him
many questions. The man kept on rubbing his nose every time he heard a question. He
denied everything. Those gestures made the judge believe that the man was lying. He
was kept in jail for the rest of his life.
True False
Statement: the man will stay in prison forever.

2. We’ve made some more progress on decorating our new home. First, we bought a very
nice modern painting, which we hung on the bedroom wall. Then, we found a lovely carpet
from Iran. We’re going to put it in the living room.

True False

Statement: They put the painting in the living room.

3. As you know, I didn’t take my car, but I really enjoyed my holiday in Ireland. All that
fresh air and exercise! I rode about 30 km a day. It was hard work, especially going up
the hills, and I got wet every time it rained. But the only real problem was when I
crashed and damaged my front wheel. Otherwise, it was great!
True False
Statement: The writer crashed his car.

4. Is your hair dry, lifeless and difficult to manage? Do you feel embarrassed whenever
you go to a party? Wash your hair with ‘X-Mel’ and see the difference! Fresh, natural
and free of chemicals, ‘X-Mel’ will change the way your hair looks – and it will change the
way you feel!
True False
Statement: ‘X-Mel’ is a kind of hair shampoo
5. After a long delay, work on building the hotel finally began in March 1996. It took
two years to complete the project. After another three months, they were able to hold
the opening ceremony, which was attended by the Minister of Tourism.

True False
Statement: The hotel has been open since 1999.

Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

6. I’m sorry to say this, but Peter really is rather obtUSe. You can explain something to
him ten times and he still doesn’t understand! That’s why he keeps making the same
mistakes again and again. The worst thing is, he actually thinks he’s quite clever!

True False
Statement: Peter isn’t a very smart man.

7. My children Khalid and Muna wanted to go out together, but as usual they couldn’t
agree on where to go. She wanted to go to a fast food restaurant, but he said he wanted
to go to the cinema.

True False
Statement: Khalid doesn’t enjoy watching movies.

Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

Reading 2: (8 marks )
Read the text. Then for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.

Read these extracts from someone’s diary.

Monday 23 September 2008: When I arrived at the hotel, I looked around the lobby.
All the other trainees seemed to know each other, and were laughing and talking in loud
voices. Nobody spokes to me, so I just sat in the corner and read the course timetable again.
It was full of titles which sounded very impressive, such as ‘Skills and techniques in
selling’ Understanding your Role in the World of Products and Services’, ‘ Personal
Relationships and their Impact on Sales’ , and so on. I started wondering if I had made a big
mistake paying eight hundred dollars for this course. Could they really turn a complete
beginner like me into a good salesman in just two weeks?

After the first training session , I didn’t feel any better ! A tall, thin , serious – looking
man with glasses talked for one-and-a-half hours about ‘prospects’ is a customer ! So I had
missed the whole point of his lecture !

The second session wasn’t much better. The presenter was very clear , but I didn’t like
the way he spoke or what he was saying ! He kept challenging us with questions like ‘ Are
you ready to be great salesman?’ and ‘ Do you believe in yourself?’ ( I really felt like
calling out, ‘ Not really , but I didn’t!) It was as if we were all soldiers who were about to
go into battle. I didn’t like the sound of that at all ! By the end of the day, I was feeling very
depressed …..

Tuesday 24 September 2008: Today started much better. Over coffee, I met a very
nice Singaporean, and we shared a few jokes about what had happened in the sessions the
day before. So I wasn’t alone after all ! Then we went into the first session, and suddenly
everything changed. The presenter did not talk too much; he just gave a short introduction,
showed us a film and then gave us some questions to discuss in groups. I immediately felt
much better, meeting other trainees and talking to them, and the film was good, too ! It was
all about the bad reputation that salesman often have-that they are all liars, who will say or
do anything to sell their products, even if these products are of very poor quality! However,
the film turned this idea upside-down in a very funny way. At first, you think the main
character is just another dishonest ‘second-hand car salesman’. But later in the film, he
actually becomes a hero, using his skills – his understanding of people and his ability to
talk to them – to deal with a very difficult and dangerous situation. TO BE CONTINUED

Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

The next presenter was good, too. He talked about how there is no single ‘Correct’ way to
be a salesman. We are all different, and we all need to develop our own individual style. By
now, I was feeling much more confident that I might be able to succeed.

But let’s see what happens tomorrow…..

Read the text. Then for each item, shade in the bubble next to the correct option.
8- Overall, The training course seemed to be _ for the trainee .
useless nonsense fruitful
9-At the beginning the writer felt------------------
optimistic cheerful pessimistic
10- On the second day all the talk was about -----------
apologizes business fame
11. At the start of Day One, the writer felt
a. tired b. excited c. lonely

12. The first presentation was very

a. short b. confusing c. interesting

13. On Day Two, the first presenter used a film to show that salesman
a. must know about the product they’re selling

b. have skills which are very useful in life c. are usually honest in dealing with

14. The second presenter advised the participants to

a. be themselves b. work hard for success c. use the Internet

15. On Day Two, the writer’s level of motivation

A, went up b. went down c. did not change

Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

READING (2) (Items 1 – 5 )

Read the text. Then , for each item , choose the option A,B,C or D :

On 23 September 2008, The Portuguese Economy Minister m Manual Pinho, flew to

the north of the country to lead the official opening of the Aguacadoura Wave Farm.

Before landing, the pilot of the helicopter had flown along the coast to give the minister a
bird’s eye view of the farm. Looking down he could see three Pelamis Wave Energy
Converters bobbing up and down on the surface of the sea. Each converter consisted of four
tubes m each forty metres long and three metres in diameter. These four tubes were
connected together to form a long, thin chain. From above, it looked like a huge, bright red
snake floating in the water –and, in fact , the converter get their name from a tropical sea
snake called the pelamis.

At the opening ceremony, speeches were made and the national flag was raised. The
Portuguese are proud to be the first country in the world to operate a fully-functioning wave
farm. The farm already generates enough electricity for one thousand five hundred homes ,
and will soon be expanded , making it ten times more powerful. Eventually m by 2050 ,
The Portuguese hope that wave power will provide one – third off all its energy needs,
taking full advantage of the country’s long coastline facing the Atlantic Ocean . This is
especially important for a country that has a little coal or oil, and no natural gas. However,
it should not be forgotten that the idea for his invention actually came, not from Portugal,
but from Scotland. Back in the 1970s , Professor Stephen Salter, a Scottish scientist
working at Edinburgh University, did the first experiment on wave energy and designed a
machine which was very similar to the ‘Pelamis’, but smaller.

Unfortunately, back in those days, there seemed to be plenty of oil, coal and other fossil
fuels available . Because of this, nobody in the UK- except for scientists like professor
Salter – saw the need of solar , wind or wave power. So the government was unwilling to
provide the professor and his colleagues with the money they need to complete their work.

Now, however, the need for population – free types of energy is obvious, and Scotland, too
, has finally decided to invest in wave energy technology. In a recent interview, ‘friend of
the Earth’ boss , Duncan McLaren, said : “ Wave power could supply one – fifth of UK
energy needs , and Scotland is ideally placed to generate electricity in this way. We must
act now, before more Scottish scientists and engineers leave the country to find work in
Portugal and other places.”
Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

Task1 For each question, write a short answer ( ONE or TWO WORDS only )

16. Where is The Aguacadoura Wave farm?

17. Which is cheaper a Wave power or a wind power?

18. Who invented the first wave energy converter?

19. What is The ‘Pelamis’ converter named after?

20. Which countries use nuclear energy ?

Task 2 For each item, choose the correct option: A,B or C :

21. Wave energy was not successful in the 1970’s because

a. scientists were not interested in it b. the big oil companies were against it

c. not enough money was spent on research

22. The total length of one ‘Pelamis’ converter is

a. 40 b. 100 c. 160

23. At present, the Aguacadoura Wave farm provides power for metres

a. 150 b. 15.00 c. 15.000

24. Wave energy is of special interest to Portugal because

a. it doesn’t have enough fossil fuels b. it has a very large population

c. its factories use a lot of power

25. By 2050, wave power will provide of Portugal’s power needs

a. 20% b. 33% c. 50%

Total: 25 marks
Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

WRITING 1 (10 marks)

Write at least 100 words on the following topic:

“Co- education has become a must”

Do you agree or not? Give your reasons.

Your writing should be interesting and well- organized

Diploma, English ‘Core’, Semester One, 1st Session Mock Exam 2019-2020 By Mr. Ahmed Mustafa

WRITING 2 (10 marks)

Complete the following task. Write at least 100 words.

Write a story a bout a group of friends who decided to spend their weekend on the beach
but things went wrong . your story should end with these words “ unfortunately , one
of friends passed away “

Your writing should be interesting and well organized


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