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Dutch health care system

In the Netherlands, the family doctor (or 'general practitioner') is the gatekeeper to the healthcare
Unless there is an acute situation going on, people first see their family doctor if they are ill. If the family
doctor deems it necessary, referral to a hospital or specialist takes place.
This info sheet explains how you can find a family doctor in Eindhoven.

In the period after arrival, register in a healthcare center near your home (within a radius of max. 3
You can register in one of the local healthcare centers. They have family doctors, and other health care
workers available.
If you are registered in a healthcare center, your medical record will be kept there. In case of recurrent
visits, you can be seen by the same doctor(s).
In Eindhoven there are several healthcare centers in every part of the city. If you want to enlist in a
healthcare center, you best do so in the healthcare center closest to your house or apartment (check
website mentioned below). A list of the healthcare centers will also be ready for you in the backoffice

Single visit, not enlisted in a healthcare center yet.

The TU/e has made an agreement with health care center 'the Parade', located just north of the campus.
Every international employee can make use of the services of the family doctors of that center, if they
need to see a doctor for a single visit.
For more information on ‘the Parade’ check:

International health care center

The international health care center of SGE offers healthcare services aimed at answering the needs
and questions of internationals. In the international healthcare center you can expect medical care
givers who speak English well and who take the time for you. They are also aware of the fact that people
from different cultures have different expectations as far as healthcare is concerned.
For more information check:

Make an appointment
Dutch habits dictate that people who want to visit a doctor or healthcare center should first make an
appointment. As a rule, when you phone early in the morning, you can make an appointment for that
same day. The phone numbers of the healthcare centers are on the SGE website.
When you phone to make an appointment with the doctor, you may be asked for the following
name, address and date of birth
Why do you want to see the doctor (what is the medical problem)
medical history (if any)
medication you are taking (if any)
health care insurance (company, insurance number)

Evening and weekend healthcare services

Eindhoven healthcare centers are opened on week days during office hours (8 am to 5 pm). During
the evenings, nights and weekend, there is a central family doctor service for the entire city.
People who need a doctor outside office hours (so on week days between 5 pm and 8 am, and in the
weekends) make an appointment with this central healthcare post.
It is appreciated that you use this evening and weekend service only for illnesses that developed or
worsened during the evening or weekend, not for situations that could also be dealt with during regular
The phone number of the evening and weekend health care post is: 088 876 5151.
There are two locations where you can see the evening / weekend doctor, and when you phone the
weekend service you will be asked which one you prefer:

a. The post in Eindhoven

located on the grounds of the Catharina hospital
this post also has a pharmacy attached to it.
Address: Michelangelolaan 2, 5623 EJ Eindhoven

b. The post in Geldrop

located on the grounds of the Saint Anna hospital
Address: Bogardeind 2, 5664 EH Geldrop
Emergency services @ TU/e
In case of an emergency at the TU/e you dial 2222. That is the number of TU/e security. They will
dispatch security staff, and alert other emergency services if needed.

Emergency services in the Netherlands

Across all the countries of the European Union the same number applies for the emergency services
(police, fire brigade, ambulance).
That number is: 112
More info about how and when to use the 112 number is available at:

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