Strategi Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia. Ing

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This article aims to explore international Human Resources (HR) management
strategies that are effective in increasing company competitiveness in the global market.
The research method used is a qualitative approach with a focus on literature study. The
discussion includes the integration of cultural diversity, the use of communication
technology, and the development of employee skills as key elements in international HR
management. The results show that a comprehensive and integrated approach to HR
management strategy can create an inclusive work environment, improve team
collaboration, and face global business challenges. In conclusion, this strategy is not
only relevant to overcome current challenges, but also becomes the basis for company
sustainability in a dynamic global market.
Keywords: International HR Management, Cultural Diversity, Communication
Technology, Employee Skills Development.

In the current era of globalization, companies are faced with increasingly

complex and dynamic challenges. Business competition is no longer limited to local
markets, but has expanded to international markets. One of the keys to a company's
success in facing global competition is effective and efficient Human Resources (HR)
management. An international HR management strategy is the main key to increasing a
company's competitiveness in a competitive global market (Praditya, 2022).

Technological developments and accelerated globalization have changed

business paradigms significantly, forcing companies to go beyond local market
boundaries and face competition at the international level. In this context, Human
Resources (HR) is a key element that determines the company's success. Companies are
no longer only tested within the domestic scope, but must also be able to navigate the
complexity and dynamics of the global market(Febrian et al., 2022). Multicultural
challenges become a significant obstacle when companies enter the international arena.
International HR management must understand and manage the diversity of different
cultures, languages and work norms. The right strategy is needed so that companies can
operate harmoniously in various cultural contexts, creating an inclusive work
environment that supports global collaboration.

Advances in communications technology have opened the door to global

collaboration without physical barriers. International HR management must leverage
this technology to coordinate distributed teams across the globe. Skills in managing
virtual intercultural relationships are key to ensuring smooth international team work
and maximizing productivity. The dynamic and often unpredictable global market
requires companies to have flexibility in managing human resources(Asmara
Indahingwati et al., 2020). Responsiveness is the main key in international HR
management strategies, enabling companies to adapt to market changes quickly and
effectively. Innovation in HR management is the main driver in responding to
challenges that arise in the context of fluctuating global markets.

A company's success in global competition is highly dependent on employee

skills and competencies. International HR management should focus efforts on human
resource development by providing relevant training and skills development. It's not just
about creating a technically superior workforce, but also ensuring that employees have
the intercultural skills necessary to work effectively in a global environment.

By understanding the complexity of this background, companies need to design

a holistic and integrated international HR management strategy. Increasing
competitiveness in the global market can be achieved by emphasizing adaptability,
respecting diversity, and paying special attention to employee development. This is the
essence of successful international HR management, which not only creates an inclusive
workplace, but also optimizes employee potential in facing global business dynamics


The research method used in this article is a qualitative approach with a focus on
literature study. A qualitative approach was chosen because it provides an in-depth and
contextual understanding of the phenomenon of international HR management, which is
complex and multifaceted. Literature studies, in this case, become a research basis for
exploring and synthesizing existing knowledge in the literature related to international
HR management strategies.

The selection of literary sources is carried out carefully and purposefully. The
sources used involve academic journals, reference books, scientific articles, and recent
publications relevant to the research topic. Source selection is carried out using the
criteria of accuracy, credibility and relevance to international HR management
strategies. Based on literature analysis and synthesis, this research builds a conceptual
framework that covers various international HR management strategies. This conceptual
framework is the basis for discussing key strategies that can help companies increase
their competitiveness in the global market.


A. Integrating Cultural Diversity in International HR Management

The importance of managing cultural diversity in the context of international HR

management is not only related to understanding language differences and work norms,
but also includes deeper aspects such as cultural values, beliefs and practices that can
influence team work dynamics. This article focuses its discussion on strategies for
integrating cultural diversity as a critical foundation for companies that want to increase
their competitiveness in the global market. The integration of cultural diversity involves
establishing an inclusive work environment where every individual feels valued and
empowered regardless of their cultural background(Bairizki, 2020). The initial step is to
understand the differences and similarities between international team members.
Companies can adopt an intercultural training approach designed to increase
understanding and appreciation of the cultural diversity within the team. This involves
recognition of social norms, sensitivity to differences, and increased ability to
communicate across cultures.

Furthermore, implementing inclusive policies is the key to creating a work

environment that supports diversity. Companies need to design policies that not only
involve cultural diversity in recruitment, but also in promotion policies, performance
appraisals and career development. Thus, every individual has an equal opportunity to
develop and make a contribution, regardless of their cultural background(Safri, 2019).
The importance of understanding cultural diversity also involves effective conflict
management and resolution. Teams consisting of individuals with diverse cultural
backgrounds may encounter differences of opinion or interpretation that can lead to
conflict. Therefore, it is important for international HR management to have an effective
strategy in dealing with cultural conflicts, both through intercultural conflict training
and by implementing fair and inclusive resolution mechanisms.(Soedarso, 2018).

In addition, international HR management strategies should encourage cross-

cultural collaboration as an integral part of the company's daily activities. Projects or
team assignments involving members from different cultures can create opportunities
for the exchange of ideas and best practices, thereby enriching innovation and creativity
within the company. Overall, integrating cultural diversity in international HR
management is not just about understanding, but also about creating an environment
that supports and facilitates collaboration among diverse team members.(Findarti,
2019). This is an important strategic step in building a strong foundation for companies
to compete successfully in a dynamic and multicultural global marketplace.

B. Leveraging Communication Technology for Effective Global Team


In an era of rapid globalization and ever-evolving technology, companies need

to adopt smart and connected international HR management strategies to ensure
effective team collaboration across the globe. This subheading discusses how
companies can leverage advances in communications technology to create a coordinated
and responsive global work environment. Companies need to adopt virtual collaboration
platforms that enable geographically distributed teams to work together without
physical barriers(Findarti, 2019). Cloud-based applications, such as Microsoft Teams or
Slack, can integrate real-time communication, file sharing, and project coordination in
one platform that is easily accessible to all team members. In this way, time and space
constraints can be overcome, allowing teams to communicate and collaborate without
geographic barriers.

The use of video conferencing technology has become important for building
stronger interpersonal connections between team members located remotely. Virtual
meetings can provide nearly the same experience as face-to-face meetings, allowing for
in-depth discussions and clear delivery of information. Companies need to ensure
adequate technological infrastructure is available to support uninterrupted video
conferencing, including stable internet connections and reliable conferencing
software(Supriyanto & Ekowati, 2019).

In addition, the application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology and data

analysis can increase the efficiency of team collaboration. AI tools can help process and
analyze big data, providing insights that can be used for better decision making.
Additionally, data analytics can be used to monitor team performance, identify trends,
and provide better feedback, helping companies optimize their international HR
management strategies. It's also important to create an inclusive and supportive virtual
work culture. Team building initiatives, virtual social events, and clear communications
policies can help build trust and engagement among team members who may never
meet in person(Halisa, 2020). Ensuring that every team member feels involved and has
open channels of communication is crucial to creating an effective global team.

Thus, utilizing communication technology for effective global team

collaboration is not only an option, but a necessity in a globally connected business
world. By ensuring appropriate technology adoption and creating a supportive work
environment, companies can increase productivity, improve communication, and
stimulate innovation among teams spread across the globe. Communication technology
has become a very important means of connecting people and creating a solid
foundation for company success in the global market.

C. Developing Employee Skills to Answer Global Business Challenges

Employee skills not only include technical aspects, but also involve the
intercultural, leadership and adaptability skills needed to successfully operate in a
rapidly changing international business environment. The development of technical
skills is essential to respond to the ever-growing demands of global business.
Employees need to have a deep understanding of the latest technologies, software tools
and digital platforms that support international business operations(Supriyanto &
Ekowati, 2019). Technical training programs that are continuously updated and adapted
to industry developments can help improve employee competency and keep them
relevant in an ever-changing market.
However, the development of intercultural skills is also a key aspect in
international HR management strategies. A holistic intercultural training program can
help employees understand and appreciate the cultural differences, business norms and
work ethics that apply in various global markets. These skills are important in building
strong business relationships, avoiding cross-cultural misunderstandings, and ensuring
the successful collaboration of teams consisting of diverse members(Sihite, 2018).

Furthermore, leadership development is the key to facing global business

challenges. Employees need to be trained in managing cross-cultural teams, motivating
team members from different backgrounds, and leading innovation amidst uncertainty.
Leadership development programs must include aspects of strategic decision making,
effective communication, as well as the ability to overcome complex challenges that
may arise in the international business environment. It is also important to create
awareness of global market dynamics and latest industry trends(Putri et al., 2022).
Ongoing training regarding changes in international business regulations, technological
developments, and shifting consumer trends can help employees stay informed and
proactive in dealing with changes occurring in the global marketplace.

Additionally, employee skills development programs should be individualized

and customizable. Each employee has different needs and potential, therefore,
companies need to provide development programs that are accessible and tailored to the
specific needs of each individual. This approach can increase employee motivation and
engagement, ensuring that they feel valued and have the opportunity to develop
according to their desires and career goals. Overall, developing employee skills is a
critical foundation in responding to global business challenges. A holistic training
program, covering technical, intercultural, leadership and global market knowledge
aspects, can help companies build a competent team ready to face the dynamics of
international business. Investing in employee skills development is a strategic step that
supports the company's sustainable growth in an increasingly complex global market.


Integrating cultural diversity, utilizing communication technology, and

developing employee skills have been described as important synergies to increase
competitiveness in international markets. Through managing cultural diversity,
companies can create an inclusive work environment, support multicultural team
collaboration, and promote company values at the global level. Meanwhile, leveraging
communications technology opens the door to efficient and responsive team
collaboration, ensuring optimal connectivity between team members located across the
globe. Employee skills development is a strong pillar in responding to global business
demands. By focusing on technical, intercultural and leadership aspects, companies can
ensure that their employees have the competencies needed to adapt to rapid change and
become drivers of innovation in the global market.

In conclusion, a successful international HR management strategy requires an

integrated approach that includes a deep understanding of global business changes,
adaptability to market dynamics, and investment in human resource development. By
embracing diversity, leveraging technology, and forming skilled and intercultural teams
of employees, companies can secure their position in increasingly fierce global
competition and achieve sustainability in their business growth. Thus, these strategies
are not only a guide to facing current challenges, but also the foundation for achieving
future excellence in the global business arena.


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