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This is your filled-out applica on form. Please sign this and send your seller a copy.

Do not share with others to protect your data. Fields with * are required
Project * Phase / Building * Block / Floor * Lot / Unit * Unit Type * Property Type * Area *

Total Contact Price * Financing Choice * Reserva on Fee * Downpayment Percentage * Downpayment Term * Payable Balance Percentage * Payable Balance Term *

The Total Contract Price is inclusive of applicable fees such as registra on fees and VAT. Promo Code Promo Descrip on

Principal Buyer Co-Owner Co-Borrower

Last Name * First Name * Middle Name * Suffix Alias

Date of Birth * Gender * Ci zenship * Civil Status * Email * Mobile Number * TIN Social Media


Street / Barangay * City / Municipality * Province * Country *

Source of Income * Employer / Business Name * Gross Monthly Income *

Street / Barangay * City / Municipality * Province * Country *

Last Name * First Name * Middle Name * Suffix Alias

Date of Birth * Ci zenship * Gross Montly Income * Email Mobile Number TIN Social Media

Street / Barangay City / Municipality Province Country


Last Name First Name Middle Name Suffix

Date of Birth Ci zenship Email Mobile number

Street / Barangay City / Municipality Province Country


As used in these Purchase Applica on Form ("Applica on" or "PAF"), the terms "Developer" and "Seller" shall refer to If the denial or withdrawal of bank financing was caused by the Seller's delay or default, the Seller shall solely have
Filinvest Land, Inc. "Buyer" shall refer to the person/s, whether natural or judicial, applying for the purchase of a the op on, but not the obliga on, of offering in-house financing at the same rate and basic terms offered by the
property from the Seller. The term "Property" refers to the property/unit that the Buyer has offered to buy as concerned bank, in which case the Buyer may not decline. Should the Buyer refuse to con nue with the sale under
indicated in this Applica on. in-house financing; the Seller offers the same rate and basic terms of the concerned bank, the Buyer shall be
Reference to the Terms and Condi ons in this Applica on shall be deemed to include the terms and condi ons considered in default as provided under Sec ons 6 and 7 below.
governing the following: Service Desk Telephone Hotline, Service Desk Online, and any and all amendments thereto, 2.6. Size and Unit Numbering. The sizes and the numbering of the units and parking spaces are subject to adjustment
and such other rules, regula ons, terms and condi ons as the Seller may issue from me to me. in accordance with the approved building plan and amendments therein.
By signing the PAF, the Buyer agrees that his/her Account/s and rela onship with the Seller in respect thereof shall 2.7. Limited Common Areas. Limited common areas are not for sale. The use of these areas shall be the subject of a
be governed by these Terms and Condi ons, which shall remain in force even a er the execu on on of a Contract to separate document.
Sell ("CTS") or Deed of Absolute Sale ("DOAS"), as far as prac cable, applicable, and proper. 3.2. Accredited Payment Centers. The Seller shall not be liable for any payments made through unaccredited
1. The Applica on payment centers or through payment channels not expressly approved/authorized by the Seller.
1.1. The Applica on. This Applica on is non-transferable and the Buyer shall not transfer or assign his rights, 3.3. Payments Made to Sales Agents and Unauthorized Employees. The Seller shall have no obliga on to recognize
interests, or obliga ons hereunder, without the Seller's wri en approval. and shall not be liable for payment/s made through sales agent/s, employees, or other persons or en es who are not
1.2. Applica on Approval. The Buyer understands that this Applica on is subject to evalua on and shall only be designated official and authorized cashiers, in the event that the payment was not transmi ed to the Seller's
binding upon the approval of the Seller, through the signature of its Authorized Officer/s. authorized payment channels or payment centers.
1.3. Payment Obliga on. If, for whatever reason, the Buyer has yet to receive a copy of the CTS, he/she agrees to 3.4. Payment Applica on Hierarchy. All the Buyer's payments shall be applied to the following obliga ons in the
con nue to be bound by the terms of this Applica on and will con nue to pay all due payments and/or amor za on following order, unless otherwise indicated by the Seller through an express wri en statement: (i) Payment of
un l they are paid in full. reimbursement and other charges including but not limited to insurance premiums, real property taxes and
1.4. Disapproved Applica on. In case of the disapproval of this Applica on, the Buyer understands that the Seller is maintenance or repair fees; (ii) Late payment Charges; (iii) Interest Charges; and (iv) Principal Charges.
under no obliga on to disclose the reason/s for such disapproval. 3.5. Payments in Foreign Currencies. Payments made in foreign currencies shall be converted to Philippine Peso
1.5. Withdrawal of Approval. At its sole discre on and without the need of consent, the Seller may approve, reject or according to the applicable exchange rate of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) on the date the payments were
withdraw a previous approval and/or otherwise impose addi onal or different payment condi ons for the approval of credited to the Seller's account. The sa sfac on of any deficiency of the Peso-converted foreign currency
this Applica on. remi ance/payment against the amount for which said payment is due shall be the responsibility of the Buyer.
1.6. Payments Prior to Approval of Applica on. Un l the Applica on is approved, all addi onal payments made for 3.6. Late Payment Charge (LPC). The Seller shall be en tled to collect a monthly late payment charge equivalent to
the Buyer's account shall be treated as addi onal applica on or processing fees, and shall not be understood as 3% on all sums due and unpaid under this Applica on. The penalty charge will be imposed on the overdue amount
payment of any part of the Purchase Price for the Property. Should the Applica on be denied for whatever reason, for delays corresponding to a month or frac on of a month. Late payment charges may be subject to change at the
the Seller shall reimburse all addi onal payments made by the Buyer, which were treated as addi onal Applica on or Seller's discre on, with wri en no ce/statement to the Buyer.
processing fees, without interest. On the other hand, all payments and fees from the Buyer shall be forfeited should 3.7. Bank Fees. For Applica ons with bank financing as payment mode, the Buyer shall be charged the
the Buyer withdraw his/her Applica on. corresponding bank fee to be paid prior to loan take-out.
1.7. Addi onal Documentary Requirements. Buyer shall, upon no ce from FLI, immediately submit addi onal 3.8. Processing / Re-documenta on Fees. Buyer understands that should he/she request for any change to this
documentary requirements within the period allo ed. Applica on or any contract in rela on to his/her account, the Seller shall be en tled to charge a processing fee.
1.8. Personal Capital Funds. The Buyer confirms that, unless otherwise indicated, he/she is using his/her exclusive Processing fee shall be at PHP5,000.00 per request and may be subject to change at the Seller's discre on, with
paraphernal/capital funds to acquire the Property and use of parking space/s appurtenant thereto. As used in these wri en no ce/statement to the Buyer.
Purchase Applica on Form ("Applica on" or "PAF"), the terms "Developer" and "Seller" shall refer to Filinvest Land, 3.9. Payments Made on Cancelled Account. Payments made on cancelled accounts shall not automa cally revive the
Inc. "Buyer" shall refer to the person/s, whether natural or judicial, applying for the purchase of a property from the account nor render the cancella on ineffec ve. The Buyer understands that the revival of a cancelled account shall
Seller. The term "Property" refers to the property/unit that the Buyer has offered to buy as indicated in this only be upon Applica on and through wri en confirma on from the Seller.
Applica on. Reference to the Terms and Condi ons in this Applica on shall be deemed to include the terms and 4. Statements / No ces / Advices
condi ons governing the following: Service Desk Telephone Hotline, Service Desk Online, and any and all 4.1. no ces and Announcements. The Buyer hereby authorizes the Seller to send, or cause to be sent by an
amendments thereto, and such other rules, regula ons, terms and condi ons as the Seller may issue from me to authorized third party, no ces and announcements to the Buyer as the Seller may deem proper, including without
me. limita on, informa on regarding the status of the Buyer's account, loan Applica on and details concerning the
2. Reserva on and Booking Buyer's approved/availed loan, via email, as well as broadcast messaging service, mul -media messaging service
2.1. Reserva on Fee. The reserva on fee is non-refundable. (MMS), short messaging service (SMS), and/or other modes of communica on. The Buyer also authorizes the Seller
2.2. Validity of the Applica on. This Applica on shall con nue to be valid only if the Buyer pays the reserva on fee to send such no ces or communica ons on the Account, to him/her and/or the designated a orney/s-in-fact below,
and first down payment on or before the due date. If no such payment is made, this Applica on is deemed who shall have full power and authority for these purposes, including the receipt of no ce of cancella on and no ce
automa cally cancelled and withdrawn without need of no ce and the Seller shall be free to sell the Property to any to vacate, as if it was the Buyer who received such communica ons or no ces. The Buyer agrees to indemnify and
interested party without incurring any liability to the Buyer. hold the Seller free and harmless against any loss, injury or damage that the Buyer may suffer in rela on to any
2.3. Inspec on and Acceptability of the Property. Prior to making this reserva on and applica on, the Buyer confirms no fica on/announcement sent by the Seller to the Buyer in the format stated herein. It is agreed and understood
that he/ she has inspected the Property, reviewed its plans and specifica ons, and verified its physical condi on, that unless and un l the Seller is in receipt of wri en no ce from the Buyer not to be sent such messages, the
including that of the immediate environment and locality, and found the same acceptable without any issue or Buyer's authority, as given herein, shall be deemed con nuing, valid and effec ve.
reserva on. 4.2. Correctness of Statements / no ces / Advices. Statements, no ces, or advices and all other communica on
2.4. Purchase Price. The purchase price is established principally as a lump sum amount based on the fair market addressed to the Buyer rela ng to his/her account shall be deemed correct unless the Seller receives wri en no ce
value of the Property and not on the basis of its measurement, dimension, or other specifica on. The purchase price to the contrary from the Buyer within ten (10) days from the date on which the statements, advice, confirma ons,
stated in this Applica on is understood to have been made at the lump sum purchase price stated in the Purchase communica ons, or other documents are mailed or delivered to the Buyer's address on record or otherwise made
Informa on Sheet. Thus, any discrepancy between the area of the unit actually delivered and the area indicated in available to him/her. In the absence of manifest error, the Seller's records in rela on to Buyer's Account/s shall be
the schedule of payment shall not serve to increase or decrease the lump sum purchase price. Accordingly, the Seller conclusive evidence with respect to Buyer's Account/s.
shall not be obliged to refund any amount of the purchase price due to price or area discrepancies. Moreover, should 4.3. Correctness of Address and Contact Details. Buyer warrants and represents that the home/billing/office/email
there be any discrepancy between the indicated unit model and the corresponding purchase price, the correct unit address and other contact details indicated in this Applica on are all true and correct. Buyer shall no fy the Seller of
model according to the Developer's effec ve price list corresponding to the agreed purchase price shall be followed. any change in his/her home/billing/office/email address or other contact details; otherwise, the Seller shall con nue
2.5. In-House Financing. For Applica ons with in-house financing as payment mode, the Buyer acknowledges that the to send any no ce, statement, or communica on to his/her home/billing/office/email address or contact details on
following terms and condi ons have all been explained to him/her in a clear manner in wri ng, and the Buyer record. The Seller shall not be responsible for the consequences of Buyer's inability to receive any no ce,
confirms to have understood and therefore expressly agrees to these items, among others: (a) purchase price; (b) the correspondence, or any type of communica on from the Seller as a result of Buyer's failure to mely no fy the Seller
payment scheme chosen/applied for; (c) the amounts credited as down payment;(d) the difference between the of any change thereto. Buyer agrees and acknowledges that any no ce, statement, or communica on sent to
purchase price and the down payment; (e) the charges to be paid in connec on with the transac on but are not his/her home/billing/office address/es on record or other contract details, as well as the loca on of the Property, if
incidental to the extension of credit; (f) the total amount to be financed; (g) the finance charges; and (h) the already turned-over to the Buyer, and received by any person residing thereat shall be deemed received by the Buyer
percentage that the finance bears to the total amount to be financed in a simple annual rate on the outstanding himself/herself and shall be considered as proof of receipt thereof that shall be binding upon the Buyer. Moreover,
unpaid balaance of the obliga on. The Buyer further agrees that should the Buyer choose to apply for bank financing sending of any no ce, statement, or communica on through Buyer's email address/es or other contact details on
and it is not granted by the bank for any reason, in-house financing shall automa cally be applied. record shall be valid receipt thereof as if such original no ce, statement, or communica on was received in person by
the Buyer.

4.4. Should the Buyer or his/her representa ve (a) refuse to receive any no ce, statement, or communica on, 8.1.3. It shall operate to discharge and relieve the Seller of any and all obliga ons, associa on/condominium dues,
Test, Futu, Qa Test ▪ Verde Spatial ▪ Building 1 ▪ Bp 133
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4.4. Should the Buyer or his/her representa ve (a) refuse to receive any no ce, statement, or communica on, 8.1.3. It shall operate to discharge and relieve the Seller of any and all obliga ons, associa on/condominium dues,
including a no ce of cancella on or no ce to vacate; or (b) not be found at the indicated home/billing/office real property tax, and other assessments accruing on the Property and from any responsibility, loss, damage, or injury
address/es a er three separate a empts on three separate dates on the part of the Seller to serve any no ce, to the Property.
statement, or communica on, the Buyer shall be deemed to have received the same if the Seller tenders a copy of 8.1.4. In the event that the Buyer is unable to or unjus fiably refuses to accept the Property within (30) calendar
such no ce or communica on on any occupant in the indicated address/es, or otherwise leaves a copy thereof at the days from the date for turn-over (Turn-Over Date) specified in the no ce from the Seller that the Property is ready
indicated address/es. for turnover, the Property shall be considered as construc vely turned-over to and accepted by the Buyer on such
5. Data Privacy, Disclosure and Informa on Processing Turn-Over Date.
5.1. Voluntary Disclosure and Consent. By signing this Applica on, the Buyer, whether in person or through his/her 8.1.5. The Buyer is deemed to have read, understood, and agreed with provisions of the Master Deed with
representa ves or assigns, voluntarily consents and submits their personal data and informa on, including those that Declara on of Restric ons (MDDR) or Declara on of Covenants, condi ons, and Restric ons (DCCR) or Deed of
are classified as "sensi ve" under the Data Privacy Act, to the Seller, in whatever form, whether physical, electronic, Restric ons (DOR), as the case may be, and other guidelines applicable to the Property and/or the project it pertains.
digital or audio recording, whether contained herein or in other suppor ng documents, correspondences, or 8.1.6. Should the Buyer fail to pay any real property taxes/assessments on the due date, the Seller shall have the op
communica ons. on, but not the obliga on, to advance payment of such taxes and assessments for the Buyer's account. Any such
pertaining to this Applica on and the purchase documents, and consents to the use, storage, disclosure, and advances shall be paid by the Buyer to the Seller upon demand with interest at the rate of 4% per month or a
processing thereof by the Seller, its affiliates, subsidiaries, officers, employees, agents, or such other authorized third frac on of a month, computed from the date the advance is made by the Seller un l the same is fully paid by the
par es engaged by the Seller, as well as the homeowners' associa on or the condominium corpora on for the project Buyer, and any such advance shall cons tute a lien on the Property from the date said advance is made, regardless
wherein the Property is situated, as may be applicable, and the property manager and/or building manager, and their of inscrip on or lack thereof.
respec ve agents or authorized representa ves, in connec on with any and all transac ons that may reasonably 8.1.7. In the event that the Buyer is considered in default in any way whatsoever as regards the Property, including
arise from or as an incident of the purchase of the Property, such as but not limited to: (i) fulfillment and facilita on of the payment of any dues or fees connected to it, the same shall cons tute as a ground to cut-off any and all of the
the purchase of the Property; (ii) transfer of tle over the Property upon confirma on that the purchase price has u li es on the Property (electricity, water, etc.), notwithstanding the turn-over of possession of the Property in favor
been fully paid; (iii) provision of alterna ve financing schemes for the purchase, par cularly sharing informa on to of the Buyer. In rela on to this, the Seller is hereby authorized to inform the u lity provider/s, the homeowners'
banks and financing ins tu on for this purpose; (iv) provision of such other related services intended for the benefit associa on or condominium corpora on, property or building manager/s, and/or their respec ve representa ves or
of the Buyer; (v) conduct of data analyses, adver sements, marke ng, demographics, contests, surveys and agents, about such event/ground and its right hereunder. The Buyer agrees to hold the Seller and the applicable
customer rela onship management; and (vi) fulfillment of any servicing to the Property required by law or contract to u lity provider/s, the homeowners' associa on or condominium corpora on, property or building managers, and their
be done by the Seller, its affiliates, subsidiaries, third party contractors or other authorized persons or en es, or by the representa ves or agents, free and harmless against any claim, ac on, or damage that he/she may suffer on
duly organized homeowners' associa on or condominium corpora on, as may be applicable, or its contractors, account of the cu ng off of said u lity connec on/s servicing the Property.
including but not limited to the property or building manager.This consent shall remain valid and effec ve as long as 8.1.8. Upon cancella on of the Buyer's account, the Buyer agrees to peacefully vacate and surrender the unit
the Buyer con nues to have an interest over the Property or un l any disputes involving the same have been immediately and voluntarily. The buyer’s failure or non-coopera on will result to the commencement of evic on
judicially resolved with finality, and for two (2) years therea er, without prejudice to any use, handling, disclosure, procedures, without prejudice to the rights of FLI to enter the property and remove personal proper es of the Buyer,
and processing that may have already been commenced or accomplished prior to any cancella on of the Buyer's as further specified below.
Account or his/her withdrawal of the Applica on. In this connec on, the Buyer, including his/her authorized 8.1.9. In case the right of the Buyer to possess the Unit terminates, whether due to a viola on of the terms of an
representa ves or assigns, agree to hold the Seller free and harmless against any liability in connec on with the early-move in program or account cancella on, the Buyer shall be responsible and agrees to pay for any and all
handling, use, disclosure, and processing of the disclosed personal informa on and sensi ve personal informa on, repair costs and expenses for any damage to or unreasonable wear and tear of the subject Unit, a er inspec on by
done in accordance with the Data Privacy Act.5.2. Recording of instruc ons and communica ons. The Buyer consents FLI. Such payment shall be made in full within fi een (15) calendar days from receipt of demand from FLI. If the
to the recording, storage, processing, and use of all telephone, SMS, MMS, email, or online instruc ons or Buyer is en tled to a refund of a cash surrender value (CSV) pursuant to the provisions of Republic Act No. 6552,
communica ons with the Seller, its employees, agents, representa ves, or its duly appointed service provider or otherwise known as the “Maceda Law,” the Buyer herein expressly agrees and consents to the deduc on and off-
contractor. Such recorded instruc ons or communica ons shall cons tute binding evidence of the Buyer's instruc ons se ng of the actual repair costs and expenses from the CSV prior to the release thereof. The Buyer expressly
or communica ons as if the same had been personally given to the Seller, its employees, agents, representa ves, recognizes and accepts that such deduc on and off-se ng is in considera on of his/her accommodated possession
service provider, or contractors. The Buyer agrees that such recorded instruc ons or communica ons or their and use of the Unit, independent from the sale considera on from which the CSV is based, and to the extent
transcrip ons may be used by the Seller or its service provider against the Buyer or any third party or replayed or permi ed by law, waives any right to the amounts deducted pursuant to this condi on.
communicated to any third party, for any purpose, including as evidence in any proceeding. The Buyer shall fully 8.1.10. In the event that the Applica on/Buyer's account is cancelled and the Buyer has abandoned physical
indemnify the Seller or its service provider against any loss, damage, or expense, including legal fees, that the Seller possession of the Property for a period of at least two (2) months and the period given by the Seller for the Buyer to
or its service provider may suffer or incur from so ac ng in accordance with or on the basis of such recorded surrender the Property to it has expired, the Seller is hereby authorized, without need of any prior no ce or further
instruc ons or communica ons. authority from the Buyer, the occupants in the Property, and/or any judicial ac on/order, to immediately adopt and
6. Default perform any and all measures and ac ons available to it under this Applica on and other related contracts and/or
6.1. Events of Default. Buyer shall be considered in default in any of the following events: laws. To this end, the Buyer hereby appoints the Seller and/or its authorized representa ves as the Buyer's
6.1.1. Buyer's account becomes delinquent when he/she fails to pay any of the following on or before the payment a orney/s-in-fact with full power and authority Page 6 of 9 Ver. 1 to fulfill the following purposes: (i) to enter and
due date: reserva on fee; down payment; any monthly amor za on payment dues, or such other dues or fees take possession of the Property by breaking the doors, locks, windows and/or any other item that is reasonable and
pursuant to this Applica on or the CTS, regardless of denomina on; necessary for said purpose; (ii) to remove and take possession of the Buyer's/occupant's effects, items, proper es, or
6.1.2. Buyer fails to comply with any of the Terms and Condi ons in this Applica on; belongings found inside the Property, and to hold and/or apply the same, whether thru disposi on or otherwise, for
6.1.3. The Seller receives informa on of any legal process against Buyer or Buyer's business/es, money/ies, any and all charges, accountabili es, or any kind of liability of the Buyer in connec on with the Property and this
property/ies, or asset/s; Applica on or the purchase thereof; (iii) to make the Property available for re-sale, occupancy, and/or lease; (iv) to
6.1.4. Buyer applies for voluntary relief or shall be the subject of involuntary relief under insolvency or other cut-off, disconnect, and/or reconnect any u lity line, or cause the same to be done, in the Property; (v) to prohibit
bankruptcy laws; Buyer/s and any person deriving any right from the Buyer/s, access to or use of the Property, or any premises or
6.1.5. The Seller has reasonable ground to believe that any informa on, representa on or warranty on the Buyer's facili es within the project of which the Property forms part or is located, and/or disallow any move-outs or
part in this Applica on was incorrect, misleading, or untrue at the me it was made, or has become incorrect or untrue disapprove any Applica on for gate pass/es without the full se lement of arrears, whether to be performed directly
at a later date, and the Seller was not mely advised of such change; by the Seller or through the homeowners' associa on or condominium corpora on, as the case may be.
6.1.6. Buyer is or becomes involved in alliga on involving con ngent or accrued liability which would materially and 8.1.11. Buyer, including any occupants of the Property, hereby release the Seller from any and all claims, damages,
adversely affect his/ her financial standing or ability to pay or perform his/ her obliga ons under this Applica on; or ac ons arising from the performance or exercise of its rights hereunder, including but not limited to the entering
6.1.7. Buyer is charged in a criminal suit or is or becomes under inves ga on by any competent government agency into and taking over any personal belongings in the Property.
for viola on of any law, regula on, or rule; 8.1.12. Notwithstanding the exercise of the Seller of its rights and remedies pursuant to the authori es granted in the
6.1.8. The Seller has reasonable ground to believe that the prospect of payment of Buyer's obliga on is impaired as preceding sec ons, the Buyer shall con nue to be liable for all applicable u lity charges, associa on dues, repairs,
shown by his/ her default in his/her other obliga ons to the Seller under any other credit accommoda on, the sale or and other fees and dues in connec on with the use, possession, and/or occupa on of the Property, prior to the re-
disposi on of any substan al por on of Buyer's asset/s or property/ies, which is not in the ordinary course of his/ her acquisi on thereof by the Seller.
business, Buyer's default in any of his/her obliga ons to the Seller's subsidiaries or affiliates, or Buyer's default in any 9. Authorized Representa ve / A orney-In-Fact (AIF)
of his/ her obliga ons to any third party/ies, or such other circumstances and condi ons that would materially and 9.1. An A orney-in-fact (AIF) of a Buyer, who is unavailable, to be recognized as such to represent the Buyer, in
adversely affect Buyer's financial standing or ability to perform his/her obliga ons under these Terms and Condi ons; connec on with this Applica on, shall have the following authori es, rights and obliga ons expressly s pulated in
6.1.9. Buyer's non-payment of u li es, telephone, cable, electric, water connec on, and deposits as well as the relevant special power of a orney for the AIF signed by the Buyer:
assessments, associa on/condominium dues, repair or maintenance fees and similar fees. 9.1.1. Accept the Property in accordance with Sec on 8 above;
6.1.10. Buyer has acted fraudulently or with gross negligence in the use of the Property resul ng in its damage or 9.1.2. Sign all necessary turn-over/acceptance documents;
use for an illegal or other unauthorized purpose. 9.1.3. Claim or receive all documents, no ces, including no ces of cancella on and no ces to vacate, statements,
7. Cancella on and communica ons pertaining to the purchase of or other incident involving the Property;
7.1. Cancella on of Applica on/Account. Without need of prior no ce or demand on the Buyer, the Seller can cancel 9.1.4. Act as Buyer's resident process agent in the Philippines to claim or receive any and all demand le ers,
this Applica on and forfeit all Buyer's payments as liquidated damages if any of the following events happen: summons and other legal processes, including no ces of cancella on of the sale of the Property, no ce to vacate,
7.1.1. The Buyer fails to pay the reserva on fee, down payment, or the equity payment or any part thereof, and/or and other no ces of any judicial and/ or extrajudicial ac on as well as any and all correspondence rela ve to the
the subsequent monthly amor za ons as they fall due, and/or any of the charges and expenses arising from this purchase of or incident rela ng to the Property.
transac on, including but not limited to, registra on, insurance, maintenance, and other miscellaneous fees. 9.1.5. Make account/contract adjustment, compromise, or other types of requests on behalf of the Buyer and in
7.1.2. The Buyer fails to submit the informa on or documents required by the Seller or Buyer fails to sign or return to connec on with the Property.
the Seller the documents pertaining or connected to this Applica on. 10. Homeowners' Associa on and the Condominium Corpora on
7.1.3. The Buyer withdraws or cancels this Applica on for any reason whatsoever. 10.1. Homeowners associa on or Condominium Corpora on Rules and Regula ons. The Buyer understands that
7.1.4. In case of payment through financing by any bank, the Home Development Mutual Fund (HDMF), or any he/she automa cally becomes a member of the Homeowners' associa on or Condominium Corpora on, as the case
other financing ins tu on, and such loan Applica on be declined by the financing ins tu on/s, the Buyer fails to may be, having jurisdic on over the Property, subject only to such rules, regula ons, restric ons, and requirements
secure a valid loan guarantee sufficient to cover the loan balance before the required due date as specified in the to perfect such membership s pulated in the relevant MDDR, DCCR, or DOR for the project of which the Property
payment schedule. forms part, including but not limited to the payment of membership dues which the Seller may opt to collect as part
7.1.5. The Buyer refuses to con nue with the sale under in-house financing a er the Seller offers the same rate and of the transac on and remit to the Homeowners' associa on or Condominium Corpora on. Accordingly, the Buyer
basic terms of the concerned bank as provided for under Sec on 2.5 above. shall therea er be bound by the rules and regula ons of the Homeowner's associa on or Condominium Corpora on,
7.1.6. The Buyer defaults on any obliga on or covenant in this Applica on. as the case maybe, including but not limited to, the payment of membership fees, dues, assessments and other fees
7.1.7. If the Property subject of this Applica on is a condotel unit, and the Buyer fails to submit the signed Rental (e.g., construc on or renova on bond) imposed by the applicable management body.
Pool Agreement within thirty (30) days from the date of submission of this Applica on Form or to pay the reserva on 10.2. Condotel Buyers. If the Property is a Condotel Unit, the Buyer undertakes that he/she conforms to the terms
fee. and condi ons s pulated in the Rental Pool Agreement and commits to pay the Fit-out Fund and Ini al Working
7.2. If for any reason the Property subject of this Applica on is no longer available for sale, the Seller may at its sole Capital in full prior to the turnover of his/her Property. The Seller shall impose monthly late payment charges as
op on cancel this Applica on and refund all payments the Buyer has made net of lawful deduc ons without any specified in the Rental Pool Agreement for the Fit-out Fund due and unpaid under this Applica on.
further liability, or to subs tute the Property with another property of comparable area and price under such terms to 11. General Provisions
be agreed upon between the Seller and the Buyer. 11.1. Binding Effect. By execu ng the Applica on, these Terms and condi ons shall bind the Buyer, his/her heirs,
7.3. In the event that the Buyer's account is cancelled and the Buyer has been deemed to have abandoned the executors and administrators, as well as his/her successors and assigns, tenants/lessees, and representa ves.
Property for a period of at least two (2) months, the Buyer hereby expressly consents and grants the Seller the power 11.2. En re Agreement. Except as expressly s pulated herein and subject to the execu on of other collateral
and authority to: (i) enter into the Property without need of further consent or approval for the purpose of re- implemen ng agreements, this Applica on cons tutes and embodies the en re agreement between the Buyer and
possessing the Property; and (ii) taking an inventory of and disposing of the items/personal belongings found therein, the Seller as regards the Property, and cancels and supersedes any and all previous contracts, understanding,
and applying said proceeds to any unpaid obliga on of the Buyer. In this connec on, the Buyer shall hold the Seller representa ons, or agreements between them. No verbal or wri en representa on, warranty, covenant, guaranty or
free and harmless against any and all reasonable acts done or performed to implement the foregoing authori es. contractual promise made by the Seller or its agents shall be deemed made to the Buyer, except those expressly
8. Turnover and Move-in contained in this Applica on or in other purchase documents signed by a duly authorized representa ve of the Seller.
8.1. Delivery and Turn-Over of the Property. The delivery to and acceptance of the Property, whether actual or Amendments, extensions, or altera ons to this Applica on shall be made only in wri ng duly signed by the Buyer
construc ve, in the manner discussed in Sec on 8.1.4 below, and/or Buyer's actual occupancy of the Property shall and the Seller's authorized representa ve.
cons tute full and absolute acceptance of the Property and shall have the following effects: 11.3. No Waiver of Rights. No failure or delay by the Seller in exercising any right, power, or remedy under this
8.1.1. It shall be conclusive proof that all the terms, condi ons, representa ons, warran es, and specifica ons with Applica on shall operate as a waiver thereof, nor shall any single or par al exercise of the same preclude any further
respect to Property have been complied with by the Seller to the Buyer's full sa sfac on. exercise thereof or the exercise of any other right, power, or remedy.
8.1.2. All risk of loss or damage to the Property and all obliga ons, including but not limited to, 11.4. Separability Clause. If at any me any provision of this Applica on is or becomes illegal, invalid, or
associa on/condominium membership fees, associa on/condominium dues, real property tax, assessments, unenforceable in any respect, the legality, validity, and enforceability of the remaining provisions of this Applica on
insurance, and other expenses accruing on the Property including any penal es or interests that may be imposed, shall not be affected or impaired.
shall automa cally be for Buyer's account from the date of delivery/acceptance. The Buyer’s failure to mely pay and 11.5. Governing Law. This Agreement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Philippine laws.
comply with its obliga ons hereunder may be a ground for the cancella on of the Buyer’s account. 11.6. Assignment. Buyer consents that the Seller may assign, cede, sell, or otherwise transfer part or all its rights
and/or obliga ons under this Account or this Applica on without need of prior no ce to Buyer or any further Buyer's
consent. On the other hand, Buyer may not sell, assign, or transfer any of his/her rights and obliga ons under this
Applica on, without the Seller's express wri en consent.

I/We, the undersigned Buyer/s, cer fy that I/We read, understand and agree to be bound by the terms and condi ons governing the purchase applica on embodied herein. In the event that my applica on qualifies for an on-going promo of the
Seller, I/We also confirm that I/We have read, understood, and agree to be subject to the specific terms and condi ons governing the applica on and availment of said promo.
I/We further a est to the completeness and correctness of the personal informa on provided in this Purchase Applica on Form. I/We warrant that all the personal informa on which were provided to the Seller for the purpose of this Applica on are
given voluntarily and/or with due consent/authority and shall con nue to be true, accurate, and correct, and I/We hereby undertake to directly and personally inform the Seller in wri ng of any changes in my/our personal informa on, such as but
not limited to name, address, and status. It is understood that the Seller shall have the right to solely rely on the informa on provided by me/us. Correspondingly, the Seller shall not be held responsible for any error in any ac on or documenta on
if the personal informa on given to the Seller turns out to be false or misleading. The Seller will not be responsible or liable for any failure by me/us to receive no ces or correspondences sent to any of my/our address/es stated herein.
I/We also warrant that the funds used and to be used in purchasing the Property were, and have been and will be obtained through legi mate means and do not and will not cons tute all or part of the proceeds of any unlawful ac vity under
applicable laws. I/We shall indemnify and hereby hold the Seller and its representa ves free and harmless from any incident, claim, ac on, or liability arising from or incidental to my/our breach of any of the warran es herein. In the event that
I/we ini ate a request to change my/our personal informa on on this Applica on, inclusive of my Spouse and Co-Owner's informa on, specifically on my/our name/s and/or ci zenship/s and/or change in financial schemes, change in monthly
amor za on, upgrade, downgrade, or any other changes which require a modifica on in the system and re-prin ng of the per nent documents, The Seller reserves the right impose re-documenta on or other fees applicable that may be derived
from the request.
By execu ng this Purchase Applica on Form, I am voluntarily sharing my personal informa on and consent to its collec on, use, storage, sharing, as expressly provided above, and all other forms of processing in connec on with the subject
purchase applica on, and related sales and marke ng ac vi es of the Seller, as well as such other collateral services indicated herein and in the Privacy Policy of the Filinvest Group that may be accessed at

Buyer's Name and Signature

Date Signed


Seller Name Seller Code Sales Country/Office

Test, Futu, Qa Test ▪ Verde Spatial ▪ Building 1 ▪ Bp 133

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