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plot development stages

Plot staging is divided into 3. Aristotle stated that a plot should have a beginning, middle, and
end. The following explanation can be given.
1. Tahap awal (beginning)
This stage can also be referred as the introduction stage, this stage contains
important information related to the stories in the next stage, the information
conveyed is in the form of introducing the setting (place names, natural atmosphere,
time of occurrence) and introducing the characters of the story. In this stage, the story
begins with certain events and ends with certain events without being bound by time.
By reading the vivid depiction of the setting, the reader can judge the author's
style, foresight, accuracy, and sensitivity to the circumstances of the setting described.
The initial stage in the form of character introduction will bring the reader to
immediately get acquainted with the identity of the characters. In addition, in the early
stages, the conflict has also been raised little by little. The problems faced by the
characters ignite conflicts and contradictions that will culminate in the middle of the

2. Tahap Tengah (middle)

The middle stage is also called the stage of contention which displays the
opposition and conflict that has begun to appear in the previous stage, becoming
increasingly tense. Conflicts can be internal conflicts, conflicts that occur within a
character, and external conflicts or conflicts that occur between characters in the
It is in this middle stage that the climax is shown. This middle section is the
longest and most important part of the work of fiction and is the heart of the story.

3. Tahap akhir (end)

This stage is also called the denouement stage, featuring a particular scene as a
result of the climax. In Aristotle's classical theory, the resolution of the story is
divided into two kinds of possibilities, those are happiness (happy end) or sadness
(sad end). In addition, there is an ending that still hangs, still raises question marks
and a sense of dissatisfaction for the reader.
There are two types of story resolution: closed resolution and open resolution.
Closed resolution refers to the final state of a story that has been completed in
accordance with the demands of the logic of the story being developed, while open
resolution is when the author gives the reader the opportunity to participate in
thinking and imagining the end of the story.

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