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fo 7 @ | Total no. of Health Care Facilities / Occupiers Bio-medical Waste Management ‘Annual Report - 2019 (Period 01.01.2019-31.12.2019) FormIV A ‘Name of the Organisation Name of the Nodal Officer with contact telephone number and e-mail Rajasthan State Pollution Control Board “P| Shri Vishnu Datt Purohit, 7023118809, bmw.rpcb@gmail 8100 —/ Bedded Hospitals and Nursing Homes (bedded) ser Clinics, dispensaries ~ 1131 a | Giiy | Veterinary institutions Fy 129 Fy aia oases ss ~ . (| Pathological laboratories 1146 z (i) Blood banks Tz ‘Clinical establishment SSS 0 ‘Research Institutions ae 1 z AYUSH 4 Total no. of beds 134090 ie ‘Status of authorisation “Total number of Occupiers applied for authorisation ) | Total number of Occupiers granted authorisation Toial number of application under consideration oe ‘Total number of applications rejected 3 “otal number of Occupiers in operation without applying for authorisation > | 888 [| Quantity of Bio-medical Waste Generation (in Ka/day) | i | | (please enclose District Wise Bio-medical Waste Generation as per Part-2) @ | Bio-medical waste generation by bedded host g/day) “| 19481919. Gil) | Bio-medical waste generation by non-bedded hospitals (in kg/day) 1140-749 a Gil) | Any other ai a oe ® @ @ “i o 0 «i «iy w ® o wo «iy ® 0 «i iy (19) iy iy w “ w wi) (ain ‘Monitoring Systems Bio-medical waste treatment and disposal By Captive bio-medical waste treatment and disposal by Health Care Facilites (please enclose details as per (Par-3) ties having captive treatment and Disposal facilities 847 ‘Number of Health Care Fe ies in kp/day 219765 ‘Total bio-medical waste treated and disposed by captive treatment fac Bio-medical waste treatment and disposal by Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilities (please enclose details asper Part 4) ‘Number of Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilites in Operation 08, ‘Number of Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilities under construction 7 “otal bio-medical wate treated in kg/day 16320877 ‘Total treated bio-medical waste disposed through authorised reeyclers (in Kp/day) 151 ‘Total no. of violation by 364 Health Care Fails (bedded and non-bedded) 361 Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilities 3 Others (please specify) ° ‘Show cause notice! direction issued to defauter 2573 Health Care Facilities (bedded and non-bedded) 2570 Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilites 3 ‘Others (please specify) ° Any other relevant information ‘Number of workshops /trsinings conducted during the year 4 ‘Number of occupiers installed liquid waste treatment facility 1 Number of captive incinerators complying othe norms 0 ‘Number of occupiers organised trainings 679 Number of occupiers constituted Bio-medicel Waste Management Committees m "Number of occupiers submited Annual Report for the previous calendar year 1809 [Number of occupiers practising pre-reatment of lab microbiology and Bio-technology waste: 1197 Number of Common Bio Medical Waste Treatment Facilities that have installed Continuous Online Emission 7 Es Part 2: Distriet-wise Bio-medical Waste Generation (for the previous calendar year 2019) SNe Name ofthe Site Existing Total bio-medical Union Teetory waste tecament capacity (Cot captive and CBMWT Phin ie Equipment Tova Tacinetlo: ‘Autoeave Deep Baral ‘Any other Rajasthan Barmer 761.375 Jalore 632.625 Pali 163.7 Sirohi 93.02 Baran 190 Thalawar 505 Kota 1190 Bundi 165; Bhilwara 7983 Rajsamand 304.7 Sikar 476.22 Thunjhunw 476.04 ‘Charu 3144 Jaipur 8275.5 Dausa 489.5 Todhpur 990.88 Taisalmer 132.75 Alwar 9295 Bharatpur BL Dholpur 262 Karauli 107 ‘Sawaimadhopur 21 ‘Ajmer 357.86 Nagaur 175 Tonk 198.94 Udaipur 52 Dungarpur 31 Chittorgarh iT Banswara 35.2 Pratapgarh 478 Hlanumangarh 358.5 Sriganganagar 315.2 Bikaner 4071 ities having captive treatment facilities (for the previous calendar Year 2019) Part 3 : Information on Health Care Fac 3 siya Wi Wass Generation png Toa aed Taine Capi aging] Toa No Tato Ra Bie] Whe | Toul] Teens] Autoln Dep burial [Any | medical vented ‘ike |" | 7 pain Core eat serrated "cies Cre kya ‘Katey el : ‘er Earal Ta ase onsen ase | ana |TraTIaS |e 7 ine Ton ¥ cae ci Ti mi vig ‘As por policy, the State Board is not allowing captive BMW treatment facilities where a common bio-medicat fhe deep burial pits are constructed ‘waste treatment facility is operating within the prescribed area. However, tl in rural areas where a common bio-medical waste treatment facility is not available. SE Part: Information on Common Bio-Medical Waste Treatment and Disp Facilities (or the previous calendar veut 200 S80 | Rane aad RSS GT OFT rs frame felis Commmtie” | trim | Soe | Wane ae Seer feos A | ores im Keay each Ta — [TS Tamms — PsP ‘oshe yeast | Lar ae ‘ed Sea Teeten | Lag 431853 5S Ghana Faipasn 53548001 ee Wen re ea inter Sore = ae ie, | 4 te [ree | a ‘A Quay oy a = | = Se Mserave Demet = eae “Shays : cen eet ries = = 2 a Tapa - Beas aE 7 —* Sans, = = oe a = et = ss cot oor Dees ima” lsat Fae foe ta — eens ——fs fre] en — fe = See —. [it = =, — — a cm, Suet: =e Tae | | eet row Se E- | Aweciex’—1-—-T $01 depos onal hn ee ee fe a eae = meee eee = cncaplion nny a a ae = ati :. mg oa Disp By = see = a a reas po swe ree 2 — foe to — EE eri = on i= = Sam = = pe} bee Doped | = | Beau | = - me Foe | met ‘od ovis | | ris Bipot ya Arn ‘ns sek aee a Es ana al ha Sean see (1am Lae os —" ‘amy ke spat Benes (toe ersuae | ea Depa ee i) ae ag [ET — EE Rownbaiseny ry ne ie ry on Sty =| erie = oe : Som aa Fa [175317 Tnieraios sper RBRO Smear fer | Te an == = a om = = ‘eae now ‘Riva Tap] ST | Bap ee | ed = x, loo | = $B re Pe SP | we fern “Ray Other sane = eo om em See | Sm = = @ w © @ Tus Naber of anpriation eles sd eet Bl-l Wate onda by he Common Bip waste TE {tof Healt Cae Facilities nt having membership wih the Common Do-Mediat Waste Tres ‘umber of trinngs organised bythe Common Dior Madical Wate Treatment Facil operators St [Number of Accidents repoced bythe Common Bio Medial Waste Tester Fale 00 ast nt Faces and nit having 2 nt acts: 72 ent oes!

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