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Import and Export in SCIA Engineer

IFC, Revit, Tekla, Etabs, ECtools, bim+, XML, DWG, DXF, VRML and other formats
Chapter 0

Contacts 7
Introduction to exchange of data 9
Import / export / update in SCIA Engineer 9

SCIA Engineer 11
SCIA Engineer 11

SCIA Engineer import 11

SCIA Engineer export 11

SCIA Engineer update 11

SCIA Engineer update dialogue 12

Toolbar 12

Preview window 12

Property window 13

Merge window 13

IFC 16
IFC file format extension 16

Shape representations 17

Supported elements 19

Export to Allplan 40

XML 42
XML 42

XML import 42

XML export 42

XML file editor 43

XML update 43

XML update example 44

Manual XML update 47

Automatic XML update 48

XML format description 54

Main characteristics, general information 54

Export 54

Adding a new table 57

Overriding the existing project 59

Creating a new project 60

Program ESA_XML 60

Description of SCIA Engineer XML format 61

COM interface 65

Graphical format 74
Graphic format 74

Export 74

Import 75


Graphic format export 76

Export and import of DXF, DWG and VRML 77

Export from the graphical window 77

Export from the picture gallery 78

Export from the Paperspace gallery 78

Import into the graphical window 79

Import into the Paperspace gallery 84

Import of a general cross-section 88

bim+ 91
Export to bim+ 91

Export from SCIA Engineer 91

Revit link 93
Revit link 93

Introduction 93

Installation and Revit link setup 94

Requirements for SCIA Engineer side 94

Requirements for the Revit Structure side 95

How to find the Revit link on web 95

How to find Revit link in setup 96

The process of installation 96

When the setup goes wrong 97

Analytical versus structural model 97

Revit link buttons on the bar, Export and Import, Mapping dialogues during Export 99

Chapter 0

The Revit link options 99

General and Numerical cross section 103

Mapping tables, mapping rules, dialogue options 104

Options 105

Mapping (tables, rules) 106

Options dialogue 112

Exporting the structure from Revit to SEN 118

Start export 118

Exporting foundations blocks - prerequisites 120

Example no.1 - someting is not exported to SCIA Engineer 122

Example no.2 - deleted member in Revit Structure (from build 244) 124

Import (update) the structure from SEN to Revit 126

Example no.1 - modification 128

Example no.2 - copy 130

Example no.3 – create a new opening in exported wall 131

Example no.4 – create new item 132

Example no.5 – deleted item in SCIA Engineer 133

Results from SCIA Engineer in Revit Structure 133

When something is not exported 134

This can be caused by several reasons: 134

First use of Revit link - example 138

Creating the model in Revit Structure 138

Using the Revit link 142

Importing in SCIA Engineer 149

Importing in Revit Structure 154

Modification of cross-section in SCIA Engineer 158

Adding elements in SCIA Engineer 161

Tekla 164
Tekla Structures interface 164

STEP Steel format 164

Tekla Structure COM plug-in 165

Tekla Structure API link 173

Mapping database editor 175

Interface with ETABS 176

Why and how to use? 176

What is better in SCIA Engineer? 176

Export 183

ECtools 188
ECtools 188

SDNF 189
SDNF Interface 189

Import 189

Export 192

DSTV 195
DSTV 195

DSTV import 195

DSTV export 196

StepSteel 197
StepSteel - analysis model 197

StepSteel - import of analysis model 197

StepSteel - export of analysis model 198

Available implementation levels 198

Section names 199

StepSteel - structural model 199

StepSteel - import of structural model 199

StepSteel - export of structural model 199

CEA Plant-4D 200

CEA Pland-4D 200

Mapping Database Editor 201

What is it? 201

Work with Editor 201

Basic window 202

Chapter 0

Database window 203

Examples of procedure 206


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Chapter 0

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SCIA Engineer 16.0

Introduction to exchange of data

Introduction to exchange of data

Practically every design of a construction is an iterative process of refining, reviewing, changing architectural, engineering or
building (fabrication) details. Therefore, a "roundtrip" solution, where a designer or detailer can start or edit the model at
any stage, is closest to reality and will lead to the shortest time between design and fabrication or building. Reverse engin-
eering reconstructs the design model from the CAD geometrical model, again an extra benefit.
"Roundtrip" engineering is drastically improving the design process; it is the most advanced implementation of Building
Information Modelling technology. Integrated open general CAE-CAD platforms provide customized solutions without the
necessity of dedicated programming. Ease of use and far going automation are key elements of the success.

Import / export / update in SCIA Engineer

Format or Program Import Export Update
SCIA Engineer ü ü ü
XML ü ü ü
IFC 2x3 ü ü ü
Revit ü ü ü
Graphic format (excluding DXF, DWG, VRML) ü ü ---
DXF, DWG, VRML ü ü ---
DSTV ü ü ---
ProSteel ü ü ü
StepSteel (analysis model) ü ü ---
StepSteel (structural model) ü ü ---
CEA Pland-4D --- ü ---
Tekla Structures ü ü ü
ETABS ü ü ---
SDNF ü ü ---
bim+ --- ü ---
Allplan (.ifc) --- ü ---

Chapter 1

In the program itself (SCIA Engineer), the functions are distributed over several different menus and tree menus:

l File > Import,

l File > Export,
l File > Update,
l service Structure > Drawing tools >Import DWG, DXF, VRML97 file,
l service Tools > XML,
l service Structure > Import ESA project.

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SCIA Engineer

SCIA Engineer

SCIA Engineer
SCIA Engineer enables the user to perform the import, export and update operations not only through "third-party format"
files, but also directly through the .ESA file (i.e. the "native" format of SCIA Engineer).
This capability opens the user new horizons. He/she can share data with the colleagues. He/she can add into the currently
processed project parts from older projects (and thus save considerable amount of time). The work on one large project can
be split among several users and the final model can be "glued" from several parts.

SCIA Engineer import

The procedure to import data from .ESA file

1. Open service Structure.

2. Start function Import ESA project.
3. Browse for the required input file.
4. Confirm the file.
5. Input the "point of insertion" for the imported data.

Note: Contrary to imports through other formats, this time the specified file is added to the
currently edited project.

SCIA Engineer export

The procedure to export data into .ESA file

1. Start menu function File >Export>New projectESA.

2. Specify the required output folder.
3. Type the name of the file (i.e. the base name without extension).
4. The Import/Export dialogue is opened on the screen.
5. Specify which types of data are to be exported (only geometric entities or the whole model).¨
6. Complete the export operation.

SCIA Engineer update

This function enables the user to exchange and share project data with colleagues who use SCIA Engineer as well.
The principle is simple. User A makes the first version of the project and sends it to the user B. User B continues with the pro-
ject and then returns it back to user A. Naturally, user A may have made some changes during this period too.
Now comes the time for SCIA Engineer and its Update function. This function compares the two projects and finds added,
deleted and modified entities. Everything is clearly summarised in a neat dialogue. Finally, it is the user’s turn again to decide
which variants are those to be kept for future work.

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Chapter 2

The procedure to import and compare the project processed by a third-party user

1. Open your version of the project.

2. Call function File > Update > ESA file.
3. Browse for the file with the version that should be compared.
4. The program reads the project file and opens the Update dialogue.
5. Decide which changes are to be accepted and which ones are to be declined.
6. Confirm with button [Accept].

SCIA Engineer update dialogue

The dialogue is a three-pane dialogue with a toolbar. The panes are:

l preview window,
l property window,
l merge window.

The control icons are mostly taken over from a standard SCIA Engineer graphical window. Therefore, their meaning will not
be discussed in detail here.

View parameters icons

These icons enable the user to adjust "what" and "how" should be displayed.

View-adjustment icons
These icons make it possible to set the view direction.

Zoom icons
These icons enable the user to zoom-in or -out the model.

Clipping box icons

These icons control the clipping box.

Special icons
Generate report This icon generates a report about the update.
Display original entities If ON, the original entities are displayed.
Display merged entities If ON, the merged entities are displayed.

Preview window
The Preview window is a standard graphical window used throughout SCIA Engineer.
The window supports standard features of SCIA Engineer graphical windows:
(i) pop-up menu with a set of zoom, print, save etc. functions,

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SCIA Engineer

(ii) [Ctrl] + [Shift] + right-click and drag to zoom in and out the drawing,
(iii) [Shift] + right-click and drag to move the drawing,
(iv) [Ctrl] + right-click and drag to rotate the drawing.
The window displays the two merged projects in one view.
Moreover, the entity currently selected in the merge window (see below) is highlighted in this window.

Property window
This window is linked to the Merge window. If a particular entity is selected in the Merge window, then the corresponding
properties are shown in the Property window. This is especially useful when the user has to track changes made in the two
variants of the project.

Merge window
This window lists all the entities that somehow do not coincide in the two projects that are being merged.
Added, deleted and changed entities are shown here. The user may select which changes are to be accepted and which
ones are to be ignored.
Individual groups (new, deleted, merged entities) will now be described in more details.

New entities
Accepting the group
By default, the check box at this item is selected (ticked). It means that new entities (as a group) will be accepted in the final
merged project. If you deselect this check box, no new entities will be considered by the update function at all.
Specifying the colour of thegroup
You may adjust the colour for the new entities. Simply click on the coloured box on the right-hand side of the "New entities"
line and then select the required colour.
Accepting individual items from the group
You may select which particular entity (or sub-group) from the "New entities" group should be accepted and which one
should be declined. Just mark (tick) or unmark (untick) the appropriate item. Please note that once you put cursor (click) on
a specific item, its properties are shown in the middle pane (property window) and the entity itself is highlighted in the pre-
view window.
Some items may be "grouped" in sub-groups such as load cases in the picture below. This enables you to decline (if
required) the whole subgroup by unmarking the corresponding sub-group check box.

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Chapter 2

Deleted entities
This is analogous to "New entities" described above.

Changes (Merged entities)

This part of the merge window lists all the entities that have different properties in the two compared projects. The list always
contains the "original" and the "merged" entity. The properties of both are shown in the property window (one by one – not
together). If you select (tick) a particular listed item, the changes made in the merged (second) project will be accepted. If
you do not select (unmark) a particular listed item, the original (the first project) will be preserved.

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SCIA Engineer

Note: The Update function can process geometric entities, load cases, loads, supports,
hinges, etc.

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Chapter 3


IFC file format extension

Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) is a universal open text file format which has a big importance in BIM (Building inform-
ation modelling) - both for vendors and their customers. This format allows for quick data exchange between different applic-
ations and thus it saves the precious time of engineers. SCIA Engineer supports the current release version IFC2x3 TC1,
model view definition: Coordination View 2.0. The range of supported entities is described in the following text.

IFCzip file format

SCIA Engineersupports both plain IFC and IFCzip for export and import. IFCzip file format is zipped plain IFC. The packing
and unpacking during export and import is done automatically by SCIA Engineer. During import it is automatically recog-
nized if it is the plain IFC or the zipped one. ,Therefore the same function is used for import of plain IFC and IFCzip.
Go to File > Import > IFC2x3.

Go to File > Export > IFC 2x3 Compressed.

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Shape representations
Each element which is graphically displayed has at least one shape representation. In SCIA Engineer only the first one is
taken into account during import. The main supported Solid model shape representation is following:

an area which is swept by extrusion along a curve.

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Chapter 3

a solid consisting from planar faces.

a result of Boolean operation between solid models.

a difference created between swept area solids.

a profile which is swept along a curve.

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a solid created by interpolation between two defined profiles.

defines mapped items, a copy of the same elements.

Supported elements

Building storeys
The current SCIA Engineer version fully supports export and import of building storeys. If storeys are defined in a project
then all members are assigned to the storey in which they are located. If a member is allocated in more storeys then it is
exported only to the first one. If a member is allocated to no storey, then it is assigned to the building itself. In case no storey
exists in the project, no building storey is exported to the IFC file and all members are assigned to the building.
During import to SCIA Engineer native storeys are generated using the elevations defined in the IFC file. If no elevation is
defined then storeys are generated using the placement defined in the IFC file. In case building storeys are mixed with
defined and non-defined elevations the result may be unexpected.

Line grid
Only circular and rectangular 2D line grid and rectangular 3D line grid are exported. The rectangular 3D line grid is exported
as a set of 2D line grids because the IFC file format does not support 3D grid. Import of line grids is not supported.

CAD layer
SCIA Engineer supports export and import of CAD layer for many elements. The following table says the rules:

SCIA Engineer element CAD layers

1D members (beams, columns) by definition in the project
2D member (walls, slabs) by definition in the project
1D reinforcement by layer of the 1D member

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Chapter 3

SCIA Engineer element CAD layers

2D reinforcement by layer of the 2D member
free bars by definition in the project
tendons by definition in the project
the first one defined in Layer man-
plates by layer of the 1D member
mechanical fasteners by layer of the 1D member

All elements mentioned in the table above are exported with coloured geometric presentation. The colour is by defined

If the material names in an IFC file are not in accordance with code names it is necessary to define a material conversion
table in the Import dialogue. For the first opening of a file with defined material table there is button [Choose file…]. For fol-
lowing modifications, button [Edit] is available. The file has *.con file extension and it is a plain text file, for example:
The first name is the name of material in the IFC file and the second name is code name of material which is used in SCIA
Engineer. It is necessary to respect all characters.

1D members
For export of beams and columns SCIA Engineersupports SweptSolid, Clipping, SectionedSpine representation and Brep.
For import SweptSolid, Clipping, Brep and CSG representations are supported. In the following table on the left side there
is a list of 1D member geometry shape in SCIA Engineer and on the right side a list of supported representations for the par-
ticular geometry shape.

1D member geometry shape Supported representations for export

straight prismatic beam SweptSolid or Brep
straight prismatic beam with defined structural shape Clipping or Brep
haunched and arbitrary beam Brep or SectionedSpine
curved beam Brep only

If a beam has a chamfer Ry or Rz defined in the structure model then the beam is exported
with Clipping representation.

The default rules for import of entities with different representations are the following:.

Supported representation for import Element in SCIA Engineer

SweptSolid native element which is possible to modified
native element with defined general structural
Brep general volumes
CSG general volumes

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The following table defines rules for export and import of 1D members with different CAD type.

import to
CAD type in SCIA Engineer exported to IFC SCIA
general IfcMember, object type member general
beam IfcBeam beam
column IfcColumn column
gable column IfcColumn column
secondary column IfcColumn column
rafter IfcMember, object type rafter rafter
purlin IfcMember, object type purlin purlin
wall bra-
roof bracing IfcMember, object type brace
wall bra-
wall bracing IfcMember, object type brace
girt IfcMember, object type member general
truss chord IfcMember, object type member general
truss diagonal IfcMember, object type member general
beam slab IfcMember, object type member general
plate rib IfcMember, object type member general
composite beam rib IfcMember, object type member general

Supported profiles
SCIA Engineer supports following IFC classes for profile definition:


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Chapter 3



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Parameterized profiles

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Chapter 3



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Chapter 3



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Chapter 3



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Chapter 3

Export of profiles
Following tables gives an overview how profiles from SCIA Engineer are exported.

Profile Library IFC class

Profile Library (I section): H, HD, HE, HEA, HEB, HEC, HEM, HG, HHD, HL, HM, HN, HP, HT, HW, IPE,ITM, M,
Profile Library (I section): I, INP, IPN, ISHB, ISJB, ISLB, ISMB, ISSC, ISWB, J, S IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
Profile Library (rectangular hollowed section): CFRH, F, HSS, J, MSH, QRO, RHS, RHSCF,RRK, RRO, RRW,
Profile Library (L section):HFLeq, HFLue, ISEA, ISUA,L, LA, LNPeq, LNPue, LS, RSEA, RSUA,UKA IfcLShapeProfileDef
Profile Library (circular hollowed section): CFCHS, CHS, CHSCF, HSS, LCHS, MSRR, PIPE, RO, ROR, Y IfcCircleHollowProfielDef
Profile Library (channel section): ISMCP, PFC, U(CH), UAP, UKPFC, UPE IfcUShapeProfileDef
Profile Library (channel section): C, CH, ISJC, ISLC, ISMC, MC, RSC, U, UE,UNP, UPN IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
Profile Library (T section): HEAT, HEBT, HEMT IPET, MT, TM, TN, TPS, TW, UBT, UCT, UKT, WT IfcTShapeProfileDef
ProfileLibrary (T section): ST, T, TB, TPB, TPH, IfcArbitraryProfileDef
Profile Library (rectangular section): BRFL, FL, FLA, FLB, KSN, S, VKT, IfcRectangleProfileDef
Profile Library (circular section): RD, RND IfcCircleProfileDef
Profile Library (asymmetrical I section): ASB, YPY IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef
Profile Library (cold-formed section):CFLeq, CFLue, KL, CFUeq, CFUue, KU, SADEFU, T(SSMA), CFZ, KZ,
CFOmega, KH, E, SADEFCP, SADEFZ, Z, A, B, MBA, MBB, S, SADEFS, C(HHM), MBC, SADEFSP, IfcArbitraryclosedProfileDef
Profile Library (cold-formed section): C(AISI), C(ICEC), C(MET), CFC, KC, S(SSMA), SADEFC, IfcCShapeProfile Def
Profile Library (cold-formed section):SADEFIP,SADEFISP IfcCompositeProfileDef
Profile Library (Z section): Z, ZNP IfcZShapeProfileDef
Profile Library (rail section): KSA, SA IfcCraneRailAShapeProfiledef
Profile Library (rail section): SF IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef

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Concrete profiles
rectangle, Ing, Tg, Lg, oval IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
circle IfcCircleProfileDef

Geometric Shapes
Ing IfcIShapeProfileDef
Igh, oval, Lg, X, Polygon IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
rectangle IfcRectangleProfileDef
circle IfcCircleProfiledef
Tg IfcTShapeProfileDef
Ug IfcUShapeProfileDef
Tube IfcCircleHollowProfileDef
Z IfcZShapeProfileDef
O IfcRectangleHolloeProfileDef
C IfcCShapeProfileDef
O asymmetric IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids

all sections IfcCompositeProfileDef

all except Polygon with hole IfcCompositeProfileDef
Polygon with hole IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids

all sections IfcCompositeProfileDef

all sections IfcCompositeProfileDef

Sheet welded
all sections IfcCompositeProfileDef

all sections IfcCompositeProfiledef

Thin-walled geometric
I, Angle, Channel, T, full rectangular, Asymmetric I, Rolled Z, Cold formed channel section, Cold formed C sec-
tion, Cold formed Z section

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Chapter 3

RHS, CHS, IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids
full circle IfcCircleProfileDef

Precast 1, Precast 3, Precast 4, Precast 5, Precast 7 IfcCompositeProfileDef
Precast 2, VSTI - Precast 6 IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef

Slab 1, Slab 2, Double T1, Double T2, Single T,Trough cross-section, Trough gider, V-girder, I, I-girder,
Haunched beam or slab
T with composite deck, Trough cross-sectioon with composite deck, Trough girder with composite deck, Trough
girder with concrete fill, V-girder with composite deck, V girder with concrete fill, I with composite deck, I-girder IfcCompositeProfileDef
with composite deck
Box girder, Twin box girder IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids

all sections IfcCompositeProfileDef

polygon, thin walled IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
polygon with opening IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids

Numerical profiles have no surface thus they cannot be supported for model view definition CV2.0.
Import of profiles
If the name of cross-section from Profile library is found then it is linked to the SCIA Engineer database automatically. The fol-
lowing table says the rules for import of profiles whose names are not recognized:

classes in IFC imported in SCIA Engineer as

IfcIShapeProfileDef (with fillet radius filled),
IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef (with inner and outer fillet radius), IfcLShapeProfileDef , General cross-section (polygon)
IfcTShapeProfileDef (with filet radius filled), IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef,
IfcCShapeProfileDef (with internal fillet radius filled),
IfcZShapeProfileDef (with filler and edge radius filled), IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef,
IfcIShapeProfileDef (fillet radius is zero) Geometric shapes - Ing
IfcCircleHollowProfileDef Geometric shapes - Tube
IfcUShapeProfileDef Geometric shapes - Ug
IfcTShapeProfileDef (fillet radius is zero) Geometric shapes - Tg
IfcRectangleProfileDef Geometric shapes - Rectangle

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classes in IFC imported in SCIA Engineer as

IfcCircleProfileDef Geometric shapes - Circle
IfcCShapeProfileDef (internal fillet radius is zero) Geometric shapes - C
IfcZShapeProfileDef (fillet and edge radius is zero) Geometric shapes - Z
IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef (inner and outer fillet radius is zero) Geometric shapes - O
General cross-section (thin-

1D member opening
All openings in 1D members are exported as IfcOpeningElement with a parametric or general profile. If the repetition is set
all openings are exported as separated objects. Mapped representation is not supported in the current version.
SCIA Engineer supports import of IfcOpeningElement with SweptSolid representation in 1D member with SweptSolid rep-
resentation as a native opening.

2D members
For export of straight and circular arc walls and flat plates SCIA Engineersupports SweptSolid representation and Brep.
Structural shape of 2D members is not taken in account for export with SweptSolid representation. Curved walls and shells
are exported always as Brep. For import SweptSolid, Clipping, Brep and CSG representation are supported. In the fol-
lowing table on the left side there is a list of shape representations in IFC file and on the right side a brief description of the
result in SCIA Engineer after import.

Shape representation result in SCIA Engineer

native flat plates and walls; analysis and struc-
tural shape are the same
native flat plates and walls; structural shape
includes the clipped shape
Brep general volumes
CSG general volumes

In the following table there is written a rule for object export and import:

export of 2D member of type IFC object import to SCIA Engineer as

wall (rectangular, 4 edged) IfcWallStandardCase wall
plate, shell, non-rectangular wall IfcSlab plate
general volume IfcWall wall

Openings and subregions

Openings and subregions are exported as IfcOpeningElement of type opening or recess. The subregion thickness has to
be lower than the thickness of the main slab/wall. In case the subregion is thicker than the slab/wall, the subregion is not
taken in account and the model is exported without the subregion.
All IfcOpeningElement defined with SweptSolid representation in flat walls and slabs are imported correctly as native SCIA
Engineer openings or subregions. If opening elements are defined as Brep no opening is imported in the analysis shape but
in most cases the opening should be included in general structural shape.
When the opening in 2D member is modelled as cut-out no opening element is exported. It means for SweptSolid rep-
resentation an entire input member is exported (without cut-outs), for Brep the correct shape (with cut-outs) is exported.

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Chapter 3

Steel connection parts

SCIA Engineer supports export of flat steel connection parts, cleats and stiffeners to IFC like independent plates (IfcPlate),
an information about a weld (IfcFastener entity) and bolts (IfcMechanicalFastener entity). Each plate has assigned a mater-
ial which is defined in SCIA Engineer. Plates are exported as Sweptsolid or Brep whereas bolts only as Brep. All bolts in a
bolt assembly are defined as mapped items.
List of plates:
top, bottom and diagonal stiffeners,
end , buckling and base plates,
web doubler,
flange wideners, etc.

Concrete reinforcement
The default export of concrete reinforcement and free bars is by means of AdvancedSweptSolid representation. In case
user selects export as Brep all reinforcement is exported with boundary representation.

1D zone concrete reinforcement is exported with overlapped anchorage. It can cause a

problem during import to some other application. Work around for this case is to explode
the reinforcement into free bars.

Concrete 1D member reinforcement and free bars are always exported as IfcReinforcingBar. Free bars which have
defined a repetition and stirrups are exported as one reinforcing bar with mapped items. Reinforcement 2D is always expor-
ted as IfcReinforcingMesh.
Both IfcReinforcingBar and IfcReinforcingMesh defined with AdvancedSweptSolid representation are imported into SCIA
Engineer as free bars. If the reinforcing bar or mesh have defined mapped items, all mapped items with the same geometry
and distances are imported as a free bar with correct repetition. If reinforcing bar or mesh is defined as Brep then they are
imported only as general volumes.

Internal and free tendons can be exported as AdvancedSweptSolid or Brep. For import as native SCIA Engineer element
only AdvancedSweptSolid representation is supported. Tendon with Brep is imported as a general volume.

In IFC it is not possible to defined neither the number of tendon elements in a tendon nor
the number of tendons in a group. The diameter of tendon is taken from Prestressing
strand material properties. As a result, each tendon is exported with the calculated dia-
meter from the sum of the number of tendon elements in the tendon and the number of ten-
dons in the group, but during import only the diameter which is in the material properties is
taken in account (i.e. the diameter of a tendon element).

Supports of type Foundation pad are exported into IFC file as IfcFooting element. The supported representation is only
Brep. All footings are imported to SCIA Engineer as general volumes.

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SCIA Engineer supports export of defined attributes from service Attributes for 1D and 2D members, reinforcement, ten-
dons and footings. All attributes are exported as a property set named "User defined". Import of user defined property set is
not supported.

BIM properties
BIM properties is a new functionality which is switched on as default after IFC file import. If it is ON a new group BIM prop-
erties is shown in 1D and 2D member properties and in a general volume properties. It has two main parts. The first one is
advanced options for export of particular elements. The other one is a subgroup Attributes.

The advanced export options are different for different elements, e.g. Profile item is only for straight 1D members with
SweptSolid geometry. The element is exported using the setting in the BIM properties instead of by rules defined in the
export dialogue. If the value is set to default it means the element is exported by rules defined in the export dialogue.
ShapeRepresetation - a selection of shape representation for a particular entity which has to be exported with different
representation than it is set in export dialogue.
Profile - a selection of a way how the profile is exported. The particular beam is exported with profile type which is defined in
BIM properties instead of the global setting in the export dialogue.
IFC Entity - an option for changing object type, e.g. shell is exported as Ifcslab by default but a user wants to export it as
One of a way how to give different additional information of an entity in IFC file format is to attach “PropertySet”.“Common
Property Set” means a set of properties for particular entities which are defined in IFC2x3 specification. The name of set is
given as Pset_*Common where * is an entity for which the set is defined, e.g. Pset_BeamCommon for beams.SCIA Engin-
eer supports “Common Property Set” for all 1D members exported as IfcBeam, IfcMember or IfcColumn, all 2D members
exported as IfcWallStandardCase of IfcSlab and all general volumes exported as IfcWall.

Import dialogue
SCIA Engineer offers few options how to import an IFC model. A user can choose which objects will be imported and how.
In this chapter all options of import are described.

- 35 -
Chapter 3

Import entities
1D members - if ON all beams (IfcBeam), members (IfcMember) and columns (IfcColumn) are imported. If OFF no beam,
member or column is imported.
2D members - if ON all walls (IfcWallStandardCase and IfcWall) and slabs (IfcSlab) are imported. If OFF no wall or slab is
Reinforcement - if ON all reinforcement (IfcReinforcingBar and IfcReinforcingMesh) is imported. If OFF no reinforcement
is imported.
Tendons - if ON all tendons (IfcTendon) are imported according to setting in Tendons group. If OFF the group Tendons is
disabled and no tendon is imported.
Others - if ON all other objects (IfcFooting, IfcMechanicalFastener, IfcPlate, etc.) which are usually imported as general
volumes are imported. If OFF no other object than they are mentioned above are imported.
as internal - all IfcTendon elements defined in IFC file are imported as SCIA Engineer native internal tendons.
as free - all IfcTendon elements defined in IFC file are imported as SCIA Engineer native free tendons.
Import storeys - if ON all building storeys (IfcBuildingStorey) are imported as SCIA Engineer storeys. If OFF no storey is
as members - all supported members with SweptSolid representation are imported as SCIA Engineer native objects.
as reference model - all objects are imported as general volumes.
Analysis shape only - if ON all elements are imported without clipping. If OFF a full structural shape of model is imported.
Creating of structural shape can take a lot of time. This option is recommended if a user need only model for analysis.
Run member recognizer - if ON after importing of IFC file on background a member recognizer is run and all supported
members (beams, columns, walls and slabs) which are imported as general volumes the recognizer tries to convert into nat-
ive elements. After conversion a report with a result is shown.

- 36 -

Material table
See explained above.
National code
As IFC file does not specify any code it is necessary to select it before the import. An actual adjusted code is displayed with a
national flag. If you want to change it press the button [Change...].
Import procedure
After confirmation of the Ifc Import Options dialogue a progress bar with number of total elements and already imported ele-
ments is shown.

At the end a report of import is displayed.

On the left side there is a list of imported objects with their quantity. On the right side there is a place for errors and noti-
fications if they are any.

Export dialog
SCIA Engineer offers several options how to export model to IFC file. A user can choose which objects will be exported and
how. In this chapter all options of export are described.

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Chapter 3

Project settings
View definition - SCIA Engineer currently supports only Coordination View.
Units - an option for setting a unit for length, the most common used units for export are millimetres.
Export entities
1D members - if ON all beams and columns are exported to IFC file. If OFF no beam or column is exported.
2D members - if ON all walls, plates and shells are exported to IFC file. If OFF no wall, plate or shell is exported.
General volumes - if ON all general volumes are exported to IFC file. If OFF no general volumes is exported.
Steel connections - if ON all steel connection plates and bolts are exported to IFC file. If OFF no steel connection parts or
bolts are exported.
Stiffeners - if ON all beam stiffeners are exported to IFC file. If OFF no stiffener is exported.
1D reinforcement - if ON 1D member reinforcing bars and free bars are exported to IFC file. If OFF no reinforcing bar or
free bar is exported.
2D reinforcement - if ON 2D member reinforcement is exported to IFC file. If OFF no reinforcing mesh is exported.
Tendons - if ON internal and free tendons are exported to IFC file. If OFF no tendon is exported.
Foundation pads - if ON all foundation pads are exported to IFC file. If OFF no foundation pad is exported.
Attributes - if ON IFC attributes (common property sets) and SCIA Engineer attributes are exported to IFC file. If OFF no
attribute is exported.
Line grids - if ON all line grids defined in the project are exported to IFC file. If OFF no line grid is exported.
1D members
Sweptsolid - all straight prismatic beams are exported with a profile and its extrusion. If possible, the profile is exported as
parametric one.
SweptSolid, not using parametric profiles - all straight prismatic beams are exported with a profile and its extrusion. All
parametric profile are exported as closed arbitrary one.
Brep - all beams are exported as faced solids where no information about profile and length is.

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Use "SectionedSpine" representation - if ON all haunched and arbitrary members are exported as solids interpolated
between two defined profiles. If OFF all haunched and arbitrary profile are exported as Brep.

SectionedSpine representation is not included in Coordination View 2.0.

2D members
SweptSolid - all 2D members are exported with their geometry and thickness.
Brep - all 2D members are exported as faced solids where no information about member dimensions is.
1D reinforcement
SweptSolid - all 1D member concrete reinforcement and free bars are exported with AdvancedSweptSolid rep-
Brep - all 1D reinforcing bars and free bars are exported as faced solids where no information about diameter and dis-
tances between bars is.
2D reinforcement
SweptSolid - all 2D member concrete reinforcement is exported with AdvancedSweptSolid representation.
Brep - all 2D reinforcement is exported as faced solids where no information about diameter and distances between bars is.
SweptSolid - all internal and free tendons are exported with AdvancedSweptSolid representation.
Brep - all internal and free tendons are exported as faced solids where no information about diameter and distances
between bars is.
Export procedure
After a confirmation of Ifc Export Options dialog a progress bar with number of already exported elements is shown.

At the end a report of export is displayed.

- 39 -
Chapter 3

On the left side there is a list of exported objects with their quantity. On the right side there is a place for errors and noti-
fications if they are any.

Export to Allplan
It allows the users to export an IFC file with predefined settings for Allplan. SCIA Engineer allows export of a model to Allplan
via IFC file since version 15.2. The exported file is a plain IFC which is exported according to Allplan user needs.
Go to SCIA Engineer menu File > Export > Allplan (.ifc)

- 40 -

A file name has to be specified and after the export to IFC file IFC export report dialog is shown.

- 41 -
Chapter 4


SCIA Engineer allows for the exchange of data with third-party applications through the popular and powerful XML format.
Moreover, XML format can be used to develop tailor-made applications that use SCIA Engineer as a "hidden" engine work-
ing on the background and performing calculations of company-specific problems.

Note: The aim of this text is to present the principles of XML interface. The full explanation
of all features and all capabilities of XML import/export/update would occupy dozens and
maybe even hundreds of pages and exceeds the extent and scope of this text. Users who
are interested in the application of XML interface in their practice are kindly asked to contact
the help-desk of SCIA Company. SCIA specialists will be happy to give concrete piece of
advice that could help solve the particular problem of your company.

XML import
The procedure to import data from XML file

1. Start menu function File > Import >XML file.

2. Browse for the required .xml file.
3. Confirm the selection of the file.
4. If required by the import procedure, specify the national standard to be used.
5. Finish the import.

Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into

XML export
The procedure to export data into XML file

1. Use the tree menu to start function Tools > XML.

2. XML file editor is opened on the screen. Before it is opened, the program may ask you to select the default XML document
template. You may select one or just close the dialogue without choosing anything. If you want to export the whole struc-
ture into a XML file, it is convenient to select the default.TDX template.
3. In the XML file editor define the structure of the XML document.
4. Use icon Export on the toolbar to export the created document into a XML file.
5. Close the XML file editor.

Note: Please remember that the order of SCIA Engineer entities stored in the exported
XML file must guarantee that all the references are made to entities stored earlier in the file.

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It means, for example, that materials must come before cross-sections, cross-sections and
nodes must come before 1D members, load cases must come before load case com-
binations, etc.

XML file editor

The XML file editor is very similar to the Document of SCIA Engineer. The principle is that the user defines tables describing
individual entities of the SCIA Engineer projects and there order. This table- form can be easily previewed (it is in fact
identical to the standard SCIA Engineer document). When ready, the final XML file contents can be transformed into the
real XML format through the Export function.
The dialogue contains the following parts:

XML document selection Selects the required XML document if more than one document has been created.

button to open the XML Opens the XML document manager where you can create new documents or delete the exist-
document manager ing ones. It is a standard SCIA Engineer database manager.

XML file contents window This window shows the contents and structure of the currently edited document. This is ana-
logous to the document tree window.

property window Displays parameters related to currently selected item in the XML file contents window. This is
analogous to the document property window.

icon toolbar Contains buttons (icons) that perform various actions. The toolbar is identical with the Docu-
ment window toolbar.

control buttons There are two control buttons:

[New] – adds a new item to the XML file contents window.

[Close] – closes the XML file editor.

action button There is just one action button – it refreshes the preview window of the XML file editor.

preview window Displays the currently edited XML file in table-form.

XML update
The procedure to update the project through XML file

1. Open in SCIA Engineer the project to-be-updated.

2. Call function File > Update >XML file.
3. Browse for the file to-be-merged.

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Chapter 4

4. Confirm the selection of the file.

5. The project in SCIA Engineer is updated by the data read from the file.

Note: For more information on the update function read chapter XML update example.

XML update example

Let us have a project named Cantilever.esa with a simple cantilever beam of a circular cross-section.

The dimensions of the cross-section are defined through two parameters: Diameter and Thickness.

Both the parameters are of type Cross-section length (Css length) and their initial values are 200 mm and 5 mm.

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Now we have to open the XML file editor (tree menu function Tools > XML).
There we have to create a new "XML document" containing the table of defined parameters.
To do so, we add the table Libraries > Parameters.

The inserted table looks like this:

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Chapter 4

The created XML document must be exported into XML file. This can be achieved through function Export (available on the
toolbar of the preview window in the XML file editor).
The generated XML file (named CantileverParameters.xml) looks like:

XML file Comment

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes" ?>


<defuri="CantileverParameters.xml.def" />

-<container id="{5C62EA11-86D4-11D4-B3AB-00104BC3B531}"t="EP_Parameters.EP_Para-

-<table id="B4DDEC1E-5869-4B8C-8B4B-1A8C07B76699"t="EP_Parameters.EP_Param.1">


<h0t="Name" />

<h1t="UniqueID" />

<h2t="Type" />

<h3t="Evaluation" />

<h4t="Use range" />

<h5t="Value" />

-<obj id="1"nm="Diameter"> Parameter Diameter

<p0v="Diameter" />

<p1v="{FDD9298F-1A51-406B-9887-8C9302981A47}" />

<p2v="11"t="Css length" />

<p3v="0"t="Value" />

<p4v="0" />

-<p5 t="">


<h0t="Real" />

- 46 -


-<row id="0">

<p0v="0.2" /> value = 0.2 m



-<obj id="2"nm="Thicknes"> Parameter Thick-
<p0v="Thicknes" />

<p1v="{9E8E662D-4B12-43EE-8A56-A33948D079A1}" />

<p2v="11"t="Css length" />

<p3v="0"t="Value" />

<p4v="0" />

-<p5 t="">


<h0t="Real" />


-<row id="0">

<p0v="0.005" />
value = 0.005 m





We will not explain the meaning of every single line of the XML document. The example above demonstrates the structure of
the XML file and shows the way the two parameters from our example are stored.

Note: When the export function is invoked, the XML file editor generates in fact two files:
XML file and the corresponding definition file (DEF file). For example, if the name of the
XML file is MyFile.XML, the name of the definition file is MyFile.xml.DEF. Briefly said, the
definition file contains the definition of all the characteristics that are referred to in the XML

Manual XML update

And now, we may demonstrate the principle of the XML update function. Let us assume that we have a tool that can read
and modify the XML file. Using this tool we can change the value of the parameters in the XML file. Let us assume that the
value of the Diameter was changed to 0.8 m.

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Chapter 4

Note: Later we will show how exactly this can be done. For the time being, let us take it for
granted that the tool changed the XML file and modified parameter Diameter.

Let us go back to SCIA Engineer where our original project is still open. Call function File > Update > XML file and browse for
our modified file.
The program updates the data of the project (in our example - the values of the parameters) and we can see the result on
the screen. The tube has increased its diameter four times.

Automatic XML update

Now, let us return to the idea of an external tool that is capable of modifying the XML file.
Probably every engineering office uses a kind of spreadsheet processor such as MS EXCEL. Taking into account the fact
that the Microsoft’s product is probably the most widespread tool available in the market, we will use it in our example.

List of operations carried out by the EXCEL application

The EXCEL "application" will do the following operations:

1. it will take our input of the diameter and thickness of the cross-section,
2. it will generate the appropriate XML file,
3. it will open the SCIA Engineer project with the cantilever in question,
4. it will update the cross-section using the values from the generated XML file,
5. it will perform the calculation,
6. it will generate output document containing the calculated deformation of the cantilever,
7. it will import this document into the EXCEL sheet,
8. it will show the vertical displacement of the free end of the cantilever directly in the EXCEL sheet.

Note: The EXCEL application could naturally display also other results. In the interests of
brevity, clarity, and comprehension, we will deal in our example just this single result value.

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We will prepare a VBA script (run from a XLS sheet) that will perform all the described operations. SCIA Engineer as a cal-
culation engine will be running "somewhere" on the background. The user won’t even spot it on the screen and will be able
to think that the EXCEL sheet itself does everything.

To start with, we have to pre-prepare something in SCIA Engineer.

First, we have to generate the .XML "template" file and the corresponding .DEF file. This was already done earlier in our
example and we can simply take the produced .XML file. Unless we decide to use different folder (different then SCIA Engin-
eer project folder) for our EXCEL application, we do not have to bother about the .DEF file. It will be in the right place by
Second, we have to create a document in our SCIA Engineer project. The document must contain the table with calculated
nodal displacements. The project must be then saved.

Let us now start MS EXCEL, create a new document and define two sheets. Let us name them "Table" and "XML". The first
one (Table) will be our "User interface", i.e. it will be the sheet that will be used by the user. The other one (XML) will be used
as an auxiliary sheet to hold the contents of the XML file we have to generate (Please note that there are other possibilities
(in terms of programming techniques) to store the contents of the XML-file-to-be-generated that may prove more efficient
in terms of speed for large projects with large XML files. Our example is quite a simple one and we may afford to store the
data in the sheet).

Design the "Table" sheet as in the figure:

- 49 -
Chapter 4

You can see that the sheet takes two values as input (the blue cells B17 and B18) and displays one value as output (the yel-
low cell B25). The sheet contains a simple illustrative picture (scanned from SCIA Engineer) and a button that starts all the
operations listed above.

The second sheet holds the contents of the XML file that is needed for the XML update functionality of SCIA Engineer.

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The XML content is in the second column (B). The first column (A) is almost(!) empty. It just contains letters "d" and "t" in
rows where the values of the diameter and thickness are stored. This arrangement was selected with regard to the
algorithm programmed in our sample VBA script. The simplest way to fill in this "XML" sheet is to open the exported Canti-
leverParameters.xml file in a simple text editor, remove all blank lines and copy+paste it to the second column of the "XML"
sheet. The blank lines have been removed to allow for a very simple VBA script.

- 51 -
Chapter 4

Now we have to define the procedure that is triggered by clicking the button [Recalculate] from the "Table" sheet. The pro-
cedure may look like:

Private SubRecalculate_Click()
' Open XML file for writing
Dimfs, f
Setfs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Setf = fs.CreateTextFile("E:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xml",True)
' we assume that the data are stored in folder E:\SCIA\EsaData
' Generate XML file using the two input values
SomethingToWrite =True
mystring = Worksheets("XML").Cells(i, 2).Value
Ifmystring <> ""Then
IfWorksheets("XML").Cells(i, 1).Value = "d"Then
' this line stores the value of the diameter
mystring = " <p0 v=""" & Str(Worksheets("Table").Cells(17, 2).Value / 1000) & """/>"
End If
IfWorksheets("XML").Cells(i, 1).Value = "t"Then
' this line stores the value of the thickness
mystring = " <p0 v=""" & Str(Worksheets("Table").Cells(18, 2).Value / 1000) & """/>"
End If
f.WriteLine (mystring)
SomethingToWrite =False
End If
Loop WhileSomethingToWrite =True
'Invoke the update of the project +
' Run the calculation+
' Export the document into XLS file

- 52 -

Shell ("D:\ESA\Esa_XML.exe LIN E:\SCIA\EsaData\Cantilever.esa E:\EsaData\SCIA\CantileverParameters.xml /tHTML

'SCIA Engineerinstalled in folder D:\ESA
' project file stored in fodler E:\SCIA\EsaData
' XML file generated to folder E:\SCIA\EsaData
'File Esa_XML.exeis an integral part ofSCIA Engineerinstallation
' Parameters of "SHELL" command
' D:\ESA\Esa_XML.exe= location ofEsa_XML.exe
' LIN= linear calculation
' E:\SCIA\EsaData\Cantilever.esa= original project file
' E:\EsaData\SCIA\CantileverParameters.xml= XML file for the update function
' /tHTML /oE:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls= export the document stored inside the project file as HTML file with
location and nameE:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls

Application.Wait (Now + TimeValue("0:00:15"))

'wait in orderto guarantee thatSCIA Engineercompletes the calculationbefore the control of the operation is returned to the
VBA script
'Read result into XLS sheet+
' Insert the result value into the appropriate cell of the "Table" sheet
DimmyresultAs Variant
Workbooks.Open Filename:="E:\SCIA\EsaData\CantileverParameters.xls"
myresult = Sheets("CantileverParameters").Cells(8, 5).Value
'Cell (8,5) of the "document file" contains the required vertical displacement
'to find out this, you have to open the generated XLS file manually (only once) and note down the cell coordinates
Worksheets("Table").Cells(25, 2).Value = myresult

End Sub

Now we can start playing with the EXCEL application. Just type the two input parameters, click button [Recalculate] and
(after a few seconds) you can see the vertical displacement shown in the "Deflection" cell.

Note: Please, consider this chapter to be only a brief introduction to the XML update and
contact SCIA support team for more information and/or guidance.

- 53 -
Chapter 5

XML format description

Main characteristics, general information
A general text format XML has been developed for program SCIA Engineer. This format can be used to obtain easily the
information about project input data or calculation results. It is a matter-of-course, that the format provides for the modi-
fication of ESA projects and even for the creation of a new ESA project including recording of a new structure and additional
This can be achieved not only by means of the text file in XML format, but also through the programming language that sup-
ports COM interface (C++, Visual Basic).
What is advantageous is that, following the established rules, the user can define his personal format. He can very simply,
using an interactive graphical environment, select which data will be stored in the final text file and in what order.
Another interesting feature - useful mainly for programmers of extension modules – is that one can define his own data struc-
tures in the SCIA Engineer database and process these data using the XML format.

All preprocessor data such as material, cross-sections, geometry, model, load, etc. and also all postprocessor data such as
calculation results, etc. can be exported into XML format.
If I want to perform the XML export, first of all I have to exploit interactive tools to create the output format. I must specify
which data groups, which particular values and in what order will be needed in the output file. I can create an arbitrary num-
ber of such formats for the given project and I can store them as templates into files on a disk and also transfer them into
other projects.
Only when I have prepared the output format, the recording into the selected XML file can be performed.
The procedure is as follows.
Select item Tools / XML in the tree menu.

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If no output format has yet been defined in the project, program offers the option to load it from a file on the disk. A template
in file Default.tdx is distributed with the installation of SCIA Engineer. Selection of this file can save a lot of effort needed for
production of standard outputs, that consists of basic input data of a structure.
Of course, if I already prepared a template, I can use it. I may also decide not to accept any template and to produce the out-
put format myself from the scratch.
The definition of output format can be performed in the XML dialogue.

- 55 -
Chapter 5

The combo box in the top left corner enables you to select individual formats. The “three-dot” button opens a dialogue for
processing of individual formats (creation of a new one, removal of existing one, copying, etc.)
Another control in this dialogue is the tree showing the order of data groups or tables. The tree is editable. One can select
tables, delete or move them, etc. Button [New] located below the tree adds a new table.
The other button [Close] closes the whole XML dialogue.
Below the New and Close buttons, there is the property dialogue. Table properties such as name, visibility, etc. can be
edited here.
Also Filter is a very interesting feature. It can reduce the number of displayed lines in the table.
The right-hand side of the dialogue contains a field where tables are shown with all the information that is later stored into
the XML file.

- 56 -
Example: Part of XLM file

As stated above, it is possible to say which particular values and in what order will be present in the output.

Adding a new table

In order to insert a new table, press button [New]. It opens New document item dialogue.
In order to add the required item, just select it and confirm with button [<<<Add]. The item / items are added at the end of the
list. Alternatively, mouse’s Drag and Drop feature can be used to add the required item to the list in the XML dialogue.
Procedure to edit the table
Place the mouse cursor over the table header and click the right button.

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Chapter 5

In the displayed pop-up menu select item Table composer.

Table composer dialogue is opened. It contains two trees. The top tree contains all the table properties that can be user for
The bottom tree then shows the properties that will be displayed in the table. This tree can be edited (delete, move, add). A
new item can be added from the top tree using Drag and Drop feature.

Once the dialogue is closed the edited table is changed immediately.

ATTENTION: It is possible that some properties have no meaning for the current state of
he project and therefore, they are not displayed in the table.

When the output format contains all the data we need, we can proceed to the very creation of XML file.

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Use icon Export on the toolbar – circled red in the picture below.
A dialogue is opened where you can input the file name, output coding of the text file (unicode) and you can say that the file
should be opened once generated.

Overriding the existing project

XML file can also be used to change the data of currently opened SCIA Engineer project. The standard procedure for this
task is:

l create the output XML format – using the procedure given above
l create the XML file
l edit the XML file manually or through a special program
l load the modified XML file back to SCIA Engineer

Generation of XML file and modification of project data can be made interactively using commands of the program or it can
be made via program exploiting the functions of COM interface.
In this chapter we will see the interactive procedures. The information about the other approach can be found in the chapter
on COM program interface.
The syntax of XML format and a guide how to find the information in it will be presented in chapter 6 focusing on the descrip-
tion of XML format.
Overriding of the existing file can be done using function File/Update/XML file.

When this command is activated, a dialogue for the selection of XML file is opened.
Once the file is opened, the project data are changed in the following way:

l the modifications are performed in the same order as they are read
l an object that is not present in the project is added as a new object

- 59 -
Chapter 5

l object that referred to in the data, must already exist in the project or must be created before the object that uses the ref-
erence to this object

If a first error occurs in the XML file, the action is stopped and the project is restored to the status in which it was before the
action started.
An error may occur due to:

l invalid XML syntax

l the file does not contain the required arrangement of XML tags and elements
l the rules for references to another ESA object are not met

Creating a new project

XML file can also be used to create a new project. Procedure and rules are similar to those for the modification of the project.
There are only a few differences.

l all objects are created as new ones

l before reading starts, object for units and material (according to the selected code) are automatically prepared
l objects of material cannot be created as new ones, en read-error occurs
l unless the XML contains the object with project data, it is automatically made using the default settings
l object that is referred to in the data, must be created before the object that uses the reference to this object
l all objects that are referred to (except materials) must have been created using the XML file

Import is run through menu command File/Import/XML file

Once the command is run, a XML selection dialogue is opened.

Program ESA_XML
It is executable from another program, that is capable of using XML file to modify ESA project data and obtain outputs in vari-
ous formats.
It is a command line program and is able to perform the following tasks.

l open the existing ESA project

l read the given XML format and use its data to override the project
l perform the given type of calculation
l regenerate the existing document in the ESA project and export it into the selected format (HTML,TXT,PDF,RTF,ESA).
In case of several documents, one can specify the name of the document, otherwise the current document is used.
l regenerate the existing output XML format and use it to generate XML file. If there are more then one output formats in
the project, it is possible to select the format by name.

Command line parameters:

- 60 -
1. calculation type (LIN, NEL, etc.)
If text CMD is input, it is possible to perform arbitrary number of actions within one run of the program.
The second parameter is the name of text file, where each line has the same syntax as the whole program and
leads to opening of one file (sub-levels are not allowed in CMD).
2. input ESA project (file name including path)
3. input XML file (file name including path) – optional parameter
Switches – starting with ‘/’ or ‘-‘ character

/t output file type: TXT, HTML, PDF, RTF

if not stated, the output file type is set to ESA
/l log file name
output file name, the extension must be specified by used according to the selected
output file type
if not stated, no output is performed
/x name of output XML file
if not stated, no output is performed
name of document from which the output is performed, if not stated, the current
document is used
/m name of output XML format, if not stated, the current one is used

ESA_XML LIN E:\mydir\test.esa E:\mydir\test.xml /tHTML /oD:\listr\test.htm /xD:\listr\test.xml
Multiple output
If we want to make several outputs for one calculation, we have to use the following syntax for switches (o, x, d, m).
The first character after the switch sign must be ‘#’, which is followed by several correct texts separated by ‘,’ (comma) or ‘;’
If sign ‘#’ is used, it must be present at both switches for output from document (o, d), or at both switches for output into XML
(n, m).
Example: two XML outputs
ESA_XML LIN E:\mydir\test.esa E:\mydir\test.xml /x#D:\listr\test1.xml, D:\listr\test2.xml /m#F1,F2

Description of SCIA Engineer XML format

The data exchange format SCIA Engineer XML complies with the specification that is available on the server of W3C con-
For better understanding of the following text we recommend studying the basic properties of XML language. Czech user
may find it interesting to study thee course at
Text format XML belongs to markup languages. Important parts of the document are marked by special marks. In XML ter-
minology the individual marked parts of the document are called elements. The elements may be embedded one into
another (we may say structured sub-levelled) and thus maintain the structure of the information stored in the document.
Each element can hold other embedded data called attributes.
ESA PF format is attribute-oriented, which means that all data are stored in attributes. Elements are used only to structure
the data.

- 61 -
Chapter 5

Two files with different contents and different syntax are created during XML export.
First one has extension XML and contains the project data.
Second one uses extension DEF and this is the definition file. This file describes the structure of the data file and its present is
necessary for reloading of data. One can say that this file tells ESA how to read the information stored in the data file.

ATTENTION: All values in XML file are given in basic SI units.

Structure of data
The structure of data in XML file in fact reflects the structure of database of the SCIA Engineer program.
All data are covered by one object named ‘project’.
In data file this is the element marked by tags: <project> … </project>
In the definition file this is the element marked by tags: <def_project> … </def_project>
It contains:
- one element named <def> which holds the information about the definition file
example: <def uri="myoutput.xml.def" />
- any number of data groups marked container
The container is a set of objects of the same type.
In data file this is the element marked by tags: <container id=“{??????}“> … </container>
or by the old notation: <container_??????> … </container_??????>
Both variants are equivalent.
In the definition file this is the element marked by tags: <def_container> … </def_container>
The container has an important attribute id that gives the identification in SCIA Engineer database.
Example: container of nodes in the data file
<container id=“{39A7F468- A0D4- 4DFF- 8E5C-
5843E1807D13}“ >
<container_39A7F468-A0D4-4DFF-8E5C-5843E1807D13 >
in the definition file
<def_ container id=" {39A7F468- A0D4- 4DFF- 8E5C-
The previous chapter describes the way the XML format is created. One of the tools described was Table composer show-
ing all properties or values that the object can display. The user could create his own format from these properties. And it is
just the table that is the image of such created output format. In its definition part that table specifies which properties and in
what order will be included into the XML file or – respectively – in what order they will be read.
Any number of such tables can be prepared for one container and, therefore, they must be marked somehow.
In data file this is the element marked by tags: <table id=“??????“> … </table>
or by the old notation: <table_??????> … </table_??????>
Both variants are equivalent.

- 62 -
In the definition file this is the element marked by tags: <def_table> … </def_table>
Plus there is one specialty here.
If the identification of a table in the data file is set to “default”, then the first definition of the table for the given container is
used for reading. It simplifies the notation because in 99 cases out of 100 just one table is defined for the container.
An object is the basic element in SCIA Engineer database. For example, it is material, cross-section, node, beam, plate, etc.
It is identified by a name or by an internal database identificator. In XML the identification by name if of highest priority. Id is
not obligatory and is taken into account only if the name has not been defined or if the name is invalid.
In appears only in data file and it is the element marked by tags: <obj> … </obj>
Its attributes are:

l ‘id’ – optional internal database identificator

l ‘nm’ – object name

A few notes with regards to name:

The name is a text and as a rule there should not be more objects of the same name in one container. If this happens and
the name is used in reference, the first object of that name is used. The length of the name is not limited. It is however advis-
able – for the sake of understandability – not to use names longer than 8 characters.
Properties are defined in the definition file. It happens during the definition of the table.
These elements are marked by tags: <def_property> … </def_property>
x – specifies the order in the table, starts with zero and in the data file the corresponding property is marked by tag: <px>
… </px>

Example: property with index 28 <p28> …. /<p28>

name – name
type – variable type
id – identification of the property in the database, used for write operation
Example: definition of text property at position zero
<def_ property x="0" name="Project" type="string"
id="{EDA4B5A7-8A80-11D4-A414-000000000000}" />
Variable types
text value, in data file written in attribute „v“
Example: <p0 v="Standard" />
Boolean value YES/NO , attribute „v“ can be 0 or 1
Example: <p3 v="0" />
enumeration type, can only be of value defined in the definition file in the element marked by tag: <def_
enum> … </def_enum>
Example: enum declaration in definition file
<def_property x="1" name="Shape" type="enum" id="
<def_enum size="5">

- 63 -
Chapter 5

<it_enum v="0" t="Line" />

<it_enum v="1" t="Arc" />
<it_enum v="2" t="Parabolic arc" />
<it_enum v="3" t="Bezier curve" />
<it_enum v="4" t="Spline" />
Example: property of enum type in the data file
<p1 v="1" t="Arc" />
The value in attribute „v“ is obligatory. Attribute „t“ is optional comment.
integer value, the value is in attribute „v“
parametric value. It is in fact a value that can be parameterised. SCIA Engineer database contains a special con-
tainer storing parameters and if a property of “param” type refers to one of these objects, then it reads and takes
its value. If it refers to none, then it has normal constant value defined in attribute „v“. The value in attribute „n“ is
obligatory and defines the internal identification of the object in the database.
Example: a value referring to parameter „Xx“, the value of the parameter is 10, in this case it is informative inform-
<p1 v="10" i="5" n="Xx" />

l "ref" – a reference to another object in the database, reference to any object in the specified container is
assumed. The value in attribute „n“ is obligatory and defines the name of object. Attribute „i“ is optional and
specifies internal identification of the object in the database.

example: the definition of property of reference type, it will refer to an object in the container of nodes
<def_ property x="2" name="Beg. node" type="ref"
<def_ ref id=" {39A7F468- A0D4- 4DFF- 8E5C-
5843E1807D13}" progid="EP_ DSG_ Elements.EP_
StructNode.1" />
example: property of reference type in data file, refers to the node named „N3“
<p2 i="3" n="N3" />

l "real" - floating point number, , value is in attribute „v“

l "real2" – two floating point numbers, values are in attributes „v1“ and „v2“

example: <p10 v1=”11.345” v2=”1.435e5”>

l "real3" – three floating point numbers, values are in attributes „v1“ , „v2“ , „v3“

l "table" – embedded table. If the structure of object data is so complex that it cannot be expressed in above
discussed types, the final solution is an embedded table. It may contain all described types excluding the
table type. This means that subsequent embedding of tables is not allowed.

The internal table is defined in the definition file similarly to the definition of a standard table. An example will
explain it best.
Example: a table with five values
<def_ property x="3" name="Lines" type="table"
<def_subtable size="5" type="vertical">
<def_property x="0" name="Name" type-
e="string" id=" {AABC5619- C776- 41DC-
83FE-26DAF0F4A948}" />
<def_ property x="1" name="Material"
type="ref" id=" {B231C204- 6CB8- 4165-

- 64 -
<def_ ref id=" {77705284- EEB9- 11D4-
B450-00104BC3B531}" progid="EP_Mater-
ial.EP_Material.1" />
<def_ property x="2" name="Id" type-
e="integer" id=" {997A99EA- 61DB- 455E-
A415-13483EA42D1C}" />
<def_ property x="3" name="Length"
type="param" id=" {948BDEE1- AF48-
4B0F-892D-89A701325C9B}" />
<def_property x="4" name="Rolled sec-
tion" type="string" id=" {4C40D82E-
B88B-4C86-93D1-51D93D836361}" />
The syntax in the data file is a bit more complex. Every line is enclosed in the element that is tagged <row> …
This element has a single compulsory parameter „id“ that identifies the line of the table.
Example: two lines of a table defined in the previous example
<p3 t="My beams">
<row id="0">
<p0 v="L1" />
<p1 i="10" n="S 235" />
<p2 v=“111“ />
<p3 v=“332.1“ />
<p4 v=“HEB300“ />
<row id="1">
<p0 v="L2" />
<p1 i="11" n="B15" />
<p2 v=“112“ />
<p3 v=“2.8“ />
<p4 v="U160" />

COM interface
This chapter is intended for programmers who will create extension (add-on) modules for SCIA Engineer.
Any programming language that supports COM objects can be utilised. So far the feature was tested with Visual C++ and
Visual Basic.
Functions will be written using the syntax of IDL language.
The interface is put directly into two libraries.
It is stored in module EP_XmlProject_09.dll.
It contains objects and functions for the initialisation of SCIA Engineer environment and function for handling the ESA pro-
These are the following objects and their interface:

Object CLSID_ EPX_App

Interface EPX_App - initialises some important services of the program, such as module protection,
languages, etc.
interface IEPX_App : IDispatch
[id(1)] HRESULT Initialize([in]long flag,[out-
]long *bOk);
// initialises the environment

- 65 -
Chapter 5

// flag – type of initialisation, currently

the only correct value is 0
//bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id(2] HRESULT Close();
//closes the environment

Object CLSID_EPX_Project
Interface IEPX_Project – handles file „.esa“, such as open project, close project, create project, run
calculation, etc.
interface IEPX_Project : IDispatch
[id(1)] HRESULT Initialize([in]BSTR TempDir);
// initialisation, must be performed every
time after the creation of an object
// TempDir – path to the folder where project
temporary data will be stored, NULL adjust the
path to the temporary folder of ESA
[id(2)] HRESULT New([out] long *bOk);
// creates a new empty project
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id (3)] HRESULT Open ([in]BSTR fileName, [out]
long *bOk);
// opens a saved project from the disk
// fileName – filename including the path
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id(4)] HRESULT Save([out] long *bOk);
// saves the opened project into a file on
the disk, cannot be used for a new project
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id(5)] HRESULT SaveAs([in]BSTR fileName, [out]
long *bOk);
// saves the opened project into a file on
the disk under given name, the only way to save a
new project
// fileName - filename including the path
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id(6)] HRESULT Close();
// closes the project
[propget, id (7)] HRESULT ErrorMessage ([out,
retval] BSTR *pVal);
// returns the text of last generated error
if the return value of any flag was equal to 1
// pVal – error text
[propget, id (8)] HRESULT DataServer ([out,
retval] IEPX_DataServer* *pVal);
// returns D object, the object is necessary
for a direct reading and writing of project data
// pVal – interface of data server
[id(9)] HRESULT Calculate([in]BSTR type, [out]
long *bOk);
// runs the calculation
// type – calculation type
LIN – linear
NEL – nonlinear
CSS – calculates the characteristics of all

- 66 -
[id(10)] HRESULT Output([in]BSTR type,[in]BSTR
fileName,[in]BSTR nameDoc,[out]long *bOk);
// performs the output of the document that
is created in project data
// type – file type
TXT - ASCI file
HTML – file (HyperText Markup Language)
PDF – file(Acrobat reader)
RTF – file(Rich Text Format)
XML – file(eXtensible Markup Language)
// fileName – name of the file into which the
output will be performed
// nameDoc – name of the document that will
be used for the output, if no name is given,
empty text or NULL, the default document is used
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[propget, id (11)] HRESULT FileName ([out,
retval] BSTR *pVal);
// returns the current name of the project
// pVal – project name
[id(12)] HRESULT RemoveResults();
// deletes the result s of the calculation
[id (13)] HRESULT UpdateFromXmlFile ([in]BSTR
xmlFile,[out]long *bOk);
// reads XML file in SCIA Engineer format and
uses its contents to modify the data of the pro-
// xmlFile -name of XMLfile
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id (14)] HRESULT NewFromXmlFile ([in]BSTR
xmlFile,[out]long *bOk);
// reads XML file in SCIA Engineer format and
uses its contents to create a new project
// xmlFile -name of XMLfile
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
[id(15)} HRESULT DlgLibManager([in]BSTR CoId);
// opens the container dialogue of library
type. If the container is not of library type,
nothing happens.
// the information if the container is of
this type can be found in the definition file
// element „def_ containr“ attribute „lib“
value „yes“
// e.g. materials, cross- sections, bolts,
Located in module EP_XmlExchange_09.dll.
It contains objects and functions providing for direct handling of SCIA Engineer project database. In this chapter it will be
referred to as Data server and abbreviation DS will be used.
These are the following objects and their interface:

Object CLSID_ EPX_DataServer

Interface IEPX_DataServer – system functions that configure DS,
interface IEPX_DataServer : IUnknown
[propget] HRESULT DsHandler ([out, retval]
IUnknown* *pVal);

- 67 -
Chapter 5

// returns an object of the internal database

that is used by developers of SCIA Engineer pro-
HRESULT ConnectDsHandler ([in] IUnknown*
// connects an object of the internal data-
HRESULT DisconnectDsHandler();
// disconnects an object of the internal data-
[propput] HRESULT Event ([in] IEPX_ Event*
[propput] HRESULT EventDOM([in] IEPX_EventDOM*
// connects interface to obtain messages
about changes to DS
only one type can be registered
// details – see description of interface
IEPX_Event and IEPX_EventDOM
[propput] HRESULT EventFilter ([in] VARIANT
// it is possible to limit the amount of date
that will bi end through IEPX_Event.
// newVal – list of Ids of containers whose
changes will be registered in event
IUnknown* = DOM
BSTR = text
XML node under the following specification
<container_ F9013B7B- A5F6- 4813- A986-
1A699173F690 />
[propget] HRESULT ErrorMessage ([out, retval]
BSTR *pVal);
// returns an error message
// pVal – error text
HRESULT RefreshEvent();
// this function enforces sending of an event
Interface IEPX_Event – receives the information about changes in DS in text format
interface IEPX_Event : IUnknown
HRESULT OnPreUpdate (IUnknown *ds,BSTR New,BSTR
Modif,BSTR Delete);
// the message is sent prior to changes to
DS, it is still possible to perform changes to DS
// ds –DS object
// the message is sent after the changes to
DS has been made, it is forbidden to perform
changes to DS
// New = list of new objects
// Modif = list of changed objects
// Delete = list of deleted objects
// the list is in this format
<container_ F9013B7B- A5F6- 4813- A986-
<obj id="5" nm=“AA“ />
<obj id="8" nm=“BB“ />
<container_ F9013B7B- A5F6- 4813- A986-

- 68 -
Interface IEPX_EventDOM – receives the information about changes in DS in the format of DOM
Function interfaces have the same functionality as in interface IEPX_Event, the only difference is that the information is
stored in DOM object.
interface IEPX_EventDOM : IUnknown
HRESULT OnPreUpdate (IUnknown *ds,IUnknown
*New,IUnknown *Modif,IUnknown *Delete);
HRESULT OnPostUpdate (IUnknown *New,IUnknown
*Modif,IUnknown *Delete);
Interface IEPX_Handler – function providing for direct reading and writing from and into ESA data-
interface IEPX_Handler : IUnknown
HRESULT putDefinitionURL ([in]BSTR url, [in]long
bRewrite,[out]long *bOk);
// reading of definition file
// url – name of definition file
// bRewrite – determines whether the pre-
viously read definition should be overwritten
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
HRESULT putDefinition([in]BSTR src,[in]long bRe-
write,[out]long *bOk);
// reading the definition from text
HRESULT putDefinitionDOM ([in]IUnknown *src,
[in]long bRewrite,[out]long *bOk);
// reading the definition from DOM object
HRESULT getBuffer([out]IEPX_Buffer **pVal);
// takes data from the stack for writing,
there is just one the object of the stack
// pVal – return the object of the stack
HRESULT putBuffer ([out]BSTR *res, [out]long
// writes the contents of the stack into DS
// res – text, returns the information about
new objects
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
HRESULT putBufferDOM ([out]IUnknown* *res, [out-
]long *bOk);
// writes the contents of the stack into DS
// res – DOM, returns the information about
new objects
// bOk – Boolean return value, can be 0 or 1
// information about new entities is in this
<container_ F9013B7B- A5F6- 4813- A986-
<obj id="10" temp="-5" nm="A1"/>
</container_ F9013B7B- A5F6- 4813- A986-
HRESULT getContainer ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]VARIANT tabId, [out]BSTR *pVal);// returns
information about the whole container
// conId – container identificator
// tabId – table identification
// pVal – final information, text in XML
format, the of the main element is list_obj
VT_BSTR – text, attribute id in table defin-

- 69 -
Chapter 5

If the text is in XML format (begins with

character ‘<’), the final XML is formatted accord-
ing to the list of properties, see format list_
<pid id=" {27C6E231- AE20- 487a- A920-
VT_DISPATCH- DOMDocument – as list_propid
NULL , or empty list_propid , only a list of
container objects is created, without properties
HRESULT getContainerDOM ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]VARIANT tabId,[out]IUnknown* *pVal);
/ / the difference is that the result is DOM
HRESULT getProperties ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]VARIANT tabId, [in]long ObjId, [out]BSTR
HRESULT getPropertiesDOM ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]VARIANT tabId, [in]long ObjId,
[out]IUnknown* *pVal);
HRESULT getPropertiesNm ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]VARIANT tabId, [in]BSTR ObjNm, [out]BSTR
HRESULT getPropertiesNmDOM ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]VARIANT tabId, [in]BSTR ObjNm, [out]IUnknown*
// all functions getProperties return list of
properties of the defined object
// functions that have „Nm“ in the name text
identify the object only by its name, other func-
tions identify by object number
// functions ending with DOM return the res-
ult in an object, other return it as text
// main element’s name is list_prop
// conId – container identifier
// tabId – table identifier, format explained
in previous function
// ObjNm,ObjId – object identifier
// pVal – result value
HRESULT getProperty ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId, [in]long ObjId, [in]short i, [out]BSTR
HRESULT getPropertyDOM([in]GUID *conId,[in]BSTR
tabId, [in]long ObjId, [in]short i,
[out]IUnknown* *pVal);
HRESULT getPropertyNm ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId, [in]BSTR ObjNm, [in]short i, [out]BSTR
HRESULT getPropertyNmDOM ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]BSTR tabId, [in]BSTR ObjNm, [in]short i, [out-
]IUnknown* *pVal);
// all functions getProperty return the value
of one property
// functions that have „Nm“ in the name text
identify the object only by its name, other func-
tions identify by object number
// functions ending with DOM return the res-
ult in an object, other return it as text
// conId – container identifier
// tabId – table identifier, format explained
in previous function
// ObjNm,ObjId – object identifier
// i – index of property in the table
// pVal – result value
HRESULT getObjCLSID ([in]GUID *conId, [in]long
ObjId,[out]GUID *pVal);

- 70 -
HRESULT getObjCLSIDNm ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
ObjNm,[out]GUID *pVal);
// returns CLSID of the object
Interface IEPX_VB_Handler – this interface is optimised for use in Visual Basic and its function
have the same functionality as functions in IEPX_Handler interface
Interface IEPX_Buffer – functions provide for management of stack of changes
interface IEPX_Buffer : IUnknown
HRESULT putProjectURL([in]BSTR prjfile,[in]long
HRESULT putProject ([in]BSTR projectList,
[in]long action);
HRESULT putProjectDOM ([in]IUnknown* pro-
jectList,[in]long action);
// reads data from XML that is in the format
created by ESA during the export to XML
// main element, must be „projeck“
// action – 0 performs the following action,
objects are overwritten, new ones are created,
the rest remains as is
// - 1the same as above, BUT objects that
aro not to be changed will be deleted, valid only
for containers stored in the input XML, the rest
remains as is
// - 2everything that does not have the iden-
tification by name is added as new, number ref-
erences must refer to existing entities only
HRESULT objDelete([in]GUID *conId,[in]long Id);
HRESULT objDeleteNm ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
// deletes object
// conId – container identifier
// Id- object identifier
// Nm – object name
HRESULT objNew ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR tabId,
[in]BSTR propList,[out]long *tempId);
HRESULT objNewDOM ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]IUnknown *propList,[out]long *tempId);
HRESULT objNewNm ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]BSTR propList,[in]BSTR Nm);
HRESULT objNewNmDOM ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]IUnknown *propList,[in]BSTR Nm);
// creates a new object and writes into it
values read from the element „list_prop“
<p0 v="Hello"/>
<p1 v="world"/>
// conId – container identifier
// tabId – table identifier
// propList – initialisation values
// tempId – temporary identifier, can be used
in identification of reference within one filling
of the stack
// Nm – name for the new object
HRESULT objRewrite ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]long ObjId,[in]BSTR propList);
HRESULT objRewriteDOM ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]long ObjId,[in]IUnknown *propList);
HRESULT objRewriteNm ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]BSTR Nm,[in]BSTR propList);
HRESULT objRewriteNmDOM ([in]GUID *conId,
[in]BSTR tabId, [in]BSTR Nm, [in]IUnknown
// rewrites data in the existing object
// conId – container identifier

- 71 -
Chapter 5

// tabId - table identifier

// propList – new values, main element must
be „list_prop“
// ObjId- object identifier
// Nm – object name
HRESULT conRewrite ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]BSTR objList);
HRESULT conRewriteDOM ([in]GUID *conId, [in]BSTR
tabId,[in]IUnknown *objList);
// rewrites data in specified objects of the
// conId – container identifier
// tabId - table identifier
// propList – new values, main element must
be „list_obj“
<obj nm=”ABC”><p0 v="Hello "/><p1
objects can be identified by both name and ID
Interface IEPX_VB_Buffer – this interface is optimised for use in Visual Basic and its function have
the same functionality as functions in IEPX_Buffer interface
Object CLSID_ EPX_BufferDOM
Interface IEPX_BufferDOM – this is an object that facilitates write operation for XML in SCIA Engin-
eer format.
Every function creates the necessary node, including attributes.
Normally used variables
// ni – node into which the information is written, if it is NULL then a new root is created on the nearest level
// nr – created node, as return value
interface IEPX_BufferDOM : IUnknown
[propget] HRESULT DettachDOM ([out, retval]
IUnknown * *pVal);
// draws object DOMDocument, this function is
performed as the last operation
HRESULT XmlElement ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]BSTR
name,[out]IUnknown **nr);
// creates one new XML element
// name – element name
HRESULT XmlAttribute ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]BSTR
name,[in]BSTR value);
HRESULT XmlAttributeI([in]IUnknown *ni,[in]BSTR
name,[in]long value);
HRESULT XmlAttributeD([in]IUnknown *ni,[in]BSTR
name,[in]double value);
// creates a new attribute
// name – attribute name
// value- attribute value
HRESULT AddDOM ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]IUnknown
// adds DOMDocument object
HRESULT Project ([in]BSTR uriDef, [out]IUnknown
// creates element „project“ and sim-
ultaneously adds attribute specifying path to the
definition file
// uriDef – name of definition file

- 72 -
HRESULT Container ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]GUID
*coid, [in]BSTR tabid, [in]BSTR txt, [out]IUnknown
HRESULT ContainerVB ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]BSTR
coid, [in]BSTR tabid, [in]BSTR txt, [out]IUnknown
// creates element „container“ and sim-
ultaneously element „table“ including all neces-
sary attribute
// coid – container identifier
// tabid – identification of table by name
// txt – note
HRESULT Object([in]IUnknown *ni,[in]long idobj,
[in]BSTR name,[out]IUnknown **nr);
// creates element „obj“
// idobj – object identification, if equal to
-1 attribute is not created
// name – object name, if NUUL or empty tex-
t,attribute is not created
HRESULT TableRow ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long id,
[out]IUnknown **nr);
// creates element „row“ as a row of internal
// individual functions for creation of ele-
ment by value type
// normally used parameters
// id – property number, defined according to
definition file
// inx – index for indexed property, attrib-
ute „i“ created if its value is not zero
// other parameters as in chapter 6.Popis
formátu SCIA Engineer XML
HRESULT PropString ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long
id,[in]long inx,[in]BSTR v);
HRESULT PropBool ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long id,
[in]long inx,[in]long v);
HRESULT PropEnum ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long id,
[in]long inx,[in]long v,[in]BSTR t);
HRESULT PropInteger ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long
id,[in]long inx,[in]long v);
HRESULT PropParamValue ([in]IUnknown *ni,
[in]long id,[in]long inx,[in]double v);
HRESULT PropParamRef ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long
id,[in]long inx,[in]long i,[in]BSTR t);
HRESULT PropRef ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long id,
[in]long inx,[in]long i,[in]BSTR t);
HRESULT PropTable([in]IUnknown *ni,[in]long id,
[in]long inx,[in]BSTR t,[out]IUnknown **nr);
HRESULT PropReal ([in]IUnknown *ni, [in]long id,
[in]long inx,[in]double v);
HRESULT PropReal2([in]IUnknown *ni,[in]long id,
[in]long inx,[in]double v1,[in]double v2);
HRESULT PropReal3([in]IUnknown *ni,[in]long id,
[in]long inx, [in]double v1, [in]double v2, [in]-
double v3);
// creates end-nodes of data
// example PropEnum(ni,3,0,12,”hello” );
//result <p3 v=”12” t=”hello”/>
HRESULT XmlElementProp ([in]IUnknown *ni,
[in]long id,[in]long inx,[out]IUnknown **nr);
// creates a node for the property without

- 73 -
Chapter 6

Graphical format

Graphic format
SCIA Engineer enables the user to export the graphical representation of the project into a graphical file. This type of export
usually work with the data that are displayed in the graphical window of SCIA Engineer at the moment the export procedure
is started. Formats VRML, DXF and DWG are exceptions as they allow the user to export the whole project and even spe-
cify special export parameters.
The procedure to export data into a graphical file is given in a separate topic.
Various graphical formats are available in SCIA Engineer:

Standard Windows bitmap


Virtual Reality Modeling Language (V-R-M-L)

A standardised language used to transmit information about 3D images over the web (WWW). Since the
image is built up on the local computer VRML information transmission is more efficient than sending the
VRML actual image.

For more information on this format read bellow the table.

Internal graphical format of SCIA Engineer


Extended (Enhanced) Windows Metafile Format


Windows Meta File (W-M-F)

A graphic file format used by Microsoft to transfer graphics between Windows applications. Both bitmap
and vector graphics are supported by WMF. A variation on WMF is and extended version known as EMF.

R14, 2000 DWG (AutoCAD) format.

R11– 2006
2D DWG Please note that only versions R14 and 2000 are supported.
R14, 2000
AutoCAD DXF (e.g. AutoCAD) format.
R14, 2000

- 74 -
Graphical format

R11 - 2006
AutoCAD Please note that only versions R14 and 2000 are supported.
R14, 2000

For special graphical formats DXF, DWG, VRML also the import procedure is supported in SCIA Engineer. This is
described in separate topics.

This format represents a powerful tool enabling the users to publish virtual objects via VRML and also import them into SCIA
Engineer. Vast number of CAD software applications support the export of VRML files (AllPlan, AutoCAD, CEA Systems,
etc.). The import of VRML files is done the same way as for DXF and DWG files. For example, the imported data can be
used as a 3D grid or as a background. They are not taken into account for the analysis.
The virtual objects can be used:

l for the visualization architectural elements sent from 3rd parties,

l as a drawing tool – snapping functionality,
l for pro-active viewing of changes and consequences due to optimisation or structural adaptations (e.g. deformations),
l for visualization of the analysed structure in its environment,
l for the visualization of piping generated by Plant design applications,
l etc.

The virtual objects can afterwards be exported again to VRML format file for 3D publishing of the structure including the res-
ults of analysis.

- 75 -
Chapter 6

Graphic format export

The procedure to export data into a graphical file

1. Start menu function File > Export >Graphic format.

2. Select the format of the graphical file.

- 76 -
Graphical format

3. Specify the required output folder.

4. Type the name of the file.
5. Complete the export.
6. Note: A special dialogue opens for DWG and DXF formats in which you can specify some export parameters.

Export and import of DXF, DWG and VRML

Export from the graphical window
The procedure to export DXF / DWG file from graphical window
1) Use one of the following functions:
a) File > Export > Graphic format.
b) Righ-mouse-button-pop-up menu > Save picture to file.
2) It is possible to choose from the following formats:
a) 3D DWG AutoCAD R11 - 2007 (*.dwg)
b) 2D DWG AutoCAD R14, 2000 (*.dwg)
c) 3D DXF AutoCAD R11 - 2007 (*.dxf)
d) 2D DXF AutoCAD R14, 2000 (*.dxf)
(Note: this list is only informative, available options may vary from version to version).
3) When you enter the file name and path, confirm with button [Save]. Another dialogue is opened on the screen where you
can define some details of the export.

4) Adjust the properties (see below) and confirm with [OK].

- 77 -
Chapter 6

Export properties
File properties group name
Name Pathname of the exported file.
Text code page Windows ANSI or Eastern Europe coding can be adjusted.
Advanced group name
Scale Scale for text and graphical symbols that will be in the exported drawing.
Structure surface always as 3D solid If ON, the individual members will be exported including the surface.

Note: 2D DXF and 2D DWG export does not support option Structure surface always as
3D solid, which is quite understandable.

Note: See also Saving the picture into an external file.

Export of FE mesh to AutoCAD as 3D-face

It is possible to export the generated finite element mesh as 3D-face to both DWG and DXF file.
To do so, the mesh must be displayed in SCIA Engineer . There is no other action required. If the FE mesh is displayed in the
graphical window at the moment the export to DWG/DXF is started, the mesh is automatically exported as a separate layer
called "3D-FACE". By default, this layer is hidden. In order to see it in AutoCAD, the layer must be switched ON manually.

Export from the picture gallery

The pictures from the Picture gallery may be exported into DWG or DXF file in the same way as from the graphical window.
The procedure to export DXF / DWG file from the Picture gallery

1. Open the Picture gallery.

2. Select the picture to be exported.
3. Click icon Save picture to file.
4. Input the file name and path.
5. Adjust file parameters (see Export from graphical window).
6. Confirm with [OK].

Export from the Paperspace gallery

The pictures from the paperspace may be exported into DWG or DXF file in the similar way as from the graphical window.
The procedure to export DXF / DWG file from the Paperspace gallery

1. Open the Paperspace gallery manager.

2. Select the picture to be exported.
3. Click icon Save picture to file.

- 78 -
Graphical format

4. Input the file name and path.

5. Adjust file parameters (see Export from graphical window).
6. Confirm with [OK].

Note: The export from Paperpace gallery is limited to 2D DWG and 2D DXF format.

Import into the graphical window

Procedure for the import of DWG, DXF or VRML file into the graphical window

1. Start the tree menu function Structure > Drawing tools > Import DWG, DXF, VRML 97file.
2. The Open file dialogue is opened on the screen.
3. Browse for the file and confirm.
4. A special import dialogue is opened on the screen.

5. Adjust the required parameters in dialogue and perform the import itself – see below.

- 79 -
Chapter 6

This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the pre-
view window of the Import dialogue.

Entity types
This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue.

Selection mode
The drawing is read as lines. The lines may be assigned to particular layers.
Lines On pressing the "Import" button, the property dialogue is opened and you may
specify the required parameters.

The drawing is read as 1D members. On pressing the "Import" button, the

property dialogue is opened and you may specify the required parameters.

- 80 -
Graphical format

The drawing is read as slabs. On pressing the "Import" button, the property
dialogue is opened and you may specify the required parameters.

The drawing is read as solid objects that are displayed together with the ana-
lysed structure but are neglected during the calculation.

- 81 -
Chapter 6

Note: When slabs are to be imported, it is required that the closed polygon was created
already in the file that will be imported.

The scale for the import. It may be necessary when the drawing is not in SI units. The item provides for the transformation
from "imaginary" units of the DWG/DXF file and metres (used in SCIA Engineer as the basic unit).

Note: If the scale is set to 1 (one), SCIA Engineer assumes the data to be stored in metres.

Insertion point
The user can define the insertion point:
The centre of the model in the imported file is selected as the insertion point (where the cursor is) and by this point
the user can place the imported model into the graphical window.
The "centre" is the centre of a bounding rectangle circumscribed around the imported model.
The original insertion point of the imported model is selected as the insertion point (where the cursor is) and by
this point the user can place the imported model into the graphical window.
Origin in 0,0,0
The origin of the coordinate system of the imported file is placed into the origin (0,0,0) of the coordinate system in
SCIA Engineer.

This is an informative item, which shows the dimensions calculated from the input scale.

Tools (Connect curves, Connect solids, Solids smoothing)

These tools allow the user to slightly "modify" the DWG/DXF file before it is imported into SCIA Engineer.
Connect curves
This tool connects individual lines from the imported file to a polyline. This may be useful to reduce the total number of lines in
the imported model. It may also simplify the manipulation with the imported model.
The procedure:

1. Select Connect curves.

2. Click [Start].
3. Select the lines to be connected together.
4. Press [Run].
5. Repeat as many times as required.
6. Click [End]

Connect solids
This tool connects individual solids from the imported file. Similarly to connecting of lines (above) it can reduce the total num-
ber of solids in the imported model and simplify the manipulation with the imported model.

- 82 -
Graphical format

The procedure:

1. Select Connect solids.

2. Click [Start].
3. Select the solids to be connected together.
4. Press [Run].
5. Repeat as many times as required.
6. Click [End]

Solids smoothing
This tool allows the user to "improve" the imported solid by smoothing the surface, which means reducing the number of
edges. This is especially useful if the imported solid was not modelled in an ideal way and contains redundant edges that are
not important for the description of the proper shape of the solid.
The procedure:

1. Select Solids smoothing.

2. Click [Start].
3. Select the part of the imported solid that is to be smoothened. Alternatively, use the window selection to select everything
(click in the top left corner of the preview window and drag the mouse to the bottom right corner, then release the button).
4. Press [Run] andspecify the smoothness parameter: 0 = the minimum possible number of edges will be used to represent
the shape of the imported solid (in some situations it may degrade the shape - e,g, a cube may get rounded corners). 60 =
all the edges in the imported model will be preserved. Usually, a few (trial and error) rounds are necessary to find the best
value for a particular model - there is no general rule to say which value is the best.
5. Repeat as many times as required.
6. Click [End]

Number of vertexes on polyline substituting imported spline

Some CAD applications use a definition of a spline curve that is different from the one used in SCIA Engineer. Such splines
are imported as polylines. This parameter specifies the number of vertexes on the substituting polyline.

Preview window
The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard SCIA Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed
Three check boxes are related to the preview window:
OpenGL in preview window
If ON, the parts of the model hidden behind other parts of the model are not drawn. Of OFF, the visibility is not
considered and everything is displayed (which means faster response but may cause in some confusions).
OpenGL selection
If ON, the cursor selects the "visible" (the top most) part of the model (if two entities re located over each other). If
OFF, the standard selection mode is active.
Show all objects
Some objects from the DWG/DXF that has no equivalent in SCIA Engineer (e.g. text) cannot be imported to
SCIA Engineer. This objects are not shown in the Preview window. If you want to see them, select this option.

- 83 -
Chapter 6

Note: Sometimes it may be convenient to import the drawing as lines and only later (i.e. in
SCIA Engineer graphical environment) transform the lines to 1D members using function

Drawing a member in mode Select line ( ).

Import selected / Import all

This button start the import itself. Either entities selected in the Preview window or All entities from the Preview window are
imported as lines or 1D members or slabs (depending on the adjustment of other import parameters). When the button is
pressed, the property dialogue for lines or 1D members or slabs (depending on the adjustment of other import parameters)
is opened on the screen and you may set the required properties.

Import into the Paperspace gallery

DWG, DXF and VRML files can be imported as a picture or as a drawing.

Importing a picture
This function imports the DWG, DXF and VRML file as a "standalone" picture. The picture can be placed anywhere to the
drawing, resized, moved, etc.
Procedure to insert a picture from DWG or DXF file

1. Open the Paperspace gallery.

2. Open or create a drawing.
3. Start function Insert picture > Insert picture from DWG or DXF file.
4. Two file types are available:

- 84 -
Graphical format

1. 1. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dxf)

2. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dwg)
2. Select the file and open it.
3. Import properties dialogue is opened on the screen.

5. Adjust the required properties (see below) and confirm.

6. Use the mouse to position the picture and the left mouse button to drag the size of the picture on the drawing.

Procedure to insert a picture from VRML file

1. Open the Paperspace gallery.

2. Open or create a drawing.
3. Start function Insert picture > Insert picture from VRML file.
4. Select the file and open it.
5. Use the mouse to position the picture and the left mouse button to drag the size of the picture on the drawing.

- 85 -
Chapter 6

This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the pre-
view window of the Import dialogue.

Entity types
This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue.

Line styles
This window contains all the line styles that are used in the imported file.

This box offer the styles of a line that can be used in the program. They can be assigned to individual line types from the ori-
ginal file.

Default line thickness

Lines in DWG/DXF files may have either specific thickness or default thickness. In order to avoid using unknown thickness
lines, the import dialogue enables you to define the numerical value for the default thickness.

Optimize scene
If ON, the lines with the same properties are joined together and drawn at the same time.

Text scale
Specifies the scale of the text.

Preview, view direction

The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard SCIA Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed

Importing a drawing
This function imports the DWG/DXF file as a drawing, i.e. it is added to the current drawing as a new part of it. The "size" of
the imported drawing can be defined through parameter Scale.
Procedure to insert a drawing from DWG or DXF file

1. Open the Paperspace gallery.

2. Open or create a drawing.
3. Start function Insert picture > Insert drawing from DWG or DXF file.
4. Two file types are available:

1. 1. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dxf)

2. AutoCAD R12, R13, R14, 2000 (*.dwg)
2. Select the file and open it.
3. Import properties dialogue is opened on the screen.

- 86 -
Graphical format

5. Adjust the required properties (see below) and confirm.

6. Use the mouse to position the imported drawing to the current drawing.

This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the pre-
view window of the Import dialogue.

Entity types
This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue.

Line styles
This window contains all the line styles that are used in the imported file.

- 87 -
Chapter 6

This box offer the styles of a line that can be used in the program. They can be assigned to individual line types from the ori-
ginal file.

Default line thickness

Lines in DWG/DXF files may have either specific thickness or default thickness. In order to avoid using unknown thickness
lines, the import dialogue enables you to define the numerical value for the default thickness.

Transformation – Insertion point

The imported drawing can be placed to a specified place in the current drawing (e.g. bottom left corner, centre, etc.). The
meaning of individual options is clear from the name of the option.

Note: When option By mouse two points is selected, the input box Scale is hidden. The two
points define the size of the imported drawing and the Scale parameter becomes redund-

Specifies the scale for the imported drawing.

Text scale
Specifies the scale of the text.

Preview, view direction

The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard SCIA Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed

Import of a general cross-section

Not only a structure itself, but also a cross-section shape can be imported from DWG/DXF files.
The editor of a general cross-section can be opened via the Cross-section manager. Use function New cross-section > Gen-
eral cross-section.

- 88 -
Graphical format

Procedure to import the shape of a cross-section from DWG/DXF file

1. Open the Cross-section manager.

2. Start function New.
3. Select General.
4. The Cross-section editor is opened on the screen.
5. Double click function Import DXF/DWG.
6. Browse for the file to be imported.
7. The import dialogue is opened on the screen.
8. Make necessary adjustments and/or actions (see below for the meaning of dialogue controls).
9. Complete the action of the import usng buttons [Import selected] or [Import all].

This list box contains the layers that were defined in the original DWG/DXF file. Only selected layers are shown in the pre-
view window of the Import dialogue.

Entity types
This list contains available entity types. Only selected types are shown in the preview window of the Import dialogue.

- 89 -
Chapter 6

Selection mode
Thin walled The selected lines are imported as a thin-walled section.
Polygons The selected lines are imported as a polygonal cross-section.
Polygonal openings The selected lines are imported as a polygonal opening in the cross-section.

The scale for the import. It may be necessary when the drawing is not in SI units. The item provides for the transformation
from "imaginary" units of the DWG/DXF file and metres (used in SCIA Engineer as the basic unit).

Note: If the scale is set to 1 (one), SCIA Engineer assumes the data to be stored in metres.

Insertion point
The user can define the insertion point:
The centre of the model in the imported file is selected as the insertion point (where the cursor is) and by this point
the user can place the imported model into the graphical window.
The "centre" is the centre of a bounding rectangle circumscribed around the imported model.
The original insertion point of the imported model is selected as the insertion point (where the cursor is) and by
this point the user can place the imported model into the graphical window.
Origin in 0,0,0
The origin of the coordinate system of the imported file is placed into the origin (0,0,0) of the coordinate system in
SCIA Engineer.

This is an informative item, which shows the dimensions calculated from the input scale.

Connect single curves to closed polygon

The following procedure merges individual lines of the drawing into polygon
Press [Select curves].
Select lines to be inserted into the polygon.
Press [Connect curves].
Repeat as many times as required.
Press [End]

Preview window
The view in the preview can be adjusted using the standard SCIA Engineer mouse+key controls (shifted, rotated, zoomed

- 90 -


Export to bim+
bim+ is a BIM server produced by Nemetschek AG.It allows the users to upload, view or download a model via internet any
time and by any one who shares the account.

Export from SCIA Engineer

SCIA Engineer allows for export of a model to bim+ since version 14.1. The exported file is a plain IFC which is automatically
uploaded to the bim+ server account.
Go to SCIA Engineer menu File > Export > bim+

After the export to IFC file on background is finished a dialogue of the 3rd party application is shown.

- 91 -
Chapter 7

Fill in your log-in information and press the icon with the lock. A dialogue with a list of available accounts is displayed. Choose
the one which you want to upload to and confirm with OK.

Specify the project and model names and upload the file to bim+ server by means of Upload file to bim+ button. Info that
the file was uploaded correctly is shown.

- 92 -
Revit link

Revit link

Revit link
The Revit Structure Interface is a tool that is used to transfer projects between Autodesk Revit Structure and SCIA Engin-
eer. The projects are transferred with the help of a free plug-in for Revit Structure that can be freely downloaded on the
SCIA website. (see more about instalation here)
Revit Structure Interface is also called the Revit link and will be referred to as such. The file format which is used between
Revit and SCIA Engineer is R2S (= Revit to SCIA).
For more information about Revit link, we refer to the ‘Getting started’ & ‘Best Practices’ from CADS (which you find in the
help of the plug-in in Revit).

The Revit link works with the analysis model, architectural elements are not supported.

Revit link requires Revit Structure and SCIA Engineeron users computer.
The link is installed to Revit Structure applications (as a plug-in). It is displayed in the tab Add-ins (CADs from build 244).
There are buttons and dialogues which provide link between Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer.

The setup can be found on the installation DVD of SCIA Engineer or on the secured download web site for SCIA users.
The file format R2S is used between Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer .
The export from Revit Structure works in two ways:

1. Revit Structure opens SCIA Engineer directly and import the project to it
2. Revit Structure saves the imported file to R2S format and user can import it afterwards to SCIA Engineer

This manual describes using Revit Structure, Revit Architectural is not supported.

The proper materials and cross sections in SCIA Engineer is defined by mapping tables. Mapping is user defined or based
on national codes. Find more about mapping here.

- 93 -
Chapter 8

Installation and Revit link setup

Requirements for SCIA Engineer side
To be able to import and export .R2S files in SCIA Engineer, you need a licensed version of SCIA Engineer or at least the
module described below.
Here follows an overview of the required SCIA Engineer modules / editions:

l Revit Structure interface -> esa.21 ( Not part of any edition)

The link does not work with the following editions:

l Student license
l Try-out license (except for the special ‘try-out Revit link’)

There is no additional software required in SCIA Engineer. If the module is activated, the following option are displayed in
SCIA Engineer:

- 94 -
Revit link

Requirements for the Revit Structure side

Install Revit Structure to the computer. Install SCIA Engineer. Choose the type of installation as ‘custom’, switch on the box
‘Revit Structure plug-in’ in the next window and click on the button ‘next’. If Revit Structure is not installed on the computer,
then the plug-in won’t be installed.

The SCIA Engineer is required for creating R2S file.

Once the link is implemented into Revit Structure, the tab Add-ins (CADs) in Revit Structure is displayed. There are buttons
and dialogues which are used in the link between Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer or to export project to R2S file.

No additional licenses are required for Revit Structure to use Revit link. There are also no licenses necessary for the install-
ation of SCIA Engineer on the computer with Revit Structure to use the Revit link. The installation of SCIA Engineer serves
only as source for material and cross-section mapping.

How to find the Revit link on web

The secured download page is in Service Packs > SCIA Engineer. ( http://nemetschek- scia.-

- 95 -
Chapter 8

How to find Revit link in setup

The folder with the Revit link setup file can be found here:
Setup -> RevitLink -> revit_setup.exe

The process of installation

Revit link may be installed on computer where SCIA Engineer and Revit Structure is already installed.
The installation of the Revit link is a standard Windows tool. Selecting the proper Revit version and the correct path where
the Revit link should be installed is required during the process. Then the installation can continue in a standard way.
The plug-in is automatically installed to the selected version of Revit Structure.

- 96 -
Revit link

If there are more Revit Structure versions on the computer, user has to choose the one for
the plug-in installation.

User must have all rights.

When the setup goes wrong

If the setup of the Revit Structure plug-in goes wrong, use the following step:

l The Revit link plug-in can also be installed independently. But it will still be necessary to also install a version of SCIA Engin-
eer on the same computer as Revit Structure. This setup file can be found on the DVD or on our website (
l Also make sure that the folder containing the Revit families (including the standard families) is fully accessible for the Revit
link. This folder can also NOT be set to “Read-only”.

Some Revit families are also installed in Revit link folder:

c:\ProgramData\CADS\Revit To SCIA Engineer\Revit 2014\Revit Families\

Analytical versus structural model

The Revit link comes down to exchanging the analytical model between SCIA Engineer and Revit Structure.
In Revit Structure as well as in SCIA Engineer, there are 2 different representations of the model in each project. These are
the analytic model and the structural model.
The analytical model is used for calculations. It is a model in which a beam or column is represented by a single line. The
cross-section that belongs to that beam or column is assigned to that line, and thus the properties of that beam or column
are assigned to that line as well. A plate or wall in the analytical model is represented with a plane with no thickness, but the
material and the thickness of the plate or wall are also assigned to that plane. For analysis of the structure (forces and sta-
bility), this analytical model is used.
The structural model is used for drawings and shows the volumes. For example in SCIA Engineer, the structural model
must be activated to display a volumetric representation of the entire model. In Revit Structure the emphasis lies on this volu-
metric representation, but this does not ensure a good underlying analytical model at all! In the end, a modeller uses this
structural model to see how the realisation of the project will look like and to create drawings etc.

- 97 -
Chapter 8

Now the problem occurs:

When the Revit link is used between Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer, the analytical
model is used. The structural (volumetrical) model gets neglected and therefore it is import-
ant that the analytical model in Revit Structure is correctly constructed. So the modeller has
to understand the importance of a correct analytical model of the project!

Good looking structural model can contain a very bad underlying analytical model - see the next picture - the beam is clearly
not connected to the columns in the analytical model:

The reason that the link between Revit and SCIA Engineer only works with Revit Structure
is because Revit Structure contains an analytical model while Revit Architecture does not
contain an analytical model.

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Revit link

How it is displayed in Revit - Analysis elements have a center line, which is displayed in Revit
by colored lines.

Revit link buttons on the bar, Export and Import, Map-

ping dialogues during Export
The Revit link options
The Revit link is installed to Revit Structure tab named Add-ins (CADs). There are three parts. Quick buttons for Export and
Import, Options part and Help part.

What can be exported

Not all elements in Revit Structure are supported for export. It is mainly structure elements and some kinds of loads. Only
analytical model is exported, no architectural elements are supported.

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Supported elements are (find more in Revit link help):

Export and Import buttons

Export - means export from Revit Structure to SCIA Engineer
Import - means import from SCIA Engineer to Revit Structure
These buttons start export or import immediately. There are no settings. The dialogue with exported elements appears.

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There is a part where all elements display their status. The log part is displayed in the text-box under it.

The log file can be saved after the export is done. Use the button on the window bottom.

The two steps on the bottom show the status of exporting process.
1 - means loading elements
2 - saving R2S or opening SCIA Engineer

The dialogue for material and cross section definition

When some material or cross section is not recognized according to the mapping rules, user has to define it manually during
export/import. The special dialogue appears and user has to select the proper material or cross section in it.

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General and Numerical cross section

The dialogue allows to define the cross section as a general cross section or numerical cross section. Only geometry of the
cross section is exported to SCIA Engineer. This cross section is editable in SCIA Engineer.

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This new rule is automatically saved to the User table.

Mapping tables, mapping rules, dialogue options

The mapping between Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer is based on tables. There are three types of mapping tables –
user-defined table, tables based on national codes and mapping rules.
For most standard materials and cross-sections from Revit families, the tables between SCIA Engineer and Revit Structure
are implemented. If you are using different families then the standard Revit Structure families, then manual mapping
becomes much more necessary. Also families provided by separate Revit Structure dealers are considered as personal fam-
ilies (and not standard families). The upside is that mapping must be done just once for each material and cross-section that
must be mapped (since the link stores the mapping in a file).
The next text is about configuring the mapping and can be used on a simple example with a non-standard analytical family.
This mapping is always based on the names of materials and cross-sections.

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There are several functions which affect what can be transferred to SCIA Engineer.
These functions can be found in the Options dialogue.
Until version 244:

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From version 244:

From version 244:

Cross section as unknown and Null material has been removed.
Overwrite has been converted to the checkbox Create new.
Ignore load combination works in both ways SCIA Engineer->Revit and Revit->SCIA Engin-

Mapping (tables, rules)

The mapping between Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer is based on tables.
There are three types of mapping tables.

1. user-defined table
2. tables based on national codes
3. mapping rules

Preferred tables
This dialogue defines which predefined tables should be used. There are mapping tables based on national codes and also
user defined table in the list.

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The top tables in the list have the higher priority. The mapping is done preferably by them. The checkbox can deactivate
tables for mapping. The buttons Up and Down is used for moving the selected table in the list (and thus changing their pri-

Mapping rules
The mapping rules can be used when mapping by tables is not sufficient anymore. These mapping rules were the original
(old) way to configure the mapping.

Source and target rules

The mapping rules can be used when mapping by tables is not sufficient anymore:

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1. There are too many items for mapping

2. There is no sufficient table and the mapping has to be done manually (some specific project or a national code).

The box with choices can set the mapping rule when the mapping tables become insufficient. There are three options:

1. “Do not Use”: if the mapping tables are insufficient, the mapping rules will NOT be used.
2. “Use If not found”: if the mapping tables are insufficient, the mapping rules will be used.
3. “Use mapping rules only”: the mapping tables are ignored, and ONLY the mapping rules will be used.

What do the mapping rules do exactly?

l The mapping rules define mapping between parts from Revit Structure and parts of SCIA Engineer. Each rule defines
the name in the Revit (Source table) and the name for SCIA Engineer (Target table). This is not based on libraries from
Revit Structure or SCIA Engineer but on exact naming.
l For example, if I open the “Source Mapping Rule” (or “Mapping Rule For Source Configuration”), I can select a line in the
table, see Revit Structure name of the section in the preview, and the parts of the name will be explained in the selected
line. E.g.: L200X100X150 has ‘Type Name’ L, it is an L(AISC)-section in SCIA Engineer, and its name can be decom-
posed (with Delimiter ‘X’):

n TypeName : L200
n Depth = 100
n Width = 150

l For a section from SCIA Engineer, the same thing can be done. You will see that the mapping will look wether the Target
Type Name and Type Name from SCIA Engineer and Revit Structure cross sections match.

The example with the L section:

The source and the target table

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The explanation of the name composition:

The star symbol can be used to map the section as a particular family in SCIA Engineer.
This can define the section which is not in the Revit actual model but should be adapted
later in SCIA Engineer.

Revit family mapping

The Revit family mapping dialog specifies the mapping of the section types to the Revit family names. This will result in the fol-
lowing procedure:

l An imported (or exported) cross-section will be recognised as a certain section type by the ‘Mapping Rules for Source or
Target Configuration’.
l The ‘Revit family mapping’ will link this section type to a family.

Revit family path

The Revit family path dialogue allows the user to define the path of another Revit family which is saved on the computer. The
family mapping configuration (mentioned above) will be able to also look in the folders defined in this setting.

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The Revit link needs full read & write rights on this folder, and thus it can also not be set to

Mapping tables
It is possible to look at the tables (mentioned in the preferred tables) in detail. This is done in a dialog which shows the whole
database of mapping. These tables are based on the libraries taken from Revit Structure and SCIA Engineer.
To access them, you can use “User Table” in the options window.

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This will result in the following table, where the different tables can be chosen. For each table you will be able to see how dif-
ferent cross-sections (or materials) are mapped.

The user table is clearly user defined. New mapping rules can be added in the user table by using the dialogue button “Add”.
Then the user can select the section name in Revit Structure and the corresponding name in SCIA Engineer.

The other tables are predefined by the system.

If the user table contains rules with the higher priority then it must be moved in the list to the
top. This table will be used in advance for exporting.

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User mapping is saved as XML file (named User Mappings.User.xml) where all mapped cross sections and materials are
specified. It can be found on the driver e.g. c:\ProgramData\CADS\Revit To SCIA Engineer\Databases\User Map-

Options dialogue
The following dialog is displayed when the “Options” command has been selected, either from the menu or from the toolbar.

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Revit link

Export/Import part
The Revit link exports structural 1D members and 2D members with openings. The supports can be exported as a Found-
ation blocks or Standard supports.
The Revit link exports the whole or the selected part of the structure from Revit project.
Structural usage from SCIA Engineer can be imported to Revit. It means that Revit recognizes that the element is column,
beam or bracing.

National Code
The national code option specifies which national code is to be used in SCIA Engineer.
The following National codes are supported:

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The link program does not validate when the national code used in the Revit template and
the national code in the link software are not the same. For example if the user has mod-
elled using the Canadian template and tries to export using the EC-EN national code, the
program may not work as expected.

The options as shown here allow the user to export only the selected members from Revit Structure and to control the beha-
vior of the import / export.

If this option is selected, the program will expect a partial selection from the user.

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The following preferences can be set in this dialog.

These options work differently depending on the context in which they are used.
If the model is exported from Revit Structure , the option “Launch SCIA Engineer = Yes” launches SCIA Engineer and
exports the model into it.
The option “LaunchSCIA Engineer = No” writes the FEM data as a .R2S file (e.g. model.R2S) which can be opened into
SCIA Engineer using the command “Import Revit File.”

This option does not require SCIA Engineer to be installed in the computer and allows send-
ing this file to other users who have installed SCIA Engineer.
If the model is updated from Revit Structure , the option “Launch SCIA Engineer” reads the
active SCIA Engineer job and updates the current Revit model.

By default the “Export to SCIA Engineer” will overwrite if any existing SCIA Engineer file with the same name is available in
the folder.
If you select “Create New”, then the existing SCIA Engineer file with the same name in the folder is deleted and a new SCIA
Engineer file is created.

Foundation type
Isolated foundation
It can be exported as standard support or foundation pads to SCIA Engineer.
Foundation slab
From version 244 - possibility to select the type of foundation plate was added:

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Default - takes the type from the member properties

Foundation - the configuration works only for Revit foundation slabs, then it is exported as foundation
Slab on grade - the member is exported as plate with surface support
Slab - the member is exported as plate

Update 2D member openings

The opening which is changed in Revit Structure is updated in SCIA Engineer.

Filter part
There is a possibility to filter what should be exported.

User can export whole structure without load combinations, member releases, slabs or walls.

l If the “Ignore Load” is set to “Yes”, the loads are not considered for both export and import.
l If the “Ignore Load Combinations” is set to “Yes”, the loads combinations are not considered for both export and import.
l If the “Ignore Revit Member Releases” is set to “Yes”, member end releases set in Revit are not exported to SCIA Engin-
l If the “Ignore Slabs” option is set to “Yes”, structural slabs are not considered for both export and import.
l If the “Ignore Walls” option is set to “Yes”, structural walls are not considered for both export and import.
l The above two options can be used when you want to analyse the frame excluding the slabs and walls.
l If the “Ignore Support” option is set to “Yes”, the Boundary conditions defined in Revit is not exported.

Launching of the SCIA Engineer

The export tool can launch SCIA Engineer application automatically or save the project as a R2S format. SCIA Engineer ver-
sion which is launched and national code for exported project is defined by settings.

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If SCIA Engineer is not launched automatically then there are two possibilities:

1. The Export tool will ask for the path where R2S file will be saved (option "Prompt for file" to YES).
2. R2S is saved automatically to the default folder. User is not disturbed at all (option "Prompt for file" to NO).

The R2S file can be imported to the SCIA Engineer via the standard import tool.

User mapping part

Following user mapping options makes the export option easier when suitable cross section or material is not found for
majority of members, but the export is needed without any prompts for mapping with an automatic mapping as unknown sec-
tions or materials.

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If the ‘Material as Unknown’ is set to Yes, the program will not prompt the user for mapping a material whenever a material is
not found in the map database.

Exporting the structure from Revit to SEN

The model in Revit Structure has to be saved before it is exported to SCIA Engineer. If it is not saved, Revit Structure asks
for the path and name.

Start export
The export button is in the Add-ins (CADs) tab and in the Options dialogue. Both start export from Revit Structure to SCIA

Export dialogue and log file

The dialogue displayed during export shows the number of items which were exported and their status. The information
about the whole process is displayed in the log part.
The exporting status is also displayed on the progress bar and by steps 1 and 2.

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The log can be saved to the text-file when the export is finished.

SCIA Engineer is opened automatically if it is set in the option dialogue. Newly exported structure is displayed in the model

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Exporting foundations blocks - prerequisites

When user wants to export foundations as foundation block, he must check special option in Revit. It is "Member supports" in
dialogue Structural settings, tab Analytical model settings.

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Foundation block created in SCIA Engineer cannot be imported to Revit Structure .

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Example no.1 - someting is not exported to SCIA Engineer

If some part of Revit Structure model is not exported to SCIA Engineer, it is listed in the special dialogue.

1. The model in Revit Structured contains 2 columns - one structured and one has analytical line switched off
2. Export the model to SCIA Engineer
3. One column is not exported, it is displayed in the log file
4. Click on Filter button and see the reason

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The log content:

The result: One member is not exported, it is displayed in Filter dialogue.

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Example no.2 - deleted member in Revit Structure (from build 244)

The information about deleted member is transferred from Revit Structure to SCIA Engineer, so the members is deleted
during the update.

1. The exported structure consists from 4 members

2. One member is deleted in Revit Structure
3. The structure from Revit Structure is exported again to the same project in SCIA Engineer

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4. The deleted member and appropriate free node are displayed in the log file
5. The structure in SCIA Engineeris updated correctly

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The log content:

The result: The deleted member is recognized by SCIA Engineerand deleted correctly.

Import (update) the structure from SEN to Revit

The Revit link is mainly developed for exporting the data from Revit Structure to SCIA Engineer. Only some smaller changes
made in SCIA Engineer can be updated back to Revit Structure .
Until build 244 (june 2013) it is not possible to delete item in Revit Structure and update it to SCIA Engineer. It is possible only
to modify the item when it was already exported.
From build 244 (june 2013) it is possible to track deleted members from Revit Structure to SCIA Engineer - see the example
No. 2 in chapter Exporting the structure from Revit to SCIA Engineer.

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From build 262 (release of SEN 2014.1) it is possible to track deleted members from SCIA Enginer to Revit - see the
example No. 5 in this chapter.

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The possible modifications are described in the next 4 examples:

Example no.1 - modification

Adapt the column cross section in SCIA Engineer and import it back to Revit Structure .

1. The selected cross section in Revit Structure is the default

2. The selected cross section in SCIA Engineer is the adapted one after export
3. Import it back to Revit Structure (see the next picture)
4. The cross section in Revit Structure is updated according to SCIA Engineer

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The log content:

The result: The Revit cross section is modified after the import.

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Example no.2 - copy

Copy exported column in SCIA Engineer and import it back to Revit Structure :

1. The column is copied in SCIA Engineer

2. The adapted project is imported back to Revit Structure - the changed member is visible in the log file

The log content:

The result: The Revit Structure adds one more column after the import.

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Example no.3 – create a new opening in exported wall

Create new opening in the wall and import it back to Revit Structure :

1. The opening is created in the SCIA Engineer

2. The adapted wall is imported back to Revit Structure - the changed member is visible in the log file

The log content:

The result: The Revit Structure creates new opening in the wall after the import.

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Example no.4 – create new item

The Revit link is not a tool for importing the whole new structure from SCIA Engineer to Revit Structure, but in the simple
cases it is possible to add a new item:

1. The column is created in SCIA Engineer

2. The added member is imported back to Revit Structure (see the next picture) - the added member is vis-
ible in the log file

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The log content:

The result: The Revit Structure creates new column after the import.

Example no.5 – deleted item in SCIA Engineer

Member deletion in SCIA Engineer is now recognised by the review manager. Deleted member is deleted in the Revit pro-
ject after the import automatically.

Results from SCIA Engineer in Revit Structure

It is possible to check results from SCIA Engineer in the Revit Structure application using Revit link 3.1 or higher (build 262).
The visualization is possible by a special tool Structural Analysis Toolkit 2015.
Start by creating a model in Revit as usual and export it to SCIA Engineer. Aadd loads, supports etc., analyse the model and
import it back to Revit (update) as with previous releases.
Once the import is complete click on Results Manager from the Analyze tab. It shows results from SCIA Engineer. Click on
"Explore" button and view results in Results explorer tool.

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The new option to ignore results during the import was added to the Option dialogue. The import of results may take some
time, we recommend to use it only if results are strongly required.

Please contact CADs support for more information -

When something is not exported

This can be caused by several reasons:

The cross section or material is not correctly mapped

Information concerning the problem can always be found in the log. You must also be sure that the folder containing the fam-
ilies (and used by the link) is not set to ‘read-only’.

The material is null when you have selected an element to be an ‘analytical element’, but you do not have given it a material
in Revit Structure:

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Not exported items can be selected and showed by the Filter tool.

l There is a information why the item was not exported.

l Checkbox displays only objects with a bad geometry.
l Show button selects and zoom the item in the Revit model window.

The dialogue Option ignores the entity

There is a possibility to ignore 2D member during the export. When this functionality is used then the 2D member is not
exported to SCIA Engineer.
This can be found in the log:

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The object is not supported by the Revit link

Only analytical elements can be exported. If the model contain any architectural entities, then they won’t be exported to
SCIA Engineer. This also applies for elements for which ‘Enable analytical model’ has not been ticked on (we refer again to
the image on the previous page).
If the model is created in the Revit Architecture then the model must be edited in Revit Structure in such a way that the
objects are switched to the analytical objects.

The object is not supported by SCIA Engineer

Some objects are specific so they don’t have any corresponding entities in SCIA engineer. Some of those are not yet imple-
mented. It is possible to check in the help file of the Revit plug-in (in Revit Structure) what is and what is not supported.

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Problem with export in SCIA Engineer / import in Revit Structure

l It is necessary to use ‘General XYZ’ in SCIA Engineer to import the project in Revit Structure later on.
l Rigid links cannot be transferred to Revit Structure.
l Horizontal 2D elements must have the type ‘plate’ and vertical 2D elements the type ‘wall’.
l We advise to link to the necessary families in the options of the Revit link. To do this, go to:
lCADS -> Plug-in Options -> Preferred Tables -> Family Revit Path
l Set to the folder containing the families which you will need when importing (see image for example of default path).

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Newest features (in build 244)

l Openings (in plates/walls) are now perfectly supported (see also example 3 in chapter First use of Revit link).
l Members deleted in SCIA Engineer are also deleted in Revit upon import (see the example No. 2 in chapter Exporting the
structure from Revit to SCIA Engineer).

First use of Revit link - example

Creating the model in Revit Structure
1. Start a new project in Revit Structure.

2. Start with inputting 2 column (standard Revit families; cross section H-Wide Flange Column: HEA300 and material Steel,
45-345) of 3 meters height at a distance of 4 meters. Then add a beam (same cross-section and material) between the
upper ends of the columns.

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3. Now change the view towards the analytical model.

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4. This is the model that will be transferred by the Revit link. If there is nothing here, then you are not using the correct fam-
ilies. Also if the lines of the columns and the beam do not connect, then you must manually change the analytical model to
correct this.
5. However, Revit structure is designed to optimally use both analytical models and volumetric models at once (when cre-
ating this example, it was also not necessary to correct the analytical model). This can also be seen in the properties of the
beams and columns if we look at their ‘analytical’ properties.

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Revit link

6. Also make sure that each element which you want to transfer, has ‘Enable Analytical Model’ activated, and that there is a
‘Structural Material’ indicated for that element. Revit Structure does not require a material for each element, but the Revit
link does require that each element that you want to transfer has a material.

7. It can be possible that you must still indicate a material. To do this, click on the three dots in the same line as ‘Structural
Material’, and choose the desired material.

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Using the Revit link

1. In Revit Structure, there should be a tab ‘CADS’. This tab is installed by the Revit Structure plug-in (as described in the
part ‘Introduction & requirements’). If this tab is not available, then please check if the ‘requirements for Revit structure’
(p.2) have been met.

2. If you are searching for extra documentation/help, then the options ‘Getting Started’, ‘Best Practices’, ‘Help’ and ‘Check
list’ can be of great help to you. Also the option ‘About’ will give you the version of the Revit link, but also the release notes
(improvements in the last patch of the Revit link in comparison with the previous one).

3. The part described above is just for extra information. Now go to ‘Options’.
There are several functions which affect what can be transferred to the SCIA Engineer. These functions can be found in
the Options dialogue.

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Revit link

4. The Revit link exports structural 1D members and 2D members with openings. The supports can be exported as a Found-
ation blocks or Standard supports.
The Revit link exports the whole or the selected part of the structure from the Revit project.
These options give the Revit link the information it needs to execute the transfer. Since this is the first time the Revit link is
used, the ‘National Code’ as well as ‘SCIA Engineer Version’ will be blank.

5. Click on the box after SCIA Engineer version and choose browse. Now the Revit Link wants you to add the different ver-
sion of SCIA Engineer which you have installed on the pc. This is why a version of SCIA Engineer also has to be installed
on the same pc as Revit Structure. The Revit link uses the installed files to make the link between Revit Structure and
SCIA Engineer.

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6. Choose ‘Add’ and browse to the folder where SCIA Engineer is installed (the Revit link will search for esa.exe in this
folder). For 64-bit pc’s, the default location is C:\Program Files (x86)\SCIA\Engineer 2013.0\.
After indicating the path, you will see the version of SCIA Engineer in the window. After closing this window, you will also
see that ‘National Code’ now has multiple choices available.

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7. In between the two options, there is ‘Launch SCIA Engineer’. If you chose ‘yes’, then the Revit link assumes that you wish
to import and export from SCIA Engineer on this pc. If you chose ‘no’, it will create an .r2s (Revit to SCIA) file, which can
be imported on the other pc later on in SCIA Engineer (regardless of this option, the transfer will always happen by
means of a .R2S file).
8. Let us chose ‘no’ for this option (this makes it easier to find the (user) error during tests). Explanation for the other options
can be found in the ‘Help’ of the Revit Link (which has been mentioned on the previous page). To completion of this
tutorial, I have copied the explanation of the different options to appendix 1.
9. Before you are going to export the Revit Structure project to SCIA Engineer, you must save the project first. Then choose
the ‘export’ option. Note that the ‘Export’ button under the tab ‘CADS’, or the ‘Export to SCIA Engineer’ button in the
options of the tab ‘CADS’ do the exact same thing: create an .R2S file that can be imported in SCIA Engineer.

10. You will see the ‘CADS Revit SCIA Engineer link’ progress window appear. Here you can see which items (beams,
columns, plates, load cases ...) are recognised by the link. It will also ask where to save the .R2S file (which is the file you
must import in SCIA Engineer). Save the ‘SCIA Engineer r2s file’ as ‘Project1’ and choose ‘Save’.

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11. Once the transfer has started, the link will give a message when it does not recognise a certain item. The link is based on
names. In this example, the Revit material ‘Steel, 45-345’ cannot automatically be linked to SCIA Engineer. This link is
called ‘mapping’, and must be added manually if the link cannot do the mapping automatically.

12. Click ‘Yes’ and choose the correct ‘SCIA Engineer Material Name’ (for example S355).

There is also an option ‘Use as Unknown’. We strongly advise to NOT use this option. This
will generate problems when you are importing the file in SCIA Engineer later on.

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13. Once the export is completed, you will be able to see the total number of items recognised for each category, and the
amount which has been successfully exported. Not that the separate elements (structural columns and structural fram-
ings) must have analytical lines to be recognised.
14. On the right side of the window, you will be able to see the log file. This explains how the mapping has been done for the
different materials and cross sections.

- Revit Material “Steel, 45-345” is mapped as “S 355” based on user mapping

- “HEA300” is mapped as “HE300A”
This log file can also be saved by using the option ‘Save Log’ (in the bottom right corner of the window).

15. If we would not have mapped this material (by clicking ‘no’ for the question to add this material), then all elements that
used this material, would not have been exported (see image below).

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16. The log can be saved to the text-file when the export is finished. SCIA Engineer is opened automatically if it is set in the
option dialogue and the newly exported structure will be displayed in the model window. If you are doing tests with the
Revit link, we advise to keep this option off, and to open SCIA Engineer manually later. The reason for this is to easily
identify if the problem is on the the Revit side or on the SCIA Engineer side if there would be a problem configuring the
17. Now open your Windows explorer, and go to the .R2S file which has been generated by the Revit link. Copy this file to the
pc where you wish to import the file in to SCIA Engineer.

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Importing in SCIA Engineer

1. Open SCIA Engineer, and import the .R2S file:

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2. SCIA Engineer will ask for a code. The .R2S file is mapped to the SCIA Engineer materials for the code that was con-
figured in the Revit Link options (in this case the EC-EN). We will use the EC-EN in SCIA Engineer as well (if necessary,
‘Add’ the correct code). Click ‘close’ if you have the correct code.

3. Now you will see the imported items in SCIA Engineer.

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Revit link

4. Under ‘load cases’, you will also find the load cases which have been transferred from Revit Structure to SCIA Engineer.
These are the same 9 load cases that you could see being exported by the Revit link (2 pages back). The ‘Load Natures’
from Revit Structure are imported as ‘Load Groups’ in SCIA Engineer.

SCIA Engineer:

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Revit structure:

5. Now we will change the project in SCIA Engineer, and then export it back to SCIA Engineer. Copy 1 beam and 1 column,
and change 1 cross-section to HEA600.

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6. Exporting from SCIA Engineer

7. The file will be saved as an .r2s file again. This time we’ll name it ‘Project1s.r2s’. Be sure to unselect everything in SCIA
Engineer first, otherwise only the selection will be exported.

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Chapter 8

Importing in Revit Structure

1. Copy the ‘Project1s.r2s’ file that has just been created to the computer with Revit Structure.
2. Open Revit Structure (with an empty project) and go to the ‘CADS’ tab. Choose ‘Import’ (which you can find both in the
CADS-tab as in the options dialogue) and select the ‘Project1s.r2s’ file.

3. You will see that the ‘HE300A’ from SCIA Engineer is not linked to Revit Structure. This is probably a problem with families
that are not loaded properly in Revit Structure. We will solve this by adding the referred family to our Revit link.
4. To add the mapping for this section to the Revit link, first click ‘Close’. Go back to the options of the Revit link, and open the
‘User table’. The user table contains the mapping defined by the user. If you click on ‘User Table’ in the new window, you
will see different mappings that are already inserted. Now we want to add mapping for the database ‘user table’ in the
table ‘CrossSectionsMapping’.

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Revit link

5. So choose ‘Add’.
In the window ‘Add Cross Section To User Table’, follow the next steps:
a. 1. Supporting Mapping Database: choose ‘Belgium Columns’ (or ‘Europe Specific Sections’ or ‘Netherland Columns’)
b. 2. Family Role = Column
c. 3. Family Name = H-Wide Flange-Column
d. 4. Section Name = HEA300 (you can start typing, instead of scrolling)
6. Then for the options under ‘SCIA Engineer’, Catalog Name = Rolled, and search the section HE300A. You should have
the following options:

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Chapter 8

7. Afterwards, click on ‘OK’.

You will see that there is a new line in the mapping table. Now click on ‘Save’ to keep this new mapping. This will now
always be used if you use the Revit Link.

8. Now we will add the same cross section, but then for the frames, and also the HEA600 from SCIA Engineer. If you do not
know the name in SCIA Engineer, then run the Revit link again, and look at the message indicated in red. For the
HEA600, it will be necessary to use the ‘Netherlands Beams’ (for example).

9. After you have clicked on save, close the mapping table with the cross in the corner. Try to use the Revit link again.

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Revit link

It is possible that you have mapped everything correctly in the mapping table, but it is still
possible that the ‘Revit Section Name’ you refer to, is from a family which has not been
To solve this, go to ‘Insert -> Load from Library’.
The family library for Revit Structure is by default in the ProgramData folder.
(all families are not loaded by default, because it would make the software much slower)

10. If the import went successfully, you will see the same structure as you had in SCIA Engineer:

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Chapter 8

The Revit link is mainly developed for exporting the data from Revit structure to SCIA Engin-
Most changes made in SCIA Engineer can be imported back to Revit Structure.
But the functionality has its limitations. If you wish to check the possibilities (and impossib-
ilities of the link, we refer to the help of the Revit Plugin. We refer to the plug-in instead of pla-
cing the information here, because a newer version of the plug-in will allow more, and
these options will also be updated in its help file.
In the next image you can see that the help file has been used to check the possibilities con-
cerning load combinations.

The Revit link was originally implemented to send files/models from Revit Structure to SCIA
Engineer. It is also possible to send files back from SCIA Engineer to Revit Structure, but it
can also still be possible to transfer these changes verbally to the architect using Revit Struc-
ture so that he is fully aware of the changes. But as you will see in examples 2 and 3,
changed, added and deleted items can be perfectly exchanged from SCIA Engineer to
Revit Structure

Modification of cross-section in SCIA Engineer

1. Take the project which we ended with in example 1. We are now going to adapt the column cross-section in SCIA Engin-
eer and import it back in the same existing Revit Structure project.
2. In SCIA Engineer, we are going to add the default rectangular concrete cross-section and change the property of one
column to this cross-section.

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Revit link

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Chapter 8

3. As you can see, the new rectangular cross-section is applied to one of the columns. The next step is to export the SCIA
Engineer project to an .r2s file, and to import this file into Revit Structure. Be sure to deselect everything in SCIA Engineer
first, otherwise only the selection will be exported.

- 160 -
Revit link

4. As you can see, only the changed element will be imported. The log mentions that the family symbol has changed. Only
the imported elements cause changes in the model, so the imported column is the on we changed, and the message
refers to exactly that column.

Adding elements in SCIA Engineer

1. For this example, we will continue with the modified SCIA Engineer project from the end of example 2. We are going to
add a column and a wall and import the entire project in Revit Structure.
2. In the image below, the concrete column has been copied, and a (steel) wall has been placed between the two concrete
columns. An opening has also been added to the wall (it is important that vertical 2D elements have the type ‘wall’ and hori-
zontal the type ‘plate’).

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Chapter 8

3. Next step is importing the project in to the Revit project which we acquired at the end of example 2. The import log will look
like this:

4. The new elements are the one imported, the already existent (and not changed) have not been imported again. One
column and one wall were imported. Also the opening has been imported (this opening could also be imported later on).

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Revit link

- 163 -
Chapter 9


Tekla Structures interface

Note: This import/export capability is not directly related to SCIA Engineer functionality.
Nevertheless, it can prove useful to SCIA Engineer users. Please, consider this chapter to
be only a brief introduction and contact SCIA support team for more information and/or

Note: The interface works with Tekla Structures versions 15 and 16.

If IFC format is not a solution for you to export to and from Tekla Structures, you can use the STEP Steel format. Altern-
atively, export can be made through Tekla Structure API link.

STEP Steel format

Tekla to SCIA Engineer

1. Export a project by StepSteel export option in Tekla Structures to e.g. "Tekla_output.stp".

2. Open "Tekla_output.stp", and replace the text 'FILE_SCHEMA(('DATA_SECTION_SCHEMA_3_99'))' with 'FILE_
SCHEMA(('PSS_2000_04'))' in the header, then save it again.
3. Now import this output-stp ("Tekla_output.stp'" into SCIA Engineer.
4. Make necessary modifications, analyses, checks, etc.
5. Export the structure into StepSteel CAD format (not levels 1-3), e.g. to "output01.stp" (see chapter StepSteel - export of
structural model).
6. Change the header back: So now replace 'FILE_ SCHEMA (('PSS_ 2000_ 04'))' with 'FILE_ SCHEMA (('DATA_
7. Then save it as "output01e.stp".

SCIA Engineer to Tekla

1. In SCIA Engineer you have to generate a new STP-File (e.g."Esa_output.stp'". Choose the option: Stepsteel export
CAD (not levels 1-3) (see chapter StepSteel - export of structural model).
2. Open "Esa_ output.stp", and replace the text 'FILE_ SCHEMA(('PSS_ 2000_ 04'))' with 'FILE_ SCHEMA(('DATA_
SECTION_SCHEMA_3_99'))' in the header, then save it again.
3. Now import this output-stp ("Esa_output.stp'" into Tekla Structures.

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Tekla Structure COM plug-in

Installation Tekla to SCIA link

Tekla to SCIA link is a separate setup which is launched during SCIA Engineer installation if the plug-in is selected by a user
in typical installation. After Tekla to SCIA link is installed a dialog with question about configuration is displayed.

If you choose [No] during installation then, please, do not forget to configure it later. The configuration editor is located in the
same folder as SCIA Engineer. The default path is C:\Program Files (x86)\SCIA\Tekla to SCIA link\SCIAPlu-
ginCfgEditor.exe for 32bit Tekla Structures and C:\Program Files\SCIA\Tekla to SCIA link\SCIAPluginCfgEditor.exe for
64bit Tekla Structures.
If you choose [Yes] the plug-in configuration dialog is displayed.

Plug-in configuration
The main and usually the only thing which is necessary to do is to set the proper path to SCIA Engineer which should be
used. In the right bottom corner in SCIA Engineer box there is an empty item Folder (see in the picture)is expected the path
to Esa.exe. The rest of paths, e.g. to templates, is set automatically during installation.

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Chapter 9

Mapping tables
In the right top corner there is a path to mapping table for material and cross-sections. The default tables can be changed by
a user, then it is necessary to change the Type from Master to User (see picture). Even if changes are made only in one of
the table the type has to be set to User in both.

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The type of mapping database is defined in the xml file header.

Cross-section mapping database

The particular definition of cross-sections start under the line <CrossSectionsMapping>. The definition of each profile con-
version starts with <CrossSection id="number"> and ends </CrossSection>. Id is only order in the file therefore with each
new one please add the previous number +1.

- 167 -
Chapter 9

The first line defines profile name in SCIA Engineer profile library. The next line says that the profile is from Profile Library
database . It is the only one which is supported for data exchange with Tekla Structures therefor use always the same string.
On the third line there is the id from SCIA Engineer database. Use a number in the following way:
number 1 for I profiles
number 1002 for L profiles
number 5 for U profiles
number 6 for T profiles
number 2 for rectangle hollow profiles
number 3 for circular hollow profiles
Forth line defines material type of profile which has to be always steel for rolled profiles. O the fifth line there is a name which
is used in Tekla structures database. The last line defines profile id in Tekla Structures in the following way:
for I profiles number 4
for L profiles number 6
for U profiles number 8
for T profiles number 2
for rectangle hollow profiles number 9
for circular hollow profiles number 11
Material mapping database
The particular definition of materials start under the line <MaterialsMapping>. The definition of each material conversion
starts with <Material id="number"> and ends </Material>. Id is only order in the file therefore with each new one please add
the previous number +1.

The first line defines material name in SCIA Engineer material library. The next line defines the id from SCIA Engineer data-
base. Use a number (for EC-EN) in the following way:
number 1 for steel material - S 235
number 2 for steel material - S 275
number 3 for steel material - S 355
number 65 for concrete material - C12/15
number 66 for concrete material - C16/20

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number 67 for concrete material - C20/25

number 68 for concrete material - C25/30
number 69 for concrete material - C30/37
number 70 for concrete material - C35/45
number 71 for concrete material - C40/50
number 72 for concrete material -C45/55
number 73 for concrete material - C50/60
number 74 for concrete material - C55/67
On the third line is a definition of code in a format which is used in SCIA Engineer. The forth line says the type of material in
Tekla Structures. The last line defines the Tekla Structures name.

Export of Model

When the plug-in is installed the link to SCIA Engineer is available in Tekla Structures menu Analysis > Analysis &
Design Models.

In the dialog Analysis & Design Models press [New] button.

Dialog Analysis Model Properties is opened.

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Chapter 9

In the Analysis model tab in the Analysis application combo box select the SCIA Engineer - automatic start or
SCIA Engineer - manual start. Automatic start tries to launch SCIA Engineer and open the exported model immediately.
Manual start means that only .t2s file is exported and a user has to run SCIA Engineer and import the file. The .t2s file is
saved always in the Tekla project in the directory Analysis\Model[number]\ for 32bit Tekla Structures or Analysis\Model[num-
ber]\decrypt\ for 64bit Tekla Structures.

Note: The option Automatic start does not work for Tekla Structures 64bit.

When Analysis Model Properties are defined Analysis model name is displayed in the dialog Analysis & Design

- 170 -

Choose the proper analysis model name and press [Export] button for exporting Tekla Structures model to SCIA Engin-
eer. If no load combination exists in the model a message is displayed. The load combination is not necessary for export to
SCIA Engineer.

After the message a following warning is displayed :

Then the process of export starts.

If any issues was found a warning is displayed.

For detailed log press [Details] button.

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Chapter 9

After export a report about export is automatically opened in html browser.

Note: The report is in UTF-16. It may happen that any browsers do not display it auto-
matically with the proper encoding.

Update cross-sections from SCIA Engineer

This interface allows update of changed cross-sections in SCIA Engineerto Tekla Structures. Run export of Tekla file in
SCIA Engineerin menu File > Export >Tekla file and save the .s2t file into the same directory and with the same name as
the original exported file from Tekla Structures is .
Then press [Get results] button in Analysis & Design Models dialog. Optimization Results dialog is shown where is
possible to select only cross-sections which will be updated.

The exported model can be updted with .t2s file in SCIA Engineer. Run File>Update>Tekla file. The update is based on
XML update therefore the same names are compared.

Supported data for exchange

straight beams and columns
rolled profiles
eccentricity of members
hinges and supports
rigid arms

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flat slabs
2D member openings

Tekla Structure API link

The link is based on Tekla Structure API supports the export of:
Geometry of straight beams and columns (beginning- and end-nodes)
Materials using the mapping database
Cross-sections due to mapping database or geometrical profiles (except twin profiles)
Eccentricity, ey,ez
Member system-lines
welded cross-section,
General procedure
1. Call File > Export > Tekla file.
2. File with .s2t extension is created.
3. Then it is needed to run Tekla plugin – SCIA2Tekla.exe. Go to windows menu Start>Programs>SCIA Engineer>BIM
tools and run the link with Tekla Structures number which you use.
4. Load .s2t file, material and cross-section mapping database - otherwise the default profile (rectangle 10x10) is used.
5. Press button Load Data into Tekla Structures.
6. In Tekla Structures the project is imported.

Note: Tekla Structures has to be running before the step 5 is done.

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Chapter 9

Export dialogue

Menu File
New – opens a new dialogue SCIA2Tekla plugin without any settings (clears previous settings)
Open – opens a dialogue for to select an existing *.sts (SCIA to Tekla settings) file.
Save – saves the user settings in the dialogue to *.sts (SCIA to Tekla settings) file.
Save as – saves the user settings in the dialogue to *.sts (SCIA to Tekla settings) file.
Close – closes the plugin dialogue .
Dialogue items
File from SCIA Engineer
It loads s2t file which should be imported to Tekla Structure.
Name of new project in Tekla
It is possible to define a name of Tekla model.
SCIA Engineer model
Either the Analysis or the Structural model can be selected for export.

Note: In the current version only Eccentricity def. - purlin on rafter is imported to Tekla Struc-
tures if the structure model is selected.

Material mapping database

It loads XML file which contains conversion table for materials
Cross section mapping database

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It loads XML file which contains conversion table for profiles

[Load data into Tekla Structures]
It runs a dialogue for defining and editing of conversion table for materials
[Edit CSS database]
It runs a dialogue for defining and editing of conversion table for cross-sections
It closes the dialogue.
At the bottom of dialogue is a window where a log is written. Above this window it is possible to choose what kind of inform-
ation should be displayed. On the right side it is possible to define a text file to which the log will be saved.

Mapping database editor

Mapping databases are stored in XML.

The mapping database contains information about versions of Tekla structures for which it was tested.
Two working modes are available: Administator (SCIA emploee) and User:
- Administrator can create the master database,
- User can create only "user database".

Note: For detailed information see chapter Mapping Database Editor.

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Chapter 10


Interface with ETABS

Why and how to use?
There are lots of reasons why the interface between SCIA Engineer and ETABS may be . Some users can need to use
curved members others can need to use a steel check of hall. The next ones can want only to work with more customized
environment. All this we can to provide to users. But they have got more projects in ETABS format and they surely do not
want to lost them with changing of software and this is the reason why the interface with ETABS was developed. User can
import project to SCIA Engineer and to finish her/his work there. This interface cannot import everything at this moments but
it is clear then a development of the interface will be continue in next versions of SCIA Engineer.

What is better in SCIA Engineer?

It knows:
- Curved beams.
- Curved walls.
- Lots of possibility to create shells.
- Better displaying of structure.
- Different types of results.
- More possibilities of reinforcement of concrete structures.
- More possibilities of checks (steel, concrete,..).
- Steel connections etc.
- More type of supports – line, surface,..
- Variable load on slabs.
- Free loads.
- Variable thickness of 2D and subregions.
- Haunches and arbitrary beams.

e2k file
The exchange of data between ETABS and SCIA Engineer is done through the e2k file. This type of file can be created and
also read-back in a standard version of ETABS. SCIA Engineer offers the possibility to import and export this type of file in its
standard File > Import and File> Export menu.

This chapter explains what data are read during the import of e2k file. At the end of the chapter you will find the procedure
how to make the import of e2k file to SCIA Engineer.

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Project data

Name is filled in with the Model Name defined in e2k file.
Author is filled in with the Company Name defined in e2k file.
In Description there is the Etabs version which the e2k file was exported from.

- Units are calculated in accordance with SCIA Engineer units and the entire structure is imported in basic units (kN/m).

- Names of nodes are generated during the import.

Beams and columns

- Beams are imported as 1D members with the type set to beam.
- Columns are imported as 1D members with the type set to column.
- Braces are imported as 1D members with the type set to beam.

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Chapter 10

- Line members with “none” profile are imported as 1D members with very a small cross-section and they are inserted to a
special layer named NullBeam which is marked as CAD only. That means it is not taken in account during calculations.
- Properties: member system, type, cross-section.

- Cross-section conversion table (a default one is distributed with SCIA Engineer and users can create their own by means
of tools distributed with Tekla-plugin).
- Geometric profiles (rectangular and circular shapes).
- If a profile is defined as auto-select section in ETABS, the first one from the auto-select section list is taken in account as the
profile of the member during the import.

Walls and slabs

- Walls are imported as 2D members with the type set to wall.
- Slabs, decks and planks are imported as 2D members with the type set to slab.
- Ramps are imported as 2D members with the type set to slab.
- Area members with a “none” profile are imported as very thin 2D members that are inserted to a special layer named
NullSlab and marked as CAD only. They are not taken in account during calculations.
- Openings.
- Properties: thickness, material, type.

- User defines a conversion table during the import. A dialog for the defining of material conversion appears on the screen
during the import:

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- On the left side there is a list of all materials defined in the imported e2k file. On the right side there will be a list of SCIA
Engineer materials which user assigns to each one from the ETABS file.
- Click button [Define equivalent materials]. A new dialog with a list of SCIA Engineer materials for selected code is dis-

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Chapter 10

- At the top part of the dialog there is a combo box where you can choose a type of material, such as steel or concrete, or all
- Select which one you want to work with and confirm with [OK].
- If all materials are defined a button [OK] is available in the Equivalent material dialog and the user can continue with the

- ETABS has got only point supports and these can be imported to SCIA Engineer.
- Each restraint (Fx, Fy, Fx, Mx, My, Mz) is imported correctly as rigid or free. Springs or flexible supports are not supported.

- Beam releases in ETABS are imported as hinges to SCIA Engineer. In many cases it will be necessary to edit these hinges
in SCIA Engineer because their philosophy in SCIA Engineer is different from the definition of releases in ETABS.
- Hinges on 2D member edges are not supported.

- Point load in point
Forces Fx, Fy, Fz, and moments Mx, My, Mz in global and local coordination systems are supported.
They are imported as native SCIA Engineer forces in node.
- Point (repeating) loads on beam

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Both forces and moments in global or local coordination systems are supported.
Repeated loads are imported as several separate point forces on beam. It is not possible to import them as native SCIA
Engineer repeated forces.
- Line loads on beam
Both forces and moments with a uniform or a trapezoid distribution in global or local coordination systems are supported.
Load with the trapezoidal distribution is imported as several line loads. Each part of trapezoidal load is an independent load
in SCIA Engineer.
- Surface load on slab
ETABS has got only a constant surface load which is supported for import to SCIA Engineer.
- Temperature
Point temperature load is not imported because SCIA Engineer has no point temperature implemented.
Line temperature load is imported only on 1D members.
Surface temperature load is imported only on 2D members.
- Loads (except temperature) on line beam with a none profile are imported as free point or line loads with selection –
select. In the selection there is only the closest member.
- Loads (except temperature) on area with none profile are imported as free surface loads with selection – select. Only the
closest member is in the selection.
- Load cases
All static linear load cases are imported with their name, action type and load type to SCIA Engineer.
- Load combination
All linear combinations are imported with their lists of load cases.
1. Call function File > Import > ETABS file.

2. Dialog Open file is opened on the screen.

3. Select the required e2k file for import.

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Chapter 10

4. Confirm with [Open].

5. Dialog Codes in project appears.
6. Select a code and confirm with button [Close].

7. The Import from ETABS dialog is opened.

The ETABS version where e2k file was exported from is shown here. The user can choose the required user-defined cross-
section mapping table or to keep the default one which is distributed with SCIA Engineer.

8. Press button [Import].

9. The dialog for material conversion defining is displayed.
10. Define the materials and confirm with [OK].
11. The import is in progress. A big structure can take some time to import.
12. The log is shown.

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13. The structure is imported.


Storeys and line grid

- If storeys are defined in SCIA Engineer project then they are exported to e2k files. It is important to have defined each
member in the only strorey. If any member is in no storey or in two or more stroreys the member will be assigned to basic
one or to the lower one. A basic line grid is generated during an export. No line grid from SCIA Engineer is exported to e2k

- 183 -
Chapter 10

Note: The export of storeys is supported from SCIA Engineer 2011

- A structure is always exported in basic units (kN/m).

- Each material is correctly written to an exported file.

- For export of cross-sections the default (or user) conversion table is used. It is the same table which is used for import.

1D members
- Straight
For export only straight members without haunches, arbitrary shapes, openings, etc are supported. Polyline members are
exported as several members. Member properties as angle, profile, material, member system and member type are taken
in account. Columns and beams are exported as column and beams, others types are exported as brace to e2k file.
- Curved
No curved members are supported for export. All curved members are exported as straight.

2D members
- Flat
Only flat members with straight edges and openings and constant thickness and without subregions are supported. Mem-
ber properties as material and member type are taken in account. Member types for export are only wall and slab. If a flat
member has got a curved edge, the edge is exported by means of straight lines.
- Shells
Shells are not supported for export. They can be exported only as flat members to e2k file.

- Point in node
For export there are supported only point supports in nodes with rigid or free restrains. If a support with a flexible stiffness is
defined it is exported as free.
- Others
Point supports on a beam or an internal node, line supports on beam or 2D member edge and surface supports are not sup-
ported for export and nothing will be exported to e2k file.

- Hinges on beams are exported as beam releases to e2k file.
- Hinges on 2D member edge are not supported.

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- Point in node
Point forces Fx, Fy, Fz, and moments Mx, My, Mz in a node in global and local coordination system are supported for export
to e2k file.
Point force in an internal node is not supported.
- Point on beam
Both forces and moments in global or local coordination system are supported.
Repeated ones are exported as several point forces on beam.
- Free point
Free point forces or moments are not supported.
- Line on beam
Both forces and moments with uniform or trapezoidal distributions in global or local coordination system are supported for
- Line on edge
Line forces on 2D member edge are not supported.
- Free line
Free line forces are not supported.
- Surface
Only uniformly distributed surface load is supported for export to SCIA Engineer.
- Free surface
Free surface load is not supported.
- Temperature
Only constant thermal loads on 2D members and 1D members are supported.
If the thermal load is defined as variable it is exported to e2k file as constant load with top delta z+.
- Load cases
All load cases are exported to e2k file with their action type and load type.
- Load combination
All linear load combinations are exported to e2k file with a list of load case.
1. Call function File > Export > ETABS file.

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Chapter 10

2. Dialog [Save as] is opened.

3. Define the name of the exported e2k file.
4. Confirm with [Save].
5. Export dialog is opened.
It is possible to choose a supported version of ETABS where e2k file should be exported to. he user can choose a user
cross-section mapping table or keep the default one which is distributed with SCIA Engineer.

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6. Press button [Export].

7. The export is in progress.
8. The log is displayed.

9. The structure is exported to e2k file.

- 187 -
Chapter 11


ECtools© is a design software for Reinforced Concrete and Unreinforced Masonry Structures that aims to facilitate the prac-
ticing structural engineer or the design office in the correct application of the several clauses of Eurocodes 2, 6 and 8. It util-
ises the analysis results of SCIA Engineer© and can be used in the following cases:
* Seismic design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
* Checking/Reviewing the Design of Reinforced Concrete Buildings
* Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of existing Reinforced Concrete Buildings
* Seismic design of Composite buildings with Concrete Cores (The cores)
* Seismic design of Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
* Seismic Assessment and Retrofitting of existing Unreinforced Masonry Buildings
The procedure to export the project to ECtools
1) Run function: Plugins > ECtools > ECtools.
2) Type the name of the file and confirm with OK.
3) The file (a XML file with corresponding definition (DEF) file) is created.

- 188 -


SDNF Interface

Project data

Project data which are loaded from the SDNF file:

- Name is “Project Id”
- Part is “Structure Id”
- Description is “Client Id”
- Author is "Engineering Firm Id"
- Date is correctly loaded from *.sdn file

1D members
Member types:
- column is imported as column
- types beam and brace are imported as beam

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Chapter 12

– if the same name of profile is found in SCIA profile database or if a user conversion table is defined
– if the same name of material is found in SCIA material database or if a user conversion table is defined
Member properties:
- cardinal points are correctly set as “Member System At” property
- eccentricity – ez,ey is read from file
- correct position and orientation of begin and end node of member

Add data
Supports and hinges are automatically generated from the defined releases in the file. The conversion is based
on certain rules and not always the result is as what the user expects.
1. Run File > Import > SDNF file

2. Choose .sdn file and confirm dialog Open. The version of SDNF is recognized by a record inside the file.
3. Choose a code

4. Import dialog is displayed. It is possible to select user defined tables for profile and material conversion. At the bottom of
dialog there is a check box Import only structure. If ON, only 1D members with properties will be imported. If OFF the
releases defined in the file will be taken in account.

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5. After the import a report is shown summarising how many entities were imported.

6. A project is opened.

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Chapter 12


Project data
Project data which will be saved to the file:
- Name is “Project Id”
- Part is “Structure Id”
- Description is “Client Id”
- Author is "Engineering Firm Id"
- Date is correctly written to *.sdn file

1D members
Member types
- column is exported as column
- type beam is exported as beam
- others types are exported as brace
Profile names and material names are written to the file. No conversion table is possible for export
Member properties
- member system is set as correct cardinal points number
- alpha of cross-section and/or LCS rotation
- eccentricity – ez,ey is written as cross-section offsets
- correct position and orientation of begin and end node of member

Add data
- both is exported as member releases to the file
1. Run File > Export > SDNF file

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2. Define a file name and confirm dialog Save as.

3. Export dialog is displayed. The user can choose the version of SDNF format and confirm with [OK].

4. Export report dialog is opened.

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Chapter 12

4. A file with sdn file extension is created.

- 194 -


SCIA Engineer allows for both import and export of files in DSTV format.
The interface is based on the format according to:
Schnittstellenkonvention Statik-CAD, Köln : Deutscher Stahlbau-Verband, 1993

Note: Only steel frame structures (i.e. structures composed of 1D members) can be impor-
ted/exported through DSTV format.

Note: More information about the DSTV format can be found in a separate SCIA manual
titled SCIA EngineerASCIIImport/Export Manual.

DSTV import
The import is based on the file with extension SC2. Parts *B00, *B01, *B02, *B03 and *B04 of this file are read into SCIA

The contents of the .SC2 file (origin : analysis)

Part Description
*B00 General information (units, delimiters, etc.)
*B01 Topology of 1D members
*B02 Nodal co-ordinates
*B03 Names of cross-sections
*B04 Properties of 1D members

Note: More information about the DSTV format can be found in a separate SCIA manual
titled SCIA Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.

The procedure to import data from DSTV file

1. Start menu function File > Import > DSTV.

2. Browse for the required .SC2 file.
3. Finish the import.

Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into

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Chapter 13

DSTV export
SCIA Engineer generates files with extension SC1, SC2, SC3.

The contents of .SC1 file (origin : CAD)

Part Description
*A01 Assembly definition

The contents of .SC2 file (origin : analysis)

Part Description
*B00 General information (units, delimiters, etc.)
*B01 Topology of 1D members
*B02 Nodal co-ordinates
*B03 Names of cross-sections
*B04 Properties of 1D members

The cross-section names written in this file can be the original SCIA Engineer names or the corresponding DSTV names. In
order to have the DSTV names in the output file, you have to select the option "Use DSTV name conversion for section
name". A dialogue with this option appears on the screen during the export procedure.

The contents of .SC3 file (origin : analysis)

Part Description
*C01 Assembly definition

Note: More information about the DSTV format can be found in a separate SCIA manual
titled SCIA EngineerASCIIImport/Export Manual.

The procedure to export data into DSTV file

1. Start menu function File > Export > DSTV.

2. Specify the required output folder.
3. Type the name of the file (i.e. the base name without extension).
4. Confirm the input.
5. During the export procedure a dialogue opens on the screen.
6. Decide whether to "Use DSTV name conversion for section name" or not.
7. Complete the export.

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StepSteel - analysis model

The interface provides for the exchange of data with StepSteel and is based on the following references:
Standardbeschreibung Produktschnittstelle Stahlbau
Teil 1 : Emphehlungen für den Anwender
DSTV – Arbeitsausschuss EDV
April 2000
Standardbeschreibung Produktschnittstelle Stahlbau
Teil 2 : DatenModell
DSTV – Arbeitsausschuss EDV
April 2000
Standardbeschreibung Produktschnittstelle Stahlbau
Teil 3 : Implementierungsbereiche und Konformitaetanforderungen
DSTV – Arbeitsausschuss EDV
April 2000
The implemented EXPRESS-scheme is PSS_2000_04.exp.
SCIA Engineer allows for both import and export of StepSteel files. In addition to the analysis model, also the structural
model can be imported and exported – this is described in separate topics.

Note: Only steel frame structures (i.e. structures composed of 1D members) can be impor-
ted/exported through StepSteel format.

StepSteel - import of analysis model

The procedure to import data from StepSteel file

1. Start menu function File > Import >StepSteel.

2. Browse for the required input file.
3. Finish the import.

Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into

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Chapter 14

Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA
manual titled SCIA Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.

StepSteel - export of analysis model

The procedure to export data into StepSteel file

1. Start menu function File > Export >StepSteel.

2. Specify the required output folder.
3. Type the name of the file (i.e. the base name without extension).
4. Select the output level – see below.
5. Adjust parameters relating to section names – see below.
6. Complete the export.

Available implementation levels

Implementation level Entity group Abbreviation Note

Read in static structure General data 1(IN) Not available for export

Structural Analysis I data

Write static structure General data 1(OUT)

Structural Analysis I data

Read in structural analysis General data 7(IN) Not available for export

without results Structural analysis I data

Structural analysis II data

Write structural analysis General data 7(OUT)

without results Structural analysis I data

Structural analysis II data

Write structural analysis General data 2(OUT)

Structural analysis I data

Structural analysis II data

Structural analysis III data

Write draft General data 3(OUT)

Design data

Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA
manual titled SCIA EngineerASCIIImport/Export Manual.

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Section names
The cross-section shape is recognised from the name of the cross-section. The user may adjust a few parameters that influ-
ence the applied conversion of cross-section names.

Use DSTV conversion for section names If ON, the DSTV convention is used for cross-section names.
Use mapping table as conversion for section If ON, the mapping table is used to convert the names of cross-sec-
names tions.

StepSteel - structural model

The import and export of structural model is an extension to the import and export of the analysis model.

Note: Only steel frame structures (i.e. structures composed of 1D members) can be impor-
ted/exported through StepSteel format.

StepSteel - import of structural model

The procedure to import data from StepSteel-CAD file

1. Start menu function File > Import >StepSteel-CAD.

2. Browse for the required input file.
3. Finish the import.

Note: The import function creates a new empty project and the specified file is imported into

Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA
manual titled SCIA Engineer ASCII Import/Export Manual.

StepSteel - export of structural model

The procedure to export data into StepSteel-CAD file

1. Start menu function File > Export >StepSteel-CAD.

2. Specify the required output folder.
3. Type the name of the file (i.e. the base name without extension).
4. Complete the export.

Note: More information about the StepSteel format can be found in a separate SCIA
manual titled SCIA EngineerASCIIImport/Export Manual.

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Chapter 15

CEA Plant-4D

CEA Pland-4D
SCIA Engineer allows for export of project data into CEA Pland-4D file. This option is available only if the corresponding soft-
ware is installed on your computer.

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Mapping Database Editor

Mapping Database Editor

What is it?
Mapping Database Editor is a tool for definition of conversion tables for cross-sections and materials during an import and
an export from and to other applications. The conversion table is saved in XML file format.
The reason of creation of this tool was the fact that not all other applications use the same name of cross-sections and mater-
ials, not all contain all of them and some allow you to name it with a user name. Then it is necessary to allow users to define a
link with SCIA Engineer database profile or material.
Each file with the conversion table has defined the application for which it should be used. The purpose of this tutorial is to
introduce this tool and explain how to work with it.
Imports and exports which need the mapping tables
Export to Tekla Structures
Needs cross-section and material mapping tables
Export to ETABS
Needs only a cross-section table
Import from ETABS
Needs only a cross-section
Import of SDNF file
Needs cross-section and material mapping tables

Work with Editor

You can run the Editor from import and export dialogs or from menu Start. If you run it from the Start menu a basic window is
opened. Otherwise a file with the defined mapping table is opened.

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Chapter 16

Basic window

New creates a new empty file for database
Open opens an Open dialog where you can select a file
Save saves the file
Save as saves the file under different name
Close closes the opened file
Exit closes the Editor

Add - Material adds a new line for a material definition
Add - Cross-section adds a new line for a cross-section definition

Shows all opened windows and allows you to switch between them.
About shows basic information about the tool

Toolbar Filters is very important. It allows you to find a defined profile(s) or material in the table. Available filters depend on
the type of opened file, i.e. a table for material or profile, for which application, etc.
Common filter for all applications:

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Mapping Database Editor

l Id
l sciaName
l sciaCatalogItem
l sciaSectionName

Other filters are by application.

In the first combo box you say which filter you want to use if any and in the second one you type what you are searching for.
You can type the profile name or a part of profile name or a part of profile name with an asterisk.
E.g. HE3*A means you are searching for profile HEA which has at first position of number the digit 3.

If nothing changes in the tree, use button [Apply] on the filter toolbar. If you want to cancel the filter use button [Clear].

Database window
Fill in the information about the mapping file.

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Chapter 16

Application selects Name of application for which the mapping database is

Name being created
Major version version of application
Minor version version of application
Database Name name of database
Version version of database
Type type Master - default one, User

Note: If you change the Application type, only the defined settings from SCIA Engineer are

Basic tab
In the left side there is a window with a tree with defined profiles or materials. In the middle of the dialog there is all the inform-
ation about the profile or material from SCIA Engineer. In the right side there is the information/name about the profile from
the other application.

Cross-section definition
SCIA Engineer
is automatically generated after adding a new profile. If two or more items
with the same Id exist, the one with the lower number has a priority.
Cross-sec- the name is filled in by the user. The name must be from SCIA Engineer
tion database.
must be defined.

Other application
name of cross-section is filled in by the user. It has to be in accordance with
profile names of that application.

Material definition
SCIA Engineer
is automatically generated after adding a new material. If two or more items
with the same Id exist, the one with lower number has a priority.
the name is filled in by the user. The name must be from SCIA Engineer data-

- 204 -
Mapping Database Editor

Other application
name of material is filled in by the user. It has to be in accordance with mater-
ial names of that application.

Grid tab
It is another definition than in the Basic tab. Both types of definition can be mixed. On the Grid tab there are two sub tabs –
Cross-section and Material, which can be switched on the right side.

It has the same items as the Basic tab only in a different arrangement. The Catalogue type is filled as a number where:

1 I profile
2 hollow section
3 tube section
4 L section
5 channel section
6 T section
7 full rectangular section
11 full circular section
101 asymmetric I section
102 rolled Z section
111 cold formed angle section
150 rail type KA section
1002 minus L section

Note: Both cross-section and material mapping table can be defined in the same file.

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Chapter 16

Examples of procedure
Define a new mapping table

1. Launch the tool from Start > Programs > SCIA Engineer 2010.1 > BIM tools > Mapping Database Editor.
2. Run File > New.
3. Define Application Name – e.g. Tekla Structures. You can also fill in the other information about the file.
4. Add a material by means of

– menu Data > Add > Material

– or a right mouse button click in the window in the left side of the dialogue. Then click on Add > Material.

5. Define Id (e.g. as 1), Material in SCIA Engineer (e.g. as S 450) and Material in Tekla Structures (e.g. as S237).

6. Switch from Basic to Grid tab with Material subtab. You can see the first defined material.
7. Click into the second line and again define Id (e.g. as 2), sciaName material (e.g. as S 335) and teklaName material (e.g.
as S275).

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Mapping Database Editor

That means materials S 450 and S 335 from SCIA Engineer will be substitute in Tekla Structures with S237 and

8. Save it with File > Save as and define a name of the table. You can try to export a simple structure from SCIA Engineer
with materials S450 and S335 and check up if it is correctly imported to Tekla Structures.

Edit an existing mapping table

1. Launch the tool from Start > Programs > SCIA Engineer 2010.1 > BIM tools > Mapping Database Editor.
2. Run File > Open and select e.g. SdnfCss.xml in Addons directory.
3. Set Filter by sciaSectionName and input a key – HEA.

4. Select one of profiles in the left side window – e.g. id 1721 and remove it with a right mouse button click – Delete.

Or in the Grid tab using Delete key on your keyboard.

5. Select next one in either Basic or Grid tab and change the profile name in SCIA Engineer column e.g. from HEAT100 to
HEA100 and Catalogue type from T section to I section in the Basic tab or from 6 to 1 in the Grid tab. It means the T profile
T-HE100A/.5/ from SDNF file will be imported to SCIA Engineer as I profile HEA100.

6. Add new one by means of

- right mouse button click Add > CrossSection

- or menu Data > Add > CrossSection

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Chapter 16

- or start to write in the last line in the Grid tab.

7. After all changes save it using File > Save or Save as.

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