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IADC/SPE 87113

Drilling in Brazil in 2887m Water Depth using a Surface BOP system and a DP Vessel
G. Brander, E. Magne, T. Newman, T. Taklo (Shell International Exploration & Production), C. Mitchell (Shell Brazil
Exploration & Production)

Copyright 2004, IADC/SPE Drilling Conference

also gives Shell the capability of drilling beyond the 10,000ft
This paper was prepared for presentation at the IADC/SPE Drilling Conference held in Dallas, water depth barrier making use of the existing worldwide rig
Texas, U.S.A., 2–4 March 2004.
This paper was selected for presentation by an IADC/SPE Program Committee following
review of information contained in a proposal submitted by the author(s). Contents of the
paper, as presented, have not been reviewed by the International Association of Drilling INTRODUCTION
Contractors or Society of Petroleum Engineers and are subject to correction by the author(s).
The material, as presented, does not necessarily reflect any position of the International
Association of Drilling Contractors or Society of Petroleum Engineers, their officers, or This document discusses the design, installation and operation
members. Papers presented at IADC/SPE meetings are subject to publication review by of the Surface BOP (SBOP) system on the Dynamically
Editorial Committees of the International Association of Drilling Contractors and Society of
Petroleum Engineers. Electronic reproduction, distribution, or storage of any part of this paper Positioned (DP) drilling rig “Stena Tay” to drill the well 1-
for commercial purposes without the written consent of the International Association of Drilling
Contractors and Society of Petroleum Engineers is prohibited. Permission to reproduce in print
SHEL-14-RJS in block BM-C-10 offshore Brazil. As such it
is restricted to a proposal of not more than 300 words; illustrations may not be copied. The includes the following:
proposal must contain conspicuous acknowledgment of where and by whom the paper was
presented. Write Librarian, SPE, P.O. Box 833836, Richardson, TX 75083-3836, U.S.A., Motivation for operations with SBOP in Brazil in
fax 01-972-952-9435.
2887m water with a DP rig:
Detailed description of the SBOP system
ABSTRACT Summary of the rig modifications required
Summary of the risk management process for the safe
The deepwater well 1-SHEL-14-RJS (block BM-C-10 in the
application of SBOP operations
Campos Basin offshore Brazil) was successfully drilled by
Brief description of the actual operation
Shell Brazil in May/June 2003. The well was drilled to beyond
Significant learnings and conclusions
5200m total depth in 2887m water by the Stena Tay, a
dynamically positioned (DP) semi-submersible, using a
WHY SBOP in BM-C-10 ?
Surface BOP system. Subsequent to this well in Brasil, a
further drilling campaign with the same SBOP system on the
The BM-C-10 block, in the Campos basin, offshore Brazil,
Stena Tay, has commenced in Egypt in late November 2003.
lies in 2850 to 3150m water.
At the time of writing the first well has been drilled to TD.
There are only a handful of conventional drilling rigs that
The SBOP system included a Surface mounted BOP
are currently equipped to drill in these water depths. As a
(SBOP), a high pressure casing riser, a Seabed Disconnect
consequence, these tend to attract high day-rates, making such
System (SDS), and control systems for these components. In
projects very expensive. This is compounded by the fact that
order to utilize this equipment on the Stena Tay, a number of
the availability of such rigs cannot be guaranteed and a high
relatively minor rig modifications were completed prior to the
mobilization fee is likely. None of these conventional rigs are
start of operations.
equipped to drill in water deeper than 3050m, and hence for
Throughout the project planning phases, an intense and
the deeper part of the BM-C-10 block a new solution is
comprehensive risk management process was followed. The
results of this work concluded that SBOP operations are as
Due to the high costs associated with deepwater drilling in
safe, if not safer than conventional operations in terms of
general, recent Shell study work has focused on a means to
Health, Safety and Environment. The operation was
drill deepwater wells more cheaply. SBOP technology was
successfully completed without any significant HSE incidents.
identified to be one of the key enablers, and it subsequently
During the operations with the SBOP system a large
became one of Shell’s core technology focus areas for
number of learning’s and ideas for improvements to the
deepwater drilling.
system were gathered. These improvements will be prioritized
After some initial screening and design work it was
and implemented for future SBOP drilling campaigns.
decided to apply the technique to drill the BM-C-10 well. The
Overall, the SBOP operation on BM-C-10 was extremely
advantages of using SBOP for this particular well were:
successful, particularly when considering that this was the first
Potential to use smaller, cheaper rig
application of a new technology in an extreme environment,
Potential to reduce time spent drilling wells
conducted from a dynamically positioned vessel in record
Reduction of rig mobilization cost (suitable rigs for
breaking water depths for Brazil. This heralds a new era for
SBOP were already in Brazil)
such operations and provides a strong basis for planning for
Improved Health, Safety and Environmental
future operations with SBOP in many areas of the world. It
2 IADC/SPE 87113

Rig selection Health, Safety and Environmental issues

A number of candidate rigs in Brazil were initially identified The HSE issues associated with the use of SBOP technology
for the BMC-10 work. These included the Sedco 707, the P- have created a great deal of controversy amongst operators
23, the Lousiana (all under contract to Petrobras) and also the and contractors alike with some level of polarization apparent
Stena Tay (under long term contract to Shell). Due to program (ref. IADC SBOP meeting Nov 2002 – Houston).
and contractual constraints the Sedco 707 and the P-23 were Shell’s initial study work into the use of SBOP technology
unavailable. Inspection of the Louisiana indicated that the rig indicated that risks appeared to be lower for SBOP than for
was potentially capable of performing the work, and its day conventional operations. Nevertheless, as described later in
rate was relatively low, however significant modifications this paper, a very comprehensive safety management process
would be required, in particular to the Hydro-acoustic was implemented early on in an effort to categorically ensure
Positioning Reference (HPR) system. These costs would that all risks were covered and addressed, in particular those
potentially have to be written off against a single well, thus risks associated with doing something for the first time.
significantly increasing the effective day rate. Throughout this risk management process it became more
The Stena Tay is a DP semi-sub, capable of drilling in up apparent to those involved that the risks were indeed lower for
to 2450m of water with a conventional subsea BOP stack. She just about everything considered. Some of the advantages
is on a long-term contract to Shell, and had been working in identified were as follows:
Brazil for 2 years at the time of rig selection. In general terms,
due to its high specification and day rate the vessel is/was not Short-term improvements
the ideal rig for realizing the long-term cost benefits from Much less mud required (3500 bbl versus 5700 bbl
SBOP technology. However, the Stena Tay: active mud system)
was already equipped with a 3000m capable Hydro- Less chemicals needed and consequently less
acoustic Position Reference (HPR) system HAZMAT exposure to personnel
did not require many other major modifications Less exposure to heavy lifting of riser and
had time available in its sequence to drill the BM- conventional BOP components
C-10 well Well time reduced leading to a reduction in overall
Coupled with this incentive for Shell to use the Stena-Tay, risk exposure time
was that the goal of drilling the first well in nearly 3000m of Less waste to dispose of
water with SBOP represented a massive technology jump. Improved well control (short C&K lines, no risk of
While every effort would be (and was) made during the design uncontrolled gas expansion in riser, more
of the SBOP system to minimize the level of risk, there would flexibility, etc.)
always be some ‘perceived’ risks that could only be disproved Reduced risk of hydrate formation
after the system had been successfully operated. For this first More efficient hole cleaning characteristics
project and being fully cognizant of the extreme operating Larger watch circle tolerance than for a
environment, risk was mitigated by building in redundancy conventional marine riser system
features in areas where novel and or critical technology had Reduced exposure to VIV riser downtime
been applied e.g. the SDS control system which had, if
required, three separate operating systems (hard control line, Long-term improvements
acoustic and ROV hot stab) Throughout the project, all three Smaller rigs required, extended use of existing rig
systems were routinely tested and performed admirably giving fleet
valuable data and experience for future operations Less fuel required
Shell Brazil had already worked with the Stena Tay for 2 Less raw materials to build system
years, during which an extremely good safety record had been Less waste
maintained. Due to this, and the fact that the rig would be Lower cost exploration wells and possibly more
operating well within its capabilities in deploying an SBOP wells to be drilled
system in 3000m, it was felt that the potential for rig related Lower cost developments
risks would be much lower for the Stena Tay than for any of
the other identified rigs. For this particular well, in deep water with a relatively
Another great advantage in using this vessel was that no shallow reservoir, the well control advantage was found to be
mobilization of another rig would be required, thus quite pertinent.
eliminating the inherent cost, crew training etc. that are
normally involved with such a mobilization.
Drilling time
By using an SBOP system, the well duration would be reduced BOP systems for floating rig operations have two main
due to: functions:
Quicker riser running and retrieval Provide well control functionality in the case of a kick,
Faster circulation times and
Faster BOP testing Seal the well and allow the riser to be disconnected
Potentially higher ROP allowed due to less cuttings from the seabed in case of a rig-positioning problem.
accumulating in the riser
IADC/SPE 87113 3

Well control The SBOP system is comprised of the following

When using a Conventional Subsea BOP system the BOP pipe components (bottom to top):
rams (or blind ram) in the Subsea BOP are used to seal the Seabed Disconnect System– SDS (3000m water depth
well-bore and provide well control on the seabed. The Choke rating, 10000psi)
and Kill system can then be used to safely circulate fluid in SDS control system (control cable and acoustic signal
and out of the well through a series of valves on the BOP, two transmission)
high-pressure lines running up the side of the marine riser High pressure casing riser 13-3/8” (5000psi)
(low pressure) and a Choke and Kill manifold at the surface. Surface BOP – SBOP (rams rated to 10000psi, annular
For a Surface BOP system, the well control is performed preventer to 5000psi)
using a standard ‘Jack-up type’ BOP (SBOP) which is located Surface BOP control system
in the rig’s moon pool and which is attached to the top of the Telescoping joint and existing riser tensioning system
high-pressure drilling riser (for this operation the riser is Existing Diverter
comprised of 13-3/8” casing). In the case of a well control Existing Choke and Kill lines to manifold (15000psi)
incident, the well is closed in at the SBOP. The kick can then
be circulated up the casing riser and out of the BOP and Overall the SBOP system is rated to a maximum working
through the Choke. In this regard, well control techniques are pressure of 5000psi, based on the pressure rating of the riser.
identical to the well control techniques used for jack-up rig A full description of the design process of the SBOP
operations. Using a surface BOP in this way has a number of system can be found in:
significant advantages over using a conventional subsea stack, IADC/SPE paper 87109: Surface BOP: Equipment
namely: Development for Extending the Water Depth Capability of a
The pressure loss while circulating through the 13- D.P. Semisubmersible by 1,900 feet
3/8” riser will be much less than while circulating
in a conventional system through very long choke Subsea Disconnect System (SDS)
and Kill lines. The SDS is designed to shear the drill string, seal off the well
The SBOP enables gas in the riser to be controlled. and disconnect the riser in an emergency situation. The SDS is
With the BOP on the seabed, the options are very composed of the following main components (bottom to top):
limited once a gas bubble has passed the BOP stack 18-3/4” wellhead connector
and is allowed to expand up through the riser. 13-5/8” lower and upper shearing blind rams (SBR)
In the case that the BOP leaks or there is a problem, with ram locks
this can be fixed at surface without having to pull 13-5/8” riser connector (upward facing)
the riser. The riser, however, has to be unlatched
from the SDS prior conducting work at the SBOP. See Figure 2 – Seabed Disconnect System
The chance of hydrates plugging the well control
equipment at the seabed is reduced, as the gas The two SBR’s are identical Cameron 10k UM type 13-5/8”
pressure is not altered at the seabed. Hydrate BOP's with tandem boosters and ram locks. SBR close and
remediation is also easier with a high-pressure riser. lock functions are activated by the MUX control system and
More redundancy and flexibility with both the Shut- can also be actuated manually by the ROV. The two SBR’s
off and Disconnect System and the Surface BOP are spaced out so that a drill pipe tool joint is able to fit
between the two rams ensuring that at least one SBR is always
Seal well and disconnect cutting drill pipe and not a tool joint.
When using a Conventional Subsea BOP system, in the case The SDS is equipped with a mechanical automatic closure
the rig is unable to maintain position, the well bore is sealed system.
using the Shearing Blind Ram in the Subsea BOP Stack. Once
the well is sealed, the marine riser can be disconnected from SDS Control System
the top of the BOP Stack at the Lower Marine Riser Package The SDS is designed to be a safety device to seal the well and
When using the Surface BOP system, two Shearing Blind to disconnect the riser in case of emergencies only. Regular
Rams inside the Seabed Disconnect System (SDS) are used to well control will be maintained by using the SBOP. It is not
shear the pipe and seal the well. The riser connector at the top planned, nor expected, that any of the functions on the SDS
of the SDS will subsequently open, releasing the riser (as will be operated regularly although this capability is designed
would be the case for an emergency disconnect using a subsea into the system. Based on this, there is no fixed hydraulic
stack from a DP vessel). supply line from the surface to the SDS.
9 x 40 gallon piston type hydraulic accumulators are
DESCRIPTION of SBOP EQUIPMENT mounted on the SDS that provide the pressurized fluid
required to operate the shear rams, ram locks and the
In order to utilize SBOP technology on the Stena Tay for connectors.
drilling BM-C-10 wells, a completely new BOP system and The SDS is controlled by a multiplex, electric over
casing riser was required. The existing BOP and marine riser hydraulic, control system. There are 2 control panels for the
system remained in storage on the rig but was not used. SDS:
An overview of the SBOP system components and their Master Control Panel in the Toolpusher's Office.
configuration is shown in Figure 1 – SBOP system diagram Drillers Panel located in the Driller's Cabin.
4 IADC/SPE 87113

Electric signals from these panels are sent from the surface Rams are rated to 10000psi, the annular preventer to
to the SDS in two ways: 5000psi.
Acoustic signal transmitted through the water Downstream of the Choke and Kill inlets, 2 x 3 1/16” gate
column from a surface mounted transducer to 2 valves are located on each line. The rig’s existing Choke and
identical receivers and electronic control pods on Kill manifold and piping was utilized without modification.
the SDS. The Choke and Kill line outlets on the SBOP were designed to
Electrical signal transmitted down through a match the rig’s existing flexible Choke and Kill lines that were
hardwire, attached to the riser. simply ‘dropped’ into position on the SBOP.
These signals cause valves in the control package to
actuate, thus sending hydraulic fluid to the appropriate Surface BOP Control System
function on the SDS. In the case of a blackout on the surface, An electro-hydraulic control manifold, located adjacent to the
power is maintained to the control system through a UPS SDS MUX reel, provides control for the SBOP. Both the
system. manifold and the MUX reel are located on a new deck
Both of the hardwired and acoustic systems allow constructed specifically for the purpose. Pressurised fluid is
continuous monitoring of system operability throughout the delivered to the manifold from the existing rig BOP surface
course of the well. Failure of either acoustic or electrical cable accumulator package.
will set an alarm. The SBOP can be controlled from 3 panels:
In the case that an emergency disconnect is required, the Direct from the control manifold in the moon pool
Driller pushes a single button on a Control Panel located in the Driller’s Remote Panel in the Driller’s Cabin
Driller's Cabin. The emergency disconnect sequence is then Toolpusher’s Panel located in the Toolpusher's
executed automatically as follows: Office
Close and lock lower shear rams.
Close and lock upper shear rams. Riser Tensioning System Telescoping Joint and Diverter
Primary and Secondary unlock riser connector. The Stena Tay is equipped with 6 Hydralift ‘N’-Line Riser
The disconnect sequence takes 38 seconds to complete. Tensioners with a 15m stroke.
The casing riser is hung off on the existing riser load ring.
High Pressure Casing Riser A donut shaped Load Ring Adaptor (LRA) provides the
The casing riser is rated to 7500psi API burst rating, however necessary load-carrying interface between the casing riser
it has been analyzed as a drilling riser to 5000psi. Upper Transition Joint and the larger diameter load ring
Transition joints are located at the bottom of the riser, just (existing).
above the SDS, and at the top of the riser, just below the A purpose-built 3-piece Telescoping Joint (TJ), fitted
SBOP. These joints avoid stress concentration points between above the SBOP, compensates for rig movement. A Flex Joint
the ‘flexible’ riser and the stiff SDS and SBOP. is incorporated into the top of the TJ.
There was a potential for strong currents in BM-C-10 with The existing rig diverter (with the existing rig flex joint
associated potential for Vortex Induced Vibrations (VIV). removed) is used to provide a connection between the TJ and
Specially designed VIV suppression sleeves were therefore the rig diverter housing.
attached to the upper 150m of the riser. In addition, an over-
pull was applied to the riser during operations to help to RIG MODIFICATIONS
suppress VIV and current effects.
See Table 1 - Riser casing properties In addition to the main system components, a number of rig
modifications have been undertaken as follows:
Installation of SBOP gantry crane
Surface BOP (SBOP) Installation of hydrophone system
The SBOP is a conventional surface type BOP stack that Installation of MUX and SBOP Control Manifold
would typically be found on a jack-up rig. The arrangement of Deck
preventers and the Choke and Kill line outlets allows Depth upgrade to ROV and installation of pump
maximum flexibility during well control operations which will skid
be conducted in the same way as well control operations on a SBOP Gantry Crane
jack-up. A 40mt gantry crane has been installed under the rig floor.
The SBOP is composed of the following components This crane is used to lift the SBOP from the main Deck and
(bottom to top): move it into the well center between the Riser Tensioner
13-5/8” mechanical wellhead connector Cylinders, and to then lower it down onto the wellhead on the
13-5/8” lower pipe rams top of the riser.
Kill line inlet port
3-5/8” upper pipe rams Hydrophone System
Choke line outlet port A Nautronix hydrophone is deployed below the hull in order
13-5/8” tandem boosted SBR to communicate with the Nautronix control system on the
13-5/8” annular preventer SDS. A purpose built deployment pipe and internal
deployment system was installed through which the
See Figure 3 – SBOP in moonpool hydrophone is lowered.
IADC/SPE 87113 5

MUX and SBOP Control Manifold Deck Acoustic reliability study

A new deck has been provided to support the new 3000m After the HAZID highlighted some issues with regard to the
MUX line and SBOP control Manifold. This deck is located reliability of acoustic systems, a specific Study on reliability
directly above the existing MUX deck and is attached to the of acoustic BOP-controls was completed between May and
shaker house wall. October 2002. This study concluded:

ROV “Although it can be stated that the reliability of an

Oceaneering fitted a new umbilical and winch to the ROV, for acoustic BOP control system is more reliable than the earlier
operations in 3000m water. Power cabling has also been designs, a recommended failure to function on demand
upgraded to supply the additional power required by the frequency cannot be established based on experience.
upgraded winch. For the purpose of further analyses where a reliability
In order to refill the SDS accumulators subsea during the figure for the acoustic system is required, it is recommended
course of the SBOP operations, a pumping skid with a 135 gal to assume that 1 out of 100 attempts to activate fails, i.e. 1%.”
reservoir is fitted to the ROV.
Based on this conclusion a new-technology Broadband
SBOP RISK ASSESSMENT/MANAGEMENT PROCESS acoustic system was selected to provide the primary acoustic
link between the seabed and the surface. However, a
The comprehensive Risk assessment and management process hardwired MUX cable backup was also specified for this first
encompassed a number of steps: well(s), until such a time that the reliability of the acoustic link
HAZID could be conclusively proven.
Acoustic reliability study HAZOP
HAZOP A Hazard Operation Analysis (HAZOP) was completed in
Communication and Training program January 2003. This HAZOP was run with key contractor
Additional studies personnel directly involved in the operation. The purpose of
Third party inspection program the exercise was to provide a final comprehensive operability
review of the SBOP system ‘as built’ to identify any
HAZID additional hazards. The conclusions of this study were as
An early Hazard Identification (HAZID) exercise was held in follows:
February 2002 in order to identify potential issues for the use The Hazards identified during this workshop mainly
of the SBOP system on BMC-10. related to personnel safety and assets
The exercise identified no “showstoppers” for the planned The group felt comfortable with conclusions from
operations, but did highlight several issues that needed to be previous hazard assessments with respect to threats
addressed prior to deployment. In particular, concerns around to the environment and reputation that were already
the reliability of the SDS acoustic control system were felt to be below ALARP levels.
addressed. Items identified were mainly of an operational
Most of the hazards were judged as issues that would be efficiency nature rather than safety specific
addressed during design. In addition, operator training and Areas of concern fell into the following categories:
development of detailed procedures was perceived as being Lifting/handling, valve operation, trapped pressure,
very important for safe operations. spurious operation, control system status.
Cathodic protection was identified as a hydrogen
QRA embrittlement hazard to P-110 casing riser – anodes
An independent Quantitative Risk Assessment (QRA) was were removed from the SDS
completed between March and October 2002, by 3rd party No “showstoppers”, but a number of actions to be
consultants and independently verified by competent industry closed out
and Shell groups. This compared the use of an SBOP system
with a conventional system. Communication and training
The description of the QRA analysis is beyond the scope The HAZID identified that due to the novel nature of SBOP
of this paper, however the conclusions were as follows: operations it was critical that there was clear communication
between all parties involved and that operations personnel
“In conclusion, overall hydrocarbon release probability were involved at all stages of the project. Due to the global
and potential loss of life results were found to favor the nature of the project with people located in Houston, Brazil,
surface stack configuration, while total potential Aberdeen, Australia and on the rig a number of steps were
environmental release was found to be roughly equivalent to taken:
the sub sea BOP stack. Weekly global teleconferences were held with all
The results from the study (supported by conservative main parties represented
input values and sensitivity analysis) support the conclusion A comprehensive issues register was updated on a
that the overall risks associated with surface stack drilling are weekly basis. This provided the comprehensive
equivalent to or less than those associated with conventional actions list for the project. 342 individual
sub sea stack drilling configuration.”
6 IADC/SPE 87113

actions/issues were tracked throughout the course of Riser running

the project. 1. Confirm conditions required prior to start of
A series of workshops (design, operations, DTL, SBOP running
etc) with relevant parties were held throughout the 2. Prepare SDS
course of the project in Aberdeen, Houston and Rio 3. Suspend load ring adapter
A comprehensive procedures document was 4. Run lower transition joint assembly
developed which detailed all operations and 5. Run riser
contingency planning for the safe operation of the 6. Space out and land off on load ring
SBOP system 7. Run SBOP
A series of comprehensive 2 day SBOP training 8. Run telescopic joint and diverter
sessions were held for all the senior rig personnel 9. Land SDS onto subsea wellhead
(derrick man and upwards) 10. Commission SDS on wellhead
A video animation of the SBOP running sequence 11. Pressure test system
was made to help the crew to visualize and plan the
operations Operational highlights / lowlights
Additional studies that were identified as critical The well was spudded on April 24th.
early on in the HAZID were also performed: After top-hole operations were completed the SDS was
o Riser analysis and VIV study (February picked-up and run down to the seabed on the casing riser. The
2002 to January 2003) riser run went very smoothly with only a few of hours lost due
o Riser recoil study (October to December to bad make-up of riser connections.
2002) The SBOP was landed and latched onto the top of the riser,
Third-party specialists were used all over the world and subsequently the SDS was landed and latched to the
to carry out inspections and verifications during the wellhead, all without problem.
equipment fabrication and construction phases. A full function test of the SDS was then performed which
revealed an unexpected problem with the ram preventer
A fuller discussion of the risk management process can be balance system. This was corrected by using the ROV to cut
found in: the balance system hoses, which fixed the problem. This ‘fix’
IADC/SPE XXXXX –2004 - Risk had a minor drawback in that it allowed seawater to enter the
management process for ultra-deepwater Surface BOP non-powered tandem booster ‘open’ cavities, which if not
operations from a dynamically positioned drilling rig rectified over the long term could cause a corrosion issue,
however this did not provide any risk to the ongoing
WELL OPERATIONS operations on this well.
While the ROV was fixing the balance system problem
1-SHEL-14-RJS was a vertical deep-water exploration well some additional hours were also lost due to damaged seals on
drilled, using the “Stena Tay” drilling rig equipped with an the hotstab that the ROV used to charge and operate the SDS.
SBOP system, to a total depth beyond 5000m in a water depth Once the SDS was landed back onto the wellhead it was fully
of 2,887m. function tested and prepared for operation. Just prior to
The well duration was 52.8 days from spud to release. completing the last function, it was noticed that all the
During the drilling of this well a total of 15 days of Non- pressure appeared to have been lost from the SDS accumulator
Productive Time (NPT) was recorded. bank. Further investigation with the ROV indicated that a
This NPT can be split fairly evenly between initial start up rupture disk, which was designed to prevent over-pressuring
problems with the SDS, which required a re-run of the riser, of the control system at surface, had unexpectedly ruptured,
and well related problems involving serious losses, which led thus emptying the accumulator. No repair was possible at the
to slow drilling and the requirement to set an additional liner seabed and consequently the SDS was pulled back to surface
string. where it was repaired and prepared for a re-run.
After the initial ‘teething’ problems with the SDS, the When the weather subsequently reduced the SDS was
SBOP system worked extremely well, without any problems landed and fully commissioned without problem. It was then
for the remainder of the well. At the end of the well, a full handed-over for drilling operations to commence. Subsequent
function test proved that the system remained fully operable. to this, there were no problems with the SBOP system for the
remainder of the well.
After the well was plugged and abandoned, a full function
The outline SBOP system preparation and deployment
test of the system was completed which indicated that all
sequence was as follows:
systems were operating as expected. The SDS was then
Preparation phase recovered to the surface without problem. A disconnect test
1. Load out of equipment was then performed at surface which worked as expected.
2. Pressure and function test the SDS
3. Pressure and function test SBOP Timings
4. Function test and deploy acoustic In total it took 310 hour (12.9 days) from the time the SDS
hydrophone was initially picked up to the time the system was finally
5. M/U and rack back 13-3/8” casing riser
IADC/SPE 87113 7

handed over for drilling. This included 56 hours of waiting on CONCLUSIONS

weather, and also a riser pull and a second riser run.
Riser run #1 took 164 hours in total. If there had not been The Shell operated exploration well BMC-10, in partnership
any Trouble Time it would have taken 88 hours on this first with Wintershall and Statoil, offshore Brazil was successfully
occasion to run the SDS. When all first time only operations drilled to a total depth beyond 5000m. The well was drilled in
(things that would only ever be done during the first 2887m of water by the dynamically positioned semi-
deployment of the SBOP system) were removed from this submersible rig, Stena Tay, utilising a Surface BOP drilling
time and some assumptions on performance improvements system which replaced the conventional 18¾” subsea BOP
were made, this suggested that a future expected trouble-free and 21¼” riser.
running time would be 58 hours. Although the Surface BOP technique has been extensively
Riser run #2 took 99 hours in total. If there had not been utilized in the past, this has been under relatively benign
any weather downtime it would have taken 58 hours to run the metocean conditions, primarily in the Far East. For the harsher
system, which is a significant improvement (30 hours) over offshore environment found in Brazil, and due to the use of a
the first run, and (in fact) equal to the calculated expected Dynamically Positioned drilling rig, it was necessary to
time. develop the Subsea Disconnect System. This BMC-10 well
Riser pull #1 and #2 were both achieved in approximately conclusively proved that the SBOP technique can safely work
the same time of 48 hours, however there is significant room in harsh environments with a DP rig and consequently SBOP
for improvement in these times. drilling can now be considered to be a proven technology for
Considering the water depth of 2887m, these are extremely future wells in similar environments.
good riser running times, particularly in light of the fact that The use of a Surface BOP drilling system provides a way
this was the first deployment of this equipment and that to increase the depth capability of a conventionally equipped
extreme care and time were being taken. There is also drilling vessel, leading to the potential to significantly reduce
significant scope in the future to reduce these times through the costs of deepwater drilling. In the future, the SBOP system
minor improvements in the running procedures and will permit the use of lower capacity, lower cost vessels (3rd,
equipment. 4th generation) for deep water operations rather than the more
costly, higher capacity, 5th generation type vessel, needed to
Lessons accommodate the conventional subsea BOP and large riser.
There is still a lot of scope for optimizing the SBOP system Based on the operating conditions during the BMC-10
and operating procedures. However, this first operation, after well, the novel nature of the SBOP system, the new equipment
the initial problems, brings Shell into the leading position for and procedures, and the extreme water depth, the decision to
SBOP deployment and operations. A significant part of this use the Stena Tay was certainly the correct in terms of
success is due to the long term, team-planning effort that went mitigating against some of the inherent risks associated with
into preparing the SBOP equipment and the rig for these deploying an alternative, relatively unknown vessel where
operations. Most notably there were not any significant HSE there would have been lower involvement of the rig contractor
incidents associated with the running of the SBOP system. during the planning process.
A huge number of learning’s were made throughout the The detailed risk management work (and the actual
course of the well, which will be gradually implemented as operations) indicated that SBOP is indeed safer, more efficient
opportunity, and budgets permit. A majority of these and more environmentally friendly than conventional systems.
learning’s are simply procedural issues that will be Although there are some technology limitations, the portfolio
incorporated into revised SBOP installation and operating of wells that can be drilled with such an approach is certainly
procedures more than 50% of the portfolio, and even more in deepwater.
The initial failures of the balance system and rupture disc, In addition, this technology has more potential for expansion
which caused the requirement to pull and re-run the system, than conventional drilling. In particular, it is an almost a
must be seen as once-off system teething problems which will perfect fit with the development of expandables which enable
be rectified fully during the post-well modification work. the use of smaller diameter casing and in the future the drilling
The acoustic system worked well. The MUX cable proved of monobore wells.
to be a good investment. For future operations there are some
options to improve the reliability of the acoustic system and it The project can claim a number of industry records,
is hoped that eventually it may be possible to remove the namely:
requirement for a MUX cable. The first time the SBOP technique has been used
The operation of the SDS by ROV proved to be workable, with a DP vessel.
however the system was difficult to operate without first The deepest water depth for exploration drilling in
installing the SDS on the wellhead. A series of relatively low Brazil.
cost improvement ideas have been developed which will be The fourth deepest water depth for exploration
implemented when budget is available. In the meantime, it is drilling in the world to date
felt to be critical that having experienced ROV pilots, and The deepest water depth drilled by Shell and Stena
continuity in crewing, will be a key to maintaining successful The deepest water depth ever drilled with Surface
SBOP operations BOP utilization
8 IADC/SPE 87113

A key element of the success of the project was the active

support by all Partners, contractors and the commitment of all
stakeholders. Considerable consultation, cooperation,
challenge, and engineering effort was contributed by all
parties ensuring that the objectives of this ground-breaking
technology were fully achieved.
For the future, this technology will allow a greater number
of rig contractors to compete in the ultra deepwater arena with
their existing fleet. The benefit to Shell and Partners will be
lower cost operations, improved development economics and
sustainability of our business into the longer term.
This Brazilian project therefore heralds a new era in
deepwater operations and provides a key technology
breakthrough for substantially reducing development-drilling
costs and extending the deepwater business into harsher ultra
deep operating environments.


The following people and companies must be acknowledged

and thanked for their direct involvement and input throughout
this project: Jim Adam (Shell), Gary Ether (Shell), Thor
Lovoll (Shell), Steve Burman (Shell), Sjouke Hijlkema
(Shell), Abe Steiginga (Shell), Max Cowap (Shell), Georg
Harwalik (Wintershall), Fred Foreman (OPT), John Banks
(Stena), Iain Fraser (Stena), Graham Brunt (Stena), John
Shields (Stena), Crew of Stena Tay (Stena), Paul Toudouce
(Cameron), Mac Kennedy (Cameron), Mel Whitby (Cameron)
Scott Elson (Nautronix), Alistair Birnie (Nautronix), David
Soper (Nautronix), Lauran Pefferkorn (V&M), Carlos Ventura
(V&M), Sergio Lopes (V&M), Frank Fleckner (Weatherford),
Donald Bearb (Weatherford), Dell Dodson (Oceaneering),
John Davis (Oceaneering).
IADC/SPE 87113 9

Nominal Grade Weight ID Drift Yield Ultimate Collapse Internal

Size Strength Yield
in Ppf in in lbs lbs psi psi

13-3/8 P110 72 12.347 12.250 2,284,000 2,596,000 2,880 7,400

Table 1 - Riser casing properties

Rig floor Diverter

Flex joint 3 piece telescoping

Riser tensioner
13-5/8” Surface BOP
SBOP control
system SDS control system
Load ring adaptor 13-5/8” surface wellhead
Load ring and extension spool
Upper transition
joint Surface acoustic
VIV strakes
13-3/8” casing riser
SDS control
Lower transition joint

Subsea Disconnect
SDS control
System (SDS)

Subsea wellhead

Figure 1 – SBOP system diagram

Figure 2 – Seabed Disconnect System Figure 3 – SBOP in moonpool

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