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Use case Name Display Error Message

Summary Displays an Error Message to the user

Preconditions  ATM is connected to the Network
 An error occurred
post conditions A message is displayed to the client with OK and Cancel buttons.
or guarantee
actors  Bank Client
 Banking System
Trigger An error occurred by the ATM machine.
Main flow 1. Display Error Message
2. Get client feedback
3. Return to the caller use case
extensions 2a client presses cancel
2a1 cancel last transaction
2a2 Eject Card
2a3 Send notification to the banking system
2a4 session terminates

*a ATM cannot communicate with Banking System

*a1 Extend::Display Error Message
*a2 ATM ejects card
*b Customer does not respond to ATM prompt
*b1 Extend::Display Error Message
*b2 ATM ejects card
Use case Name Update Client Account

Summary Updates the client account balance with the new amount
Preconditions  ATM is connected to the Network
 A transaction in process
post conditions On success, the client’ account is updated.
or guarantee
On failure, canceling the last transaction and the client account
should be the same.
actors  Bank Client
 Banking System

Main flow 1. Update account is with the new balance.

2. Update system logs
extensions 1a
1a1. Reverse last transaction
1a2. ATM send notification to the banking system with the error.

*a ATM cannot communicate with Banking System

*a1 Extend::Display Error Message
*a2 ATM ejects card
*b Customer does not respond to ATM prompt
*b1 Extend::Display Error Message
*b2 ATM ejects card
Use case Name Withdraw money from an ATM

Summary Allows bank client to obtain cash from their bank account.
Preconditions  ATM is connected to the Network
 ATM has available cash
post conditions On success, The client should receive the cash and his account is
or guarantee debited with the amount withdrawn.

On failure, the client account should be intact.

actors  Bank Client
 Banking System
Trigger User inserts the debit card into the ATM machine.

Main flow 1. Customer enters his debit card into the ATM
2. The ATM verifies that the card is a valid bank card
3. The ATM requests a PIN code
4. Customer enters his PIN code
5. Customer is validated
6. ATM displays actions available on ATM unit.
7. Customer chooses “Withdraw”
8. ATM presents options for amounts
9. Customer selects an amount or enters an amount
10. ATM sends Information to Bank, inquiring if sufficient
funds/allowable withdrawal limit.
11. include::Update Account
12. ATM returns the customer’s bank card
13. Customer takes their bank card
14. ATM issues the customer’s cash
15. Customer takes their cash
extensions 2a Invalid card
2a1. Extend::Display Error Message
2a2. redirect to step 1
5a the card was reported Stolen
5a1. ATM takes a picture of the thief
5a2. ATM eats card
5b PIN invalid
5b1. Extend::Display Error Message
5b2. redirects to step 3
10a Withdrawal above withdraw limits
10a1. Extend::Display Error Message.
10a2. ATM shows available withdrawal limit
10a3. redirects to step 9.
12a Bank card stuck in machine
12a1. Extend::Display Error Message
12a2. ATM send notification to the banking system with the error.
13a Customer fails to take their bank card
13a1. ATM play sound alert for 3 sec
13a2. ATM eats card
13a3. ATM send notification to the banking system with the error.
14a Cash stuck in machine
14a1. Extend::Display Error Message
14a2. ATM updates the amount to the customer’s bank account
14a3. ATM ejects card.
14a4. ATM send notification to the banking system with the error.
14a5. ATM display out of order message
15a Customer fails to take their cash
15a1. ATM play sound alert for 3 sec
15a2. ATM eats cash
15a3. ATM updates the amount to the customer’s bank account
15a4. ATM send notification to the banking system with the error.

*a ATM cannot communicate with Banking System

*a1 Extend::Display Error Message
*a2 ATM ejects card
*b Customer does not respond to ATM prompt
*b1 Extend::Display Error Message
*b2 ATM ejects card

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