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Chapter 1
1.1 Overview

In an era characterized by rapid technological advancements, traditional notice boards often struggle to
keep pace with the dynamic nature of information dissemination. This project introduces a solution to this
challenge by proposing the development of a Smart Notice Board system leveraging IOT technology with
GSM capabilities, complemented by an advanced monitoring system.

A Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT(Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) alerts is
a modern communication system that leverages the Raspberry Pi's capabilities and MQTT protocol for
efficient messaging. The project involves connecting a digital display to the Raspberry Pi and
implementing a communication system using MQTT.

This enables remote control and real-time updates of the notice board's content. Users can send messages
to the notice board through MQTT messages, allowing for instant alerts and notifications. This project is
scalable, customizable, and serves as a practical application of IoT technology for interactive
communication displays.

The conventional notice board, typically limited to static displays, faces constraints in delivering real-time
updates and interactive communication. To address this limitation, our project integrates Raspberry pi,
GSM modules, and a robust monitoring system to transform a conventional notice board into a dynamic
and intelligent communication platform.

The core idea is to enable remote communication with the notice board, allowing users to send messages
and updates via SMS. The Raspberry pi serves as the brain of the system, controlling the display and
ensuring seamless interaction between the GSM module and the notice board. This integration empowers
administrators and users to share information instantly, making the notice board a more responsive and
versatile communication tool.

In addition to the enhanced communication capabilities, our project introduces a monitoring system that
goes beyond the traditional functionality of a notice board. This system tracks and logs various activities,
including the status of displayed messages, user interactions, and updates. By implementing such a

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monitoring system, administrators gain valuable insights into the usage patterns of the notice board,
facilitating better management and ensuring accountability.

The Smart Notice Board project utilizes Raspberry Pi and MQTT protocol for efficient communication. It
involves connecting a digital display to the Raspberry Pi, enabling remote control and real-time updates.
Users can send messages through MQTT, facilitating instant alerts. The project is scalable, customizable,
and showcases a practical application of IoT technology in interactive communication displays.

1.2 Basic Components

A Smart Notice Board powered by Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts comprises several essential components
working in tandem. The central control unit is the Raspberry Pi, which processes information and controls
the entire system. The Digital Display, TFT display visually presents updates and messages. The MQTT
protocol is employed for efficient communication, with the Raspberry Pi acting as both a broker and client.
MQTT Clients, including the Raspberry Pi, facilitate the exchange of messages, organized into MQTT
Topics or channels. Python, or a similar programming language, is utilized to script the Raspberry Pi for
handling MQTT messages and updating the display content. MQTT Client Apps on external devices
publish messages, enabling users to send real-time alerts and notifications to the notice board. A stable
Power Supply ensures continuous operation, while Internet Connectivity links the Raspberry Pi to the
MQTT broker for external communication. Optional components may include sensors for real-time data
and user interfaces for interaction. Enclosures provide protection, and customization options allow users
to adapt the notice board's appearance and behavior. Scalability features enable the system to expand,
making it adaptable to various communication needs. The integration of security measures safeguards
against unauthorized access, and the real-time updates feature ensures timely information dissemination.
In essence, this system exemplifies the practical application of IoT technology for creating dynamic and
responsive interactive communication displays.

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1.3 Problem Definition

The problem statement for the Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts revolves around
the need for an advanced, dynamic, and remotely controllable communication system. Traditional notice
boards lack the flexibility to provide real-time updates and instant alerts. The objective is to address these
limitations by integrating Raspberry Pi and MQTT technology to create a modern Smart Notice Board.
The challenge is to design a system that allows users to send messages remotely using MQTT, facilitating
instant alerts and notifications on the notice board. Additionally, the system should be scalable,
customizable, and user-friendly. The project aims to overcome the shortcomings of conventional notice
boards, providing a versatile and interactive solution for efficient communication in various environments.

1.4 Motivation

The motivation behind developing a Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts is rooted in
the evolving landscape of communication systems. Traditional notice boards often fall short in meeting the
demands of contemporary environments where instant updates, remote accessibility, and interactivity are
paramount. This project seeks to address these shortcomings by harnessing the capabilities of Raspberry Pi
and MQTT technology. The real-time communication aspect ensures that time-sensitive information
reaches the audience promptly, contributing to improved efficiency and responsiveness. The integration of
MQTT facilitates remote accessibility, enabling users to send messages and updates from anywhere, adding
a layer of flexibility to communication processes. Scalability is a key motivation, recognizing the need for
adaptable solutions that can accommodate the growth of organizations or institutions. Moreover, the project
explores the intersection of IoT technology and everyday communication, demonstrating a practical
application that can be customized to meet diverse needs. This initiative is not only geared towards
enhancing communication efficiency but also serves as an educational platform for enthusiasts and learners
interested in exploring emerging technologies through a hands-on and practical approach. Ultimately, the
motivation is to create a Smart Notice Board that aligns with the dynamic requirements of modern
communication environments, offering a responsive, scalable, and interactive solution

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1.5 Objective

The primary objective of developing a Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts is to
revolutionize traditional communication methods by introducing a dynamic, responsive, and remotely
controllable system. The project aims to provide real-time updates on the notice board, addressing the
limitations of static displays by leveraging the capabilities of Raspberry Pi and the efficiency of the MQTT
protocol. The objective is to enable users to send messages remotely through MQTT, fostering instant
alerts and notifications that are crucial for time-sensitive information. Additionally, the project seeks to
establish scalability, allowing the system to expand seamlessly to accommodate growing communication
needs. Customization is another key objective, providing users with the flexibility to tailor the notice
board's appearance and behaviour according to specific requirements. By incorporating these features, the
Smart Notice Board project aims to enhance communication efficiency, user interactivity, and adaptability,
showcasing a practical application of IoT technology in everyday communication scenarios. Ultimately,
the objective is to create an innovative and versatile communication platform that aligns with the evolving
demands of modern environments.

1.6 Summary

The Smart Notice Board project, employing Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts, introduces a transformative
communication solution that transcends the limitations of traditional notice boards. By harnessing the
computing power of the Raspberry Pi and the efficiency of MQTT, the system enables real-time updates
on a digital display, offering a dynamic and remotely controllable communication platform. Users can send
messages through MQTT, facilitating instant alerts and notifications for time-sensitive information.
Scalability is inherent, allowing the system to seamlessly adapt to the evolving communication needs of
organizations. Customization options provide flexibility, empowering users to tailor the notice board's
appearance and behavior. In essence, this project serves as a practical and innovative application of IoT
technology, enhancing communication efficiency, interactivity, and responsiveness in various settings.

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Chapter 2

2.1 Overview

Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts reveals a growing interest in leveraging IoT
technologies for innovative communication systems. Existing studies delve into the capabilities of
Raspberry Pi as a central control unit, emphasizing its potential for real-time processing and control in
notice board applications. Researchers explore the efficiency and lightweight nature of the MQTT
protocol, highlighting its suitability for facilitating seamless communication between devices in an IoT
ecosystem. Several studies focus on the integration of digital displays with Raspberry Pi to create dynamic
and remotely controllable notice boards. The surveyed literature emphasizes the importance of real-time
updates and instant alerts, especially in educational institutions and corporate environments. Additionally,
customization features and scalability are recurrent themes, emphasizing the need for adaptable systems
that cater to diverse communication requirements. Overall, the literature survey underscores the relevance
of IoT technologies, specifically Raspberry Pi and MQTT, in advancing traditional notice boards into
modern, responsive, and interactive communication platforms.

2.1 Related work

2.2.1 Real Time Digi-Notice Board System using IOT [1]

The proposed advanced notice board system utilizing GSM and smartphone integration, based on the
ATMEGA 328 microcontroller programmed in C language, aims to streamline the notice dissemination
process. It leverages the parse cloud for auto notifications to users. In related work, similar systems often
focus on single wireless technologies for notice transmission. However, this system suggests compatibility
with multiple wireless technologies and integrates IoT to monitor notice board status. It addresses the
challenge of manual notice management in institutions and public places.

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2.2.2 IOT Based Smart Notice Board [2]

The project presented here distinguishes itself through the utilization of the PIC microcontroller. Despite
acknowledging a few disadvantages, the PIC microcontroller has demonstrated modesty and effective
versatility in a range of research applications within the IoT vision. This project contributes to the ongoing
exploration of small, customizable, and programmable computer hardware, providing insights into the
unique attributes and performance of the PIC microcontroller in the realm of IoT applications.

2.2.3 Digital notice board using Smart Phone-Speech Recognition Voice command [3]
The proposed Hi-Tech wireless Notice Board utilizing Bluetooth connectivity and Hidden Markov Model
(HMM) for speech recognition offers an efficient way to update information. By using an Arduino Uno
microcontroller and an Android application connected to Bluetooth (HC-05), authorized users can speak
messages, which are then converted to text through online speech-to-text conversion. This innovative
system minimizes time, paper, and labor wastage associated with traditional notice boards, providing a
dynamic and cost-effective solution for information dissemination in institutes, organizations,
and public places.

2.2.4 Wireless Notice Board using Bluetooth HC-05 &Arduino Uno R3 [4]

The project involves development and application of a wireless notice board using Bluetooth
HC-05 and Arduino Uno - R3. The primary goal of providing an efficient means of real -
time information dissemination , emphasizing the use of Bluetooth technology and the Arduino
Uno microcontroller. Traditional notice boards are identified as a widespread means of
communication but are criticized for excessive paper usage and environmental impact.
The proposed Bluetooth - based wireless notice board seeks to address these issues by
leveraging technology for efficient and eco-friendly information dissemination.It involves the use
of the HC-05 Bluetooth module, Arduino Uno board, and display technologies such as LCD or
LED. The system allows for the transmission of messages from authorized mobile phones to
the notice board, emphasizing its versatility and potential applications in various sectors,
including education, crime prevention, traffic management, and advertisements. The system is
described as user-friendly, long-range, and capable of conveying information quickly.

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2.2.5 A Smart Notice Board System using IOT Technology [5]

The paper discusses the challenges in managing notices on digital notice boards in institutions or public
places and proposes an advanced system. This system utilizes GSM technology with smartphones for
wireless transmission of notices. The microcontroller ATMEGA 328, programmed in C language, is the
core of the operation. When a user sends a notice via a registered smartphone, the message is displayed
on the notice board and other users receive auto notifications through the Parse cloud.

2.2.6 Design and Development of a Smart Wireless Electronic Notice Board System [6]

Traditional paper- based notice boards, emphasizing issues such as paper wastage, time
consumption, and lack of cost- effectiveness. The survey then discusses the shift towards
wireless notice boards using embedded systems, focusing on GSM and Bluetooth- based
approaches. These include systems using GSM technology for SMS- based communication ,
mobile - operated robots, education systems, and security systems. Additionally, there are
references to projects utilizing Bluetooth modules for electronic notice boards , with the
development of Android applications for user authentication. The proposed system in this paper
stands out for its integration of both GSM modem and Bluetooth module- based approaches in
a single wireless electronic notice board. The system aims to address the limitations of manual
notice boards and enhance security by implementing Android applications for user authentication.

2.2.7 Bluetooth Based Wireless Notice Board using Arduino[7]

A E-notice board using Bluetooth technology, emphasizing its reliability and applications in colleges
and emergency situations. The wireless notice board employing both Bluetooth and ZigBee
technologies, analyzing performance metrics such as range and power consumption. The focuses
on a GSM- based notice board for colleges, utilizing the SIM800 GSM modem and Arduino for
SMS- based communication. The Android - based wireless notice board system with applications
for remote message display and wireless calling. Its potential in reducing paper and printing costs
and its applications in educational institutions and emergency awareness. Together, these studies
provide a comprehensive overview of technologies shaping the evolution of wireless notice board

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2.2.8 IOT Based College Notice Board LED Display [8]

The development of a smart notice board system integrating P10 LED display and IoT
technology for efficient communication in public spaces. The system, controlled by an Atmega 32 p
microcontroller , facilitates the display of crucial messages in institutions like schools, colleges,
and banks. It employs Wi-Fi connectivity through the esp 8266 module to receive text- based
commands, enabling remote management via an Android SSH client. The literature review
emphasizes the effectiveness of digital signage systems, including IoT integration, in enhancing
communication and information dissemination across various domains. The proposed smart notice
board system aims to provide a cost - effective, scalable, and easily deployable solution for improved
public communication.

2.2 Comparison of Related Work


Real time digital T. Elizabeth GSM Module, P10 Efficiency, Cost, Technical
notice board Darryl Jacob, K. LED Display, Wireless Expertise, Dependency
using IOT Indhumathi, C. Smart Phone, Transmission, on Technology, Power
Aarthi Parse Cloud, IoT Compatibility with Dependency, Limited
(Internet of Multiple Wireless Accessibility
Things) Technologies

IOT Based Smart Gaurav LED Matrix; PIC Wireless Security Concerns,
Notice Board Bhardwaj, Microcontroller; Communication, Reliability.
Gunjan Sahu, SPI; GSM Modern Global
Rajan Kumar Accessibility, Cost-
Mishra Effective.
Digital notice D. Sunitha, LCD, HC-05, Instant Message Technical Complexity,
board using Smart Manjula HN, android, Arduino Updates, Cost- Dependency on
Phone-Speech Vidya C Patil, Uno, HMM Effective, Time Bluetooth, Limited
Recognition Sheba Jebakani Saving, User- Language Support
Voice command Friendly Interface

Gagan HC, Arduino Uno, Efficient Dependency on

Wireless Notice Jayanth Bluetooth Module Communication Bluetooth Connectivity
Board using H,Harshith Hc-05, Lcd

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Bluetooth HC-05 Gowda Display, Power

and Arduino Uno- AR,Dhruva Supply, Mobile
R3 Kumar S,Chand Source
V Reddy

A Smart Notice Glasson , GSM Module, P10 Integration with Initial Setup
Board System G.Brindha LED Display, Multiple Wireless Complexity
Using IOT Smart Phoneud, Technologies
Technology IoT (Internet of

Design and Mulugeta ATmega328 Time-Efficient

Development of a Tegegn Microcontroller, Power Dependency
Smart Gemeda1,Ayane Bluetooth module,
Wireless Lebeta Goshu1, GSM module,
Electronic Notice Mohammednur Liquid crystal
Board System Worku Sherif2, display, MAX232,
and Leta Lebeta Notice Board.

Bluetooth Based Sakshi Gaikwad, Bluetooth Immediate Limited Display

Wireless Notice TusharGhodake, module, Message Options
Board using Sonali Patil, Arduino, Delivery
Arduino Riyaj Pathan, 160*320mm
Amrut Kulkarni matrix display,

IOT Based Koppolu Sai P10 LED display, Scalability Technical Complexity
College Notice Teja1, Atmega32p
Board LED Swasthidipa microcontroller,
Display Maharana2, and Wi-Fi module
Thummala (esp8266)
Ashan Reddy3

Table : Comparison of Related work

2.3 Problem Description .

The implementation of a Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts confronts several
challenges rooted in the transition from conventional notice boards to dynamic, IoT-enabled
communication systems. Traditional notice boards often struggle to provide real-time updates and instant

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alerts, necessitating a departure from their static nature. Integrating Raspberry Pi as the central control unit
and incorporating the MQTT protocol introduces complexities in establishing seamless communication
channels between the notice board, external devices, and the MQTT broker. Challenges include ensuring
timely processing of messages, addressing potential scalability issues as the system expands, and managing
the security of communication channels. Additionally, there is a need to develop a user-friendly interface
for both the notice board and external devices to facilitate intuitive interactions. Optimizing power
consumption for continuous operation and mitigating potential connectivity disruptions further contribute
to the multifaceted problem landscape. In essence, the problem description underscores the intricate nature
of transforming traditional notice boards into smart, responsive, and interconnected communication
platforms using Raspberry Pi and MQTT alerts.

2.5 Proposed Work

The proposed work on the Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts aims to address the
identified challenges and enhance the existing communication paradigm. The focus is on developing a
robust system that seamlessly integrates the computing power of Raspberry Pi with the efficiency of the
MQTT protocol. The implementation will prioritize real-time communication and instant alerts by creating
a well-coordinated framework, ensuring synchronization between the central control unit, the digital
display, and external devices generating MQTT messages. Customization features will be introduced,
allowing users to tailor the appearance and behaviour of the notice board to meet specific requirements.
The scalability of the system will be a key consideration, enabling easy expansion to accommodate the
evolving communication needs of various environments. Security measures will be implemented to
safeguard the communication channels, and user-friendly interfaces will be designed for both the notice
board and external devices. Furthermore, the proposed work will explore power optimization strategies to
ensure the continuous and reliable operation of the Smart Notice Board. The goal is to contribute to the
development of an innovative, responsive, and adaptable communication platform that leverages IoT
technologies for improved efficiency and user interactivity

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2.6 Impact of Proposed Work

The proposed work on the Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts holds significant
potential for transformative impact in various contexts. By addressing the limitations of traditional notice
boards through the integration of Raspberry Pi and MQTT technology, the project aims to revolutionize
communication systems. The real-time updates and instant alert functionalities will enhance the speed and
efficiency of information dissemination, proving especially impactful in environments where time-
sensitive announcements are critical. The proposed customization features and scalability considerations
will provide adaptability, catering to diverse communication needs and allowing the system to evolve with
organizational growth. The introduction of user-friendly interfaces ensures accessibility, fostering
seamless interaction between users and the smart notice board. Additionally, the optimized power
consumption strategies contribute to sustainability, ensuring continuous and reliable operation. As a
practical application of IoT technology, the impact extends to educational institutions, corporate settings,
and beyond, offering an innovative and dynamic communication platform that aligns with the demands of
modern environments. Overall, the proposed work has the potential to significantly elevate the efficiency,
responsiveness, and user experience of communication systems through the implementation of a Smart
Notice Board.

2.7 Summary

The survey conducted on the Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts provides valuable
insights into the existing landscape of IoT-driven communication systems. The research highlights a
growing interest in leveraging Raspberry Pi as a central control unit and the MQTT protocol for efficient
messaging in notice board applications. Current studies emphasize the significance of real-time
communication, customization, and scalability in addressing the limitations of traditional notice boards.
The surveyed literature underscores the need for user-friendly interfaces and explores strategies to optimize
power consumption for sustained operation. Furthermore, security considerations and the practical
application of IoT in educational and corporate settings emerge as recurring themes. The survey lays a
foundation for understanding the challenges and opportunities in implementing Smart Notice Boards,
paving the way for the proposed work to contribute innovative solutions to enhance communication .

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Chapter 3


3.1 Overview

Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alerts involves the integration of hardware and
software components to create a dynamic and responsive communication system. At the core of the design
is the Raspberry Pi, serving as the central control unit. Connected to a digital display, this setup allows for
the visualization of messages and updates. The use of the MQTT protocol facilitates efficient
communication between the Raspberry Pi and external devices, enabling users to send messages remotely,
thereby triggering instant alerts and notifications. The software design encompasses scripting in Python or
a similar language to handle MQTT messages, process information, and update the notice board content
in real-time. The system is designed to be scalable, accommodating the addition of more notice boards or
devices, and offers customization options for appearance and behavior. Emphasizing user-friendly
interfaces, the design aims to create an intuitive platform for both the notice board and external devices.
In summary, the design of the Smart Notice Board harmonizes hardware and software elements to provide
a versatile, scalable, and interactive communication solution.

3.2 Block Diagram and Working

Figure 1:Block Diagram

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In the implementation of the Smart Notice Board project, a fundamental component is the establishment
of an interconnected server designed to facilitate seamless information transmission. This server acts as a
centralized mechanism that orchestrates the flow of data between different entities within the system,
ensuring effective communication. An integral feature of this setup is the assignment of specific privileges
to the administrator, granting them exclusive rights to send information through the network.

This privilege ensures that only authorized individuals can contribute or update content on the notice board,
maintaining control over the displayed information.

For the hardware setup, the Raspberry Pi, serving as the central control unit, requires a stable power supply
to ensure uninterrupted operation. Connecting the appropriate power source is essential to provide the
necessary electrical power for the Raspberry Pi to function optimally.

Furthermore, the connection between the Raspberry Pi and the display monitor is established by plugging
an HDMI cable into the Raspberry Pi, especially when the monitor utilizes a VGA input. In such cases, a
VGA to HDMI converter cable is employed to ensure compatibility and a reliable visual output.

To interact with the Raspberry Pi, USB peripherals in the form of a mouse and keyboard are connected.
This step allows the administrator and users to navigate the system efficiently, input data, and manage
information on the notice board with ease.

Once the setup is complete, the information sent by the administrator through the network is processed by
the Raspberry Pi and displayed on the connected monitor. This information can take various forms, ranging
from text messages to images, providing a dynamic and interactive platform for communication. Overall,
these detailed steps ensure the seamless functioning of the Smart Notice Board system, from hardware
setup to content display, offering an efficient and user-friendly communication solution.

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Figure 2:Flow chart

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3.4 Methodology

The methodology for creating a smart notice board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT (Message Queuing
Telemetry Transport) alerts involves several steps to seamlessly integrate hardware and software
components. First, gather the necessary materials, including a Raspberry Pi board, an LED display or
monitor, and sensors if needed.

Start by setting up the Raspberry Pi with the Raspbian operating system and connecting it to the internet.
Install an MQTT broker on the Raspberry Pi, such as Mosquitto, to facilitate communication between
devices. Configure the broker with appropriate security measures like username/password authentication
to ensure data integrity.

Next, develop the software for the smart notice board. Write a Python script to subscribe to MQTT topics
and receive messages. Design a user-friendly interface to display notices and updates on the LED display.
You can use libraries like tkinter for the graphical interface and the Paho MQTT library for MQTT

Implement sensors or input devices if you want the notice board to display real-time information, such as
weather updates or temperature readings. Connect these sensors to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins and
incorporate their data into the display.

To enable MQTT alerts, design a mechanism to trigger notifications when a new message arrives. This can
involve using push buttons, motion sensors, or scheduled updates. When a notification is triggered, the
Raspberry Pi sends an MQTT message to the subscribed devices, updating the notice board with the latest

Ensure proper error handling and logging in the code to address potential issues and improve the system's
reliability. Test the smart notice board thoroughly, checking both the display functionality and MQTT

In summary, the methodology involves setting up the hardware, installing necessary software components,
designing a user interface, integrating sensors for real-time information, and implementing MQTT alerts
to create an efficient and interactive smart notice board using a Raspberry Pi

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3.5 Summary

Beginning with the setup of the Raspberry Pi and the installation of an MQTT broker, such as Mosquitto,
the process includes configuring security measures for data integrity. The software development phase
encompasses writing a Python script for MQTT communication and creating a user-friendly interface using
libraries like Tkinter. Additional features like sensor integration for real-time data and notifications are
incorporated, allowing the smart notice board to display dynamic information. The use of GPIO pins
facilitates the connection of sensors, while the MQTT alert system is triggered through mechanisms such
as push buttons or motion sensors. Thorough testing, error handling, and logging are crucial elements to
ensure the reliability and seamless functionality of the smart notice board. In essence, the methodology
involves a holistic approach, combining hardware setup, software development, and thoughtful integration
to create an interactive and efficient smart notice board system.

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Chapter 4


4.1 Introduction

The Smart Notice Board using Raspberry Pi with MQTT alert functionality represents a cutting-edge
convergence of embedded systems and communication protocols. Leveraging the versatility of the
Raspberry Pi platform, this project aims to create a dynamic and interactive display system for
disseminating information. MQTT (Message Queuing Telemetry Transport) is employed as the
communication backbone, enabling seamless and real-time data exchange between the Raspberry Pi and
other connected devices. The integration of sensors further enhances the board's capabilities, allowing it
to display not only static notices but also dynamic, real-time information such as weather updates or
temperature readings. The inclusion of MQTT alerts ensures that relevant notifications are promptly
delivered, creating a responsive and intelligent notice board. This implementation serves as a testament to
the potential of IoT (Internet of Things) applications, showcasing how a Raspberry Pi-based system can
be harnessed to create an innovative and efficient communication platform.

4.2 Hardware and Software Requirements

4.2.1 Hardware Requirement

• Raspberry Pi Model 4B

• GSM Modem

• Display (TFT) Monitor

• USB Cable

4.2.2 Software Requirements.

• IDLE Python

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4.3 Budget Estimation

• Raspberry Pi 4B :

• GSM Modem :

• SD card :

• Display(TFT) Monitor :

4.4 Specification of Hardware and Software

4.4.1 Hardware Requirements

• Raspberry Pi 4B

The Raspberry Pi 4 is a compact and versatile single-board computer designed by the Raspberry Pi
Foundation. At its core is the Broadcom BCM2711 System-on-a-Chip (SoC) featuring a quad-core ARM
Cortex-A72 CPU. The device is available with different RAM options, ranging from 2GB to 8GB
LPDDR4-3200 SDRAM, providing the necessary memory for running applications. Connectivity options
include USB ports (two USB 3.0 and two USB 2.0), a Gigabit Ethernet port for fast wired networking, and
dual micro HDMI ports capable of supporting dual 4K displays. The audio output is facilitated through a
3.5mm audio jack and HDMI ports. The Raspberry Pi 4 supports camera and display connections through
the Camera Serial Interface (CSI) and Display Serial Interface (DSI). Storage is handled by a microSD
card, and the GPIO pins allow users to connect various electronic components. Wireless capabilities,
including dual-band Wi-Fi (802.11ac) and Bluetooth 5.0, enhance connectivity options. The device is
powered via a USB-C port, and heat management is addressed through a heat sink on the main chip. These
features make the Raspberry Pi 4 a powerful and adaptable platform for educational projects, hobbyist
endeavors, and creative applications.

System-on-a-Chip (SoC): Broadcom BCM2711

The heart of the Raspberry Pi 4 is the Broadcom BCM2711 SoC, which includes a quad-core ARM Cortex-
A72 CPU. This provides the processing power for the device.

Memory (RAM):

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The Raspberry Pi 4 comes with different options for RAM: 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB LPDDR4-3200 SDRAM.
RAM is used for temporary storage and quick access to data, allowing the system to run applications

USB Ports:

The Raspberry Pi 4 is equipped with two USB 3.0 ports and two USB 2.0 ports, which allow you to connect
external devices such as keyboards, mice, storage drives, and other peripherals.

Gigabit Ethernet:

The Raspberry Pi 4 includes a Gigabit Ethernet port, enabling fast wired network connectivity.

MicroSD Card Slot:

The primary storage for the Raspberry Pi is provided by a microSD card, where the operating system and
user data are stored.

GPIO (General Purpose Input/Output) Pins:

The GPIO header allows for the connection of various sensors, actuators, and other electronic components.
These pins can be programmed to perform various functions.

Power Port:

The Raspberry Pi 4 is powered via a USB-C port. The power requirements may vary based on the connected
peripherals and usage.

The Raspberry Pi 4 Model B is the latest iteration of the popular single-board computer developed by the
Raspberry Pi Foundation. Released in June 2019, it represents a significant upgrade over its predecessors
in terms of performance, connectivity, and features. Powered by a Broadcom BCM2711 quad-core Cortex-
A72 (ARMv8) 64-bit system-on-chip (SoC) running at 1.5GHz, the Raspberry Pi 4 offers improved
processing power, making it capable of handling more demanding tasks such as multimedia processing,
gaming, and desktop computing.

One of the standout features of the Raspberry Pi 4 is its support for up to 4GB of LPDDR4 RAM, providing
ample memory for multitasking and resource-intensive applications. The increased memory capacity
compared to earlier models enhances the overall performance and responsiveness of the system, enabling
smoother operation and faster data processing.

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Connectivity options have been significantly expanded on the Raspberry Pi 4, with dual-band 802.11ac
Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 5.0 onboard, offering faster wireless networking and improved connectivity with
peripherals such as wireless keyboards, mice, and game controllers. Additionally, the Raspberry Pi 4
includes Gigabit Ethernet for high-speed wired networking, as well as USB 3.0 ports for faster data transfer
with external storage devices and peripherals.

Another notable improvement is the addition of dual micro HDMI ports, capable of supporting up to two
4K displays at 60Hz or a single 4K display at 60Hz, providing enhanced multimedia capabilities for tasks
such as digital signage, media playback, and desktop productivity. The inclusion of hardware-accelerated
video decoding also enables smooth playback of high-definition video content, making the Raspberry Pi 4
a versatile platform for multimedia applications.

The Raspberry Pi 4 maintains compatibility with existing Raspberry Pi accessories and software, ensuring
a seamless transition for users upgrading from previous models. The GPIO (General-Purpose Input/Output)
header allows for interfacing with a wide range of sensors, actuators, and other external devices, making it
ideal for educational projects, DIY electronics, and prototyping.

Figure 3:Raspberry Pi

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• GSM Modem

A GSM (Global System for Mobile Communications) modem is a critical component in communication
technology, facilitating wireless communication between devices and cellular networks. Typically, GSM
modems are equipped with a SIM (Subscriber Identity Module) card slot and communicate through the
GSM standard, enabling data transfer, text messaging (SMS), and voice communication. These modems
utilize mobile networks to establish connections and transmit data, making them essential for applications
such as remote monitoring, IoT (Internet of Things) devices, and embedded systems that require cellular
connectivity. They often feature interfaces like USB or serial ports for easy integration with various
devices, and some advanced models support 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity for faster data transfer. GSM
modems play a crucial role in enabling devices to communicate seamlessly over long distances, expanding
the possibilities for remote monitoring, control, and communication in a wide range of industries.
Computers use AT commands to control modems. Both GSM modems and dialup modems support a
common set of standard AT commands. GSM modem can be used just like a dial-up modem. In addition
to the standard AT commands, GSM modems support an extended set of AT commands. These extended
AT commands are defined in the GSM standards. With the extended AT commands, various things can be

• Sending SMS messages.

• Monitoring the signal strength.

• Monitoring the charging status and charge level of the battery.

• Reading, writing and searching phone book entries.

• Reading, writing and deleting SMS messages. The number of SMS messages that can be processed by
a GSM modem per minute is very low -- only about six to ten SMS messages per minute

A GSM modem, short for Global System for Mobile Communications modem, is a device that enables
communication between a computer or any other device and the GSM network. This technology operates
by utilizing standard GSM protocols to send and receive data, similar to how a mobile phone operates. The
modem essentially acts as a bridge between the digital data produced by devices like computers and the
analog signals used by the GSM network.

One of the primary functions of a GSM modem is to enable devices to send and receive SMS (Short
Message Service) messages. This capability is widely used in various applications, including remote

Dept of ECE , AMCEC 2023-2024 21


monitoring, security systems, and automated notifications. Additionally, GSM modems can also facilitate
voice communication, allowing devices to make and receive phone calls over the cellular network.

GSM modems come in various forms, including external devices that connect to a computer via USB or
serial port, as well as embedded modules that are integrated directly into devices such as industrial
equipment, vending machines, and IoT (Internet of Things) devices. These modems typically support
standard AT commands, which are used to control the modem and initiate various functions such as
sending SMS messages or making calls.

One of the key advantages of GSM modems is their widespread availability and compatibility with GSM
networks worldwide. This allows devices equipped with GSM modems to communicate reliably across
different regions and countries, making them suitable for applications with global reach. Additionally,
GSM technology offers relatively high data transfer rates, allowing for efficient communication of data
between devices and backend systems.

GSM modems can operate on various frequencies and network standards, including GSM, GPRS (General
Packet Radio Service), EDGE (Enhanced Data rates for GSM Evolution), and even newer technologies
like 3G and 4G LTE. This versatility allows for flexibility in choosing the most suitable network for a
particular application based on factors such as coverage, data speed, and cost.

In addition to SMS and voice communication, GSM modems can also support data transfer functionalities,
enabling devices to transmit and receive data packets over the cellular network. This capability is
particularly useful for applications requiring remote monitoring and control, such as telemetry, asset
tracking, and fleet management.

Security is another important aspect of GSM modem technology. Most GSM networks implement
encryption and authentication mechanisms to ensure the confidentiality and integrity of data transmitted
over the network. Additionally, GSM modems can support features such as SIM card authentication and
PIN code protection to prevent unauthorized access to the device and the network.

Overall, GSM modems play a crucial role in enabling communication between devices and the GSM
network, facilitating a wide range of applications across industries such as telecommunications,
transportation, healthcare, and security. With their reliability, versatility, and global reach, GSM modems
continue to be an essential component of connected systems and IoT solutions.

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Figure 4:GSM Modem

They often feature interfaces like USB or serial ports for easy integration with various devices, and some
advanced models support 3G or 4G/LTE connectivity for faster data transfer. GSM modems play a crucial
role in enabling devices to communicate seamlessly over long distances, expanding the possibilities for
remote monitoring, control, and communication in a wide range of industries. Computers use AT
commands to control modems. Both GSM modems and dialup modems support a common set of standard
AT commands. GSM modem can be used just like a dial-up modem. In addition to the standard AT
commands, GSM modems support an extended set of AT commands.

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• Memory card

An Memory card is a compact and portable storage device commonly used for storing and transferring
digital data in various electronic devices. These cards come in different sizes, including standard SD,
miniSD, and microSD, with microSD being the most prevalent in modern electronics. Memory cards utilize
flash memory technology to store data, providing a non-volatile, rewritable storage solution. They are
commonly employed in digital cameras, smartphones, tablets, and other devices where additional storage
capacity is required. The cards are characterized by their high storage capacities, fast data transfer rates,
and durability. Memory cards are easily inserted into compatible slots in electronic devices and are used
for storing a variety of data types, including photos, videos, documents, and applications. Their versatility,
compact form factor, and ease of use make memory cards a ubiquitous and essential component in the
realm of digital storage and data management.

Capacity Range: Memory cards come in a wide range of capacities, from a few megabytes to multiple
terabytes in the latest models. This variety allows users to choose a card size that suits their specific needs
for data storage.

Speed Classes: Memory cards are classified into different speed classes, denoted by a number inside a
circular symbol on the card. These classes, such as Class 2, Class 4, Class 10, UHS-I, and UHS-II, indicate
the minimum sustained write speed in megabytes per second. Higher speed classes are beneficial for tasks
like recording high-definition video or capturing rapid burst photos.

Application Performance Class (A1/A2):Some Memory cards are designated with an "A1" or "A2" symbol,
indicating their suitability for running applications directly. These cards are optimized for better random
read and write performance, making them ideal for use in smartphones and other devices where application
responsiveness is crucial.

Compatibility: Memory cards are widely compatible with various devices, including digital cameras,
camcorders, smartphones, tablets, laptops, and other electronics equipped with SD card slots. Additionally,
adapters are available to use microSD cards in standard SD card slots.

File System: SD cards typically use file systems such as FAT32 or exFAT, which are compatible with
various operating systems. However, the specific file system may depend on the card's capacity and the
device it is used with.

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Write Protection: Many SD cards feature a physical switch on the side that allows users to enable or disable
write protection. When enabled, this prevents any data on the card from being modified or deleted,
providing an additional layer of data security.

Endurance and Longevity: Some SD cards are designed for extended use in demanding applications,
offering higher durability and longer lifespan. These cards are often labeled as suitable for use in
surveillance cameras or other continuous recording scenarios.

• Display (TFT) Monitor

A TFT (thin-film-transistor) display, especially one with a 7-inch size, can be a great choice for a smart
notice board. Here's how it could be used:

Display Size: A 7-inch TFT display provides enough screen real estate to display important information
clearly without taking up too much space. It's suitable for placing on a desk, countertop, or wall-mounted
in a small to medium-sized room.

Information Display: The TFT display can show various types of information, including announcements,
reminders, schedules, weather updates, news headlines, to-do lists, and more. Its vibrant colors and crisp
resolution make the information easy to read and visually appealing.

Customization: Users can customize the content displayed on the smart notice board according to their
preferences and needs. This can be done through a user-friendly interface or remotely via a smartphone
app or web interface.

Connectivity: The smart notice board can be equipped with connectivity options such as Wi-Fi or
Bluetooth, allowing it to receive updates and content wirelessly. This enables real-time updates and ensures
that the information displayed is always current.

Interactive Features: Depending on the design, the TFT display can be touch-enabled, allowing users to
interact with the content directly. They can swipe through different screens, tap to view details, or even
input new information using an on-screen keyboard.

Integration with Other Devices: The smart notice board can integrate with other smart devices and services,
such as calendars, email accounts, task management apps, and smart home devices. For example, it can

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sync with a calendar app to display upcoming events or with a weather service to show the current weather

Energy Efficiency: TFT displays are generally energy-efficient, consuming less power compared to other
display technologies like CRT (cathode-ray tube) or plasma displays. This ensures that the smart notice
board can be left on for extended periods without significantly impacting energy bills.

Durability: TFT displays are known for their durability and longevity, making them suitable for continuous
use in various environments. They are resistant to image burn-in and have a long lifespan, providing
reliable performance over time.

Figure 5:TFT(Thin Film Transistor) Display

Thin-film transistor (TFT) displays represent a significant advancement in display technology, offering
vivid colors, high resolutions, and fast response times. At the core of a TFT display is an array of thousands
to millions of tiny transistors, each controlling a single pixel on the screen. These transistors enable precise
control over the brightness and color of each pixel, resulting in sharp images with excellent clarity.

One of the key advantages of TFT displays is their ability to produce images with a wide range of colors
and shades. This is achieved through the use of thin films of semiconductor materials such as amorphous

Dept of ECE , AMCEC 2023-2024 26


silicon or polysilicon, which are deposited onto a glass substrate. These thin films form the basis of the
transistors that drive each pixel, allowing for precise control over the amount of light emitted by each sub-

TFT displays are commonly used in a variety of applications, including smartphones, tablets, computer
monitors, and televisions. Their ability to produce high-resolution images with vibrant colors makes them
ideal for viewing multimedia content, playing video games, and performing graphic design work.
Additionally, TFT displays are known for their fast response times, which reduce motion blur and ghosting
in fast-paced scenes.

Another advantage of TFT displays is their relatively low power consumption compared to other display
technologies. Because each pixel is controlled by its own transistor, only the pixels that need to be
illuminated are activated, resulting in efficient use of power. This makes TFT displays ideal for battery-
powered devices such as smartphones and laptops, where power efficiency is crucial.

In recent years, TFT display technology has continued to evolve, with manufacturers constantly striving
to improve image quality, response times, and power efficiency. One notable advancement is the
introduction of In-Plane Switching (IPS) technology, which allows for wider viewing angles and better
color accuracy compared to traditional TFT displays.

Overall, TFT displays have revolutionized the way we interact with electronic devices, providing stunning
visuals and responsive performance across a wide range of applications. As technology continues to
advance, we can expect TFT displays to remain at the forefront of display technology, driving innovation
and pushing the boundaries of what is possible.

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• USB Cable

The USB cable in a smart notice board can serve multiple purposes, depending on the design and features
of the device. Here's how it might be utilized:

Power Supply: One common use of a USB cable in a smart notice board is to provide power to the device.
Many smart notice boards are designed to be powered via USB, either directly from a USB port on a
computer, a USB wall adapter, or a USB power bank. This makes them convenient to use in various settings
without requiring a dedicated power outlet.

Data Transfer: Some smart notice boards may feature a USB port that allows for data transfer between the
board and a computer or other devices. This can be useful for uploading new content, such as images,
videos, or documents, to the notice board's internal storage.

Firmware Updates: The USB cable can also be used to perform firmware updates on the smart notice board.
Manufacturers may release updates to add new features, improve performance, or address security
vulnerabilities, and these updates can be applied by connecting the board to a computer via USB.

Charging Devices: In some cases, a smart notice board may include USB ports that can be used to charge
external devices such as smartphones, tablets, or other USB-powered gadgets. This adds an extra level of
convenience, allowing users to charge their devices while interacting with the notice board.

Peripheral Connectivity: Depending on the design of the smart notice board, the USB cable may be used
to connect peripheral devices such as keyboards, mice, or external storage devices. This can expand the
functionality of the notice board and enable additional input options for users.

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Remote Control: In some smart notice board models, the USB cable might be used for connecting a remote
control device, allowing users to navigate menus, select options, and interact with the board from a

Overall, the USB cable plays a versatile role in the functionality of a smart notice board, serving as a power
source, data transfer medium, and potentially facilitating additional features and connectivity options.

Figure 6:USB Cable

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4.4.2 Software Requirements

• IDLE Python :

Python IDLE provides an interactive environment for Python development, offering features that make it
easy for beginners to learn and experiment with Python code. Here's an explanation of Python IDLE 3.9.7:

Interactive Shell: Python IDLE includes an interactive shell where you can enter Python commands and
see the immediate results. This makes it a useful tool for testing small snippets of code or exploring Python

Script Editor Python IDLE provides a script editor where you can write, edit, and save Python scripts. This
allows for the creation of more extensive programs and projects.

Syntax Highlighting The script editor supports syntax highlighting, making it easier to read and understand
your code. Different parts of the code are displayed in different colors, improving code readability.

Debugging Tools: Python IDLE includes basic debugging tools, such as the ability to set breakpoints, step
through code, and inspect variables. While not as feature-rich as some standalone Python IDEs, it provides
essential tools for debugging.

Shell Restart: In the interactive shell, you can restart the Python interpreter without closing the entire IDLE
environment. This is useful for clearing the namespace and starting fresh without reopening the application.

Integrated Documentation: Python IDLE offers easy access to Python's documentation. You can quickly
look up information about functions, modules, and keywords directly from the IDLE interface.

Simple GUI Features: The interface is relatively simple and user-friendly, making it accessible for
beginners. It's a good starting point for those who are new to programming

Turtle Graphics: Python IDLE includes a module for turtle graphics, which is a fun and educational way
to learn programming concepts by creating drawings and patterns.

Python IDLE (Integrated Development and Learning Environment) version 3.9.7 serves as a user-friendly
platform for Python programming, providing a convenient space for both beginners and experienced
developers to write, test, and debug Python code.

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At its core is the interactive shell, allowing users to execute Python commands and receive instant
feedback, making it an excellent tool for experimenting with code snippets and learning Python basics.
The script editor complements the interactive shell, providing a space for creating and editing Python
scripts, complete with syntax highlighting for enhanced code readability

. Python IDLE 3.9.7 incorporates basic debugging tools, facilitating the identification and resolution of
errors through features like breakpoints and variable inspection. The integrated documentation feature
grants easy access to Python's extensive documentation, aiding developers in understanding various
functions and modules.

The simplicity of the GUI features makes Python IDLE approachable for newcomers, while its inclusion
of turtle graphics adds an educational dimension, allowing users to explore programming concepts through
visual elements. With a focus on ease of use and learning, Python IDLE 3.9.7 remains a valuable
environment for Python development and experimentation. However, for those seeking more advanced
features, dedicated IDEs like PyCharm or Visual Studio Code might be preferred.

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4.5 Implementation Details

Step 1: Connection of Raspberry Pi and GSM Modem

Figure 7:Connection of Raspberry Pi and GSM Modem

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Step 2: Connection of Raspberry Pi , GSM Modem to the TFT Dispaly

Figure 8:Connection to the Display

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Step 3: Power Supply

Figure 9:Display is Connected Successfully

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Step 4: Connection to MQTT APP (HOST) to Publish ( Mobile Phone)

Figure 10:Connection to Host

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Figure 11:The Message has been Published

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Step 5: Running the Code When the display is connected

Figure 12:After Running the Code

Figure 13: The Message has been Displayed

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4.6 Results

Figure 14:Message Displayed

Its generous dimensions and high resolution make it adept at showcasing a diverse array of content, from plain text and images
to captivating videos and interactive elements. This heightened display prowess elevates the notice board's efficacy as a
communication tool, arresting viewers' attention and conveying information with finesse. In essence, the amalgamation of
Raspberry Pi, a GSM modem, and a 7-inch TFT display metamorphoses the traditional notice board into a versatile and intelligent
platform. By enabling remote administration, real-time updates, and captivating visual presentations, this solution .

Dept of ECE , AMCEC 2023-2024 38


Figure 15:Final Result

The fusion of Raspberry Pi, a GSM modem, and a 7-inch TFT display in a smart notice board configuration represents a
revolutionary leap in communication systems. This integration redefines the conventional static notice board, imbuing it with
dynamism and responsiveness. At its nucleus, the Raspberry Pi serves as the command center, orchestrating the notice board's
operations. Its robust capabilities empower administrators to remotely curate and refresh content, ensuring information remains
pertinent and timely. With the inclusion of a GSM modem, seamless interaction with the notice board via SMS is facilitated,
granting users the ability to relay messages and updates instantly from anywhere.The 7-inch TFT display functions as the
interface, delivering information with clarity and allure. Its generous dimensions and high resolution make it adept at showcasing
a diverse array of content, from plain text and images to captivating videos and interactive elements. This heightened display
prowess elevates the notice board's efficacy as a communication tool, arresting viewers' attention and conveying information
with finesse. In essence, the amalgamation of Raspberry Pi, a GSM modem, and a 7-inch TFT display metamorphoses the
traditional notice board into a versatile and intelligent platform. By enabling remote administration, real-time updates, and
captivating visual presentations, this solution pioneers a contemporary paradigm in information dissemination across various
domains, encompassing educational institutions, corporate environments, and public arenas.

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Chapter 5



The integration of Raspberry Pi, GSM modem, and TFT display to create a smart notice board heralds a
transformative leap in communication technology. This innovative system harnesses the power of modern
hardware and software to streamline the dissemination of information in various settings, from educational
institutions to corporate offices and public spaces. By leveraging the versatility of Raspberry Pi, which
serves as the central processing unit, alongside the GSM modem for wireless connectivity and the TFT
display for visual output, this solution offers a comprehensive platform for real-time communication.

One of the primary advantages of this smart notice board is its ability to display dynamic content remotely.
Through the GSM modem, users can send messages, announcements, or updates from anywhere, ensuring
instant dissemination of critical information. This feature is particularly beneficial in emergency situations
or time-sensitive scenarios where prompt communication is paramount. Moreover, the Raspberry Pi's
capabilities enable the integration of additional functionalities, such as scheduling and automated content
updates, further enhancing the system's efficiency and utility.

Furthermore, the TFT display serves as the interface through which users interact with the notice board. Its
high resolution and vibrant colors ensure clear and legible content presentation, enhancing readability and
engagement. Additionally, the display's touch-enabled functionality facilitates user interaction, allowing
for intuitive navigation and customization of displayed content. Whether it's displaying text, images, or
even videos, the TFT display provides a versatile canvas for conveying information effectively.

Another notable feature of this smart notice board is its scalability and adaptability. With the Raspberry Pi's
open-source nature and extensive community support, users can customize and expand the system to suit
their specific requirements. Whether integrating additional sensors for environmental monitoring,

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incorporating audio output for voice announcements, or connecting to cloud services for data
synchronization, the possibilities for enhancement are virtually limitless. This scalability ensures that the
smart notice board remains relevant and future-proof, capable of evolving alongside changing needs and
technological advancements.

Moreover, the integration of GSM connectivity ensures seamless communication without relying on
traditional internet infrastructure. This is particularly advantageous in remote or underserved areas where
internet access may be limited or unreliable. By leveraging cellular networks, the smart notice board can
reach a broader audience and bridge communication gaps, fostering inclusivity and accessibility.

In conclusion, the smart notice board utilizing Raspberry Pi, GSM modem, and TFT display represents a
significant advancement in communication technology. Its ability to display dynamic content remotely,
coupled with intuitive user interaction and scalability, makes it a versatile solution for various applications.
Whether enhancing communication in educational institutions, facilitating information dissemination in
corporate environments, or improving public announcements in civic spaces, this innovative system offers
a sophisticated yet accessible platform for effective communication. As technology continues to evolve,
the smart notice board stands poised to revolutionize the way we communicate and interact in the digital

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The future scope of the smart notice board utilizing Raspberry Pi, GSM modem, and TFT display is
promising, with numerous avenues for further development and innovation. As technology continues to
advance, several potential enhancements and expansions can be envisioned:

Enhanced Connectivity: Future iterations of the smart notice board could incorporate support for additional
communication protocols, such as Wi-Fi and Bluetooth, providing more flexibility in connectivity options.
This would enable seamless integration with local networks and IoT devices, expanding the board's
capabilities for data exchange and interaction.

Integration of AI and Machine Learning: Leveraging the processing power of Raspberry Pi, future versions
of the notice board could integrate artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning algorithms. These AI
capabilities could enable advanced features such as natural language processing for voice commands,
sentiment analysis for user feedback, and predictive analytics for content optimization.

Augmented Reality (AR) Integration: Integrating AR technology into the smart notice board could
transform static information into interactive, immersive experiences. Users could access additional
contextual information by scanning QR codes or markers displayed on the board, enhancing engagement
and interactivity.

Energy Efficiency and Sustainability: With a growing focus on sustainability, future iterations of the smart
notice board could prioritize energy efficiency and eco-friendly design. This could involve optimizing
power consumption, utilizing renewable energy sources such as solar panels, and incorporating recyclable
materials into the board's construction.

Cloud Integration and Remote Management: Integrating cloud services for data storage and remote
management could enhance the scalability and accessibility of the notice board. Users could remotely

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update content, monitor performance metrics, and receive real-time notifications, regardless of their
physical location.

Multi-modal Communication: Future versions of the smart notice board could support multi-modal
communication, incorporating features such as text-to-speech synthesis for audio announcements and
haptic feedback for tactile interaction. This would cater to users with diverse sensory preferences and
accessibility needs.

Customization and Personalization: Providing users with tools for customization and personalization could
further enhance the utility and user experience of the smart notice board. This could include customizable
themes, widgets, and notification preferences, allowing users to tailor the board to their individual
preferences and requirements.

Integration with Smart Infrastructure: As smart city initiatives continue to gain momentum, integrating the
smart notice board with existing smart infrastructure could unlock new opportunities for urban
communication and engagement. This could involve interoperability with traffic management systems,
public transportation networks, and other IoT devices to provide real-time updates and alerts.

In summary, the future scope of the smart notice board using Raspberry Pi, GSM modem, and TFT display
is characterized by a convergence of emerging technologies and innovative solutions. By embracing
advancements in connectivity, artificial intelligence, augmented reality, sustainability, and user experience
design, future iterations of the notice board have the potential to revolutionize communication in various
domains, from education and corporate environments to public spaces and smart cities.

Dept of ECE , AMCEC 2023-2024 43



[1] D Prasanthi Dr. G Ramesh Babu “GSM Mobile Based Smart Automation and Digital Circular Board”
International Journal for Scientific Research & Development Vol. 4, Issue 08, 2019.

[2] Prof. Ravindra Joshi, Abhishek Gupta, Rani Borkar, Samita Gawas, Sarang Joshi. GSM based Wireless
Notice Board in International Journal of Technical Research and Application. Issue 40 (KCCEMSR),
March 2019.

[3] Prof. Madhavi Repe, Akshay Hadoltikar, Pranav Deshmukh, Sumit Ingle. Android Controlled Digital
Notice Board in International Journal of Advance Foundation and Research in Computer. Vol.3, Issue
5,May 2020.

[4] Neeraj Khera and DivyaShukla “Development of simple and low-cost Android based wireless notice
board” IEEE 2019.

[5] K Prabhakara Rao, Aadithyan V, T Sai Samrat Goud, G Karthik Reddy, P Naga Chaitanya, V Jaya
Surya, IOSR Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering (IOSR-JECE), Volume 14, Issue 5,

[6] Dharmendra Kumar Sharma and Vineet Tiwari, “Small and medium range wireless electronic notice
board using Bluetooth and ZigBee” IEEE 2017.

[7] Neeraj Khera and Divya Shukla “Development of simple and low cost Android based wireless notice
board” IEEE 2018.

[8] Aniket Pramanik, Rishikesh and Vikash Nagar “GSM based Smart home and digital notice board” IEEE
2016. [4] Kruthika Simha, Shreya and Chethan Kumar “Electronic notice board with multiple output
display” IEEE 2017

Dept of ECE , AMCEC 2023-2024 44


import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt

import serial

import time

from tkinter import *

# Initialize serial communication with SIM900A GSM module

ser = serial.Serial("/dev/ttyS0", baudrate=9600, timeout=1)

#print("Serial port opened:",

def send_sms(number, message):

# Send AT command to set SMS mode


time.sleep(1) # Clear the serial buffer

# Send SMS


time.sleep(1) # Clear the serial buffer

ser.write(message.encode() + b"\r\n")

ser.write(bytes([26])) # Send Ctrl+Z to indicate end of message


# Print SMS sending status

print("SMS sent to", number)

Dept of ECE , AMCEC 2023-2024 45


def on_connect(client, userdata, flags, rc):

print("Connected with result code " + str(rc))


def on_message(client, userdata, msg):


h = str((msg.payload).decode())



send_sms("+916302975815", h) # Replace with the recipient's mobile number

except Exception as e:

print("Error:", e)

# Close serial port

# Create an instance of tkinter frame

win = Tk()

# Set the size of the Tkinter window


# Create a label for displaying messages

label = Label(win, text="", font=('Arial', 40))


client = mqtt.Client()

client.on_connect = on_connect

client.on_message = on_message

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client.connect('', 1883, 60)



# Disconnect MQTT client and stop the loop



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