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Emerging Threats in Quantum Computing:

Implications for Modern Encryption Techniques


This paper explores the implications of emerging quantum computing technologies on modern

encryption methods. With the potential to break traditional cryptographic defenses, quantum

computing represents a significant shift in the cybersecurity landscape.


Quantum computing promises substantial advancements in processing power, which, while

beneficial in many areas, poses new security challenges in the realm of cybersecurity. This paper

will review the fundamentals of quantum computing and its potential impacts on security protocols.
Quantum Computing Basics

Quantum computers leverage quantum mechanical phenomena to perform operations on data. This

section defines quantum computing and contrasts it with classical computing models.
Quantum Threats to Cybersecurity

Quantum computers could potentially crack encryption algorithms that are currently considered

secure. This section discusses how these capabilities could threaten data security.
Current Quantum-Resistant Solutions

In anticipation of quantum computing becoming a real threat, researchers are developing

quantum-resistant algorithms. This section explores these new approaches.

Future Research Directions

This section discusses the ongoing research into quantum computing and cybersecurity,

emphasizing the need for proactive development of quantum-resistant technologies.


As quantum computing continues to evolve, so too must our cybersecurity strategies. This paper

has highlighted the urgent need for robust quantum-resistant encryption methods to safeguard

sensitive information.

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