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A startup is a newly established company with a small team of founders and

limited resources focused on developing and bringing a unique product,
service, or business model to market. Startups are typically characterized by
their innovative and disruptive approach to solving problems, and their goal
is usually to scale quickly and become a successful, profitable
business. Startups are often associated with technology and digital
innovation, although they can also be in other sectors such as biotech,
fintech, or clean energy.

Business activities include any activities that involve business engagement with the
aim of generating profits. This term involves all economic activities established by
companies during their business. These activities include operations, along with
investments and financial activities.

❑ Types of organizational activities

• Operating activities
• Investing activities
• Financing activities
1. Operating 2. Investing
Operating activities are a business's primary Investing activities are actions that people in a
function, such as selling goods or producing new business perform to help generate income in the
materials. People in a company conduct their future. Often, if a company expects that it can
department-specific operating activities regularly to capitalize on its investments in one year or more, it
help the company earn a profit. Employee operating classifies this as an investing activity rather than an
activities can include marketing, sales, technology operating activity. Investing activities might include
maintenance and customer service. If you earn or purchasing buildings or equipment that can help
spend money through the daily operations of your increase production or sales for an extended period.
business, such as paying employees, you can classify You can also categorize any purchase or sale of
these as operating activities investment property or stocks as investing activities.

Some of the examples of operating activities

are: Receiving money for selling good, paying Some examples of investing activities
wages, paying interest etc. are receiving cash from the sale of
bonds or stocks, receiving cash from
the sale of property, purchasing
equipment or property etc
3. Financing
Financing activities are actions that executives perform to
help fund the company. Some of these include debt
consolidation and equity or dividends payments. You can
expect to record financing activities on a balance sheet and in
their section on the cash flow statement, such as when you
receive loan amounts or pay toward a debt's principal
amount. Financing activities can involve the issuance of stocks
and bonds, selling shares or dividend payments.
Some examples of financing activities include:
•Receiving money from loan or bond issuances
•Receiving money from selling shares
•Repurchasing shares
•Paying money for dividends
•Paying towards principal loan balances
1. Planning. Planning is always the first 2. Organising. After setting up of plans
function performed by every manager. next function of every manager is to
Planning refers to "deciding in advance organise the activities and establish an
what to do, how to do, when to do, and organisation structure to execute the
who is going to do it. Planning bridges plan. Setting up organisational structure
the gap between where we stand today means deciding the framework of
and where we want to reach." Every working how many units and sub-units or
manager starts with deciding in advance departments are needed, how many
the objectives of an enterprise and how posts or designations are needed in
to accomplish these objectives. Planning each department, how to distribute the
is the base of all other functions of authority and responsibility among
management. different people. Once these decisions
are taken, an organisational structure
gets set up.
3. Staffing. Staffing is the third step or 4. Directing refers to giving directions or
function of a manager. It refers to instructions to employeesby motivating
. recruiting, selecting, appointing the
employees, assigning them duties,
them, supervising the activities of
employees, communicating with them.
maintaining cordial relations and taking Managers act as leaders and guide
care of grievances of employees. It also them to right direction, so directing
includes training and developing the function includes, supervising, motivating,
employees, deciding their remuneration, communicating and leadership. aid
promotion, increments, etc., evaluating
the performance, maintaining personal
records of employees.

5. Controlling. This is the last function of managers. In this function, managers try to match the actual
performance with the planned performance and if there is no match between both then managers try to
find out the reasons of deviation and suggest corrective measures to come on the path of plan.
1. Market development 7. Swing department
2. Design department activities 8. Machine maintenance department
3. Merchandising department 9. Washing department
4. Pattern making department 10. Finishing department
5. Sampling department 11. Accounts department activities
6. Fabric store 12. Electronic data processing (EDP)
7. Production planning and control 13. Customer service department
14. Shipping and documentation.
Marketing department Sampling Department
The marketing department in a garment Sampling department makes all kind
company is responsible for marketing products of samples that need to be submitted
made by the factory, finding new customers, to the buyer. Sampling department
and bringing more and more orders for the checks fit of the sample. Sampling
company. A marketing department is headed department communicates problems
by the marketing manager and related to orders to the
supported marketing team. production department.

Design department activities

Apparel design department is responsible for product
development. They focus on developing garment designs
in similar product categories the company does its
business. Designers develop new design collection every
season. Designers make designs as per the latest trends
and buyers test. Designers develop a library for fabrics,
trims and accessories, and for garments.
Merchandising Department
Merchandising department works as a mediator in between Pattern Making Department
factory and buyers. This department is considered as the Pattern making department makes
heart and soul of the company. They coordinate with buyers garment patterns and digitize
for orders, send garment samples for buyer approval and patterns to CAD. CAD stands for
receive comments on samples and other approvals. Computer Aided Design. Pattern
making department is headed by
Merchandising department activities, Communicate
Pattern master. Pattern making
with buyers, Review the garment sample, Develop
department is also known as the
garment sample, Product costing, Develop good
technical department.
relationship with customers, Scheduling of pre-
Following are the major Activities of
production and production activities, Preparing Bill
Pattern Making Department:
of Material (BOM) and fabric indent, Source raw
Pattern Making, Pattern Grading,
materials, Provide quality approval, Prepare
Sample Development, Garment FIT
Production File, Conduct Pre-Production Meeting,
checking and correction of patterns,
Execute orders, Providing after sales services.
Incorporate buyer’s comments on
samples, Making production viable
sample, Fabric Consumption
Calculation, Marker planning
Fabric Store and fabric sourcing department Production Planning and Control department
The fabric store is handled by Fabric in-charge Production planning department is responsible for planning
and the in-charge is assisted by a team of and scheduling orders. This department is known as PPC
helpers for loading and unloading fabrics and department. They execute production and do follow with all
issuing fabric to cutting department. Fabric production processes. Production planning and scheduling of
department receives and stores all kind of activities are essential to procure raw material on time,
fabrics. Fabric rolls are kept in the rack or on complete production activities on time and able handover
wooden pallets. shipment on time.
Factories those have separate PPC department, following
Following are the major Activities of the fabric activities are carried out by them.Job or Task Scheduling
store Sourcing of Fabrics: Material Requirement Planning (Inventory) Loading
Receive Raw Materials, Checking of Greige Production Process selection & planning Facility location
and Finished fabric, Prepare shade band for Estimating quantity and costs of production Capacity
dyed and printed fabrics, Basic Testing of planning Line planning Production follow up and execution
Physical properties of fabrics, Maintain
inventory record for fabrics, Fabric Issue, Fabric
printing, Fabric Reconciliation, Communication
with Fabric supplier
Machine Maintenance Washing department: Accounts department
Department: Sometimes garments need activities: Accounting
This department repair to be washing after department prepare
machines and look after stitching to remove dust, payroll for employees,
maintenance of sewing tracing mark and to give a give payments to
machines. Major activities of washed look to the workers and write
the machine maintenance garment. This department checks for staffs. They
department are 1.Machine set washes the garments, cut manage accounts of
up 2.Repairing sewing panels (if required), wash the company. Maintain
machines 3.Maintaining garment records of supplier
inventory of machine parts samples as required. payment and follow up
4.Doing preventive with buyers for
maintenance for Shipping and documentation: pending payment. This
machines and equipment Shipping and documentation department is involved
department prepare shipment in all kind payment
related documents. They and cash management.
communicate with buyers for
shipment dispatch and send the
shipment to buyers.
Finishing department: Electronic Data Processing (EDP):
Stitched garments are finished prior to Garment factories use many electronics
packing into poly bag. Major activities of items such as computers, printer, Barcode
finishing department include thread systems etc. Computers are used for daily
trimming, checking of garments and activities like mailing, making reports and
ironing. Packing department in a factory accounting software, EPRs etc. An EDP
works side by side of the finishing department is necessary for troubleshooting
department. Folding, tagging and of the computers and software.
packing of garments are done in the The major activities of this department
finishing department. Based on product are:
categories finishing room activities may Purchasing electronic items Breakdown
vary. Activities of the finishing maintenance of computers and other
department are listed below: Thread hardware Supporting internet and mailing
trimming, Attach button and button holing activities Protecting the company’s server
in case these jobs are done in the from outside bugs and viruses Database
stitching section. Checking of garments maintenance Report generating
Stain removing Garment Pressing /
Ironing Folding and Tagging Packing
Communicate with internal department

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