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be: I / you / we positive, negative and questions
be: he / she / they positive, negative and questions
Language Plus: this / these
Countries: Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China,
Colombia, England, Italy, Japan, Mexico,
Spain, Turkey, the UK, the USA
Nationalities: American, Australian, Brazilian, British,
Canadian, Chinese, Colombian, Italian, Japanese, Mexican,
Spanish, Turkish
Sound and spelling: I’m, we’re
Syllables and word stress
Main stress
Saying your name and country
Talking about people you know
Meeting and greeting new people
Writing a personal profile
Writing Plus: Capital letters and full stops

be: it’s / isn’t
Possessive adjectives
Plural nouns
I have / you have
Language Plus: in / near
Common adjectives: bad, beautiful, big, boring, difficult,
easy, funny, good, happy, interesting, new, old, right, sad,
small, wrong
Common objects 1: book, bottle of water, computer, key,
knife, newspaper, phone, ticket, umbrella, watch
Numbers 1: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight,
nine, ten, eleven, twelve, thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen,
seventeen, eighteen, nineteen, twenty, thirty, forty, fifty,

sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety
Language Plus: a / an
Sound and spelling: /h/ and /w/
Sound and spelling: /s/, /z/, /ɪz/
Do you ... ?
Long and short vowel sounds in do and have
Main stress in questions
Intonation in questions
Talking about your home town
Talking about possessions and common objects
Asking for and giving personal information
Completing a form
Writing Plus: The alphabet and spelling

Present simple: I / you / we / they
Adverbs of frequency
Language Plus: What time ... ? / When ... ?
Food 1: bread, coffee, cola, eggs, fish, fruit, fruit juice, meat,
milk, rice, tea, vegetables, water
Food 2: apple, banana, biscuit, butter, cake, cereal, cheese,
ice cream, orange, pizza, potato, sandwich, tomato
Time: o’clock, half past, (a) quarter past, (a) quarter to,
twenty past, twenty to
Syllables and word stress
Sound and spelling: /iː/, /ɪ/ and /aɪ/
Sound and spelling: /ɑː/ and /ɔː/
Sentence stress
Saying what you eat and drink
Talking about food and meals
Ordering and paying in a café
Writing a text message
Writing Plus: Contractions


Present simple: Wh- questions
Present simple: he / she / it positive
Common verbs: go, live, meet, play, speak, study, teach, work
Family and people: baby, boy, brother, children, daughter,
father, girl, husband, man, men, mother, parents, people,
sister, son, wife, woman, women
Numbers 2: twenty-four, thirty-seven, forty-six, etc., a hundred
Language Plus: study ... (at university/English/maths, etc.)
Language Plus: How old ... ?
Sentence stress in present simple questions
Sound and spelling: /ð/
This is ...
Sound and spelling: /ʧ/ and /ʤ/
Talking about your life and asking about others’
Talking about your family
Asking and talking about photos
Writing about a family photo
Writing Plus: Word order

there is / there are: positive
there is / there are: negative and questions
Places in a town: bank, beach, café, cinema, hospital, hotel,
museum, park, restaurant, school, shop, station,
supermarket, swimming pool
Hotels: bath, bed, blanket, car park, pillow, room, shower,
towel, TV, wi-fi
Language Plus: a few, a lot of
there is / there are
Sound and spelling: /uː/ and /ʌ/
Sound and spelling: /ʃ/
Stressed syllables
Emphasising what you say 1
Describing a town
Talking about hotels and hostels
Asking about and saying where places are

Writing about a part of town
Writing Plus: and and but

Present simple: he / she / it negative
Present simple: he / she / it questions
Jobs: bank worker, businessman, businesswoman, chef,
doctor, factory worker, football player, IT worker, office
worker, receptionist, shop assistant, student, taxi driver,
teacher, waiter, waitress
Daily routine: arrive home, finish work, get home, get up,
go to bed, go to school, go to work, have a coffee, have
a shower, have breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, start
work, wake up, watch TV
Language Plus: work / job
Language Plus: for, from ... to ..., until
Main stress in compound nouns
Sound and spelling: /ɜː/
Sound and spelling: Consonant clusters
Sentence stress
Emphasising what you say 2
Talking about jobs
Talking about daily routine and habits
Making and accepting offers
Writing an email about a typical day
Writing Plus: because and also

this, that, these, those
Possessive ’s
Revision of adverbs
Common objects 2: bag, chair, clock, cup, football, glass,
guitar, lamp, picture, plant, plate, speaker, suitcase
Prices: twenty-five euros, three pounds eighty, etc.

Clothes: blouse, coat, dress, glasses, hat, jacket, jeans, shirt,
shoes, skirt, trousers, T-shirt
Colours: black, blue, brown, green, grey, red, white, yellow
Language Plus: dark / light
Sound and spelling: /b/, /p/, /g/ and /k/
Sound and spelling: this, that, these and those
Sound and spelling: /ʃ/ and /dʒ/
Connecting sounds
Talking about things you want to buy
Talking about the clothes that people wear
Asking about and paying for things in a shop
Writing an email request for information
Writing Plus: Commas, exclamation marks and question

Past simple: be
Past simple: positive
Past time expressions: XX week(s) ago, XX month(s) ago,
XX year(s) ago, at the weekend, last (Friday), last month,
last night, last weekend, last week, on (Monday, Tuesday,
etc.), this morning, this afternoon, yesterday
Free time activities: go shopping, go to a café, go to a
party, go to the cinema, have a coffee, have a drink, have a
shower, have pizza, listen to music, listen to the radio, play
a video game, play football, play the guitar, read a book,
read a magazine, read the newspaper, watch a film, watch
a football match
P PRONUNCIATION was and were: unstressed forms in connected speech
Sound and spelling: /t/ and /d/
Main stress and intonation
Talking about past events
Describing events in the past
Making and responding to suggestions
Writing a thank you note
Writing Plus: short emails, letters and notes

Past simple: negative
Past simple: questions
Transport: bike, boat, bus, car, drive, fly, get a (bus, taxi), go
by (bus, metro/underground, plane, ship, train, tram), take a
(bus, taxi, train, tram), walk
The seasons: autumn, spring, summer, winter
The weather: cloud, cloudy, cold, hot, rain (n.), rain (v.),
rainy, snow (n.), snow (v.), snowy, sunny, warm,
wind, windy
Language Plus: go
Language Plus: like
Sound and spelling: the letter a
Sentence stress
Sound and spelling: the letter o
Syllables and spelling
Talking about travel and holiday experiences
Talking about past holidays
Making and responding to requests
Writing an online post about a trip to another place
Writing Plus: Making the order clear (First, ... Next, ...
Then, ... After that, ... )

Present continuous: positive
Present continuous: negative and questions
The home: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, door, floor,
garden, kitchen, living room, wall, window, yard
Place phrases with prepositions (in): in/at a café, in a hotel,
in/at a restaurant, in a taxi, in bed, in the car; (at): at a
party, at home, at school, at the airport, at the bus stop, at
the cinema, at the subway station, at work; (on): on a bus,
on a plane, on a train, on holiday
Language Plus: in / on
Sound and spelling: /tʃ/ and /θ/
Sentence stress
Sound and spelling: /ə/

Main stress in questions
Sound and spelling: /ɪə/ and /eə/
Talking about your home
Asking where people are and what they’re doing
Asking for travel information
Writing a message asking for information
Writing Plus: Word order in questions

Object pronouns
can for ability
Life events: be born, die, finish school, finish university, get
married, go to school, go to university, grow up, have a
baby, stop working
Abilities: cook (dinner), dance, drive a car (to work), paint (a
picture), play cards, play (sports), ride a bike / a motorbike,
ride a horse, run, sing (a song), swim
Language Plus: Years (1937, 2021, etc.)
Language Plus: (very/quite) well
Sound and spelling: /ɜː/
can / can’t
Main stress
Consonant clusters
Talking about people’s lives
Talking about things you know how to do
Talking about opinions
Writing an email to a friend
Writing Plus: Pronouns

be going to: positive and negative
be going to: questions
Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July,
August, September, October, November, December

Future time expressions: at the weekend, in (March) / (the
winter) / (two weeks), next (March) / (Monday) / month /
week / (summer), on (Friday), this afternoon / evening /
(March) / month / (summer) / (Wednesday) / week /
weekend, tomorrow
Ordinal numbers: 1st–31st
Common verbs and collocations: clean a room / your flat,
do sport, do the cleaning, do the washing, do yoga, do your
homework, exercise at the gym, go to a museum, go to the
beach, invite someone for a meal, invite someone to a party,
make a cake, use a computer, use the Internet, visit a friend,
visit Paris
Language Plus: the date
Sentence stress
going to
Sound and spelling: /v/ and /w/
Sound and spelling: oo
Talking about future plans
Asking and answering about future plans
Making and accepting invitations
Writing an invitation
Writing Plus: Paragraphs

Unit 1: Vocabulary
Countries: Australia, Brazil, Britain, Canada, China, Colombia, England, Italy, Japan, Mexico, Spain,
Turkey, the UK, the USA
Nationalities: American, Australian, Brazilian, British, Canadian, Chinese, Colombian, Italian,
Japanese, Mexican, Spanish, Turkish

Unit 2: Vocabulary
Common Adjectives: bad, beautiful, big, boring, difficult, easy, funny, good, happy, interesting, new,
old, right, sad, small, wrong
Common Objects 1: book, bottle of water, computer, key, knife, newspaper, phone, ticket, umbrella,
Numbers 1: one to twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety

Unit 3: Vocabulary
Food 1 & 2: bread, coffee, cola, eggs, fish, fruit, fruit juice, meat, milk, rice, tea, vegetables, water,
apple, banana, biscuit, butter, cake, cereal, cheese, ice cream, orange, pizza, potato, sandwich, tomato
Time: o’clock, half past, quarter past, quarter to, twenty past, twenty to

Unit 4: Vocabulary

Common Verbs: go, live, meet, play, speak, study, teach, work
Family and People: baby, boy, brother, children, daughter, father, girl, husband, man, men, mother,
parents, people, sister, son, wife, woman, women
Numbers 2: twenty-four, thirty-seven, forty-six, etc., a hundred

Unit 5: Vocabulary
Places in a Town: bank, beach, café, cinema, hospital, hotel, museum, park, restaurant, school, shop,
station, supermarket, swimming pool
Hotels: bath, bed, blanket, car park, pillow, room, shower, towel, TV, wi-fi

Unit 6: Vocabulary
Jobs: bank worker, businessman, businesswoman, chef, doctor, factory worker, football player, IT
worker, office worker, receptionist, shop assistant, student, taxi driver, teacher, waiter, waitress
Daily Routine: arrive home, finish work, get home, get up, go to bed, go to school, go to work, have a
coffee, have a shower, have breakfast, have dinner, have lunch, start work, wake up, watch TV

Unit 7: Vocabulary
Common Objects 2: bag, chair, clock, cup, football, glass, guitar, lamp, picture, plant, plate, speaker,
Prices: e.g., twenty-five euros, three pounds eighty
Clothes: blouse, coat, dress, glasses, hat, jacket, jeans, shirt, shoes, skirt, trousers, T-shirt
Colours: black, blue, brown, green, grey, red, white, yellow

Unit 8: Vocabulary
Past Time Expressions: last (Friday), last month, last night, last weekend, last week, on (Monday,
Tuesday, etc.), this morning, this afternoon, yesterday, XX week(s) ago, XX month(s) ago, XX year(s)
Free Time Activities: go shopping, go to a café, go to a party, go to the cinema, have a coffee, have a
drink, have a shower, have pizza, listen to music, listen to the radio, play a video game, play football,
play the guitar, read a book, read a magazine, read the newspaper, watch a film, watch a football

Unit 9: Vocabulary
Transport: bike, boat, bus, car, drive, fly, get a (bus, taxi), go by (bus, metro/underground, plane, ship,
train, tram), take a (bus, taxi, train, tram), walk
The Seasons: autumn, spring, summer, winter
The Weather: cloud, cloudy, cold, hot, rain, rainy, snow, snowy, sunny, warm, wind, windy

Unit 10: Vocabulary

The Home: bathroom, bedroom, dining room, door, floor, garden, kitchen, living room, wall, window,
Place Phrases with Prepositions: in/at a café, in a hotel, in/at a restaurant, in a taxi, in bed, in the car;
(at) a party, at home, at school, at the airport, at the bus stop, at the cinema, at the subway station, at
work; (on) a bus, on a plane, on a train, on holiday

Unit 11: Vocabulary

Life Events: be born, die, finish school, finish university, get married, go to school, go to university,
grow up, have a baby, stop working

Abilities: cook (dinner), dance, drive a car (to work), paint (a picture), play cards, play (sports), ride a
bike/a motorbike, ride a horse, run, sing (a song), swim

Unit 12: Vocabulary

Months: January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November,
Future Time Expressions: at the weekend, in (March) / (the winter) / (two weeks), next (March) /
(Monday) / month / week / (summer), on (Friday), this afternoon / evening / (March) / month /
(summer) / (Wednesday) / week / weekend, tomorrow
Ordinal Numbers: 1st–31st
Common Verbs and Collocations: clean a room/your flat, do sport, do the cleaning, do the washing, do
yoga, do your homework, exercise at the gym, go to a museum, go to the beach, invite someone for a
meal, invite someone to a party, make a cake, use a computer, use the Internet, visit a friend, visit


​ Unit 1
● Grammar: Be (I/you/we/he/she/they) in positive, negative forms, and
● Language Plus: This/these.
​ Unit 2
● Grammar: It’s/isn’t, possessive adjectives, plural nouns, I have/you
● Language Plus: In/near, a/an.
​ Unit 3
● Grammar: Present simple (I/you/we/they), adverbs of frequency.
● Language Plus: What time...? / When...?
​ Unit 4
● Grammar: Present simple Wh- questions, present simple he/she/it in
positive form.
● Language Plus: Study... (at university/English/maths, etc.), How old...?
​ Unit 5
● Grammar: There is/there are in positive, negative, and question forms.
● Language Plus: A few, a lot of.
​ Unit 6
● Grammar: Present simple he/she/it in negative and questions.
● Language Plus: Work/job, for, from...to..., until.
​ Unit 7
● Grammar: This, that, these, those, possessive ’s, revision of adverbs.
● Language Plus: Dark/light.
​ Unit 8

● Grammar: Past simple of be, past simple positive.
● Language Plus: No specific language plus mentioned, but focuses on
past time expressions.
​ Unit 9
● Grammar: Past simple negative, past simple questions.
● Language Plus: Go, like.
​ Unit 10
● Grammar: Present continuous in positive, negative, and question
● Language Plus: In/on.
​ Unit 11
● Grammar: Object pronouns, can for ability.
● Language Plus: Years (e.g., 1937, 2021), (very/quite) well.
​ Unit 12
● Grammar: Be going to in positive, negative, and question forms.
● Language Plus: The date.


Unit 1

Sound and Spelling: I’m, we’re

Syllables and Word Stress

Main Stress


Unit 2

Sound and Spelling: /h/ and /w/, /s/, /z/, /ɪz/

Do you...?

Long and Short Vowel Sounds: in do and have

Main Stress in Questions

Intonation in Questions

Unit 3

Syllables and Word Stress

Sound and Spelling: /iː/, /ɪ/ and /aɪ/, /ɑː/ and /ɔː/

Sentence Stress

Unit 4

Sentence Stress: in present simple questions

Sound and Spelling: /ð/, /ʧ/ and /ʤ/

This is...

Unit 5

there is / there are

Sound and Spelling: /uː/ and /ʌ/, /ʃ/

Stressed Syllables

Emphasising What You Say 1

Unit 6

Main Stress: in compound nouns

Sound and Spelling: /ɜː/, consonant clusters

Sentence Stress


Emphasising What You Say 2

Unit 7

Sound and Spelling: /b/, /p/, /g/ and /k/, this, that, these and those, /ʃ/ and /dʒ/

Connecting Sounds

Unit 8

was and were: unstressed forms in connected speech

Sound and Spelling: /t/ and /d/

Main Stress and Intonation

Unit 9

Sound and Spelling: the letter a, the letter o

Sentence Stress

Syllables and Spelling

Unit 10

Sound and Spelling: /tʃ/ and /θ/, /ə/, /ɪə/ and /eə/

Sentence Stress

Main Stress in Questions

Unit 11

Sound and Spelling: /ɜː/

can / can’t

Main Stress

Consonant Clusters

Unit 12

Sentence Stress

going to

Sound and Spelling: /v/ and /w/, oo

Unit 1: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following countries and nationalities into Vietnamese.

1. Australia __________________
2. Brazil __________________
3. Britain __________________
4. Canada __________________
5. China __________________
6. Colombia __________________
7. England __________________
8. Italy __________________
9. Japan __________________
10. Mexico __________________
11. Spain __________________
12. Turkey __________________
13. The UK __________________
14. The USA __________________
15. American __________________
16. Australian __________________
17. Brazilian __________________
18. British __________________
19. Canadian __________________
20. Chinese __________________
21. Colombian __________________
22. Italian __________________
23. Japanese __________________
24. Mexican __________________
25. Spanish __________________
26. Turkish __________________

Unit 2: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following adjectives, objects, and numbers into Vietnamese.

1. Bad __________________
2. Beautiful __________________
3. Big __________________
4. Boring __________________
5. Difficult __________________
6. Easy __________________
7. Funny __________________
8. Good __________________
9. Happy __________________
10. Interesting __________________

11. New __________________
12. Old __________________
13. Right __________________
14. Sad __________________
15. Small __________________
16. Wrong __________________
17. Book __________________
18. Bottle of water __________________
19. Computer __________________
20. Key __________________
21. Knife __________________
22. Newspaper __________________
23. Phone __________________
24. Ticket __________________
25. Umbrella __________________
26. Watch __________________
27. One to twenty __________________
28. Thirty __________________
29. Forty __________________
30. Fifty __________________
31. Sixty __________________
32. Seventy __________________
33. Eighty __________________
34. Ninety __________________

Unit 3: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following food items and expressions of time into Vietnamese.
1. Bread __________________
2. Coffee __________________
3. Cola __________________
4. Eggs __________________
5. Fish __________________
6. Fruit __________________
7. Fruit juice __________________
8. Meat __________________
9. Milk __________________
10. Rice __________________
11. Tea __________________
12. Vegetables __________________
13. Water __________________
14. Apple __________________
15. Banana __________________
16. Biscuit __________________
17. Butter __________________
18. Cake __________________
19. Cereal __________________
20. Cheese __________________

21. Ice cream __________________
22. Orange __________________
23. Pizza __________________
24. Potato __________________
25. Sandwich __________________
26. Tomato __________________
27. O’clock __________________
28. Half past __________________
29. Quarter past six__________________
30. Quarter to six __________________
31. Twenty past six __________________
32. Twenty to six__________________

Unit 4: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following verbs, family and people terms, and numbers into Vietnamese.
1. Go __________________
2. Live __________________
3. Meet __________________
4. Play __________________
5. Speak __________________
6. Study __________________
7. Teach __________________
8. Work __________________
9. Baby __________________
10. Boy __________________
11. Brother __________________
12. Children __________________
13. Daughter __________________
14. Father __________________
15. Girl __________________
16. Husband __________________
17. Man __________________
18. Men __________________
19. Mother __________________
20. Parents __________________
21. People __________________
22. Sister __________________
23. Son __________________
24. Wife __________________
25. Woman __________________
26. Women __________________
27. Twenty-four __________________
28. Thirty-seven __________________
29. Forty-six __________________
30. A hundred __________________

Unit 5: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following places and hotel-related terms into Vietnamese.

1. Bank __________________
2. Beach __________________
3. Café __________________
4. Cinema __________________
5. Hospital __________________
6. Hotel __________________
7. Museum __________________
8. Park __________________
9. Restaurant __________________
10. School __________________
11. Shop __________________
12. Station __________________
13. Supermarket __________________
14. Swimming pool __________________
15. Bath __________________
16. Bed __________________
17. Blanket __________________
18. Car park __________________
19. Pillow __________________
20. Room __________________
21. Shower __________________
22. Towel __________________
23. TV __________________
24. Wi-fi __________________

Unit 6: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following job titles and daily routine actions into Vietnamese.
1. Bank worker __________________
2. Businessman __________________
3. Businesswoman __________________
4. Chef __________________
5. Doctor __________________
6. Factory worker __________________
7. Football player __________________
8. IT worker __________________
9. Office worker __________________
10. Receptionist __________________
11. Shop assistant __________________
12. Student __________________
13. Taxi driver __________________
14. Teacher __________________
15. Waiter __________________
16. Waitress __________________
17. Arrive home __________________

18. Finish work __________________
19. Get home __________________
20. Get up __________________
21. Go to bed __________________
22. Go to school __________________
23. Go to work __________________
24. Have a coffee __________________
25. Have a shower __________________
26. Have breakfast __________________
27. Have dinner __________________
28. Have lunch __________________
29. Start work __________________
30. Wake up __________________
31. Watch TV __________________

Unit 7: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following objects, price examples, clothing items, and colors into Vietnamese.

1. Bag __________________
2. Chair __________________
3. Clock __________________
4. Cup __________________
5. Football __________________
6. Glass __________________
7. Guitar __________________
8. Lamp __________________
9. Picture __________________
10. Plant __________________
11. Plate __________________
12. Speaker __________________
13. Suitcase __________________
14. Twenty-five euros __________________
15. Three pounds eighty __________________
16. Blouse __________________
17. Coat __________________
18. Dress __________________
19. Glasses __________________
20. Hat __________________
21. Jacket __________________
22. Jeans __________________
23. Shirt __________________
24. Shoes __________________
25. Skirt __________________
26. Trousers __________________
27. T-shirt __________________
28. Black __________________
29. Blue __________________

30. Brown __________________
31. Green __________________
32. Grey __________________
33. Red __________________
34. White __________________
35. Yellow __________________

Unit 8: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following English words or phrases into Vietnamese.

1. Last (Friday): __________________________

2. Last month: __________________________
3. Last night: __________________________
4. Last weekend: __________________________
5. Last week: __________________________
6. On (Monday, Tuesday, etc.): __________________________
7. This morning: __________________________
8. This afternoon: __________________________
9. Yesterday: __________________________
10. XX week(s) ago: __________________________
11. XX month(s) ago: __________________________
12. XX year(s) ago: __________________________
13. Go shopping: __________________________
14. Go to a café: __________________________
15. Go to a party: __________________________
16. Go to the cinema: __________________________
17. Have a coffee: __________________________
18. Have a drink: __________________________
19. Have a shower: __________________________
20. Have pizza: __________________________
21. Listen to music: __________________________
22. Listen to the radio: __________________________
23. Play a video game: __________________________
24. Play football: __________________________
25. Play the guitar: __________________________
26. Read a book: __________________________
27. Read a magazine: __________________________
28. Read the newspaper: __________________________
29. Watch a film: __________________________
30. Watch a football match: __________________________

Unit 9: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following English words or phrases into Vietnamese.

31. Bike: __________________________

32. Boat: __________________________
33. Bus: __________________________
34. Car: __________________________

35. Drive: __________________________
36. Fly: __________________________
37. Get a (bus, taxi): __________________________
38. Go by (bus, metro/underground, plane, ship, train, tram): __________________________
39. Take a (bus, taxi, train, tram): __________________________
40. Walk: __________________________
41. Autumn: __________________________
42. Spring: __________________________
43. Summer: __________________________
44. Winter: __________________________
45. Cloud: __________________________
46. Cloudy: __________________________
47. Cold: __________________________
48. Hot: __________________________
49. Rain: __________________________
50. Rainy: __________________________
51. Snow: __________________________
52. Snowy: __________________________
53. Sunny: __________________________
54. Warm: __________________________
55. Wind: __________________________
56. Windy: __________________________

Unit 10: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following English words or phrases into Vietnamese.

57. Bathroom: __________________________

58. Bedroom: __________________________
59. Dining room: __________________________
60. Door: __________________________
61. Floor: __________________________
62. Garden: __________________________
63. Kitchen: __________________________
64. Living room: __________________________
65. Wall: __________________________
66. Window: __________________________
67. Yard: __________________________
68. In/at a café: __________________________
69. In a hotel: __________________________
70. In/at a restaurant: __________________________
71. In a taxi: __________________________
72. In bed: __________________________
73. In the car: __________________________
74. At a party: __________________________
75. At home: __________________________
76. At school: __________________________
77. At the airport: __________________________
78. At the bus stop: __________________________

79. At the cinema: __________________________
80. At the subway station: __________________________
81. At work: __________________________
82. On a bus: __________________________
83. On a plane: __________________________
84. On a train: __________________________
85. On holiday: __________________________

Unit 11: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following English words or phrases into Vietnamese.

86. Be born: __________________________

87. Die: __________________________
88. Finish school: __________________________
89. Finish university: __________________________
90. Get married: __________________________
91. Go to school: __________________________
92. Go to university: __________________________
93. Grow up: __________________________
94. Have a baby: __________________________
95. Stop working: __________________________
96. Cook (dinner): __________________________
97. Dance: __________________________
98. Drive a car (to work): __________________________
99. Paint (a picture): __________________________
100. Play cards: __________________________
101. Play (sports): __________________________
102. Ride a bike/a motorbike: __________________________
103. Ride a horse: __________________________
104. Run: __________________________
105. Sing (a song): __________________________
106. Swim: __________________________

Unit 12: Vocabulary Test

Translate the following English words or phrases into Vietnamese.

107. January: __________________________

108. February: __________________________
109. March: __________________________
110. April: __________________________
111. May: __________________________
112. June: __________________________
113. July: __________________________
114. August: __________________________
115. September: __________________________
116. October: __________________________
117. November: __________________________
118. December: __________________________

119. At the weekend: __________________________
120. In (March) / (the winter) / (two weeks): __________________________
121. Next (March) / (Monday) / month / week / (summer): __________________________
122. On (Friday): __________________________
123. This afternoon __________________________
124. Tomorrow: __________________________
125. 1st–31st: __________________________
126. Clean a room/your flat: __________________________
127. Do sport: __________________________
128. Do the cleaning: __________________________
129. Do the washing: __________________________
130. Do yoga: __________________________
131. Do your homework: __________________________
132. Exercise at the gym: __________________________
133. Go to a museum: __________________________
134. Go to the beach: __________________________
135. Invite someone for a meal: __________________________
136. Invite someone to a party: __________________________
137. Make a cake: __________________________
138. Use a computer: __________________________
139. Use the Internet: __________________________
140. Visit a friend: __________________________
141. Visit Paris: __________________________


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

1. Australia Áo Úc Anh Canada 2

2. Brazil Bồ Đào Nha Brazil Bolivia Bahamas 2

3. Britain Pháp Anh Ireland Iceland 2

4. Canada Cuba Canada Cameroon Chile 2

5. China Nhật Bản Trung Quốc Thái Lan Indonesia 2

6. Colombia Colombia Cambodia Canada Croatia 1

7. England Scotland Wales Anh Ireland 3

8. Italy Ý Ireland Iceland Iran 1

9. Japan Jordan Jamaica Nhật Bản Jersey 3

10. Mexico Mexico Monaco Morocco Montenegro 1

11. Spain Switzerland Swaziland Sweden Tây Ban Nha 4

12. Turkey Tunisia Thổ Nhĩ Kỳ Turkmenistan Tuvalu 2

13. The UK Vương quốc Anh Ukraine Uganda Uruguay 1

United States of United Arab

14. The USA Uzbekistan Uruguay 1
America Emirates

15. American Australian Áo Mỹ Mexico 3

16. Australian Áo Úc Anh Canada 2

17. Brazilian Bồ Đào Nha Brazil Bolivia Bahamas 2

18. British Pháp Anh Ireland Iceland 2


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

1. Bad Tốt Xấu Lớn Nhỏ 2

2. Beautiful Xinh đẹp Buồn Thú vị Khó 1

3. Big Nhỏ Lớn Mới Cũ 2

4. Boring Buồn chán Hạnh phúc Dễ Khó 1

5. Difficult Dễ Khó Hài hước Tốt 2

6. Easy Khó Dễ Buồn Xấu 2

7. Funny Buồn Hài hước Thú vị Mới 2

8. Good Xấu Tốt Lớn Cũ 2

9. Happy Buồn Hạnh phúc Dễ Khó 2

10. Interesting Buồn chán Thú vị Xấu Cũ 2

11. New Mới Cũ Lớn Nhỏ 1

12. Old Nhỏ Lớn Mới Cũ 4

13. Right Đúng Sai Khó Dễ 1

14. Sad Hạnh phúc Buồn Hài hước Thú vị 2

15. Small Lớn Nhỏ Mới Cũ 2

16. Wrong Đúng Sai Tốt Xấu 2

17. Book Sách Bút Bảng Ghế 1

18. Bottle of water Chai nước Túi nước Ly nước Cốc nước 1

19. Computer Máy tính Điện thoại Máy ảnh Tivi 1

20. Key Cửa Khóa Chìa khóa Cửa sổ 3

21. Knife Bàn Ghế Dao Thìa 3

22. Newspaper Tạp chí Sách Báo Tờ rơi 3

23. Phone Máy tính Điện thoại Máy ảnh Tivi 2

24. Ticket Vé máy bay Vé xe bus Vé xem phim Vé 4

25. Umbrella Ô Mũ Áo mưa Balo 1

26. Watch Đồng hồ Kính mát Vòng tay Bông tai 1


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

1. Bread Bánh mỳ Cà phê Nước Bánh quy 1

2. Coffee Trà Sữa Cà phê Nước cam 3

3. Cola Cola Nước lọc Nước chanh Bia 1

4. Eggs Bánh Trứng Phô mai Bơ 2

5. Fish Cá Thịt Gà Bò 1

6. Fruit Rau củ Hoa quả Cá Thịt 2

7. Fruit juice Nước lọc Nước ngọt Nước ép hoa quả Cà phê 3

8. Meat Cá Thịt Bánh Phô mai 2

9. Milk Nước Sữa Cà phê Trà 2

10. Rice Bánh mỳ Gạo Mì Phở 2

11. Tea Cà phê Sữa Trà Nước cam 3

12. Vegetables Hoa quả Rau củ Cá Thịt 2

13. Water Nước Sữa Cà phê Trà 1

14. Apple Chuối Cam Táo Dưa hấu 3

15. Banana Táo Chuối Dưa hấu Nho 2

16. Biscuit Bánh quy Bánh mỳ Bánh ngọt Bánh xèo 1

17. Butter Sữa Bơ Mật ong Mứt 2

18. Cake Bánh kem Bánh mỳ Bánh quy Bánh xèo 1

19. Cereal Ngũ cốc Bánh mỳ Phô mai Sữa 1

20. Cheese Phô mai Bơ Sữa Bánh kem 1

21. Ice cream Kem Bánh kem Sữa Nước ép 1

22. Orange Táo Chuối Cam Dưa hấu 3

23. Pizza Bánh mỳ Bánh pizza Bánh quy Bánh xèo 2

24. Potato Khoai tây Khoai lang Cà rốt Cà chua 1

25. Sandwich Bánh mỳ kẹp Pizza Bánh ngọt Bánh quy 1

26. Tomato Cà chua Khoai tây Cà rốt Dưa chuột 1

27. O’clock Giờ Phút Ngày Tháng 1

28. Half past Mười lăm phút Ba mươi phút Một giờ rưỡi Nửa giờ 4

29. Quarter past Sáu giờ bốn mươi
Sáu giờ mười lăm Sáu giờ ba mươi Bảy giờ 1
six lăm

Năm giờ bốn mươi Sáu giờ mười

30. Quarter to six Sáu giờ Bảy giờ 1
lăm lăm

31. Twenty past

Sáu giờ hai mươi Sáu giờ ba mươi Sáu giờ bốn mươi Sáu giờ mười 1

Sáu giờ hai

32. Twenty to six Năm giờ bốn mươi Sáu giờ ba mươi Bảy giờ 1


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

1. Go Đi Ăn Ngồi Nằm 1

2. Live Chết Sống Ăn Uống 2

3. Meet Gặp Chia tay Nói Hỏi 1

4. Play Chơi Học Làm việc Ngủ 1

5. Speak Nghe Nói Đọc Viết 2

6. Study Làm việc Học Nghỉ ngơi Chơi 2

7. Teach Học Dạy Làm Chơi 2

8. Work Nghỉ Làm việc Chơi Học 2

9. Baby Bé gái Bé trai Em bé Người lớn 3

10. Boy Bé gái Bé trai Người đàn ông Người phụ nữ 2

11. Brother Anh trai/Em trai Họ hàng Chị gái/Em gái Cháu 1

12. Children Trẻ em Người lớn Cha mẹ Ông bà 1

13. Daughter Con trai Con gái Cha Mẹ 2

14. Father Mẹ Cha Anh trai Chị gái 2

15. Girl Bé gái Bé trai Người đàn ông Người phụ nữ 1

16. Husband Vợ Chồng Bạn trai Bạn gái 2

17. Man Người đàn ông Người phụ nữ Bé trai Bé gái 1

18. Men Đàn ông Phụ nữ Bé trai Bé gái 1

19. Mother Cha Mẹ Anh trai Chị gái 2

20. Parents Cha mẹ Anh chị em Con cái Ông bà 1

21. People Con người Động vật Cây cỏ Đồ vật 1

22. Sister Em trai Chị gái Bạn gái Mẹ 2

23. Son Con gái Chồng Con trai Bố 3

24. Wife Bạn gái Vợ Chị gái Mẹ 2

25. Woman Đàn ông Bé gái Phụ nữ Bé trai 3

26. Women Đàn ông Bé gái Phụ nữ Trẻ em 3


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

1. Bank Bãi biển Bệnh viện Ngân hàng Siêu thị 3

2. Beach Bãi biển Công viên Bể bơi Khách sạn 1

3. Café Quán cà phê Nhà hàng Siêu thị Bãi đậu xe 1

4. Cinema Bệnh viện Rạp chiếu phim Công viên Bảo tàng 2

5. Hospital Trường học Siêu thị Bệnh viện Ngân hàng 3

6. Hotel Khách sạn Bãi biển Quán cà phê Bệnh viện 1

7. Museum Bảo tàng Bể bơi Công viên Bãi đậu xe 1

8. Park Công viên Rạp chiếu phim Bệnh viện Nhà hàng 1

9. Restaurant Quán cà phê Nhà hàng Siêu thị Khách sạn 2

10. School Trường học Bệnh viện Ngân hàng Bãi biển 1

11. Shop Cửa hàng Siêu thị Nhà hàng Bảo tàng 1

12. Station Bãi đậu xe Ga tàu Bệnh viện Công viên 2

13. Supermarket Siêu thị Cửa hàng Nhà hàng Quán cà phê 1

14. Swimming pool Bể bơi Công viên Bãi biển Khách sạn 1

15. Bath Phòng tắm Bồn tắm Khăn tắm Vòi hoa sen 2

16. Bed Giường Phòng ngủ Gối Chăn 1

17. Blanket Gối Chăn Giường Phòng 2

18. Car park Bãi đậu xe Ga tàu Công viên Siêu thị 1

19. Pillow Chăn Gối Giường Phòng 2

20. Room Phòng Bồn tắm Gối Chăn 1

21. Shower Vòi hoa sen Bồn tắm Khăn tắm Phòng tắm 1

22. Towel Gối Chăn Khăn tắm Vòi hoa sen 3

23. TV Điều hòa Tivi Wi-fi Máy giặt 2

24. Wi-fi Điện thoại Máy tính Wi-fi Tivi 3


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

Công nhân Nhân viên ngân
1. Bank worker Bác sĩ Đầu bếp 2
nhà máy hàng

Công nhân nhà

2. Businessman Doanh nhân Giáo viên Bác sĩ 1

Nữ doanh Nhân viên văn

3. Businesswoman Y tá Đầu bếp 1
nhân phòng

Công nhân nhà

4. Chef Đầu bếp Bác sĩ Lễ tân 1

Cầu thủ bóng

5. Doctor Giáo viên Bác sĩ Tài xế taxi 2

Công nhân Nhân viên ngân

6. Factory worker Đầu bếp Bác sĩ 1
nhà máy hàng

Cầu thủ bóng

7. Football player Lễ tân Sinh viên Giáo viên 1

Nhân viên văn Nhân viên ngân

8. IT worker Nhân viên IT Bác sĩ 1
phòng hàng

Công nhân Nhân viên văn

9. Office worker Đầu bếp Bác sĩ 2
nhà máy phòng

Nhân viên ngân Nhân viên bán

10. Receptionist Lễ tân Sinh viên 1
hàng hàng

Nhân viên bán Nhân viên ngân

11. Shop assistant Nhân viên IT Lễ tân 1
hàng hàng

12. Student Sinh viên Giáo viên Tài xế taxi Đầu bếp 1

Công nhân nhà

13. Taxi driver Tài xế taxi Bác sĩ Sinh viên 1

Cầu thủ bóng
14. Teacher Giáo viên Sinh viên Bác sĩ 1

15. Waiter Bồi bàn nam Bồi bàn nữ Đầu bếp Lễ tân 1

Nhân viên bán

16. Waitress Bồi bàn nữ Bồi bàn nam Lễ tân 1

17. Arrive home Đi làm Đến nhà Đi học Thức dậy 2

Bắt đầu làm Kết thúc công

18. Finish work Đi ngủ Xem TV 2
việc việc

Có một tách
19. Get home Về nhà Đi làm Tắm 1
cà phê

20. Get up Thức dậy Đi ngủ Đi học Đi làm 1

21. Go to bed Đi ngủ Thức dậy Xem TV Có bữa sáng 1

Bắt đầu làm Kết thúc công

22. Go to school Đi học Về nhà 1
việc việc

23. Go to work Đi làm Đi học Về nhà Đi ngủ 1

Có một tách
24. Have a coffee Có bữa sáng Tắm Xem TV 1
cà phê

Có một tách cà
25. Have a shower Tắm Đi ngủ Đi học 1

Có một tách cà
26. Have breakfast Có bữa sáng Có bữa tối Có bữa trưa 1

27. Have dinner Có bữa trưa Có bữa tối Có bữa sáng Tắm 2

28. Have lunch Có bữa trưa Có bữa tối Có bữa sáng Đi ngủ 1

Bắt đầu làm Kết thúc công

29. Start work Đi học Về nhà 1
việc việc

Bắt đầu làm

30. Wake up Thức dậy Đi ngủ Đi học 1

31. Watch TV Xem TV Tắm Đi ngủ Có bữa sáng 1


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

1. Bag Ghế Túi Đồng hồ Cốc 2

2. Chair Bàn Ghế Giường Đèn 2

3. Clock Cửa sổ Đồng hồ Bức tranh Cây 2

4. Cup Cốc Chén Bát Đĩa 1

5. Football Bóng đá Bóng chuyền Bóng rổ Bơi lội 1

6. Glass Ly Bát Đĩa Chai 1

7. Guitar Đàn piano Đàn guitar Trống Kèn 2

8. Lamp Đèn Ghế Bàn Cửa 1

9. Picture Bức tranh Sách Tạp chí Báo 1

10. Plant Cây Hoa Bức tranh Đèn 1

11. Plate Bát Đĩa Cốc Chén 2

Máy nghe
12. Speaker Máy vi tính Điện thoại Loa 3

13. Suitcase Túi xách Vali Balo Túi du lịch 2

14. Twenty-five Hai mươi lăm

Mười euro Ba mươi euro Mười lăm euro 1
euros euro

15. Three pounds Ba bảng tám

Mười bảng Năm bảng Hai bảng 1
eighty mươi

16. Blouse Áo sơ mi Áo blouse Váy Áo khoác 2

17. Coat Áo khoác Áo len Áo phông Váy 1

18. Dress Áo Quần Váy Áo khoác 3

19. Glasses Mắt kính Kính mát Ống nhòm Kính lúp 1

20. Hat Mũ Áo Váy Quần 1

21. Jacket Áo khoác nhẹ Áo len Áo phông Váy 1

22. Jeans Quần jean Áo sơ mi Áo phông Váy 1

23. Shirt Áo sơ mi Quần jean Áo phông Áo len 1

24. Shoes Mũ Áo Giày Váy 3

25. Skirt Quần Áo Váy Mũ 3

26. Trousers Quần Áo Giày Mũ 1

27. T-shirt Áo phông Áo sơ mi Áo len Áo khoác 1

28. Black Đen Trắng Đỏ Xanh 1

29. Blue Đỏ Xanh Vàng Đen 2

30. Brown Nâu Xám Xanh lá Hồng 1

31. Green Xanh lá Xanh dương Đỏ Vàng 1

32. Grey Xám Đen Trắng Nâu 1

33. Red Đỏ Xanh Vàng Hồng 1

34. White Đen Trắng Xám Nâu 2

35. Yellow Đỏ Xanh Vàng Trắng 3


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

Thứ Sáu tuần Thứ Sáu tuần Thứ Sáu tuần Thứ Sáu tuần
1. Last (Friday) 3
sau này trước sau nữa

Hai tháng
2. Last month Tháng này Tháng sau Tháng trước 3

3. Last night Đêm nay Đêm qua Đêm sau Đêm kia 2

Cuối tuần Cuối tuần sau

4. Last weekend Cuối tuần này Cuối tuần sau 3
trước nữa

5. Last week Tuần này Tuần sau Tuần trước Tuần sau nữa 3

6. On (Monday, Vào (Thứ Hai, Trước (Thứ Hai, Sau (Thứ Hai, Khi (Thứ Hai,
Tuesday, etc.) Thứ Ba, v.v.) Thứ Ba, v.v.) Thứ Ba, v.v.) Thứ Ba, v.v.)

7. This morning Sáng kia Sáng nay Sáng sau Mỗi sáng 2

8. This afternoon Chiều nay Chiều qua Chiều kia Chiều sau 1

9. Yesterday Hôm qua Hôm nay Ngày mai Hôm kia 1

10. XX week(s) XX tuần tiếp

XX tuần trước XX tuần sau XX tuần này 1
ago theo

11. XX month(s) XX tháng tiếp

XX tháng trước XX tháng sau XX tháng này 1
ago theo

XX năm tiếp
12. XX year(s) ago XX năm trước XX năm sau XX năm này 1

13. Go shopping Đi mua sắm Đi chơi Đi ngủ Đi học 1

Đi đến quán cà Đi đến nhà Đi đến công Đi đến bệnh

14. Go to a café 1
phê hàng viên viện

Đi đến một Đi đến một Đi đến một Đi đến một

15. Go to a party 1
bữa tiệc buổi hòa nhạc cuộc họp buổi triển lãm

16. Go to the Đi đến rạp Đi đến bảo

Đi đến sở thú Đi đến thư viện 1
cinema chiếu phim tàng

Uống một tách Uống một ly Ăn một miếng
17. Have a coffee Ăn tối 1
cà phê nước bánh

Uống một ly
18. Have a drink Ăn sáng Đi ngủ Đọc sách 1

Tắm vòi hoa

19. Have a shower Ăn trưa Uống cà phê Nghe nhạc 1

20. Have pizza Ăn pizza Ăn kem Uống bia Xem phim 1

21. Listen to
Nghe nhạc Đọc sách Chơi đàn Xem TV 1

22. Listen to the Chơi video

Nghe radio Xem TV Đọc báo 1
radio game

23. Play a video Chơi video

Chơi bóng đá Chơi đàn guitar Nghe nhạc 1
game game

Chơi bóng
24. Play football Chơi bóng đá Chơi cờ Đi bơi 1

25. Play the guitar Chơi đàn piano Chơi đàn guitar Chơi trống Chơi violin 2

Đọc một cuốn Viết một bức Xem một bộ Nghe một bài
26. Read a book 1
sách thư phim hát

27. Read a Đọc một tạp Đọc một cuốn Đọc một bức
Đọc một tờ báo 1
magazine chí sách thư

28. Read the

Đọc tờ báo Đọc tạp chí Xem TV Nghe radio 1

Xem một bộ Xem một trận Xem một buổi Xem một vở
29. Watch a film 1
phim bóng đá hòa nhạc kịch

30. Watch a Xem một trận Xem một bộ Xem một buổi Xem một vở
football match bóng đá phim hòa nhạc kịch


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

31. Bike Xe đạp Xe hơi Xe bus Xe máy 1

32. Boat Tàu hỏa Tàu thủy Máy bay Xe đạp 2

33. Bus Xe đạp Xe bus Xe hơi Máy bay 2

34. Car Xe máy Xe hơi Xe đạp Xe tải 2

35. Drive Lái xe Đi bộ Bay Bơi 1

36. Fly Bơi Chạy Bay Lái xe 3

37. Get a taxi Đi bộ Bắt taxi Lái xe Bay 2

38. Go by bus Đi bằng xe buýt Đi bộ Bơi Lái xe 1

39. Take a (bus, taxi, Lấy một (xe bus, taxi, Đi bằng xe
Bay Bơi 1
train, tram) tàu hỏa, tram) hơi

40. Walk Bay Đi bộ Bơi Lái xe 2

41. Autumn Mùa hè Mùa đông Mùa xuân Mùa thu 4

42. Spring Mùa hè Mùa xuân Mùa thu Mùa đông 2

43. Summer Mùa hè Mùa đông Mùa xuân Mùa thu 1

44. Winter Mùa hè Mùa đông Mùa xuân Mùa thu 2

45. Cloud Mây Nắng Mưa Tuyết 1

46. Cloudy Nắng Mây mù Mưa Lạnh 2

47. Cold Nóng Lạnh Mát mẻ Mưa 2

48. Hot Lạnh Nóng Mát Mưa 2

49. Rain Tuyết Nắng Mưa Mây 3

50. Rainy Mưa Tuyết rơi Nắng Mây mù 1

51. Snow Mưa Tuyết Nắng Mây 2

52. Snowy Tuyết rơi Mưa Nắng Mây mù 1

53. Sunny Nắng Mưa Tuyết Mây 1

54. Warm Lạnh Nóng Mát mẻ Ấm 4

55. Wind Mưa Tuyết Gió Nắng 3

56. Windy Nắng Mưa Tuyết rơi Gió 4


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

57. Bathroom Phòng ngủ Nhà bếp Phòng khách Phòng tắm 4

58. Bedroom Phòng ngủ Phòng ăn Nhà bếp Phòng tắm 1

59. Dining room Phòng khách Phòng ăn Phòng tắm Phòng ngủ 2

60. Door Cửa sổ Cửa ra vào Tường Sàn nhà 2

61. Floor Tường Sàn nhà Cửa sổ Cửa ra vào 2

62. Garden Vườn Nhà bếp Phòng khách Phòng tắm 1

63. Kitchen Phòng ngủ Phòng ăn Nhà bếp Phòng tắm 3

64. Living room Phòng khách Phòng ngủ Phòng tắm Vườn 1

65. Wall Tường Sàn nhà Cửa sổ Cửa ra vào 1

66. Window Cửa ra vào Sàn nhà Cửa sổ Tường 3

67. Yard Vườn Sân Phòng tắm Nhà bếp 2

Tại một quán cà

68. In/at a café Tại nhà Trên xe bus Tại sân bay 1

Trên một Tại một khách

69. In a hotel Tại một nhà hàng Tại nhà 3
chuyến bay sạn

70. In/at a Tại một quán cà Trên một chuyến Tại một khách
Tại một nhà hàng 1
restaurant phê bay sạn

Trên một chuyến Trong một chiếc Trong một chiếc

71. In a taxi Tại một nhà hàng 2
bay taxi xe hơi

72. In bed Trong giường Trên sofa Tại bàn làm việc Trên sàn nhà 1

73. In the car Trong xe hơi Trong taxi Trên xe bus Trên tàu hỏa 1

Tại một nhà

74. At a party Tại một bữa tiệc Tại nhà Tại công viên 1

75. At home Tại trường học Tại công viên Tại nhà Tại văn phòng 3

76. At school Tại công viên Tại trường học Tại nhà Tại văn phòng 2

Tại nhà ga tàu Tại rạp chiếu

77. At the airport Tại sân bay Tại bến xe bus 1
điện ngầm phim

Tại rạp chiếu

78. At the bus stop Tại nhà ga Tại sân bay Tại bến xe bus 3

Tại rạp chiếu

79. At the cinema Tại nhà hát Tại bảo tàng Tại thư viện 1

80. At the subway Tại nhà ga tàu

Tại bến xe bus Tại sân bay Tại trạm xe điện 1
station điện ngầm

81. At work Tại nhà Tại trường học Tại công việc Tại bệnh viện 3

Trên một chiếc xe Trên một Trên một chiếc xe Trên một chiếc
82. On a bus 3
hơi chuyến bay bus tàu

Trên một chiếc Trên một Trên một chiếc xe Trên một chiếc
83. On a plane 2
tàu chuyến bay bus xe hơi

Trên một chiếc xe Trên một Trên một chiếc Trên một chiếc
84. On a train 3
bus chuyến bay tàu xe hơi

Trong một cuộc

85. On holiday Trên công tác Trên kỳ nghỉ Trên giường 2


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

86. Be born Kết hôn Sinh ra Lớn lên Chết 2

87. Die Kết hôn Chết Sinh ra Lớn lên 2

88. Finish Kết thúc trường Bắt đầu trường Kết thúc đại
Đi đến trường 1
school học học học

89. Finish Kết thúc trường Bắt đầu trường Kết thúc đại
Đi đến đại học 3
university học học học

90. Get married Kết hôn Sinh con Lớn lên Chết 1

Kết thúc trường Bắt đầu trường

91. Go to school Đi đến trường Đi đến đại học 1
học học

92. Go to Kết thúc đại

Đi đến đại học Đi đến trường Bắt đầu đại học 1
university học

93. Grow up Sinh con Kết hôn Lớn lên Chết 3

Bắt đầu trường
94. Have a baby Kết hôn Sinh con Lớn lên 2

95. Stop working Nghỉ việc Bắt đầu làm việc Đi làm Làm việc tại nhà 1

96. Cook Vẽ tranh Chơi thể thao Nấu Đi bơi 3

97. Dance Hát Nhảy Bơi Chạy 2

98. Drive a car Lái xe Đạp xe Chơi thẻ bài Vẽ tranh 1

99. Paint Vẽ Nấu ăn Đạp xe Lái xe 1

100. Play cards Chơi bài Chơi thể thao Đạp xe Nhảy 1

101. Play sports Chơi thẻ bài Chơi thể thao Lái xe Bơi 2

102. Ride a bike Đi bộ Lái xe Đạp xe Cưỡi ngựa 3

103. Ride a
Cưỡi ngựa Đạp xe Bơi Chạy 1

104. Run Nhảy Bơi Chạy Cưỡi ngựa 3

105. Sing (a Vẽ (một bức Đọc (một quyển Hát (một bài Nhảy (một điệu
song) tranh) sách) hát) nhảy)

106. Swim Chạy Nhảy Bơi Đi bộ 3


Question Option a Option b Option c Option d Answer

Tháng Mười
107. January Tháng Một Tháng Sáu Tháng Chín 1

108. February Tháng Ba Tháng Hai Tháng Tư Tháng Mười 2

Tháng Mười
109. March Tháng Một Tháng Ba Tháng Bảy 3

110. April Tháng Tư Tháng Hai Tháng Sáu Tháng Tám 1

Tháng Mười
111. May Tháng Năm Tháng Chín Tháng Hai 1

112. June Tháng Bảy Tháng Sáu Tháng Mười Tháng Một 2

113. July Tháng Tư Tháng Mười Hai Tháng Bảy Tháng Sáu 3

Tháng Mười
114. August Tháng Tám Tháng Ba Tháng Năm 1

115. September Tháng Mười Tháng Chín Tháng Một Tháng Tư 2

Tháng Mười
116. October Tháng Tám Tháng Mười Tháng Sáu 2

Tháng Mười
117. November Tháng Bảy Tháng Ba Tháng Chín 1

Tháng Mười
118. December Tháng Hai Tháng Tư Tháng Mười 4

119. At the
Vào cuối tuần Vào buổi sáng Vào buổi tối Vào mùa đông 1

Vào (Tháng
120. In (March) / Vào (Tháng Ba) Vào (Tháng Sáu) / Vào (Tháng
Mười Hai) /
(the winter) / (two / (mùa đông) / (mùa hè) / (ba Mười) / (mùa 1
(mùa xuân) /
weeks) (hai tuần) tuần) thu) / (một tuần)
(bốn tuần)

(Tháng Ba) / (Tháng Ba) / Trong (Tháng

121. Next (March) (Tháng Ba) / (Thứ
(Thứ Hai) / (Thứ Hai) / Ba) / (Thứ Hai)
/ (Monday) / month Hai) / tháng / tuần / 1
tháng / tuần / tháng / tuần / / tháng / tuần /
/ week / (summer) (mùa đông) Trước
(mùa hè) Kế tiếp (mùa xuân) Sau (mùa thu)

122. On (Friday) Vào (Thứ Sáu) Vào (Thứ Bảy) Vào (Thứ Năm) Vào (Thứ Tư) 1

123. This afternoon Sáng nay Buổi tối Buổi chiều nay Ngày mai 3

124. Tomorrow Hôm qua Hôm nay Ngày mai Tuần sau 3

Ngày một đến Ngày hai mươi

Ngày một đến Ngày mười đến
125. 1st–31st ngày ba mươi đến ngày ba 3
ngày mười ngày hai mươi
mốt mươi

Lau dọn một

126. Clean a
Nấu ăn phòng/căn hộ của Tập thể dục Đọc sách 2
room/your flat

127. Do sport Chơi thể thao Xem phim Nghe nhạc Đi bộ 1

Question Option A Option B Option C Option D Answer

128. Do the
Làm việc nhà Tắm Nấu ăn Học bài 1

129. Do the
Giặt đồ Lau nhà Nấu ăn Tập thể dục 1

130. Do
Chơi bóng đá Tập yoga Bơi lội Đi xe đạp 2

131. Do your Chơi video Làm bài tập về

Xem TV Đọc sách 3
homework game nhà

Tập thể dục tại Ăn tối tại nhà Đọc sách tại thư
Exercise at Bơi lội tại hồ bơi 1
phòng tập hàng viện
the gym

133. Go to a Đi đến một bảo Đi đến một nhà Đi đến một rạp Đi đến một quán
museum tàng hát chiếu phim cà phê

134. Go to Đi đến công

Đi đến bãi biển Đi đến siêu thị Đi đến bệnh viện 1
the beach viên

135. Invite
Mời ai đó đi Mời ai đó đến
someone for Mời ai đó đi ăn Mời ai đó đi bơi 2
xem phim nhà
a meal

136. Invite
Mời ai đó đến Mời ai đó đến Mời ai đó đến dự Mời ai đó đến dự
someone to 1
dự tiệc dự đám cưới buổi hòa nhạc buổi triển lãm
a party

137. Make a Làm một chiếc Pha một ly cà

Nấu một bữa ăn Viết một lá thư 1
cake bánh phê

138. Use a Sử dụng máy Sử dụng điện

Đọc sách Xem TV 1
computer tính thoại

139. Use the Sử dụng Sử dụng điện

Sử dụng radio Sử dụng máy tính 2
Internet Internet thoại

140. Visit a Thăm một Đi bộ trong công
Gặp gỡ gia đình Đi chợ 2
friend người bạn viên

141. Visit Paris Thăm Paris Thăm London Thăm New York Thăm Tokyo 1

1A be: positive and negative
a Write the correct form of be (am / is / are) in these sentences.
1. We are very happy.
2. My father ________ a taxi driver.
3. My parents ________ not old.
4. Carl and Michael ________ brothers.
5. I ________ not a good driver.
6. She ________ at work today.
7. Cambridge ________ not a big city.
8. Our cats ________ hungry.

b Write the sentence again with positive and negative contractions.

1. She is Brazilian.
She's Brazilian. ________
She isn't Brazilian. ________
2. It is a beautiful city.
3. We are from Berlin.
4. They are at a party.
5. He is tired.
6. You are right.

1B be: questions and short answers

a Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. her / what / name / 's ? What's her name?
2. from / are / you / where ?
3. American / are / you ?
4. she / popular / is ?
5. names / are / what / your ?
6. friends / you / are ?
7. is / cold / it / very ?

8. from / he / is / France ?

b Match questions 1–7 with short answers a–g.

1 [d] Is she Italian?

2 [ ] Are you teachers? a No, he isn’t.
3 [ ] Are Robert and Helen here today? b No, they aren’t.
4 [ ] Is it a beautiful city? c No, you aren’t.
5 [ ] Am I late? d Yes, she is.
6 [ ] Is he on holiday? e No, I’m not.
7 [ ] Are you from England? f Yes, we are.
g Yes, it is.
2A Present simple: positive and negative

a Write the -s form of each verb.

1. fly flies
2. finish __________
3. relax __________
4. buy __________
5. want __________
6. miss __________
7. say __________
8. teach __________
9. worry __________
10. watch __________

b Complete the sentences with the correct present simple form of the verb in brackets. The
verbs are all positive.
1. I __work__ (work) in an office. I __________ (start) work at 9 o'clock.
2. Lisa __________ (finish) school at 5 o'clock every day. She __________ (do) her homework on the
3. Phil __________ (go) to work by train. The train __________ (leave) at 8:35am.
4. Marta __________ (watch) TV in the evening. She __________ (try) to go to bed before eleven.
5. My parents __________ (make) the breakfast. My father __________ (get) up very early.
6. My brother __________ (have) a fast car. He __________ (love) it.
7. We __________ (study) English after work. We __________ (enjoy) our classes.

2B Present simple: questions and short answers

a Put the words in order to complete the questions.
1. like / she / does __Does she like__ this class?
2. you / do / go
____________________ shopping at weekends?
3. want / does / he
____________________ a new computer?
4. where / you / play / do
____________________ football?

5. they / what / do / wear
____________________ for school?
6. they / lunch / what time / do / have
____________________________________________ ?

b Complete the sentences with do, does, don't or doesn't.

1. What ______ do ______ you do in your free time?
2. ______ Anne study hard for exams?
3. Yes, she ______. She studies very hard.
4. ______ students at your school have a lot of exams?
5. No, they ______. They just have one big exam at the end of the year.
6. Where ______ you study?
7. ______ Patrick listen to music while he studies?
8. No, he ______. He prefers to study quietly.

3A Position of adverbs of frequency

a Put the adverbs in brackets in the correct places in each sentence. Use them in the order given.
1. I miss a visit to my parents at the weekend – I go and see them. (never, always)
2. I’m late for work, but my boss gets angry. (sometimes, never)
3. He comes here for a coffee at 10 o’clock – he’s late. (usually, never)
4. We have lunch together and talk. It’s good to see him. (often, always)
5. They’re away on holiday – they’re at home. (never, always)

b Put the words in the correct order to make questions.

1. often / how / cinema / do / you / to / go / the ?

How often do you go to the cinema?
2. to work / do / walk / you / usually ?
3. always / are / tired / you / why ?
4. you / where / usually / at weekends / go / do ?
5. football / do / how / they / play / often ?
6. often / is / late / for work / he ?
7. me / you / never / do / write / to / why ?


a. Complete the conversations with the correct form of have got. Use the words in brackets to
help you.

TOM 1 Have you got (you) a laptop?

EMILY No, we 2 __________ (not) have. But we 3 ____________

TOM Oh cool! We 4 ____________ a tablet computer, but I really want one.

EMILY Yes, it's a great computer. It 5 ____________ the Internet, digital camera, everything.

TOM 6 ____________ (you) lots of good games on your computer?

EMILY Yes, we 7 ____________ . But I never play games. My brother plays games all the time. He 8
____________ lots of computer games.

LEO What car 9 ____________ (your parents)?

ROB They 10 ____________ (not) a car. They don't need a car. My mum 11 ____________ a bike –
she rides to work every day.

LEO What about your dad? 12 ____________ (he) a bike?

ROB No, he 13 ____________ . He travels by bus.

4A Countable and uncountable nouns:

a Are these things countable (C) or uncountable (U)?

1. bread __U__
2. carrot ________
3. cheese ________
4. chocolate ________
5. fruit ________
6. furniture ________
7. lemon ________
8. money ________
9. egg ________
10. meat ________

b Complete the conversation between a customer and a shop assistant with a, an, some or any.

CUSTOMER: Hello, have you got 1 __any__ fruit?

ASSISTANT: Yes, of course. This is 2 __________ shop and I sell fruit.

CUSTOMER: Oh good. I'd like 3 __________ grapes, please.

ASSISTANT: Ah, sorry, we haven't got 4 __________ grapes.
CUSTOMER: Really? OK, I'd like 5 __________ orange.
ASSISTANT: Just one?
CUSTOMER: Yes, please, and 6 __________ lemon.
ASSISTANT: Er ... no, sorry, we haven't got 7 __________ lemons. But we've got 8 __________
lovely bananas.

CUSTOMER: But I don't want 9 __________ bananas.

ASSISTANT: Well, that's all then, thank you.
CUSTOMER: OK, so, one orange. That's 1.5p, please.
ASSISTANT: Oh, no! Sorry, I haven't got 10 __________ money.

4B Quantifiers: much, many, a lot of

a Complete the questions with much or many.

1. How __many__ carrots do you want?

2. How __________ money has she got?
3. How __________ does that car cost?
4. How __________ tomatoes do you want?
5. How __________ cheese do we need?
6. How __________ glasses have you got?
7. How __________ do postcards cost?
8. How __________ salt do you eat?

b Underline the correct answers.

1. I don't eat many / much chocolate.

2. How many / much butter do we need?
3. How many / much onions do you want?
4. I just need a few / a little salt.
5. She hasn’t got many / much money.
6. He eats quite a lot of / a lot vegetables.
7. Do you drink many / much coffee?
8. We have a few / a little good restaurants in my town.

5A there is / there are

a Write sentences about a small town using the information in the table.
airport ✖

cafés six

stadium ✖

shops a lot

parks four

schools not many

river ✔ (one)

bridges two

1. __There isn't an airport.__

2. _______________________________________________________________________
3. _______________________________________________________________________
4. _______________________________________________________________________
5. _______________________________________________________________________
6. _______________________________________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________________________
8. _______________________________________________________________________

5B Possessive pronouns and possessive ’s

a Complete the sentences with the correct possessive pronouns.

1. It’s my pen.
It’s __mine__.
2. They’re her shoes.
They’re __________.
3. It’s their ball.
It’s __________.
4. It’s his hat.
It’s __________.
5. It’s our car.
It’s __________.
6. He’s your dog.
He’s __________.

b Underline the correct words.

1. Excuse me. Is this your / yours?

2. It’s / It’s a very interesting book.
3. Our / Ours apartment is quite small.
4. That’s my parent’s / parents' room.
5. Don’t touch that lamp – it’s my / mine!
6. Whose / Who’s book is this?
7. Anita’s / Anitas house is in the city centre.
8. What colour are your / yours curtains?

6A Past simple: be

a Underline the correct word.

1. I was on holiday last week.

2. Where were / was you born?
3. Wasn't / Weren't there any eggs in the fridge?
4. I wasn't / weren't at college yesterday; I was ill in bed.
5. There were / was a lot of people in the queue.
6. Why was / were your friends late?
7. Was / Were there a laptop on the desk?
8. When was / were your children born?

b Rewrite the sentences so that they are about the past.

1. My father's a manager.
My father was a manager.
2. They aren’t friends.
3. A Is your grandfather rich? B No, he isn't.
4. We're at school together.
5. It's a beautiful day.
6. My teacher’s name’s Miss Smith.
7. She isn’t at home.
8. There are 20 people in my class.
9. I'm not tired.
10. A Are you happy? B Yes, I am.

6B Past simple: positive

a Write R (regular) or I (irregular) after each verb.

1. arrive ____ 11. have ____

2. become ____ 12. like ____
3. buy ____ 13. plan ____
4. come ____ 14. play ____
5. cook ____ 15. spend ____
6. decide ____ 16. tell ____
7. enjoy ____ 17. try ____
8. find ____ 18. win ____
9. finish ____ 19. work ____
10. go ____ 20. write ____

b Write the past simple forms of the regular verbs in a. Be careful with spelling!

1 __arrived__ 6 __________
2 __________ 7 __________
3 __________ 8 __________
4 __________ 9 __________
5 __________ 10 __________

7A Past simple: negative and questions

a Complete the sentences with the past simple forms of the verbs in brackets.

1. We __didn't travel__ (not travel) by plane to Denmark – we took trains.

2. I _______________ (not take) an umbrella today, so I got wet.
3. Marion and Neil _______________ (not want) a big wedding.
4. He _______________ (not answer) the telephone, because he was busy.
5. When I was a child, I _______________ (not like) chocolate.
6. We _______________ (not see) any wild animals when we went to Egypt.
7. She _______________ (not get) back home on time, so I was really worried.

b Change the positive past simple verbs to negative verb forms in these sentences.

1. We went by tram.
We didn't go by tram.
2. They travelled along the Silk Road.
3. We had a good time.
4. The tickets cost a lot of money.
5. She visited China.
6. They stayed in hotels.
7. The people spoke English, so I understood them.

7B love / like / hate + verb + -ing

a Write the -ing form of the verbs.

1. wait __waiting__ 9. speak __________

2. drive __________ 10. sit __________
3. walk __________ 11. stand __________
4. get __________ 12. stay __________
5. fly __________ 13. run __________
6. relax __________ 14. try __________
7. be __________ 15. use __________
8. have __________ 16. agree __________

B Circle the correct symbols and write sentences that are true for you.

😃😃😕 😕😕😕 😡😡😡

1. wait for buses
/( )/
_I don't mind waiting for buses._

😃😃😕 😕😕😕 😡😡😡
2. sit in traffic
/ /

😃😃😕 😕😕😕 😡😡😡

3. play computer games
/ /

😃😃😕 😕😕😕 😡😡😡

4. fly in aeroplanes
/ /

😃😃😕 😕😕😕 😡😡😡

5. cook the dinner
/ /

8A can / can't, could / couldn't for ability

a Complete the sentences with can / can't, could / couldn't.

1. I __can__ play the guitar.
I want to learn the drums next.
2. I __________ drive last year but I passed my test six weeks ago!
3. She __________ cook really well. Her food is always great.
4. He isn't on the football team, because he __________ run very fast.
5. When I was at school, I __________ do maths. But now I'm much better.
6. My husband __________ speak French, Spanish and Portuguese. It's useful when we travel!
7. I __________ climb trees when I was a child but I'm too old now.

b Write sentences about what Rob could / couldn't do in the past and what he can / can't do
when he was a boy now

swim 1,000 metres X swim 1,000 metres ✓

cook a meal X cook a meal ✓

ride a bike ✓ ride a bike X

run 25 km X run 25 km ✓

speak Spanish X speak Spanish ✓

1. Rob couldn't swim 1,000 metres when he was a boy. He can swim 1,000 metres now.
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________
4. ______________________________________________________________________________
5. ______________________________________________________________________________

c Find and correct a mistake in each sentence.
1. I don't can play the guitar. I can't play the guitar.
2. She cans speak four languages. ______________________________________________________
3. How fast you can swim? ___________________________________________________________
4. I could ran very fast when I was a child. ______________________________________________
5. I didn't could understand what he said. _______________________________________________

8B have to / don’t have to

a Match questions 1–8 with answers a–h.

1. [d] Do we have to take our shoes off?

2. [ ] How much do you have to pay for a ticket?
3. [ ] Do you have to be a member to use the swimming pool?
4. [ ] Does she have to walk home?
5. [ ] Do you have to walk the dog every day?
6. [ ] Do you have to help in the kitchen?
7. [ ] I want to stay at home. Why do I have to go for a walk?
8. [ ] What time do you have to leave for work?

a. Because you have to stay fit.

b. No, I don’t. My parents do everything.
c. Yes, I do. Every day.
d. No, you don’t. You can keep them on.
e. At 8 o’clock.
f. Nothing. It’s free.
g. No, you don’t. It’s open to everybody.
h. No, she doesn’t. She’s got enough money for a taxi.

9A Present continuous

a Complete the conversations using the present continuous and the verbs in brackets. Use short
answers where possible.

1. A Who __are__ you __waiting__ (wait) for?

B I __'m waiting__ (wait) for you.

2. A Why __________ she __________ (smile)?

B I don't know. Maybe she __________ (feel) happy.

3. A __________ you __________ (sleep)?

B __________.

4. A Where __________ they __________ (stand)?

B They __________ (not stand). They're sitting at a table.

5. A __________ your brother __________ (play) football today?

B No, he __________. He __________ (play) basketball.

b Complete the telephone conversation using the present continuous forms of the words in

A What 1 __are you doing__ (you / do)?

B 2 __________ (I / shop) in the city centre. Where are you?
A 3 __________ (We / look) for a parking space. 4 __________ (We/drive) past the museum.
B Really? 5 __________ (I / stand) outside the museum right now!
A I can't see you. What 6 __________ (you / wear)?
B 7 __________ (I / wear) a red t-shirt.
A OK I can see you now, but 8 __________ (we / not stop). The traffic is too busy!

9B Present simple or present continuous

a Choose the correct words to complete the sentences.

1. She _usually / today_ wears black clothes.
2. She’s wearing bright colours _usually / today_.
3. They _never / are not_ visit museums. They don’t like them.
4. My parents aren’t at home. They are visiting a museum _sometimes / this morning_.
5. Wow! Look! Tom _dances / 's dancing_. He doesn’t usually dance.
6. I _enjoy / 'm enjoying_ the party. Thanks for inviting me!
7. I always watch the football at _weekends / at the moment_.
8. We don't go out _now / often_.

b Complete the conversations with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Use the present
simple or the present continuous.
1. A What __are you doing__ (you / do)?
B __________ (we / get) ready to go out. Would you like to come with us?
A Not really, no. __________ (I / watch) a film. It’s really good.

2. A What’s that noise?

B Sorry, it’s my friend Harry. __________ (he / sing).
A Wow! He’s quite good.
B Yes, __________ (he / sing) in a band every weekend.
__________ (They / often / play) concerts.

3. A __________ (you / play) that computer game again?

B No, __________ (I / try) to sell my guitar on the Internet.
A Really? Why __________ (you / do) that?

10A Comparative adjectives

a Write the comparative form of the adjectives.

1. angry __angrier__ 5. comfortable __________

2. bad __________ 6. crowded __________
3. clean __________ 7. fast __________
4. cold __________ 8. fat __________

9. good __________ 15. sad __________
10. interesting __________ 16. strange __________
11. modern __________ 17. strong __________
12. noisy __________ 18. thin __________
13. old __________ 19. wet __________
14. popular __________ 20. wide __________

b Write sentences using the present simple of be and comparative adjectives.

1. my new phone / cheap / my old phone
My new phone is cheaper than my old phone.
2. the film / interesting / the book
3. her children / noisy / my children
4. she / a good cook / my dad
5. Dubai / modern / Dublin
6. this hotel / comfortable / the last hotel
7. my friends / fit / me

10B Superlative adjectives

a Write the superlative form of the adjectives.

1. tidy __the tidiest__ 8. good __________

2. fit __________ 9. big __________
3. funny __________ 10. nice __________
4. dry __________ 11. safe __________
5. pretty __________ 12. exciting __________
6. bad __________ 13. tiring __________
7. friendly __________ 14. hot __________

b Complete the sentences using the superlative form of the adjectives in brackets.
1. One of __the longest__ (long) words in English is floccinaucinihilipilification. But I don't know
what it means!
2. __________ (short) words in English are a and I.
3. In spoken English, one of __________ (popular) words is I – because we think we're __________
(interesting) topic in the world!
4. __________ (useful) noun in English is time. We use it all the time!
5. __________ (fast) way to learn a language is to go and live in a different country. Some people
think __________ (important) thing for language learners is speaking.
6. I think __________ (good) way to improve your English is to learn lots of words – I try to learn
new words every day.
7. When you're reading in English, __________ (bad) thing you can do is check all the words in a
dictionary. It takes too long and it’s not much fun!

11A Present perfect

a Write the irregular past participles. Use the list on page 176 to help you.

1. see __seen__ 6. do __________

2. write __________ 7. drive __________
3. swim __________ 8. ride __________
4. have __________ 9. run __________
5. bring __________ 10. be __________

b Complete the sentences with the present perfect forms of the verbs in brackets.
1. I have __read__ (read) this book twice.
2. We __________ (visit) this museum three times this year.
3. He __________ (not borrow) my car today.
4. We __________ (never eat) at that restaurant.
5. I __________ (walk) down this street many times.
6. She __________ (play) for England in three Olympic Games.
7. They __________ (not do) the housework this week.
8. This country __________ (have) five big storms this winter.

11B Present perfect or past simple

a Underline the correct words.

1. Have you been / Did you go out last night?
2. I’ve never seen / I never saw an opera.
3. We went / We’ve been to a rock concert on Saturday.
4. Have you ever danced / Did you ever dance the tango?
5. She’s a fantastic actress but she never won / she’s never won an Oscar.
6. We’ve visited / We visited the theatre when we were in Buenos Aires last year.
7. I didn’t eat / I’ve never eaten sheep’s milk cheese in my life.
8. Did he win / Has he won the 100m at the 2012 Olympic Games?

b Match questions 1–8 with short answers a–h.

1. [g] Did she go out? a. Yes, we were.
2. [ ] Have you ever been to Chile? b. Yes, we did.
3. [ ] Was it a good concert? c. No, I haven’t.
4. [ ] Has she been in any bad films? d. No, they didn’t.
5. [ ] Were you tired when you got home? e. Yes, it was.
6. [ ] Did they help you? f. No, they haven’t.
7. [ ] Have they ever visited Tokyo? g. No, she didn’t.
8. [ ] Did you have a good time? h. Yes, she has.

12A going to

a Match questions 1–8 with answers a–h.

1. [ ] Where are you going to stay? a. Not much. Just a few clothes.
2. [ ] Are they going to visit us? b. No, he isn’t. He’s going to travel around the world
3. [ ] When are you going to clean your room? c. Some of their friends.
4. [ ] Is he going to get a job? d. No, I’m not. I’m just going to take a long holiday.
5. [ ] Who are they going to meet? e. In a hotel.
6. [ ] Are you going to leave your job? f. About six months.
7. [ ] What are you going to take with you? g. Tomorrow – I promise.
8. [ ] How long is he going to be away? h. No, they aren’t. They don’t have time.

12B should / shouldn’t

a Complete the sentences with the verb in brackets and should or shouldn’t.

1. A He feels tired all the time.

B He should go (go) to the doctor.

2. You __________ (drink) a lot of water when you run.

3. You __________ (bring) a lot of books. We’re only going for three days.

4. You __________ (drive) all night. Stop and get some sleep.

5. It's going to be cold so you __________ (take) some warm clothes.

6. The children __________ (come) into the house – it’s getting dark.

7. We __________ (pay) for the meal. The food was horrible.

8. I __________ (say) sorry to him. I broke his cup.


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