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Journal of Composite Materials

2022, Vol. 56(18) 2921–2932
Isogeometric analysis based on non-uniform © The Author(s) 2022
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rational B-splines technology of stress and
DOI: 10.1177/00219983221105313
failure strength in inter-ply hybrid laminated

Faouzi Rahmouni1, Mohamed Elajrami1, Kouider Madani2  and RDSG Campilho3,4

In the present study, the stress distribution and first ply failure strength of hybrid laminated composites subjected to
uniaxial tensile and compression loads are predicted using Isogeometric analysis (IGA) based on non-uniform rational
B-splines technology, commonly referred to as non-uniform rational B-splines (NURBS) technology. The obtained results
were compared to finite element method results (ANSYS) published in the literature and analytical results using Autodesk
Helius Composite software. Graphite-glass/epoxy hybrid composite plates are analyzed for different lamination orien-
tations and used to calculate first ply failure strength. Non-interactive theories such as maximum stress, maximum strain,
and fully interactive criteria such as Tsai-Wu, Tsai-Hill and Hoffman are used to predict the failure strength of different
laminates. The failure envelopes of the hybrid composites are developed using the same failure criteria used for the
graphite-glass/epoxy hybrid composite. The effects of IGA refinement and plate’s dimension on the present analysis were
also established. The IGA results showed good accuracy, robustness and good convergence speed with the analytical
software results and the finite element method (FEM) reference value.

Isogeometric analysis, Hybrid composite plates, First ply failure strength, non-uniform rational B-splines, Stress distribution

Introduction and boron by less expensive fibers like glass and Kevlar. With
this solution, the mechanical performance is maintained or
Due to high specific properties, composites materials have enhanced, by considering fibers with superior tensile and
been widely used in many fields1 like aerospace, ship flexural strength, but with lower performance in impact
building, sporting goods, automotive, defense, and infra- strength and elongation at failure, while the other fibers show
structures. Nearly about 13% of the available engineering inverse characteristics.6 Hence, the combination of their
materials in the market are composites, which makes mechanical performances enables to meet the demands of
composite materials highly important in today’s world.2 growing technological advances with the desired cost.7,8
Furthermore, it is forecasted that the global market size for Hybrid composites have been studied for more than
composites will amount to 160.54 billion U.S. dollars in 30 years.9 The most used technique for the analysis of hybrid
2027.3 However, despite the rapid advancement and im- composites is finite element method (FEM). Dewangan et al.10
provement in the manufacturing technology for composite studied a hybrid 3D orthogonal woven composite (3DOWC)
materials, these are still associated to economic hurdles.
Hence, it is important to innovate in various aspects like
material, designing, processing, and manufacturing. Laboratory of Mechanical Structures and Solids, Sidi Bel Abbes, Algeria
Laboratory of Mechanical Physic of Materials LMPM, Sidi Bel Abbes,
Hybrid composites are a combination of two or more
reinforcement fibers in a single matrix material,4 but it is 3
ISEP - School of Engineering, Polytechnic of Porto, Porto, Portugal
more likely that a combination of only two types of fibers 4
INEGI – Institute of Science and Innovation in Mechanical and Industrial
would be most advantageous.5 Due to their superior prop- Engineering, Porto, Portugal
erties, which are unachievable by other monolithic materials,
Corresponding author:
hybrid composites are one of the available solutions for the Faouzi Rahmouni, Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Mechanical
limiting factors of composites, especially the cost, for ex- Structures and Solids, Sidi Bel Abbes 22000, Algeria.
ample to partially replace expensive fibers such as graphite Email:
2922 Journal of Composite Materials 56(18)

subjected to ballistic impact by a conical-cylindrical projectile CAD part (NURBS) and the analysis part of IGA from the
using the FEM. Keshavamurthy et al.11 designed and analyzed weak form to the global matrix form. Furthermore, the
a hybrid composite spring composed of E-glass/epoxy and previously mentioned failure envelope and failure criteria
carbon/epoxy using ANSYS. Ghani et al.12 studied the effects are briefly reviewed. For further details see reference20.
of laminate arrangement on the failure behaviour of hybrid
composite plates under transverse sinusoidal load. Modeling
and analysis have been done in ANSYS using maximum stress NURBS
criteria, Ghani et al.12 showed the strength variation of hybrid NURBS are considered as the generalization of B-splines, a
composite plates with different lamination arrangements. family of curves, surfaces and volumes derived from the ra-
Furthermore, numerous experimental works have been con- tionale of weighted B-spline shape functions defined in the
ducted to study the effect of hybridization on tensile strength, parametric space. Their excellent mathematical and algorith-
impact strength and the effective properties of the mic properties offer great flexibility and accuracy for the
composite.13–15 generation and representation of complex geometries.
The FEM has great success in solving various problems in Therefore, NURBS became a standard tool for Computer-
many fields, but it also has limitations, especially in the Aided Design (CAD), Computer-Aided Manufacturing
computational time. This limitation often motivates re- (CAM), and Computer-Aided Engineering (CAE) industries
searchers to move to other methods such as Meshless, Proper in the world.21 Further details and extensive references on
Generalized Decomposition (PGD), Boundary Element NURBS technology can be retrieved in references17–19.
Method (BEM), and others, which proved their ability to solve
some FEM limitations. Isogeometric analysis (IGA) is a recent
method of computational analysis that has a widespread ap- NURBS discretisation
plication in different fields, and it was proposed by Hughes Consider Ξ as an open non-uniform knot vector associated
et al.16,17 This method is based on integrating Computer-Aided with the Dth dimension be defined by:
Design (CAD) and FEM into one model. The most used CAD
n o
technology in IGA is NURBS,18,19 which is used to define the Ξd ¼ ξd1 ,ξd2 ,…,ξdnd þpd ,ξdnd þpd þ1 (1)
geometry representation and the design variables due to its
great properties such as exact geometry, smooth boundaries, Where nd {n1, n2, n3}and pd {p, q, l} are the total number
and refinement methodology (hpk-refinement). and the polynomial order of shape functions that belong to
Since most of the available research-papers used FEM to the {first, second, third} dimension, respectively. ξdi 2 R are
predict the failure load in hybrid composite plates, the goal of the knot coordinates ð0 ≤ ξdi ≤ 1Þ in an increasing order
this paper is to apply the NURBS-based IGA to simplify the ðξ 1 ≤ ξ 2 …≤ξ nd þpd þ1Þ. Furthermore, polynomial order pd
prediction of failure load, prevent the FEM limitations to provides C pd md continuity in each interior knot where md
obtain accurate results and speed up the analysis process of is the repetition or the multiplicity of the knot ξ di in the knot
graphite-glass/epoxy hybrid laminates composite materials vector Ξd , and the maximum multiplicity allowed for each
subjected to tensile and compressive loads. The failure load is knot is md ≤ pd þ 1, which means that the multiplicity
calculated for different fiber orientations and stacking se- decreases the continuity from pd to 1. On the other hand,
quences. Various failure criteria were employed to estimate the in an open knot vector the first and last knot entries are
failure stress and the failure envelope of hybrid composite repeated by pd þ 1 times. This property makes the control
laminates. mesh interpolatory to the physical mesh on the boundaries.
Non-uniform knot vectors allow any spacing between
knots, including adjacent knots with the same value
Mathematical formulation (multiplicity). Based on these parameters, B-spline shape
In this section, the mathematical features of the IGA based functions can be defined using the following Cox de Boor
on NURBS are introduced, namely the discretization of recursive formula as22:

8 8
> >
< 1, if ξ di ≤ ξ d < ξ diþ1
> for pd ¼ 0 Ni,0 ξ d ¼
> >
< : 0, otherwise
>   ξ d  ξ di ξ diþpd þ1  ξ d
: for pd > 0 Ni,pd ξ d ¼ Ni,pd 1 þ Niþ1,pd 1
ξ diþpd  ξ di ξ diþpd þ1  ξ diþ1
Rahmouni et al. 2923

A univariate NURBS basis is defined by the rationale of h-refinement). Furthermore, derivative NURBS algorithm is
weighted B-spline shape functions as: necessary for the IGA and can be found in references.17,18
  The main limitation of NURBS technology is the impos-
 1 wi Ni,p ξ 1 sibility of local refinement, i.e., refinement requires the
Ri ξ ¼ Pn1
 1 (3)
i¼1 wi Ni,p ξ insertion of an entire row of control points, which causes
superfluous control points and increases the computational
Similarly, bivariate and trivariate NURBS shape func- time. Another limitation is that each single NURBS surface
tions can be defined by the following rational tensor product must have a rectangular topology. Furthermore, most of
of B-spline functions: NURBS objects must be modeled using several NURBS
    surfaces and it is difficult to join multiple NURBS surfaces
 1 2 wi,j Ni,p ξ1 Mj,q ξ2
i,j ξ ,ξ ¼ Pn1 Pn2    2 (4) in a single, smooth, watertight model, especially if corners
j¼1 wi,j Ni,p ξ Mj,q ξ
i¼1 of valence other than four are introduced.
ξ ,ξ ,ξ ¼
p,q,l 1 2 3
wi,j,k Ni,p ξ1 Mj,q ξ2 Sk,l ξ3 (5) IGA governing equations
Pn1 Pn2 Pn3  1  2   3 ,
i¼1 j¼1 k¼1 wi,j,k Ni,p ξ Mj,q ξ Sk,l ξ Weak formulation. The hybrid composite plate is considered
where i ¼ 1; 2, …,n1 , j ¼ 1; 2, …,n2 ,k ¼ 1; 2, …,n3 , and as a 2D domain V bounded by prescribed displacement (Γu)
w are real positive weights :p,q,l are the polynomial order in and tractions boundaries (Γt), where the domain boundary
d ¼ f1; 2; 3g, respectively. Ni,p , Mj,q , Sk,l denote suitable Γ = Γu [ Γt and, Γ = Γu\Γt = φ. The governing equilibrium
B-spline shape functions. Additionally, from the above- equation is given by23,24:
mentioned shape functions and P control points in single =: σ þ b ¼ 0 in V (9)
or multi-dimension, the following can be defined:
NURBS Curve: σ n ¼ t on Γt (10)
  Xn1 p  1 
C ξ1 ¼ R ξ Pi
i¼1 i
(6) u¼u on Γu , (11)

NURBS Surface: where = is the Nabla differential operator, σ is the Cauchy

stress tensor, b is the body force and n is the outward normal
  Xn1 Xn2 p,q  1 2 
S ξ1 ,ξ2 ¼ R ξ ,ξ Pi,j (7) on Γt . The Cauchy stress tensor is defined by Hooke’s law
i¼1 j¼1 i,j
URBS Volume:
σ¼Cε (12)
  Xn1 Xn2 Xn3 p,q,l  1 2 3 
V ξ 1 ,ξ 2 ,ξ 3 ¼ i¼1 j¼1
k¼1 i,j,k
ξ ,ξ ,ξ Pi,j,k (8) 1 
ε¼ u þ uT , (13)
NURBS shape functions exhibit many desirable prop-
erties for the analysis part, such as: where C is a fourth order material constitutive tensor, ε is
the strain tensor based on small deformation approach, and
P d Pd d
•Partition of unity: ni¼1 Ri ðξ Þ ¼ 1 uT is the transpose displacement vector. The stress vector
•Non-negativity: "i , RPd
i ðξ d
Þ > 0. depends on the fiber orientation θ by the following 2D
•Local support transformation matrix:
•Linear independent. 2 3 2 32 3
•Variation diminishing. Satisfied Kronecker delta at the σ θ θ  θ θ 76 σ 1 7
2 2
6 7 6
x cos sin 2 cos sin
element boundary. 6 σ y 7 ¼ 6 sin2 θ cos 2
θ 2 cos θ sin θ 76 σ 2 7
4 5 4 54 5
σ xy cos θ sin θ  cos θ sin θ cos θ  sin θ
2 2
σ 12
In most analysis cases, a smaller mesh means more
accurate results. H-p-k NURBS refinement is one of the (14)
important features that improves the flexibility of NURBS
mesh and gives the ability to use higher order and higher where σ x , σ y , σ xy and σ 1 , σ 2 ,σ 12 are respectively the
continuity shape functions, desired for the analysis, such as global and local stress components. The numerical so-
shell and beam elements. In this procedure, h-refinement lution must satisfy the boundary conditions defined by
and p-refinement are the knot insertion and order elevation equation (10) and (11). By applying the virtual work
procedures, respectively, while k-refinement is a combi- principle, the weak form is obtained by multiplying the
nation of the two procedures (p-refinement and equation (9) by the test function δu, and then integrating
2924 Journal of Composite Materials 56(18)

by parts the stress term and using equations. (12) and 2 3T

 1  1  1
(13) as: 6R ξ 0 R ξ
 1 2
… Rnd ξ 0  7
Z Z Z R¼4 1 1 5
0 R1 ξ 0 R2 ξ … 0 R nd ξ
εðδuÞ C εðuÞ dV  b δudV  t δudΓ ¼ 0
V V Γt (20)
(15) For the body force:

2 3T
6 R1 ξ1 ,ξ 2
0 R2 ξ1 ,ξ 2
0 … Rnd ξ1 ,ξ 2
0 7
4      7
1 2 5
0 R1 ξ ,ξ
1 2
0 R2 ξ ,ξ
1 2
… 0 Rnd ξ ,ξ

IGA discretization of the weak form 1 1  

J2 ¼ ξiþ1  ξ1i ξ2jþ1  ξ2j
Using the NURBS shape functions defined in equation (3), (4) 4
2 ∂x ∂x 3
and (5) and their derivatives depending on the dimension
required for the analysis, the weak form of the equilibrium 6 ∂ξ1 ∂ξ2 7 (22)
6 7
equation equation (15) can be discretized after a mathematical J1 ¼ 6 7det ðJÞ ¼ det ðJ1 Þ  det ðJ2 Þ
4 ∂y ∂y 5
treatment into the following global matrix form:
∂ξ1 ∂ξ2
KU¼F (16)
where for 2D space considered for the present study:
X N X Z 1 Z 1 
Failure criteria and failure envelopes
K¼ Ke ¼ BT C B detðJ Þ wi dξ1 dξ2
e¼0 1 1 Maximum stress failure criterion. The Maximum Stress Theory
(17) is a non-interactive, linear, and less complicated failure criterion,
extensively used to predict the failure of composite materials.
This failure criterion is an expansion of Rankine and Tresca
F¼ Fe theories of isotropic and homogeneous materials. Failure occurs
0 1 once the stress components on the principal direction of the ply
X Z 1Z 1 Z
are equal to or exceed the corresponding strength either in
¼ @ RT b det ðJ Þ wi dξ 1 dξ 2 þ RtdΓA
1 1
tension or compression, i.e., failure occurs in a 2D model if at
Γt least one of the following conditions in any ply is satisfied:
Xc ≤ σ1 ≤ Xt
U is the unknown displacement vector of the control Yc ≤ σ2 ≤ Yt (23)
points, R is the NURBS shape functions, B is the strain- jt12 j≤S,
displacement matrix, wi is the Gaussian point, det(J) is the
Jacobian determinant, and B, R and det(J) are defined as the where σ1 ,σ2 and t12 are the normal stresses in directions
following: 1 and 2, and the shear stress in the fiber direction, re-
2 3 spectively. Xt is the tensile strength, Xc is the compressive
strength, Yt and Yc are the tensile and compressive
6 i,x 0 7 strengths in the transverse direction, respectively, and S is
Bi ¼ 6 7
4 0 Ri,y 5 B ¼ ½B1 B2 … Bnd  i ½1,nd  (19)
the shear strength of the composite lamina. The failure
Ri,y Ri,x
envelope based on the Maximum Stress Criterion is a simple
rectangle restricted by the tensile and compressive
For the boundaries Γt : strengths, as clearly illustrated in Figure 1.
Rahmouni et al. 2925

Figure 1. Failure envelope for the Maximum Stress Criterion.

Figure 2. Failure envelope for the Maximum Strain Criterion.

Maximum Strain Failure Criterion

The Maximum Strain Failure Theory is quite similar to the
Maximum Stress Failure Criterion, expanded from maxi-
mum normal strain St. Venant and Tresca theories for
isotropic materials. Failure of the lamina is assumed to
occur whenever any normal or shear strain component
equals or exceeds the corresponding ultimate strain. This
theory is mathematically written in 2D as follows:
ε1c ≤ ε1 ≤ ε1t
ε2c ≤ ε2 ≤ ε2t (24)
jγ12 j ≤ κ,
where ε1 , ε2 and γ12 are the strains in the principal material
coordinates, ε1t , ε2t , ε1c and ε2c are the maximum tensile strain Figure 3. Failure envelope for the Tsai-Hill criterion.
and compressive normal strain, and κ is a maximum shear
strain in the 1-2 plane. The failure envelope for the Maximum
Strain Criterion is obtained from the followed relations20: σ21 σ22 2
t12 σ1  σ2
2 þ 2 þ 2  ≥1 (27)
σ2 ¼ υ21  σ1  Yt (25) Xt Yt S Xt2

σ1  Xt σ21 σ22 2
t12 σ1  σ2
σ2 ¼ (26) 2 þ 2 þ  ≥ 1, (28)
υ12 Xc Yc S2 Xc2

Using equations. (22) and (23), the failure envelope for where equation (24) is for tensile stress and equation (25) is for
this theory is shown in Figure 2. compression stress. The failure envelope for the Tsai-Hill
failure criterion is and ellipse, as shown in Figure 3.
Tsai-Hill failure criterion
Tsai-Wu failure criterion
The Tsai-Hill failure criterion is an appropriate modification
of Von-Mises distortional energy yield criterion for isotropic The Tsai-Wu failure criterion is based on the total strain
materials, also applied to anisotropic materials and unidi- energy failure theory. In this failure criterion, failure occurs
rectional lamina. The Tsai-Hill criterion takes into account in the ply if the following condition is satisfied:
the interactions between stresses components. However,
according to this failure criterion, ply rupture appears when F11 σ21 þ F22 σ22 þ F66 t12
þ F1 σ1 þ F2 σ2 þ 2 F12 σ1 σ2 ≥ 1,
the followed conditions are satisfied: (29)
2926 Journal of Composite Materials 56(18)

obtained from Autodesk Helius Composite and the nu-

merical results reported by Goswami and Saxena .2 The
length of the rectangular plate is L = 100 mm, as shown in
Figure 5(a). The thickness of each ply is taken as 0.125 mm
and 8 symmetric plies of class/epoxy and graphite/epoxy
materials are considered to construct different inter-ply
composite plates (see Figure 5(b)). Furthermore, the plate
was subjected to a distributed loading of 1 MPa applied on
the right and the left sides of the laminate. The material
properties of glass-graphite/epoxy 2 are presented in
Table 1.
In order to validate the results of NURBS based IGA,
various unidirectional [θ˚/θ˚/θ˚/θ˚]s and angle ply [θ˚/-θ˚/
θ˚/-θ˚]s hybrid-laminates are studied in the present investi-
gation. The fiber orientation angle θ˚ assumes the values of 0°,
45°, 45° and 90°. Furthermore, the effect of different
Figure 4. Failure envelope for the Tsai-Wu criterion. polynomial orders (pd ), mesh densities and ply thickness on
the failure strength is evaluated in this study. The failure
where: envelope for the hybrid laminate is considered using the
previously mentioned failure criteria.
1 1 1
F11 ¼ F22 ¼ F66 ¼ 2
Xt  Xc Yt  Yc S
1 1 1 1 1 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi Results and discussions
F1 ¼  F1 ¼  F12 ¼ F11 ∗F22
Xt Xc Yt Yc 2 A Matlab program for NURBS-based IGA was established
(30) to study the stress distributions and first ply failure load in
different fiber orientation of hybrid composite plates. To
In general, the failure envelope for the Tsai-Wu failure validate NURBS-based IGA, it was decided to divide this
theory is shown in Figure 4. section into two parts, one for the comparison between IGA,
FEA, and analytical Helius Composite results, and the other
to study the effect of plate dimensions, mesh density and order
Hoffman failure criterion
of basis function on the stress distributions and failure load.
Hoffman introduced a failure theory by adding linear terms The first part contains three hybrid-composite plate examples
to Hill’s criterion. According to the Hoffman failure theory, with different sequence of fibers orientation loaded parallel to
the composite ply has failed if the following condition is the x direction in tension and compression.
σ21 σ1 σ2 σ22 Xt þ Xc Comparison of results
 þ  þ σ1
Xt  Xc Xt  Xc Yt  Yc Xt  Xc (31) In the following examples there are no moment forces and
Yt þ Yc t2 all composite plates considered for simulation are sym-
þ σ2 þ 122 ≥ 1
Yt  Yc S metric, leading to no significant changes in stress and failure
load results between top, middle and bottom planes of the
It should be mentioned that the size of the failure en-
hybrid composite plates in the present study. Furthermore,
velope varies with the amount of shear stress for the Tsai-
due to the same reason, strains in all FEM points of hybrid
Wu, Tsai-Hill and Hoffman failures criteria.
composite are equal. In contrast, the stress components vary
depending on material properties and fiber orientation. The
abbreviation Gr and Gl represent the graphite/epoxy and
Description of the study
the glass/epoxy materials, respectively.
In this paper, tension and compression tests on square
hybrid-composite plates are presented using NURBS- UD laminate [0˚Gr/0˚Gl/0˚Gr/0˚Gl]s. For this staking se-
based IGA to study the stress and failure strength of the quence, the global stress results versus hybrid composite
plates and to predict the failure mode for each example. A plies obtained from the NURBS-based IGA procedure are
valid analytical and numerical reference are used to verify shown for a tensile load in Figure 6(a) and for a compressive
the proposed simulation approach. The results of the load in Figure 6(b). The distribution of the stress between
present simulation are compared with the analytical results plies is uniform and equal on all IGA control points. It could
Rahmouni et al. 2927

Figure 5. (a) IGA configuration of the composite plate (• control point), (b) Symmetric laminate plate configuration (Zi mid-plan

Table 1. Mechanical properties of unidirectional composites2.

Property E1 ðGPaÞ E2 ðGPaÞ G12 ðGPaÞ V12 V (min) XtðMPaÞ XcðMPaÞ YtðMPaÞ YcðMPaÞ SðMPaÞ

Graphical-epoxy 126 11 6.6 0.280 1950 1480 48 200 79

Glass-epoxy 53.48 17.7 5.83 0.278 1140 570 35 114 72

Figure 6. Stress distribution versus plies in fiber orientation [0˚Gr/0˚Gl/0˚Gr/0˚Gl]s subjected to: (a) tensile load, (b) compressive load.

Table 2. Failure stress of [0°Gr/0°Gl/0°Gr/0°Gl]s composite plate subjected to tensile load.

Failure criteria Helius composite FEM (Ansys) [03] IGA based on NURBS

Maximum stress 1388.79 1388 1388.791

Maximum strain 1388.83 — 1388.834
Hoffman — — 1386.855
Tsai-hill 1388.85 — 1388.853
Tsai-Wu 1388.26 1388 1388.262

be concluded that the two figures are symmetrical with Young’s modulus compared to the graphite/epoxy longi-
respect to the ply axis, for the tensile stress load. The tudinal Young’s modulus, and vice-versa for the com-
maximum stress value is σx = 1.4 MPa, observed in pressive stress load. The values of stress in Y direction and
graphite/epoxy plies due to higher longitudinal Young’s shear stress are laying near to zero.
modulus, while for the glass/epoxy plies the maximum The results obtained from the failure analysis using the
stress value is σx = 0.59 MPa, due to its lower longitudinal IGA procedure and Helius Composite software are given in
2928 Journal of Composite Materials 56(18)

Table 3. Failure stress of [0°Gr/0°Gl/0°Gr/0°Gl]s composite Figure 8(b) for tensile and compressive tests, respectively.
plate subjected to compressive load. For the tensile test, the maximum stress value is σx =
Failure criteria Helius composite IGA based on NURBS
2.63 MPa, observed in the 0° plies, while the minimum
longitudinal stress observed in the 90° plies is σx=0.34 MPa.
Maximum stress 956.535 956.535 Transverse and shear stresses for the 0° and 90° plies are
Maximum strain 636.581 636.582 nearly zero. Plies which are oriented at 45° are subjected to
Hoffman — 954.600 higher shear stresses compared to other plies due to the
Tsai-Hill 956.403 956.403 effect of fiber orientation (equation. (14)) on stress
Tsai-Wu 953.641 953.641 components.
Table 6 and Table 7 highlight the failure stress for this
configuration. Similarly to the previous configuration,
Table 2 and Table 3. For the tensile and compressive load, IGA based on NURBS gives a perfect match when
the failure stresses obtained from various failure criteria on compared to the Helius Composite software and close to
this model are situated between the longitudinal and the FEM data published in reference 2. The minimum failure
transverse failure strength (Xt, Xc), where the failure oc- stress is observed in the 90° fiber orientation due to
curred in all the graphite/epoxy plies (1, 3, 6 and 8 plies) due loads carried mainly by the matrix material in both
the traction along x direction for the tensile test. On the other tensile and compressive test cases. Therefore, the plies
hand, for the compressive load, failure occurred in all glass/ showing failure are plies 4 and 5, related to 90° fiber
epoxy plies (2, 4, 5 and 7 plies) due the compression along x orientation, and the expected failure modes are de-
direction. The failure results show no significant difference bonding and matrix rupture. Furthermore, the results
between the analytical results (Helius Composite) and the showed highest failure stress under a compressive load
numerical results (IGA based on NURBS) on tensile and compared to tensile due to the mechanical properties of
compressive tests for the failure criteria considered in this the glass material.
study. Furthermore, the results of FEM/Ansys published in
reference2 are also in agreement, which proves the accuracy
of the present study using NURBS-based IGA. Isogeometric analysis refinement and geometrical
effects on failure stress
UD laminate [45˚Gr/-45˚Gl/45˚Gr/-45˚Gl]s This analysis, using IGA based on NURBS and the
Maximum Stress Failure Criterion (equation. (23)), in-
Figure 7(a) and Figure 7(b) show the global stress com- vestigates the effect of polynomial order, mesh density,
ponents in this configuration. Similarly, stresses in tensile ply thickness and dimensions of the hybrid composite
and compressive load are symmetric, uniform and equal in plate, with the above-mentioned configuration and sub-
all IGA control points. Moreover, the variation in longi- jected to a tensile loading, on the failure stress of the
tudinal and transverse stress is almost the same for all plies, hybrid composite plate. Figure 9(a) and Figure 9(b) show
while for the shear stresses opposite values were found for the effect of mesh refinement on the failure stress, where
+45° and 45° plies, due to the effect of material properties increasing the polynomial order is a strategy of refine-
and fiber orientation. ment in IGA tilted P-refinement. On the other hand,
From Table 4 and Table 5 it is clearly observed that the h-refinement (knot insertion) is used to elevate the mesh
failure stress for tensile and compressive tests using IGA and density of the model. Unlike in most FEM simulations, it
the analytical method are the same and agree with FEM results. can be clearly seen that the refinement has no effect on the
+45° and 45° fiber orientations decrease the failure stress failure stress in all configurations of the current study.
comparing to 0° fiber orientation due the shear load applied to Figure 10(b) shows the effect of varying length or width
the fibers. In this case, the plies’ failure depends on the failure of the hybrid laminate plate. Similarly, there is no plate
criteria, and it is well seen that there is no significant difference dimensions effect on failure stress. For the present study,
in the failure stress between both tests (tensile and the lack of effect is mainly due the shape function on the
compressive). IGA analysis. In fact, the shape function varied with the
mesh refinement and dimension of the plate but, as in
equation (16) stiffness matrix (K) and Forces (F) formed
UD laminate [0˚Gr/45˚Gl/-45˚Gr/90˚Gl]s in depth by shape function, in the present work the shape
In this hybrid composite model, the fiber orientation effect function keeps the compilation between K and F to
on the stress distribution using IGA was investigated. The maintain the same failure results with different mesh
global stress distribution is highlighted in Figure 8(a) and refinement and dimension of the plate. However, in the
Rahmouni et al. 2929

Figure 7. Stress distribution versus plies in fiber orientation [45˚Gr/-45˚Gl/45˚Gr/-45˚Gl]s subjected to: (a) tensile load, (b)
compressive load

Table 4. Failure stress of [45°Gr/-45°Gl/45°Gr/-45°Gl]s composite plate subjected to tensile load.

Failure criteria Helius composite FEM (Ansys) [03] IGA based on NURBS

Maximum stress 148.783 148.78 148.783

Maximum strain 148.783 — 148.783
Hoffman — — 113.797
Tsai-Hill 119.297 — 119.297
Tsai-Wu 116.288 116.292 148.288

Table 5. Failure stress of [45°Gr/-45°Gl/45°Gr/-45°Gl]s

case of varying ply thickness, the only change happens in
composite plate subjected to compressive load.
the stiffness matrix, i.e., the material constitutive tensor C
Failure criteria Helius composite IGA based on NURBS in equation (12) varies with the plies’ thickness. Thereby,
only the matrix K varied. Thus, the increase of matrix K
Maximum stress 148.783 148.783
increases the failure stress and vice versa as equation
Maximum strain 148.783 148.783
(16). Therefore, Figure 10(a) shows a clear linear effect,
Hoffman — 170.095
especially for the [0˚Gr/0˚Gl/0˚Gr/0˚Gl]s configuration
Tsai-Hill 146.435 146.435
Tsai-Wu 175.418 175.418
where a plate with thickness of 8 mm gives an extreme
tensile failure stress of 11000 MPa.

Figure 8. Stress distribution versus plies in fiber orientation [0˚Gr/45˚Gl/-45˚Gr/90˚Gl]s subjected to: (a) tensile load, (b) compressive
load current e thickness of 8 mm gives an extreme tensile failure stress of 11000 MPa
2930 Journal of Composite Materials 56(18)

Table 6. Failure stress of [0°Gr/45°Gl/-45°Gr/90°Gl]s composite plate subjected to tensile load.

Failure criteria Helius composite FEM (Ansys) [03] IGA based on NURBS

Maximum stress 102.374 102.375 102.374

Maximum strain 94.598 — 94.598
Hoffman — — 99.929
Tsai-Hill 101.984 — 101.984
Tsai-Wu 98.511 98.512 98.511

Table 7. Failure stress of [0°Gr/45°Gl/-45°Gr/90°Gl]s on various failure criteria using Autodesk Helius Composite
composite plate subjected to compressive load. software. Figure 11(a) shows the effect of hybridization of the
composite material for the tensile case. It is well shown that the
Failure criteria Helius composite IGA based on NURBS
hybrid composite failure is situated between the tensile failure
Maximum stress 333.447 333.447 strengths of the two materials (graphite/epoxy and glass/
Maximum strain 308.119 308.119 epoxy) that construct the hybrid composite plate.
Hoffman — 336.691 Figure 11(b) shows the failure envelope of the unidirectional
Tsai-Hill 328.452 328.452 composite [0˚Gr/0˚Gl/0˚Gr/0˚Gl]s. The failure strength is the
Tsai-Wu 321.116 321.116 intersection with σ1, σ2 = 0 axis, noting that the positive side is
for the tensile strength, while the negative side is for the
compressive strength. Figure 12(a) shows the failure envelope
Failure envelope of the composite [45˚Gr/-45˚Gl/45˚Gr/-45˚Gl]s. In this case,
the 45° fiber orientation effect on failure strength is well shown
Failure envelopes for the three hybrid composite plates sub- graphically. Figure 12(b) is a general view of the failure
jected to tensile load considered in this study were drawn based strength of the composite [0˚Gr/45˚Gl/-45˚Gr/90˚Gl]s. In this

Figure 9. (a) Effect of polynomial order on failure stress, (b) Effect of mesh density on failure stress.

Figure 10. (a) Effect of ply thickness on failure stress (b) Effect of dimension of the plate on failure.
Rahmouni et al. 2931

Figure 11. (a) Effect of hybridization on tensile failure stress, (b) Failure envelope for [0˚Gr/0˚Gl/0˚Gr/0˚Gl]s in glass-graphite/epoxy
hybrid composite.

Figure 12. Failure envelope of the glass-graphite/epoxy hybrid composite material for: (a) [45˚Gr/-45˚Gl/45˚Gr/-45˚Gl]s (b) [0˚Gr/

case, the failure envelopes are irregular shapes due to the effect refinement, robustness and accurate results, which is proved
of various fiber orientations. An excellent agreement is achieved in the present study by several numerical examples and
by comparing the predicted failure envelopes (the intersection compared to analytical and numerical approaches for the
with σ 1 ¼ 0, σ 2 ¼ 0 axis) against NURBS-based IGA results hybridization of the composite material. In addition, the
mentioned in the comparison of results (section 4.1). failure envelope of hybrid composite plates using different
failure theories was compared to IGA results obtained, and
the effects of IGA refinement, plate dimensions and
Conclusion thickness of plies on hybrid composite material simulation
In this paper, NURBS technology-based IGA formulation was also carried out. The important conclusions of the
was developed to study the stresses and failure strength of present study are summarized next:
hybrid composite laminates subjected to uniaxial load.
NURBS technology has many advantages for the analysis, 1. NURBS-based IGA gives accurate results, robustness and
such as allowing exact and smooth representation of ge- good convergence speed analysis for the current study.
ometries, permitting a straightforward increase in the ap- 2. No refinement and plate’s dimension effects were found
proximation order and specification of the degree of on the plate subjected to uniaxial load in the present study.
continuity of the shape functions, and other properties 3. The increase of plies’ thickness linearly increases the
desired for the analysis. Those advantages and properties failure strength of the hybrid composite plate and vice
allows the IGA analysis to have flexible strategies of versa.
2932 Journal of Composite Materials 56(18)

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