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No, I don’t think I will ever opt for an extreme job as it may bring benefits with it, such as
challenging tasks and the motivation you get, but destroying my health and lifestyle just for
the sake of a job and pay wouldn’t excite me. I would be more inclined towards a job that
will fulfill my needs and wants and give me happiness and satisfaction.
The rise in extreme jobs can be attributed to various factors such as globalization,
technology advancements, and increased competitiveness in the job market. These factors
have led to higher work demands, longer hours, and more pressure to perform, resulting in
the prevalence of extreme jobs.
Organizations should strive for a balanced approach. While some individuals may thrive in
extreme job environments, it's essential for organizations to consider the well-being and
work-life balance of their employees. Encouraging extreme jobs without appropriate support
or measures to prevent burnout can lead to negative consequences for both employees and
the organization. Providing flexibility, promoting work-life balance initiatives, and ensuring
reasonable work hours can contribute to a healthier and more productive workforce.
People may take extreme jobs for various reasons, including the thrill of challenging work, a
sense of accomplishment, career advancement opportunities, financial rewards, or societal
pressures. Some individuals may also feel a strong sense of responsibility or duty towards
their work or believe that working longer hours is necessary for success. Additionally,
cultural norms and expectations within certain industries or regions may influence
individuals to take on extreme jobs.

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