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Effective Business Communications

(Term 1 2024)

Assessment 2 – Part 1:
Sentence Level Speaking Outline


STUDENT ID - 12262565


Date- 25 April 2024

604 words
Hinderance due to Technology
Presenter- Saksham Singh Rana
General Purpose: To increase the efficiency of employees.
Specific Purpose: To point out the existing problems due to mediated communications and
discussing the possible solutions to rectify them.

A. Attention-getting statement: Technology is for our assistance. So we should
control it, technology should not control us.
B. Statement of ethos: Being a communication consultant, I have delved into this
field and have vast experience of more than 15 years. Having worked in more than
25+ sectors and industries makes me capable for this task.
C. Statement of exigence: Communication is crucial part of any organisation be it
internal or external. Any fault in this would impact employee’s performance as a
result affecting company’s result.
D. Thesis: Mediated communication can resolve many issues which are not raised by
anyone because when there is no problem in product or service, still the
performance of employee is stagnant then it is communication that need to be
E. Preview-
a. Problem one- Ease of deception offered by mediated communication to an
employee for not performing.
b. Solution one- Preference to offline meetings and use of pictorial data in emails
and mediated communications.
c. Problem two- Break in focus due to notifications while working.
d. Solution- Improvement in work culture by time period where personal devices
are not used and priority tasks only pop up on screen.


A. Problem One- Ease of deception and misinterpretation of information
a. Employees often mislead or lie in mediated communication if they are not able
to accomplish any task or job. However, if this thing takes place in face-to-
face meetings, then the chances of deceiving reduce to a substantial level.
b. It is mostly seen in employees who are low motivated and work without any
interest. Misinterpretation is more common among Higher levels as they are
dealing with wider spectrum of information in an organization.
c. Deception and misinterpretation grew larger when the interaction took place in
text-based rather than face-to-face communication. (Toma et al., 2016)
B. Solution one- How to tackle liars and false information from spreading
a. As per Yaneske and Oates (2011) engaging in audio or video based media rather than
text based is better option as audio or video based media is richer and the change in
pitch and speed leads to greater impact on listener.
b. Voice based feedback increases employee visibility and shows their level of
involvement in work to the managers. (Deng, 2022)
C. Problem two- Interruption in work due to Mediated communications
a. Human nature is subject to interruptions easily. Likewise employees when see
floating notifications on their screen often divert their attention from work
they were doing.
b. Mostly, telephonic or face-to-face interactions are not a big interruption for
employees as they involve immediate response and are important. But emails
are of concern in this case. (Wajcman & Rose, 2011b)
D. Solution two- Mix mode of communications to be used.
a. Landline phones and restricted notifications can be one solution to filter the
interruption that are important.
b. Diving longer durations of work in shorter durations with no use of personal
gadgets and division of tasks in smaller parts with smaller deadlines.

A. Communication inside an organization is a key component in the success of
organizations. To capitalize on talent to the fullest, mediated communication is
crucial. (Young & Hinesly, 2014)
B. Both the problems are common with any kind of organization and have very
simple but practical solutions.
C. Mediated communication is an asset to moder work culture which should not
come in path of progress.
D. So now we all know who should control whom and how.

Toma, C. L., Jiang, L. C., & Hancock, J. T. (2018). Lies in the Eye of the Beholder:
Asymmetric Beliefs about One’s Own and Others’ Deceptiveness in Mediated and Face-to-
Face Communication. Communication Research, 45(8), 1167–1192.

Yaneske, E., & Oates, B. (2011). Using voice boards: pedagogical design, technological
implementation, evaluation and reflections. Journal of Asynchronous Learning Networks
JALN, 15(4), 69-.

Deng, M. (2023). Communication visibility and employee voice: mediating role of feedback-
seeking. Internet Research, 33(2), 531–549.

Wajcman, J., & Rose, E. (2011). Constant Connectivity: Rethinking Interruptions at Work.
Organization Studies, 32(7), 941–961.

Young, A. M., & Hinesly, M. D. (2014). Social Media Use to Enhance Internal
Communication: Course Design for Business Students. Business and Professional
Communication Quarterly, 77(4), 426–439.

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