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1|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Section - I
Ques.2) In the context of management, what are the key
differences between the concepts of directing and supervision?
[Marks: 10, Word Limit: 400, Difficulty Level: Moderate]
Directing is the process of getting the work done by subordinates by * Partially Relevant
motivating, communicating and explaining them the work by properly * Not Concise
communicating to them . Supervision on the other hand, means to * Proper connecting line
supervise the subordinates to complete a particular task. given

* Directing is a continuous process that takes place all the time.

* Direction is a pervasive process as it is practiced by all the managers at
all the level of the organization.
* Directing is called the heart of management.
* It is the directing process where actual performing of task takes place. * Micro-questions answered
* Partial Content
Here are the difference between supervision and directing * Structured better
* Word limit met
* Logical flow proper
1) Meaning * Examples and data given
Directing- It is a process of motivating, leading, and influencing
employees to get the work done.
Supervision - It is the simple process of supervising the employees to
complete the task.

2) Scope-
Directing - It is a wider scope
Supervision - It is a narrower scope

3) Execution
Directing - It is done by managers
Supervision- It is done by supervisor

4) Level of management
Directing - It is performed by all the level of management whether top,
middle or lower level.
Supervision- It is exercised by foreman or lower level management.

5) Result
Directing - Directing brings motivation among employees to complete
the task. Manager instill a sense of pride among them and employees
achieve the task considering it as their duty.

Supervision- It does not bring any kind of motivation among the

employees. They may do the task even when they are not motivated to
do so.

6) Directing - Directing helps to facilitates change in the organization. It

overcomes resistance by explaining the employees the consequence of
change and how it will help the employees in achieving their personal

2|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Supervision - It does not necessarily helps to overcome resistance and
bring change.

Supervision and directions are two terms which are often used
interchangeably. Directing is a comprehensive and broader term that * Optimistic
* Concise
includes motivating, inspiring and leading employees along with getting
the task done by them whereas supervision is a simple element
performed to get the work done by providing supervision.

3|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

For the Use of Faculty only:
Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

Introduction Competence
1. Relevance:
 Feedback: The introduction appropriately sets the context by defining
directing and supervision, indicating a basic understanding of the
 Area of Improvement with proper example: The introduction could be
enhanced by including a brief explanation of why understanding the
distinction between directing and supervision is important for
management practices. For instance: "Understanding the distinct roles of
directing and supervision is crucial for effective management, as each
plays a different role in organizational success."
2. Conciseness:
 Feedback: The introduction is concise, fitting within the recommended
proportion of the total word count.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: While concise, the
introduction could benefit from a tighter focus on the key thematic
differences rather than simply stating what each term means. For
example, "Directing and supervision, though often interrelated, serve
unique functions in management: directing is strategic, while supervision
is operational."
3. Link to the Body:
 Feedback: The introduction mentions that the body will explore
differences between the concepts, which provides a clear link.

4|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Area of Improvement with proper example: Strengthen this link by

explicitly mentioning how each subsequent section will delve into specific
aspects, such as scope, level of management, and impact on employee
Body Competence
1. Structural Competence:
 Feedback: The body is structured into clear points that differentiate
directing from supervision based on several criteria.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Use headings or subheadings
to enhance readability and organization, such as "Meaning", "Scope",
"Execution", "Level of Management", and "Result".
2. Content Competence:
 Feedback: The content addresses the differences comprehensively across
various aspects. However, some points lack depth and are overly
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Expand on each point with
more detailed explanations or examples. For instance, under "Execution",
discuss how the role of managers in directing includes strategic decision-
making, compared to supervisors who focus on immediate task execution.
3. Use of Examples/Reports:
 Feedback: The response is lacking in specific examples or reports that
could illustrate the practical application of the concepts discussed.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Include real-world examples
or case studies that show directing and supervision in action. For example,
how a CEO's directive on a new company strategy (directing) differs from a
floor supervisor managing assembly line workers (supervision).
Conclusion Competence
1. Synthesis:
 Feedback: The answer lacks a formal conclusion, which would be
necessary to succinctly summarize the discussed points.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Conclude by summarizing
how understanding the differences between directing and supervision can
lead to more effective management. For instance: "In conclusion,
distinguishing between directing and supervision empowers managers to
deploy each function effectively, enhancing both strategic alignment and
operational efficiency."
2. Optimistic/solution oriented:
 Feedback: No forward-looking or optimistic perspective is provided on
how these insights could be utilized.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Suggest how modern
managers can integrate insights from both directing and supervision to
foster a more dynamic and responsive management style, particularly in
rapidly changing industries.
Language Competence

5|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

 Feedback: The language is generally clear, but there are minor grammatical
errors and some awkward phrasings.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Ensure grammar and punctuation
are correct to maintain professionalism and clarity. For instance, phrases like
"Directing is called the heart of management" could be rephrased for clarity and
impact: "Directing is often considered the core of effective management."

6|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

Ques.3) “Management is a Science.” Support the given
[Marks: 10, Word Limit: 400, Difficulty Level: Difficult]
Management is the process of getting the work done by others.
According to Simon it includes the process of planning, organizing, * Relevant
* Concise
staffing, directing and controlling. Management has some element * Proper connecting line
of an art, science and profession. given

* Management is a continuous process. It is never ending.

* It is pervasive. It takes place in all the organization and at all the
* It is intangiable. It cannot be seen or tough but its application can
be felt.
* Micro-questions answered
* It is a goal oriented process. Management takes place with a * Good Content
special motive to complete a goal. * Can be Structured better
* It is a dynamic process since it is affected by the external * Word limit met
environment and it has to adapt itself according to it. * Logical flow proper
* Examples and data given

Management is an inexact science. Here are the following points to

support the statement.

1) Specialized body of knowledge- Science is an specialized body of

knowledge with a lot of theories and implications. Management is
also specialized body of knowledge since it also has lot of theories.

2) Cause and effect relationship- Science involves cause and effect

relationship. For instance, when a bulb lightens up, the cause for it
is known and its effect is also known and can be explained. But it is
not like that in management. For instance, an employee completes
a target and get some incentive in return. Whether the employee is
motivated and that's why he is achieving the task or the financial
incentive is the reason for his motivation cannot be understood.

3) Experimentation - Science involves various experimentations

which give the same result every time you perform it in the same
condition. But in management it is not true. This is because
management involves human who are so complex. So, getting the
same result is not possible.

4) Universally accepted principles- Science has principles which are

universally accepted but this is not the case with management. The
principles cannot be applied everywhere since different countries
have different culture.
* Optimistic
So, management is not a pure science. It has some elements that * Concise
resembles science but there are also some features which do not
match science.

7|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

For the Use of Faculty only:
Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

Introduction Competence
1. Relevance:
 Feedback: The introduction begins by defining management and
referencing Simon's framework, which includes management processes
like planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling. This approach
somewhat addresses the question prompt but does not directly engage
with the statement "Management is a Science."
 Area of Improvement with proper example: The introduction should
clearly state the debate around management being considered a science.
For example, "Management, often viewed through various lenses—art,
science, and profession—holds characteristics that support its
classification as a science. This essay explores these characteristics to
substantiate this viewpoint."
2. Conciseness:
 Feedback: The introduction provides a broad definition of management
but includes redundant explanations that could be streamlined.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Focus on succinctly
introducing the debate around management as a science, and mention
that the essay will explore both sides. For example, "Management,
encompassing various essential business functions, is frequently debated
regarding its nature. This discussion will examine whether management

8|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241

should be considered a science, providing evidence from both
3. Link to the Body:
 Feedback: The introduction lacks a clear link to the detailed exploration of
whether management is a science.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Enhance the transition by
explicitly stating the exploration of evidence that supports or refutes
management as a science. For example, "In the following sections, we will
dissect the characteristics that align management with scientific principles,
alongside the challenges that complicate this classification."
Body Competence
1. Structural Competence:
 Feedback: The body is structured into points that address different
scientific characteristics of management, such as a specialized body of
knowledge and experimentation. However, the organization could be
improved with clearer headings or subheadings for each point.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Organize the body under
specific headings such as "Specialized Body of Knowledge," "Cause and
Effect Relationship," and "Experimentation," to clearly distinguish each
2. Content Competence:
 Feedback: The content touches on essential aspects that compare
management to scientific disciplines but ends on a note that refutes
management as a true science, which may seem contradictory without
proper synthesis.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Clarify and expand each point
to provide a balanced view. For instance, while discussing "Cause and
Effect Relationship," detail how management theories sometimes predict
outcomes based on organizational behavior, albeit with less certainty than
pure sciences.
3. Use of Examples/Reports:
 Feedback: The answer lacks specific examples or case studies that could
illustrate how management practices reflect scientific methods.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Include examples of
management theories that have been empirically tested or case studies
where management practices have led to predictable outcomes,
reinforcing the scientific aspect.
Conclusion Competence
1. Synthesis:
 Feedback: The conclusion is lacking, which leaves the discussion open-
ended without a clear resolution.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Conclude by summarizing the
arguments presented and provide a final verdict on the nature of
management as a science. For example, "While management incorporates
scientific elements, such as a structured body of knowledge and principles,
9|P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN / 8146207241
its dependence on human behavior introduces variability that challenges
the strict scientific classification."
2. Optimistic/solution oriented:
 Feedback: The conclusion does not provide a forward-looking perspective
or suggest implications for understanding management as a science.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Suggest how embracing both
the scientific and artistic aspects of management can lead to more
effective and adaptable management practices, especially in complex and
changing business environments.
Language Competence
 Feedback: The language is generally adequate but can benefit from more careful
editing to avoid repetitive and ambiguous statements.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Ensure clearer sentence
construction and correct grammatical errors. For instance, "Management has
some element of an art, science, and profession" could be refined to
"Management incorporates elements of art, science, and profession."

10 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
Section- II
Ques.2) Explain the different functions of management.
[Marks: 15, Word Limit: 600, Difficulty Level: Difficult]
Management is the process of getting the work done by others * Partially Relevant
effectively and efficiently. Simon gave the five functions of * Not Concise
management that are planning, organizing, staffing, directing and * Proper connecting line
controlling. given

1) Planning -

* It is the process of deciding in advance the course of action to be

undertaken for the achievement of objective.
* Micro-questions answered
* It involves setting objective, developing premises, finding various * Partial Content
alternatives, evaluating all the alternatives, choosing one * Structured better
* Word limit met
alternative, action, and follow up actions. * Logical flow proper
* Examples and data given
* It involves decision making. It is a cognitive process.

* It takes place at all the levels of the management.

2) Organizing

* It is the process of grouping works and putting it into one


* Authority - responsibility relationship is established to clear who

will report whom.

* Work is assigned to the employees who are expert in that work.

* Resources are made available to the employees.

* Coordination is maintained.

3) Staffing

* It includes recruiting and selecting right employees for the right

task and at right time.

* Direct recruitment, campus selection, advertisements, etc are the

various methods for recruitment.
* Optimistic
* Selection procedure includes preliminary interview, aptitude test, * Concise
medical examination, interview, selection, placement and
orientation, training, remuneration and promotion.

4) Directing

11 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
* It is the process of motivating, inspiring, communicating
employees to get the work done by subordinates. It is called the
heart of management.

* It is the process where actual performance of task starts.

* It is pervasive in nature and helps to facilitates change.

5) Controlling

* It is the process of establishing standards, measuring actual

performance, comparing actual performance with the established
standards, find out deviation and taking corrective measures to
achieve the objective.

* It takes place at all the level

These five processess form the basis of management. Succcessful

completion of these lead to achievent of g

12 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
For the Use of Faculty only:
Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

Introduction Competence
1. Relevance:
 Feedback: The introduction identifies the key functions of management as
outlined by Simon, which effectively sets the stage for a detailed
discussion on these functions.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: To strengthen the relevance,
the introduction could benefit from a brief mention of why understanding
these functions is critical for effective management. For example, "An in-
depth understanding of the five key functions of management, as outlined
by Simon, is crucial for effective leadership and operational success in any
2. Conciseness:
 Feedback: The introduction is concise, directly introducing the main topic
without unnecessary detail.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Ensure that the introduction
remains concise but comprehensive by succinctly summarizing what will
be covered regarding each management function.
3. Link to the Body:
 Feedback: The introduction mentions the management functions that will
be discussed, providing a natural link to the body.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Enhance the transition by
specifying how each function contributes to organizational goals, setting
up a framework for the detailed discussion in the body, such as, "We will
13 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
explore how each function — from planning to controlling — plays a
distinct yet interconnected role in achieving strategic and operational
Body Competence
1. Structural Competence:
 Feedback: The body is organized according to each management function,
with separate paragraphs for planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and
controlling. However, the structure could be improved with clearer
headings for each section.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Use bold headings for each
management function to improve readability and structure, such as
"Planning: Establishing Objectives," "Organizing: Structuring Teams," etc.
2. Content Competence:
 Feedback: The content provides basic descriptions of each function but
lacks depth and specific examples that illustrate their application in real-
world scenarios.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Enhance content depth by
including examples of how each function is applied in different
organizational contexts. For example, explain how a technology company
might approach staffing differently from a manufacturing firm.
3. Use of Examples/Reports:
 Feedback: The response does not include specific examples or reports that
would help illustrate the practical application of the discussed
management functions.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Integrate examples or case
studies that demonstrate the functions in action, such as how a well-
known company successfully implemented a strategic plan or how a
startup organizes its resources for efficiency.
Conclusion Competence
1. Synthesis:
 Feedback: The answer lacks a formal conclusion, which leaves the
discussion incomplete.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Conclude by summarizing the
importance of mastering these functions for management success. For
example, "In conclusion, mastering these five management functions
enables leaders to craft strategic responses to business challenges,
ensuring organizational agility and sustained growth."
2. Optimistic/solution oriented:
 Feedback: There is no forward-looking or optimistic perspective on how
management might evolve with these functions.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Offer insights into how these
management functions could adapt to future business trends, such as
increased remote work or artificial intelligence in the workplace.
Language Competence

14 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
 Feedback: The language use is clear but can benefit from more precise
terminology and better integration of management concepts.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Improve terminology precision by
defining specific management terms and concepts used in the discussion. Ensure
correct grammar and punctuation to enhance the professionalism of the text.

15 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
Ques.3) Write about the various principles of management
given by Henry Fayol
[Marks: 15, Word Limit: 600, Difficulty Level: Moderate]
Henry Fayol gave the fourteen principles of management. It is
called classical theory of management. It focusses more on work * Partially Relevant
* Not Concise
and productivity and considers employees as a tool for production. * Proper connecting line
It ignores the human relation and external environment. given

Here are the principles of Henry Fayol

1) Division of work - All the works are divided into units and each
unit of work is assigned to the person who is physically and
intellectually fit to perform that work.
* Micro-questions answered
* Partial Content
2) Authority and responsibility - Authority is the power to assign * Structured better
work to subordinates and extracting obedience from them. * Word limit met
Responsibility is the obligation of the subordinates to perform the * Logical flow proper
* Examples and data given
task assigned to them by superior.

3) Discipline- The discipline should be maintained in the

organization. It promotes coordination and removes chaos.

4) Unity of command- It means a single subordinate should get

order from one boss only. This helps to remove confusion and
conflict. This violates the scientific theory of functional

5) Unity of direction- It means one boss for one plan. Activities with
same goals should be placed in one group. This will make the work
easier and the goals can be achieved easily.

6) Subordination of individual interest- It means the goals of the

employees should be subordinated to general interest of the
organization. In case of any conflict between organizational and
personal goals, organizational goal should be given importance.

7) Remuneration- Every one should get fair incentive and

remuneration that matches the amount of effort he or she has put
into the job.

8) Centralization- It refers to the concentration of decision making

power in the hands of few people. Decentralization means the
systematic division of decision- making power throughout all the
levels in the organization. Fayol suggested that there should be
more inclination towards decentralization in the organization.

9) Scalar chain - It is mechanism of communication where

communication flows in a hierarchy from top to bottom.

16 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
10) Order- It means that everything should be placed at right place
to eliminate waste of time.

11) Equity- It says every one should be treated equally. No one

should be discriminated on the basis of caste, color, race, gender,

12) Stability- It means job security, everyone should be retained

for at least a minimum period so that employees do not feel
stresses about job insecurity and can work freely.

13) Initiative- Employees should be encouraged to take initiative

on their own and suggest constructive ideas to the the superiors.
This will motivate them.

14) Esprit De corps- It means unity is strength. Developing trust

and mutual understanding will lead to a positive outcome and
work environment. The word "I" should be replaced with the word
* Partially Optimistic
* Not Concise
The fourteen principles of management are the pillars of any
organization. They are integral for planning, decision-making,
organizing, control and coordination.

17 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
For the Use of Faculty only:
Points of Evaluation Very Poor Poor Average Good Excellent
Introduction Competence
1) Relevance
2) Conciseness
3) Links to the Body

Body Competence
1) Content Competence
2) Structure Competence
3) Example/Reports/etc.
Conclusion Competence
1) Synthesis
2) Optimistic/solution
Language Competence
(Spelling/ Grammar/

Introduction Competence
1. Relevance:
 Feedback: The introduction provides an overview of the 14 principles of
management by Henri Fayol, correctly setting the stage for a discussion on
classical management theory. It captures the essence of Fayol's influence
on management practices.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: To further enhance
relevance, the introduction could include a brief statement on the lasting
impact of these principles on modern management practices, such as
"Fayol's principles have laid the groundwork for modern management
theories, emphasizing efficiency and systematic approaches to
organizational governance."
2. Conciseness:
 Feedback: The introduction is concise, efficiently leading into the
discussion of each principle.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Maintain conciseness while
adding a touch more context about the evolution or significance of these
principles in contemporary settings, ensuring a smooth transition into the
main body.
3. Link to the Body:
 Feedback: The introduction mentions the principles and sets expectations
for their detailed discussion, effectively linking to the body of the answer.

18 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
Area of Improvement with proper example: Strengthen this link by

explicitly stating that the discussion will explore how each principle can be
applied in current management scenarios, providing a practical framework
for the subsequent sections.
Body Competence
1. Structural Competence:
 Feedback: The body systematically addresses each of Fayol's principles,
listing them with brief explanations. However, the structure could be
improved by more clearly distinguishing each principle with subheadings
or bullet points.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Use clear subheadings for
each principle, such as "1. Division of Work: Enhancing Efficiency," to
improve readability and organization.
2. Content Competence:
 Feedback: The content covers all 14 principles but does so in a somewhat
superficial manner without deeply engaging with each principle's
implications or modern relevance.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Expand on each principle
with modern examples or case studies that illustrate their application and
relevance today. For instance, discuss how the "Unity of Direction" is
crucial in multinational corporations operating across diverse geographic
3. Use of Examples/Reports:
 Feedback: The response lacks specific examples or contextual applications
that would enrich the understanding of how Fayol's principles are utilized
in modern organizations.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Integrate real-world
examples, such as how Google applies the "Esprit de Corps" to foster a
collaborative and innovative work environment, enhancing team spirit and
organizational success.
Conclusion Competence
1. Synthesis:
 Feedback: The answer lacks a formal conclusion, which would be
necessary to succinctly summarize the discussion and reinforce the
principles' ongoing relevance.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Include a conclusion that not
only synthesizes the discussion but also reflects on the enduring legacy of
Fayol’s principles in shaping effective management practices. For example,
"In conclusion, Henri Fayol's principles continue to underpin foundational
management strategies, proving their timeless relevance in fostering
organizational efficiency and success."
2. Optimistic/solution oriented:
 Feedback: No forward-looking or optimistic perspective is provided on
how these principles could be adapted or evolved.

19 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /
Area of Improvement with proper example: The conclusion could suggest
how these principles might be adapted to meet the challenges of the
digital age, emphasizing innovation in management practices.
Language Competence
 Feedback: The language is generally clear but could benefit from more precise
and varied vocabulary to better articulate management concepts.
 Area of Improvement with proper example: Ensure clarity and precision in
language by avoiding repetitive phrasing and integrating more varied vocabulary.
Check grammar and punctuation carefully to maintain professionalism.

20 | P a g e W W W . E D U T A P . C O . I N QUERY? HELLO@EDUTAP.CO.IN /

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