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ACCOUNTING FOR PARTNERSHIPS • Creditors’ claims attach first to partnership assets. If these are
1.1 PARTNERSHIP FORM OF ORGANIZATION insufficient, the claims then attach to the personal resources of any
• The Partnership Law is the general authority for partnerships. partner, irrespective of that partner’s capital equity in the company.
• Article 1767 of the Partnership Law embodies the definition of 5) Co-ownership of property
partnership and states that “by the contract of partnership, two or more
persons bind themselves to contribute money, property or industry to a • Partnership assets are co-owned by the partners; once assets have been
common fund with the intention of dividing profits among themselves” invested in the partnership; they are owned jointly by all the partners.
• Partnership income or loss is also co-owned.
• May be based on as simple an act as a handshake; however, it is Advantages Disadvantages
preferable to state the agreement in writing. Combining skills and resources of
Mutual agency
• A partnership is a legal entity for certain purposes (i.e., property can be two or more individuals
owned in the name of the partnership). Freedom from government
Limited life
regulations and restrictions
• A partnership is an accounting entity for financial reporting purposes.
• Net income of a partnership is taxed as a separate entity; except for Ease of decision making Unlimited liability
general professional partnerships where partner’s share of income is
taxable at personal tax rates. 1.4 THE PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENT
2) Mutual agency The written contract referred to as the partnership agreement contains
• Means that each partner acts on behalf of the partnership when such basic information as the name and principal location of the firm,
engaging in partnership business. the purpose of the business, and the date of inception.
• The act of any partner is binding on all other partners. This is true even • The following relationships among the partners should be specified:
when partners act beyond the scope of their authority, so long as the act 1. Names and capital contributions of the partners.
appears to be appropriate for the partnership. 2. The effective date and duration of the contract.
3. The purpose/s and principal office of the business
3) Limited life
4. The authorities, rights, and duties of each partner.
• Partnerships have a limited life. 5. Basis for sharing net income or net loss.
• Partnership dissolution occurs whenever a partner withdraws, or a new 6. Provision for withdrawals of assets.
partner is admitted. 7. Procedures for submitting disputes to arbitration.
• Partnerships end involuntarily by death or incapacity of a partner. 8. The manner of keeping the books of accounts.
• Partnerships may end voluntarily through acceptance of a new partner 9. Rights and duties of partners.
or withdrawal of a partner. 10. Procedures for the withdrawal or addition of a partner.
4) Unlimited liability 11. Rights and duties of surviving partners in the event of a partner’s
• Unlimited liability means that each partner is personally and death.
individually liable for all partnership liabilities.
• Each partner’s initial investment in a partnership should be recorded at Sally, as her original investment in the firm of Sally and Mar,
the fair market value of the assets at the date of their transfer to the contributed equipment that had been recorded in the books of her own
partnership. business as costing P900,000, with accumulated depreciation of
• The values assigned must be agreed to by all the partners. P620,000. The partners agreed on a valuation of P400,000. They also
• After the partnership has been formed, the accounting is similar to agreed to accept Sally’s accounts receivable of P360,000, realizable to
accounting for transactions of any other type of business organization. the extent of 85%. Required: prepare the journal entry to record Sally’s
investment in the partnership.

Illustrative Problem 1-1: Recording Investments in A Partnership Activity 1-2.

Moo and Quack have just formed a partnership. Moo contributed
cash of P1,260,000, and a computer equipment that cost P540,000. The
fair value of the computer is P360,000. Moo has notes payable on the
computer of P120,000 to be assumed by the partnership. Moo is to have
60% capital investment in the partnership. Quack contributed only
P900,000. The partners agreed to share profit and losses equally. Moo
should make additional investment (or withdrawal) of _________.

Activity 1-3.
On April 8,2021, Tolentino who has her own retail business and Tan,
decided to form a partnership wherein they will divide profits in the
ratio of 40:60, respectively. The statement of financial position of
Tolentino is as follows:

Entries to record the investments are:

Activity 1-1. (Individuals with no existing business form a partnership) Activity 1-3.
Sally, as her original investment in the firm of Sally and Mar, contributed On April 8,2021, Tolentino who has her own retail business and Tan, decided
equipment that had been recorded in the books of her own business as to form a partnership wherein they will divide profits in the ratio of 40:60,
costing P900,000, with accumulated depreciation of P620,000. The partners respectively. The statement of financial position of Tolentino is as follows
agreed on a valuation of P400,000. They also agreed to accept Sally’s Conditions agreed before the formation of the partnership:
accounts receivable of P360,000, realizable to the extent of 85%. 1. Accounts receivable of Tolentino is estimated to be 70% realizable.
Accounts Debit Credit 2. The accumulated depreciation of the equipment is to be increased
Equipment 400,000 by P10,000.
Accounts Receivable 360,000 3. The accounts payable will be assumed by the partnership 4. The
Sally, Capital 706,000 capital of the partnership is based on the adjusted capital of
Allowance for bad debts 54,000 Tolentino. Tan is to contribute cash in order to make the partner’s
Investment of Sally capital balances proportionate to the profit and loss ratio.

Activity 1-2. (Individuals with no existing business form a partnership) Required:

Moo and Quack have just formed a partnership. Moo contributed cash of 1. Prepare the adjusting and closing entries in the books of Tolentino.
2. Prepare the opening journal entries in the books of the partnership
P1,260,000, and a computer equipment that cost P540,000. The fair value of
3. Prepare the statement of financial position upon the formation of
the computer is P360,000. Moo has notes payable on the computer of
the partnership.
P120,000 to be assumed by the partnership. Moo is to have 60% capital
investment in the partnership. Quack contributed only P900,000. The
partners agreed to share profit and losses equally.
Moo should make additional investment (or withdrawal) of _______.
Mo = 60%
Quack = 40%
Cash 1,260,000
Computer 360,000
Notes payable 120,000
Moo, Capital 1,500,000
Moo’s total invests prior to agreed interest rate
Total partnership capital = 900,000/.40 = 2,250,000

Mo’s interest = 2,250,000 x .60 = 1,350,000

Moo should make a withdrawal of Php 150,000.00
Initial investment Php 1,500,000
Agreed investment 1,350,000
Withdrawal of 150,000
Solutions: 4. Financial Statement
Tan and Tolentino Marketing
1.Old Books – Adjustments (c/o Capital Account)
Tolentino, Capital 32,000 Statement of Financial Position
Allowance for doubtful accounts 32,000 April 8,2021
Tolentino, Capital 10,000
Assets Liabilities & Equity
Accumulated Depreciation 10,000
Accounts Payable 36,000 Cash 469,000 Accounts Payable 36,000
Tolentino, Capital 10,000 Accounts
160,000 Tolentino, Capital 310,000
Closing Entries: Old Books Allow. for bad
(48,000) 112,000 Tan, Capital 465,000
Accounts Payable 36,000 debts
Tolentino, Capital 310,000 Inventory 200,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 48,000 Equipment 30,000
Cash 4,000
Accounts Receivable 160,000 Total Liabilities &
Total Assets 811,000 811,000
Inventories 200,000 Equity
Equipment 30,000

2. Opening Entries – New Partnerships

Cash 4,000
Accounts Receivable 160,000
Inventories 200,000
Equipment 30,000
Accounts Payable 36,000
Tolentino, Capital 310,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 48,000
Investment of Tolentino

Adjusted capital of Tolentino (40% agreed interest)

Total partnership capital = 310,000/.40 = 775,000

Cash 465,000
Tan, Capital 465,000
Activity 1-1. (Individuals with no existing business form a partnership) Activity 1-3.
Sally, as her original investment in the firm of Sally and Mar, contributed On April 8,2021, Tolentino who has her own retail business and Tan, decided
equipment that had been recorded in the books of her own business as to form a partnership wherein they will divide profits in the ratio of 40:60,
costing P900,000, with accumulated depreciation of P620,000. The partners respectively. The statement of financial position of Tolentino is as follows
agreed on a valuation of P400,000. They also agreed to accept Sally’s Conditions agreed before the formation of the partnership:
accounts receivable of P360,000, realizable to the extent of 85%. 1. Accounts receivable of Tolentino is estimated to be 70% realizable.
Accounts Debit Credit 2. The accumulated depreciation of the equipment is to be increased by
Equipment 400,000 P10,000.
Accounts Receivable 360,000 3. The accounts payable will be assumed by the partnership 4. The
capital of the partnership is based on the adjusted capital of
Sally, Capital 706,000
Tolentino. Tan is to contribute cash in order to make the partner’s
Allowance for bad debts 54,000
capital balances proportionate to the profit and loss ratio.
Investment of Sally
Activity 1-2. (Individuals with no existing business form a partnership) 1. Prepare the adjusting and closing entries in the books of Tolentino.
Moo and Quack have just formed a partnership. Moo contributed cash of 2. Prepare the opening journal entries in the books of the partnership
P1,260,000, and a computer equipment that cost P540,000. The fair value of 3. Prepare the statement of financial position upon the formation of the
the computer is P360,000. Moo has notes payable on the computer of partnership.
P120,000 to be assumed by the partnership. Moo is to have 60% capital
investment in the partnership. Quack contributed only P900,000. The
partners agreed to share profit and losses equally.
Moo should make additional investment (or withdrawal) of _______.
Mo = 60%
Quack = 40%
Cash 1,260,000
Computer 360,000
Notes payable 120,000
Moo, Capital 1,500,000
Moo’s total invests prior to agreed interest rate
Total partnership capital = 900,000/.40 = 2,250,000

Mo’s interest = 2,250,000 x .60 = 1,350,000

Moo should make a withdrawal of Php 150,000.00
Initial investment Php 1,500,000
Agreed investment 1,350,000
Withdrawal of 150,000
Solutions: 4. Financial Statement
Tan and Tolentino Marketing
1.Old Books – Adjustments (c/o Capital Account)
Tolentino, Capital 32,000 Statement of Financial Position
Allowance for doubtful accounts 32,000 April 8,2021
Tolentino, Capital 10,000
Assets Liabilities & Equity
Accumulated Depreciation 10,000
Accounts Payable 36,000 Cash 469,000 Accounts Payable 36,000
Tolentino, Capital 10,000 Accounts
160,000 Tolentino, Capital 310,000
Closing Entries: Old Books Allow. for bad
(48,000) 112,000 Tan, Capital 465,000
Accounts Payable 36,000 debts
Tolentino, Capital 310,000 Inventory 200,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 48,000 Equipment 30,000
Cash 4,000
Accounts Receivable 160,000 Total Liabilities &
Total Assets 811,000 811,000
Inventories 200,000 Equity
Equipment 30,000

2. Opening Entries – New Partnerships

Cash 4,000
Accounts Receivable 160,000
Inventories 200,000
Equipment 30,000
Accounts Payable 36,000
Tolentino, Capital 310,000
Allowance for doubtful accounts 48,000
Investment of Tolentino

Adjusted capital of Tolentino (40% agreed interest)

Total partnership capital = 310,000/.40 = 775,000

Cash 465,000
Tan, Capital 465,000

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