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11. Fill in the third Value_if_false IF function as required.

12. When finished, click the OK button.

13. The final formula syntax is illustrate below:

Original IF Value_if_true (nested) IF Value_if_false (nested) IF

14. To open any of the three IF Function Arguments boxes, select the IF in the formula
syntax, and then click on the Insert Function icon on the formula bar.

LOOKUP Functions
There are several functions that look up and return information that you have stored in a data table.
In the example of parking permits, we might wish to add a permit fee according to which college the
student is enrolled in.

1. Construct a data table to contain the required information.

2. Click in the cell where you want the answer to appear.

3. Click the Insert Function button in the formula bar.

4. Use the “HLOOKUP” function if the data table is stored horizontally across the columns. And use
the “VLOOKUP” function if the data table is stored vertically down the rows.

5. Lookup_value is the value to be found (to look up) in the first row of the data table.

6. Table_array is a table of information in which the lookup_value is found. Use a range reference
or a range name to designate the table. The values in the first row of table can be text, numbers,
or logical values.

7. Row_index_num is the row number in table_array from which the matching value will be
returned to the answer (or results) cell. A row_index_num of 1 returns the first row value in
table_array, a row_index_num of 2 returns the second row value in table_array, and so on.

8. Range_lookup is a logical value that specifies whether you want the LOOKUP function to find an
exact match or an approximate match. If you type in TRUE (or leave omitted), an approximate
match is returned. In other words, if an exact match is not found, the next largest value that is
less than lookup_value is returned. Therefore in the College Permit Fees Table a fee of 48 is
returned for a value of <T>.

This is because <T> (which is between the letters <S> and <W>) in the table array is “rounded
up” to the next largest value in the table which is <S>.

However, if you type in FALSE in the Range_lookup box, an exact match must be found. In the
illustration above, as there is no letter <T> in the table array, the error value <#N/A> is returned.

9. The final HLOOKUP syntax appears below in the formula bar.

Special Paste as Values
There may be reasons to “erase” the function and leave only the results in the cell as a “value”. In
the diagram below, the contents of cell <F3> is not the number 32, but the results of the HLOOKUP
function as seen in the formula bar.

1. Select the “answer” cells that display the results from the function.

2. Go to the Home ribbon and click the Copy icon from

the Clipboard group.

3. Next, click the arrowhead under the Paste icon, and

select the Paste Special option from the sub-menu.

4. In the Paste Special dialogue box, tick

the Values option, and then click the
OK button.


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