Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Opportunites

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Hazard Identification Assessed Risk Revised Risk


Risk score

Risk score

Hazards (Route/ Mitigation Control Opportunities
Activity Impact
Mechanism of harm)

Electricity - Working on or Exposure to live parts or Personnel Injury sustain( 4 4 16 1. Obtain Work Permit from Client site in charge/Engineer 3 2 6 1. Study on Occupational Hazards by
near High or Low Voltage equipment's, Contact with electric burns , electrical shock, 2. Conduct work specific toolbox meeting before commencing working with Electricity safely and
Equipment bolting electricity electrocution) or Fatality due the work activities remedial ways
to exposure to electrical 3. Ensure supervision by Sr. Engineer / Project engineer till the 2. Not causing harm to people working
current completion of task on site
4. Ensue only competent and authorized person deployed for the 3. Reduction in lost time due to
work accidents
5. Ensure healthiness of the test kit, test leads and insulated hand 4. Enhances workers safety awareness
tools before brought to the site location 5. Enhanced reputation and ability to
6. Only calibrated equipment shall be used prequalify for contracts
7. Ensure all energy source are ZERO before carry out the testing
8. Cordoned the testing area to prevent the unauthorized entry to
the work location and display the caution signage’s
9. Lone working strictly prohibited
10. Lockout and Tagout of energized live equipments
11. Ensure There is no battery low indication in equipment
12. Ensure that all the power shall be routed through RCCB/ELCB
(30 mA)
13. Ensure On/Off control switch for main power shall be made
available within 03 meter or close as possible to control in case of
emergency situation
14. All the connections to be made by certified Electrician.
15. Don’t touch test lead during the testing in progress
16. Extra care shall be taken to prevent leads from falling off while
testing or connecting
17. Use of appropriate PPE’s like safety helmet, Safety shoes,
Reflective jackets, Rated electrical hand gloves as required and
Arc flash suit with face shield as per matrix.
18. All cables shall be elevated from the wet ground
19. During the raining all work with electrical in open area shall
be suspended
20. Don’t alter any equipment's if you not trained to do
21. Remove the damaged tools and equipment's immediately after
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Hazard Identification Assessed Risk Revised Risk


Risk score

Risk score

Hazards (Route/ Mitigation Control Opportunities
Activity Impact
Mechanism of harm)

Working at Height 1. Fall from height Major Injury/ fatality to self or 3 4 12 1. Personnel working on the height more than 2 meters must wear 3 2 6 1. Not causing harm to people working
2. Strucked by Dropped others Damage to plant & double landyard safety harness on site
tools & Equipment equipment 2. Always Hook safety harness to the solid handrail /life line or 2. Reduction in lost time due to
3. Slip, trip, falls structure when exposued to the falling hazards accidents
4. Restrictive access / 3. Provide secured and strong anchoring points in event where 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
egress noraml hook-up on guard rail/ life line not possible 4. Enhanced reputation and ability to
4. Ensure that the anchor points be able to withhold the weight of prequalify for contracts
more than 70 kg
5. Use proper access ladder to working location
6. Scaffolding condition shall be assessed
7. Use manlift/inbuilt ladder to reach the connection terminal to
conncect the test lead
8. Do not throw objects from height
9. Maintain good housekeeping daily in and around the testing
10. Ensure nobody working below while work is going on
11. materails/tools/equipments is use at height to be nearly /
orderly / safely placed / Stacked for easy / Smooth access.
12. Precaution when walking at height to look out for tripping
13. Leave thework place clean and tidy after completion of works
14. During the raining all height work in open area shall be
15. Use appropriate PPE's like Safety helmets, safety shoes , safety
helmets, handgloves, and reflective jackets

Toppling of MEWP and Major Injury/ fatality to self or 3 4 12 1. Ensure any Unwanted materials are stacked in Working 3 2 6 1. Not causing harm to people working
Over loading of MEWP others Damage to plant & Platform. on site
equipment 2. Double landyard safety harnees shall be anchored in the MEWP 2. Reduction in lost time due to
3. Work area shall be bariricaded to prevent the unauthorized accidents
entry 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
4. Valid third party certicatation shall be available for MEWP 4. Enhanced reputation and ability to
5. Only authorized operator shall operator the MEWP prequalify for contracts
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Hazard Identification Assessed Risk Revised Risk


Risk score

Risk score

Hazards (Route/ Mitigation Control Opportunities
Activity Impact
Mechanism of harm)

Working on ladder Defective step ladder Minor Physical injuries or 3 3 9 1. Supervisor/personnel shall be visually examine step ladders 2 2 4 1. Not causing harm to people working
bone fractor prior to use to ensure that they are free from any defects on site
2. Step ladders shall never be painted unless for identification as 2. Reduction in lost time due to
this will hide any defects accidents
3. Provide toolbox talk for workers 3. Enhances workers safety awareness

Overloading Physical injuries or mutiple 3 3 9 1. Step ladders not designed to support more than one person at 2 2 4 1. Not causing harm to people working
fracture one time on site
2. Worker shall enusre that they do not overloaded stepladders 2. Reduction in lost time due to
3. Alternative access shall be considered if two or more personnel accidents
are required to work at same time in same work location 3. Enhances workers safety awareness

Instability Physical injuries or mutiple 3 3 9 1. Ensure that stepladder that have been levelled on an even 2 2 4 1. Study on Occupational Hazards by
fracture surface and that they do not overreach and or over balance whilst working with Electricity safely and
working on the step ladders remedial ways
2. A second person shall be in attendance at the bottom of the 2. Not causing harm to people working
ladders at all times on site
3. Reduction in lost time due to

Using crane for lifting/ Struck by moving and 1. Personnel injury(Major) or 3 4 12 1. Ensure that both signal person and crane operator understand 3 3 9 1. Not causing harm to people working
unloading falling objects even fatality the international signals and sysmbols on site
2. Property Damage 2. Ensure that no one is under suspended load 2. Reduction in lost time due to
3. Working area to be barricaded with warning accidents
signs placed in strategic points visible by all. 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
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Hazard Identification Assessed Risk Revised Risk


Risk score

Risk score

Hazards (Route/ Mitigation Control Opportunities
Activity Impact
Mechanism of harm)

Manual Loading / Muscular / Skeletal Disorders 4 2 8 1. If possible Trolleys or wheelbarrows are being used. 3 2 6 1. Not causing harm to people working
Handling(Manual) by unloading 2. For heavy loads lifting equipment is being used on site
workers material to load / unload materials from vehicle. 2. Reduction in lost time due to
3. When lifting a load along with another person(s), accidents
communication with the other person(s) is maintained before 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
lowering the load.
4. For lifting heavy loads assistance shall be taken.
5. Do not twist your body while carrying a heavy load

Operation o eqipments Eqipment on fire Property Damage 3 4 12 1. Inspect all equipment to ensure that they are in safe working 2 3 6 1. Not causing harm to people working
Personnel Injury condition on site
2. Check for any damgages in the equipment
3. Stop operating the any equipment while its over heating or
anormal conditions found
4. Fire extinguisher shall be available at near by ork location
5. Only authorized person shall be allowed to operate the
6. Appropriate earthing shall be provided to the equipments

Tools Defective tools Property Damage 3 2 6 1. Regular tool inspection and maintenance shall be carried out 1 2 2 1. Helps to prevent the injury to the
Personnel Injury 2. Required PPE'S shall be worn personnels

General Work area Sharp Edges Cut injury 4 2 8 1. Inspecttion the area for sharpe edge near work location 3 2 6 1. Not causing harm to people working
2. Cover the exposed sharpe edges on site
3. Ensure good housekeeping in and around the work area
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Hazard Identification Assessed Risk Revised Risk


Risk score

Risk score

Hazards (Route/ Mitigation Control Opportunities
Activity Impact
Mechanism of harm)

General Work area Floor openings and Physical injuries or mutiple 4 3 12 1. All floor, grating or roof openings within a building 3 2 6 1. Not causing harm to people working
stairways fracture or other structure during the course of construction, alterations or on site
repairing shall be closed with rigid covers 2. Reduction in lost time due to
(e.g. planks, concrete, metal etc.), fenced on all sides by a standard accidents
railing and toe-board and safety notices placed. 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
2. Every open-sided floor or platform 1.8 meters or more; above
adjacent floor or ground level must be guarded by standard
guardrail and toe board.
3. Regardless of height, open-sided floors, walkways, platforms or
runways above or adjacent to dangerous
equipment must be guarded.
4. Crossing over the open trenches shall be designed &
constructed appropriately with proper hand rails & guardrails

General Work area - Food and drinking water Health issues 1. Site welfare shall be established in line with the requirements 1. Not causing ill health to people
Welfare contamination set out in the laboour law - Site Establishment. Sufficient toilets, working on site
washing facilities, drying facilities and mess facilities shall be 2. Reduction in lost time due to ill
installed in line with manpower levels. health
2. As manpower levels change, welfare facilities shall be reviewed 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
and altered accordingly.
3. Mess and welfare facilities shall be installed in a safe area where
there is no risk from moving vehicles or other site hazards

Working in adverse High Temperatures (Hot) Health issues 3 2 6 1. Enusre working hours are followed as per regulations during 2 2 4 1. Not causing ill health to people
environmental conditions the summer working on site
2. Ensure rest time is provided to reduce the effect of heat related 2. Reduction in lost time due to ill
disorders. health
3. Ensure Potable water available at near work location 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
4. Train the employees to reconginze the early heat related
disorders and work methods best suited to avoid heat.
5. Insists workers to consume more water during summer
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Hazard Identification Assessed Risk Revised Risk


Risk score

Risk score

Hazards (Route/ Mitigation Control Opportunities
Activity Impact
Mechanism of harm)

High Temperatures (Cold) Health issues 3 2 6 1. Wear several layers of clothing 2 2 4 1. Not causing ill health to people
2. Wear gloves and a woollen liner/ Scarf / face mask under hard working on site
hat 2. Reduction in lost time due to ill
3. Cover the ears too. health
4. Wear warm footwear with one or two pairs of warm socks 3. Enhances workers safety awareness
5. Workers taking certain medications or in poor physical
condition or suffer from illnesses such as diabetes, high blood
pressure, or cardiovascular disease are at increased risk and shall
therefore check with a doctor for additional advice.

Housekeeping Improper housekeeping 1. Environment al issues 3 2 6 1. Walk ways, aisles are clear of materials, equipments and other 2 1 2 1. Not causing harm to people working
2. physical injuries items on site
3. Health issues 2. Regular monitoring is workplace for housekeeping shall be 2. Reduction in lost time due to
carried out. accidents
3. Leave thework place clean and tidy after completion of works 3. Enhances workers safety awareness

Working with computers 1. Improper posture/ 1. Back and neck pain, 4 2 8 1. Work planned shall include regular breaks from the computer. 3 1 1 1. Improve the erogonomics
position headache, and shoulder and 2. Improve Ergonomics. Correct posture/ table and chairs is in
2. Exposure to Thermal arm pain place.
and low-energy non- 2. Fatigue/Tiredness/ Eye 3. Instructe staff to take medical consultation of any pain they
ionizing radiation. irritation/ Watering eyes Eye have that may be linked to computer use.
Inflamation if prolonged 4. Correct setting of color, brightness, Sharpness,Relaxing
watching Finger Pain 5. Reassessment shall be carried out at any change to work feature,
eg. equipment, furniture or the work environment.Proper
lighting/air/ ventilation is in place.
6. Look at Greenaries for a while in between Computor work

Working in office Slips and trips Minor Injury 3 2 6 1. Work areas are kept clear of obstructions. 2 1 2 1. Not causing harm to people working
2. Inspection is being done regularly. at office
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How severe could the outcomes be if the risk event occurred?

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No effect on event (No Little to effect on event Effects are felt, but no Could Result in
Serious impact to the
Injuries or health (Minor injury or First critical to Disaster(Death or
course of action and
issues) aid treatment) Outcome(Serious multiple life
injury or Medical threatening injury )
threatening injury or
multiple serious injury


Risk is very likely to

occur (81- -5- -10- -15- -20- -25- ACCEPTABLE


What is the chance of the risk occurring?

Risk likely to occur (61-


-4- -8- -12- 15 -20-

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ALARP(as low as reasonably


Risk will likely to occur TAKE MITIGATION

-3- -6- -9- -12- 15
(41-60%) EFFORTS

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Risk is unlikely to occur

-2- -4- -6- -8- -10- INTOLERABLE


Risk is Very unlikely to

happen (0- -1- -2- -3- -4- -5-

* Risk matrix adapted from ISO 31000:2009

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