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Fats Quize

1. Which of the following is NOT a function of fats in the body?

a. Provide energy
b. Carry fat-soluble vitamins
c. Supply essential fatty acids
d. Support the immune system

2. Where are fats digested mainly within the body?

a. Stomach
b. Small intestine
c. Mouth
d. Large intestine

3. Which of the following is true regarding monounsaturated fats?

a. They raise LDL cholesterol
b. Found in coconut oil
c. Lower HDL cholesterol
d. Present in olive oil

4. How many families of essential fatty acids are there?

a. One
b. Two
c. Three
d. Four

5. What is the body's daily cholesterol production range in milligrams?

a. 200-400 mg
b. 500-700 mg
c. 800-1,000 mg
d. 1,200-1,400 mg

6. Which lipoprotein carries most of the blood cholesterol from the liver to the
a. Chylomicrons
b. Very-low-density lipoproteins
c. Low-density lipoproteins
d. High-density lipoproteins

7. What is the primary source of trans-fatty acids in the diet?

a. Olive oil
b. Baked goods
c. Avocados
d. Fatty fish

8. Which fatty acid is considered to have a cholesterol-lowering effect?

a. Omega-3
b. Omega-6
c. Omega-9
d. Saturated

9. In what form are most lipids found in the human body?

a. Triglycerides
b. Phospholipids
c. Sterols
d. Free fatty acids

10. What is the most abundant type of lipid in the body?

a. Triglycerides
b. Phospholipids
c. Cholesterol
d. Free fatty acids

11. Which food is NOT a rich source of fats?

a. Bacon
b. Whole milk
c. Egg whites
d. Tuna

12. How are fats transported to body cells through the blood?
a. Alone
b. In lipoproteins
c. Attached to proteins
d. Bound to carbohydrates

13. Which is NOT a method of classifying fatty acids?

a. Degree of hydration
b. Essential or nonessential
c. Degree of saturation
d. Omega designation

14. What is the major dietary recommendation regarding saturated fats?

a. Consume at least 20% daily
b. Avoid completely
c. Limit to 7% of total daily calories
d. No restrictions

15. What is the primary function of cholesterol in the body?

a. Energy storage
b. Cell structure
c. Hormone synthesis
d. Blood clotting

16. Which of the following is NOT true about polyunsaturated fats?

a. Found in fish oils
b. Raise LDL cholesterol
c. Soft or oily consistency
d. Should not exceed 8% of daily calories

17. Why is it important for health care professionals to educate clients on hidden
a. Increases longevity
b. Regulates blood sugar
c. Manages blood pressure
d. Aids in fat intake control

18. What is the consequence of diets seriously deficient in fats?

a. Hypercholesterolemia
b. Weight gain
c. Growth retardation
d. Increased energy levels

19. Elevated LDL levels are thought to be contributing factors in which condition?
a. Diabetes
b. Atherosclerosis
c. Arthritis
d. Asthma
20. What is recommended by the American Heart Association regarding fat
a. Consume more saturated fats
b. Minimize monounsaturated fats
c. Limit saturated, polyunsaturated, and monounsaturated fats
d. Include trans-fatty acids in the diet

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Sohaib - Al-Qaramseh

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