Term Test Geo Population Madina

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1. Define population.
population refers to the amount of people that is living per capita
2. Define Population explosion.
population explosion refers to the rapid growth of population per day
3. State the causes of population explosion in a country.
it may be because of the rapid birth rate in that specific country or the amount of
immigration activity that is happening in that country.
4. State the negative impact of population explosion in a country according to its economic
Competition for jobs and increasing of crime due to its needs for basic necessary
5. State the negative impact of population explosion in a country according to its
environmental problem.
Healthy problems and environmental problems form the disposal waste from people.
6. State the negative impact of population explosion in a country according to its resources
Competition for energy, water supply, food and fuel.
7. Briefly explain the differences between Over-population and under-population.
over-population happens when the population exceeds the resources available for the
country that does not support the full capacity of the population, while under-population
happens when the resources available exceeds the number of populations, and the
resources are not being used.
8. Briefly explain the causes of Over-population in a country.
It is caused by the overall difference in birth rate and death rate, such as an increase in birth
rate (younger marriage, religion beliefs, and social pressure) but a decrease in death rate
(advanced in the medical aspects and higher quality in food and water).
9. Briefly explain the effects of Over-population in a country.
Over population may cause water and air pollution, not enough housing, shortage of water
and food, high crime rates, not enough health care and education, lack of employment, and
poverty in a country. It because the remaining resources can not support the number of
populations in that country.
10. Briefly explain the causes of under-population in a country.
It is caused by the overall difference between the birth rate and death rate, such as a
decrease in the birth rate (women are more focused in building their careers, higher
education, expensive to have a child, and the changes in their religious beliefs) and a
decrease in death rate (advanced in the medical aspects and higher quality in food and
11. Briefly explain the effects of under-population in a country.
under population may cause shortage of workers, low level of production, resources are
underused, high taxes, lack of government income, small market for hoods and services, and
low value of exports.
12. State the causes of a change in population size.
13. Look at the following graph
(a) (I) 25%
14. Outline how educating women affects population growth.
As more women are getting higher educations, they learn of other important aspects in their
lives that does not require them into being a mother, as such, they would rather have a and
build a higher career for them self to feel that their education really matters. They also learn
that raising children are expensive and because of the raise in inflation, it is getting more
expensive as time went by, you need to gather enough money to support you, your spouse,
and your children.
15. Outline one social impact of rapid population growth.
Because of the rapid population growth, is the affect of overusing the resources that are
available, such as food, water, and housing. These resources are the basic of human needs,
with the decrease of these resources, many would struggle to survive in the current
economy in the country.
16. Outline one economic impact of rapid population growth.
It may plunge the economy into a mass unemployment and under-employment, the
proportion of workers increases and the total of population rises. As it is not possible to
expand jobs, there would be an increase in labour forces, the rapidly increasing population
may reduce incomes, savings, and investments.
17. Outline one impact on the environment of the increased use of road transport.
18. What is migration?
Migration refers to the moving out of one’s original place, usually country to a new one out
of their needs, such as economical needs (searching for new jobs) and to have a better life
than in their original place, usually country. It is usually voluntary and they are finding a
better quality of life.
19. State the push factors that led people do migration.
the push factor may be because they are in fear for their safety due to the government, lack
of job opportunities, lack of housings/shelter, natural disasters, and etc.
20. State the pull factors that led people do migration.
Have better paying jobs, better housing/shelter situation higher education, more reliable
transport, and etc
21. The positive impacts of migration.
They may be able to send some of their income to their family members, obtain new skills,
chance of having a better quality of life and standard of living
22. The negative impacts of migration.
Some immigrants may face with discrimination in their new place, such as exploited by
working long hours and poor condition, have language barriers, loss of contact with family
23. Look at the following picture.

a) State the negative effects of living in the conditions shown in Figure 6.

They are living in a poor condition; they are living beside a trashed filled river where
they may be able to contact a disease that caused them to be sick.
b) Outline one way the conditions shown in Figure 6 could be improved.
They can regularly clean the river by picking up the trash, but we should also stop with
the source. We can inform them or better, make a law that discourage the throwing of
trash in the water and to throw their trash in the proper plce.
c) Use one or more examples to describe the characteristics of sustainable urban living.

24. Outline one way a country with an ageing population can encourage an increase in birth
They would pay the women to have children, like in Russia, the government are paying the
women to encourage them to have children. The money that they gathered are to be used
for their family’s needs with their children
25. State the policies from China
China uses the one child policy back in 1970’s, it is used to delay their first born decrease the
amount of children that are being born, they also offer a free education and health care to
those families with one child, they also have fines for families that have more than one child.
But as time went on, they realise that they lack the work force from the younger
generations, so they abolish this policy
26. State the policies from Singapore
Singapore made abortion and voluntary sterilisation legal to manage their population, they
made extra taxes for families that have a third child, no paid maternity leave for families that
have a third child, and the families that have a third child can not enrol their students to the
best schools.

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