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1. Background:
Karnali Integrated Rural Development and Research Centre (KIRDARC Nepal) is a Non-
Governmental Organization, registered at District Administration Office, Jumla in 1999,
and operating in Karnali, Sudurpachhim, Lumbini and Bagmati Provinces of Nepal. It is
affiliated with Social Welfare Council, the regulatory body of Government of Nepal. Having
over the past two decades of partnership with Save the Children, KIRDARC is currently
implementing “SANKALP” Project funded by SIDA which aims to strengthen Civil Society
Organizations and contribute to realization of children‟s rights.

Children as human being of specific age group are entitled with inherent human rights
including their special rights. It is well established that children are not passive recipients
of rights but active change agents. They have capacity to educate, advocate, claim and
raise voices for their own rights and rights of other children as „Child Human Rights
Defenders (CHRD)‟. A systematic capacity enhancement, guidance and role clarity will
encourage more children to lead as responsible and sensitive CHRD. To achieve this,
SANKLPA Project intends to develop a Training Manual for Child Human Rights
Defenders fostering the concept of CHRD and contributing to promotion and protection of
human rights of children.

The training manual will be used by adult facilitators and civil society organizations to
facilitate capacity building trainings for young children aged 12-18 years. A user-friendly
training manual is anticipated as final product which equips facilitator to lead capacity
building trainings for CHRD in age appropriate and child friendly manner.

2. Objectives:
The main objective of the consultancy is to develop a training manual for Child Human
Rights Defenders (CHRD) which is user-friendly and includes:
1. A comprehensive concept of human rights of children, relevant international human
rights instruments and mechanisms presented in child friendly and age-appropriate
2. Role of Child Human Rights Defenders (CHRD) in promotion and protection of their
human rights including advocacy, communication, and negotiation skills
3. Successful& inspiring examples of Child Human Rights Defenders practiced across
the world.
4. A practical guidance on risk assessment, safety measures and challenges generally
experienced by CHRD.
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3. Scope of the work:

The selected consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:
 Conduct a Needs Assessment undertake a comprehensive needs assessment to
identify the specific training needs and challenges faced by human rights defenders in
 Develop a structured and detailed training curriculum that covers key topics related to
human rights, advocacy, legal frameworks, security, and digital safety, among others.
 Training Manual Production: Create a user-friendly and visually appealing training
manual that incorporates adult learning principles and includes practical exercises,
case studies, and relevant resources.
 Collect feedback from a panel of experts and human rights defenders to ensure the
manual's accuracy, relevance, and effectiveness.
 Incorporate feedback and make any necessary revisions to produce a final version of
the training manual.

4. Target audience:
The training manual will be designed targeting children aged 12-18 years who are
interested to become and lead as Child Human Rights Defender (CHRD). The manual will
be used by adult facilitators to train and develop CHRDs.

5. Deliverables and Timeline:

The consultant will deliver a comprehensive training manual for Child Human Rights
Defenders (CHRD) in Nepali as final product of the consultancy.
SN Deliverables/Outputs Timeline Tentative Days
1 Meeting and preparation with KD and SC team 7 Nov 2023 0.5 Day
on content finalization aligning with ToR.
2 Collect required information for 3 days Training 12Nov 2023 4 Days
Manual for Human Rights Defenders.
3 Design and share Draft Training Manual to 18 Nov 2022 5 Days
4 Meeting on feed collection. 23Nov 2023 1 day
4 Prepare final Training Manual and share with 2 Dec2023 10 days
Total Days 20 Days

6. Methodology:
The consultant is envisaged to work as following.
 The consultant should conduct consultation meeting with project team.
 The consolation meeting should be more participatory and practical.
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 The consultant must prepare the training manual in direct supervision of the
KIRDARC‟s concern authority.
 S/he should submit the progress report after completion of the assignment.

7. Logistical arrangements:
The consultant herself/himself as per agreement should manage all the logistical

8. Background Information:
The following documents and materials will be provided to the consultant. The means of
language will be in both Nepali and English.
 Concept note and manual/guideline of the training will be provided.
 A consultation meeting will be conducted for the information collection. The means of
meeting may be virtual/physical.

9. Selection criteria:
Proposals will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
 Experience and expertise in developing training materials (35%).
 Academic background and qualification from human rights or law (30%).
 Cost-effectiveness of the proposed budget (20%).
 Demonstrated ability to meet deadlines (15%).
 At least bachelor‟s degree with 10 years‟ experience or master‟s degree with 7 years
of professional experience of working in child rights sectors and developing training

10. Reporting and Supervision:

 Selected consulting form will report to Project Coordinator of SIDA project (Manlal

11. Exclusion criteria:

If any of the following are true for the applicant at the time of submitting their application or
at any time during the procurement process, they will be excluded from consideration for
winning a contract with KIRDARC Nepal. The bidder may also be blacklisted for
participation in future KIRDARC Nepal procurements.

12. Unacceptable legal situation of the bidder:

a) They are bankrupt, subject to insolvency, or being wound up, are having their affairs
administered by the courts, have entered into an arrangement with creditors, have
suspended business activities, are the subject of proceedings concerning those
matters, or are in any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure provided for
in national legislation or regulations.
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b) It has been established by a court‟s final judgment or by any means that KIRDARC
Nepal can justify that the bidder is guilty of grave professional misconduct by having
violated applicable laws or regulations or ethical standards of the profession to which
the bidder belongs, or by having engaged in any wrongful conduct which has an
impact on its professional credibility where such conduct denotes a wrongful intent or
gross negligence.
c) They have not fulfilled obligations relating to the payment of social security
contributions or the payment of taxes in accordance with applicable laws of
Government of Nepal.
d) They have been the subject of a court‟s final judgement for acts of fraud, corruption,
involvement in a criminal organisation, money laundering, hiding unlawfully obtained
financial benefits, or any other illegal activity detrimental to KIRDARC Nepal or its
donors‟ financial interests;
Applicants must complete and sign the „Consultant Statement Confirming Eligibility‟
below and submit the signed ToR together with their application package to confirm
that they are not in one of the situations listed above. Even if such confirmation is
given by a bidder, KIRDARC Nepal will investigate any of the situations listed above if
it has reasonable grounds to doubt the contents of such confirmation.

13. Anti-Fraud Policy:

KIRDARC Nepal has a zero-tolerance approach towards corruption and fraud in all its
forms. KIRDARC Nepal aims to prevent fraudulent activities and to respond to any
allegations or potential fraud swiftly and effectively. In line with KIRDARC Nepal Code of
Conduct attached along with this ToR.

14. Other Requirements if Selected:

 KIRDARC Nepal will require the successful consultant to sign organisational Code of
 The successful consultant will also be required to commit to the following clause
relating to the Code of Conduct: The consultant must agree to with the code of
conduct of KIRDARC Nepal to prevent all kinds of exploitation, abuse and harassment,
sexually or otherwise, especially in the case of particularly vulnerable groups.
 [POTENTIALLY, depending on the nature of the consultancy] KIRDARC Nepal
upholds high standards in all aspects of Safeguarding. In view of the nature of this role
potentially requiring unsupervised access to children or vulnerable individuals
(including situations where there are potential imbalances of power), you may be
required to provide a certificate of good conduct.
 Consultants are strongly advised not to discriminate based on religion, gender, caste
and ethnicity.
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Interested consultancy firm should send the below mentioned mandatory documents to

Mandatory documents:
 Cover letter
 Company registration document
 VAT registration document
 Updated tax clearance
 Technical and financial proposal
 CV of proposed consultant
 Academic certificates and experience letters (Human Rights/Law)
 Stamped and signed copy of this TOR along with child safeguarding document

Deadline for applications:

Applications must be submitted by 2nd November 2023 within office time.

Consultant Statement Confirming Eligibility:

By signing this Terms of Reference, the consultant certifies that they are not in one of the
situations listed above under „Exclusion Criteria’. The consultant also certifies that all the
information provided, and any related documents submitted are truthful and correct at time of

Name:__________________________Signature:______________Date: _____________
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