Persuasive Speech About A Charity

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Children and cancer are two words that never belong in the same

Yet in our country there are at least a couple of children that get
diagnosed with cancer every single day.
If everyone here donated just a small amount of money to the
organisation I will talk about, we could make a HUGE difference and
I'm here to tell you why.

The organisation I'm talking about is The Swedish Childhood Cancer
Fund, It is a nationwide renown organisation that is the single
largest financier of childhood cancer research in Sweden, and they
also provide financial support to the development of new treatment
methods and continuing education in the field of childhood cancer.

On the screen you can see Thomas Edney, a 3 year old who would soon
come to spend years in the hospital. In the picture he’s strapped on
with multiple tubes, some of them going even inside the nostrils and
treatment is constant for this young boy.
There are a lot of children like Thomas, a lot of them even teenagers,
that have to spend years of their precious childhood battling cancer,
whilst seeing their friends live a normal life. It can be devastating,
especially for a young kid. Not to mention the possible risk of dying,
parents experiencing anguinish and seeing their own child suffer and
also the risk of it reoccurring in the future.
The money donated to The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund is used to
develop new methods of treating cancer and necessary information
on the subject matter. If they make a major breakthrough then we
can help individuals all around the world.

Thanks to the research done about cancer, about 80% of the one
thousand children that are under treatment in Sweden survive and
the progress we have done in 50 years is truly remarkable and even
saying that is an understatement. If we can continue this progress I
believe that we can without a doubt find a way to eliminate cancer in
the future. A disease that can unfortunately happen to anybody.

If you're still not convinced and don’t feel like helping others, you
should donate for your own sake. According to Cancer Research UK ,
1 in 2 people will get cancer in their lifetime although one of the main
reasons for this being that people are living longer.

But cancer is likely to affect someone you know and giving money to
The Swedish Childhood Cancer Fund will help research about the most
unknown part of cancer research, why children can even get cancer
and since research is proven to have been effective, you can definitely
play a part in preventing your future children from dying from it or
someone else you love.
This is why you should donate at least a small amount, to help
yourself and to help others, I appreciate you listening, thank you.

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