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5th edition


Unit test 5A Intermediate

1 Complete the table with the missing forms of 3 Circle the correct word to complete the sentences.
the modal verbs. 1 I think grandma’s really ill. We call a doctor
Permission No permission Asking for immediately.
permission a must b can
You can do it. 1) Can I do it? 2 If there is a fire, you leave the
You are allowed You aren’t 2) office building.
to do it. allowed to do it. a have to b are allowed to
Obligation Prohibition Asking about 3 You make a fire in a forest in dry weather.
a don’t have to b mustn’t
3) You mustn’t do Must I do it? 4 You drive on the left in Australia.
a must b should
Obligation No obligation Asking about
obligation 5 My cousins play computer games on
You have to do 4) 5)
it. a aren’t able to b aren’t allowed to
6 My car’s broken down. Do you think I get a
2 points for each correct answer 10 new one?
a should b can
2 Match A and B to make statements and questions. 7 You always keep your passport with you
A1 Do young men still have to d when you’re travelling.
2 You are not allowed to a should b can
3 If you ride a motorbike, you should 8 You swim here! This beach is
4 Sorry, I must closed. a don’t have to b mustn’t
5 Are students allowed to 9 I think this meat is bad! You eat it.
6 Before travelling abroad, you should a mustn’t b aren’t allowed to
10 Do you think I tell Fiona that her boyfriend
B a wear a helmet.
loves Gail?
b take dogs into this part of the park.
a can b should
c check the weather forecast for your destination. 11 Come on! You tell me the truth. I need
d do military service in the UK? to know.
e bring food into the classroom? a must b are allowed to
f go home now – it’s very late. 1 point for each correct 10
1 point for each correct 5 answer
4 Complete the advice using the correct form of should
or must.
1 There’s no reason to believe him.
You shouldn’t believe him .
2 Smoking is forbidden here.
You .
3 It’s not a good idea to argue with your
boss. I don’t
4 It’s illegal to take sharp objects onto the
plane. Passengers
5 Wearing a seat-belt is compulsory.
6 If you leave now, you will avoid the rush
hour traffic.
2 points for each correct answer 10

1 Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Unit test 5A Intermediate

5 Complete the text with the modal verbs from the

box. 7 Write the pronoun in the correct place in each
can can’t must mustn’t should shouldn’t 1 Sorry! I can’t get over this rock. (it)
To apply for the new photocard driving licence, you Sorry! I can’t get over it .
(1) must send either your passport or birth 2 I’ve asked twice, and I don’t want to bring up
certificate for identification. If you are planning to the subject again. (it)
travel abroad within four weeks, you (2) I’ve asked twice, and I don’t want to bring up
send us your passport. You (3) keep a
photocopy of the documents that you send in. You
(4) still drive while your application 3 He cleaned his shoes after taking off his
is being processed. shoes. (them)
Please note: your photograph (5) be in He cleaned his shoes after taking off .
colour. The department (6) accept black 4 I tried on the shirt, but it looked dreadful. (it)
and white photographs. Black and white photographs I tried on , but it looked dreadful.
will be returned to the applicant.
5 When it comes to cooking, they take after
1 point for each correct 5 their grandmother. (her)
When it comes to cooking, they take after
6 Circle the correct word or phrase. .
6 I told the boys to pick up their rubbish.
1 Keith brought up / in / away his children to
believe that competition was always healthy. (it) I told the boys to pick up .
2 Harriet picked on / up / at the rules of chess 7 I looked up the times for the film online.
really quickly. (them) I looked up online.
3 The journey was so long that I dropped over / 8 The company worked hard to get over the
out / off to sleep on the train. economic crisis. (it)
4 I decided to take on / in / up tennis to improve The company worked hard to get over
my fitness.
5 The idea took off / out / away online and 9 Greg tried to give up sweets, but it was
soon everyone was trying it. difficult. (them)
6 They don’t get on / away / up with their Greg tried to give up , but it was
neighbours. difficult.
7 She dropped off me / drop me off / dropped me off 10 I never want to look after Tiddles the
at the supermarket on her way to work. cat again. (him)
8 We asked our friends to look after / for / at our I never want to look after again.
dog while we were away. 11 You can fill out the form at the desk over there.
9 I hate to bring in / on / up the question of (it) You can fill out over there.
money, but we have to discuss it.
10 I hope I’ll get through / over / across the exam.
I’ve studied really hard.
11 When you see a new word in an English text,
do you look it up / look up it / look it in an
online dictionary straight away?

2 Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Unit test 5A Intermediate

1 point for each correct 10
1 point for each correct 10

3 Headway © Oxford University Press

5th edition

Unit test 5A Intermediate

8 Complete the sentences with a suitable word.

1 She tried on lots of different dresses, but 10 Correct the mistakes.
none of them fitted well. 1 British teenagers hadn’t to attend school in the
2 I was up to respect older people and 19th century. didn’t have to
to be considerate. 2 Will I open the door for you?
3 In this area, you are allowed to show your ID.
3 I took care my neighbour’s garden last
month. 4 You can see the new superhero film. I
4 They went their lesson notes together really recommend it.
to review the new grammar. 5 You mustn’t buy a new computer to use this
5 Our plane took late, so we program. It works fine on older ones.
were worried about missing the connection. 6 When the noise died off, the lecture began.
6 Turn the TV . Can you hear a noise
outside? 7 You don’t have to allow babies to travel in the
7 Don’t forget to up your computer front seat of a car.
before you go on holiday. 8 You’ve got do more exercise.
8 I had problems getting the change 9 I didn’t allow to stay up late when I was young.
in climate when I moved to Africa. But now
everything’s fine. 10 Please can you get an eye on my phone?
9 I thought I would up some Italian,
but most people spoke 11 Do we must tidy up our room right now?
10 I look like my mum, but both my brothers take
my dad.
11 Is your mobile wet? Don’t switch it 1 point for each correct 10
again until you’ve dried it.
1 point for each correct 10

9 Complete the polite requests and offers with the

correct phrase.
1 Do you think (gift-wrap) you could gift-wrap it
for me?
2 Are you OK? Is there anything (do / help)
3 (mind) opening the window?
It’s really hot.
4 Would you mind (I / open) the
window? It’s very stuffy.
5 (ready to order) , or shall I
come back later?
6 Do you think (try on) these jeans?
7 Do you think we (get table) on the
8 Sorry, I (not realize) it was your chair.
9 If you want, I’ll (lift) into town later.
10 Could you (drop) at the cinema?
11 Would you mind (move / car) ?I
can’t get my car out.
2 points for each correct answer 20

4 Headway © Oxford University Press

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