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Baccalauréat Épreuve orale de DNL Thème :

Energy resources
Anglais / Physique chimie


Renewable energy is derived from various natural processes, such as the Sun's electromagnetic radiation, tides or
heat generation within the Earth. Here is a list of the main types of practically utilized alternative energy sources:

Watch the video : “Renewable Energy 101”

Note that there is some controversy about classification of nuclear power. Usually it is excluded from the list of
renewables. However, it is known, for example, that rivers eroding the Earth crust replenish Uranium dissolved in
seawater. Also, nuclear fission in so-called breeder reactors creates more fissile isotopes than it consumes. So,
although technically raw nuclear fuels are finite, because of their enormously large amount and because of the above
replenishing processes, they might be considered RE as well. After all, bio-fuels are finite too, but they are treated as


Not surprisingly, each method of power generation has its pros and cons. RE of course is inexhaustible and
environmentally friendly. It has another important advantage. Small individual power generators that are integrated
into the grid reduce the impact of blackouts caused by a failure of centralized equipment or distribution lines. The
distributed power technologies in general improve the overall system security.
Notwithstanding their clear benefits, all forms of RE have their disadvantages too. Renewable resources are not
always available where and when they are needed. For example, hydropower resources are limited by geography and
are often located in remote areas. They require installation of expensive electric lines to the cities. Solar and wind
power are intermittent by nature. Which brings us to another major technical issue with RE: the storage. One of the
problems of electricity is that it cannot be efficiently stored in large quantities for later use. It is unpractical for example
to have a battery backup in a gigawatt-scale power plant. Also, while RE systems generally do not produce as much
air pollution as fossil fuels, they too have a certain negative impact on the environment. Finally, RE is still more
expensive that traditional one. All the above factors are limiting the growth of RE. Currently, the share of renewable
energy sources in net energy production is only about 10% worldwide and 8% in the United States.
Adapted from US DOE
Cost Cost
Power Plant Type Power Plant Type
$/kW-hr $/kW-hr

Coal $0.095-0.15 Solar PV $0.125

Natural Gas $0.07-0.14 Solar Thermal $0.24

Nuclear $0.095 Geothermal $0.05

Wind $0.07-0.20 Biomass $0.10

Hydro $0.08

©2010-2016 Lazar Rozenblat,

Comment on the document as you like. Part of your presentation must include your point of view on :
advantages and disadvantages of using renewable ernergy.

You may use the following questions as a guide:

- What are the benefits of using renewable energy technologies?
- Comment about the cost of the different type of energy.
- Comment about the percentage of renewable energy in our modern economy.

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