Building Self-Management in The Midst of Bullying Cases

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To Fulfill One of the English Course Assignments

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Hj Huriyah, M.Pd

Compiled by:

Fida Sary Nafisa





Praise and gratitude to the presence of Allah Swt. who has given His grace
and gifts so that the author can complete a paper entitled Building Self-
Management Amid Bullyng Cases. This paper discusses the meaning of
management, education management, and how to build yourself in the midst of
bullying cases. The preparation of this paper is intended to fulfill one of the
assignments of the English course, Islamic Education Management Study
Program, Postgraduate Program IAIN Sheikh Nurjati Cirebon.

This paper is inseparable from all its shortcomings. Therefore, criticism

and suggestions are very welcome, hopefully useful for writers in particular and
for readers in general.

Cirebon, March 03, 2024



PREFACE......................................................................................................................... i
Contents ....................................................................................................................... ii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................1
1.2 Problem Formulation .........................................................................................1
1.3 Problem Objective ..............................................................................................1
1.4 Benefits ..............................................................................................................1
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ................................................................................................ 3
2.1 MANAGEMENT ...................................................................................................3
2.2 EDUCATION MANAGEMENT...............................................................................4
2.3 SELF-MANAGEMENT ..........................................................................................5
CHAPTER III CLOSURE .................................................................................................... 7
3.1 CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................7
3.2 ADVICE ...............................................................................................................7
Bibliography.................................................................................................................. 8


1.1 Background

In this digital era, self-management is one of the aspects that everyone

must have. Self-management will make people a better person, a person who
can adjust and position themselves according to the place and situation.

In time, the era is changing, the era is advancing. Nowadays we have

entered the digital era, an era where everything uses digital and the internet, a
lot of news is shared on social media. But that does not mean the existence of
social media has a good impact, social media also has a negative impact that
will affect its users.

Based on current findings, there are many cases of bullying, for example
in one Islamic educational institution there was bullying of one of the students
until the student died. Bullying can arise due to a lack of self-control.

Self-control is limiting or restraining oneself from doing the wrong thing

in everything.

1.2 Problem Formulation

Based on the background of the existing problems, the problem

formulation is "How to build self-management in the midst of bullying cases".

1.3 Problem Objective

The purpose of the problem formulation above is to find out how to build
yourself to be better in the midst of many cases of bullying.

1.4 Benefits

There are two benefits derived from this paper, as follows:

A. For readers

As knowledge and consideration to build a better self, so that it

also has a positive impact on the person. Because it can is one way to build
a better self, character, attitude, and behavior.

B. For the writer

As a consideration and as a reference and training for writers on

how to make papers and compile good material.



The term management refers to the word "to manage" which means to
organize, manage, or manage. In language (etymology) management comes
from Old French, namely management which means the art of managing.
According to management expert Mary Parker Follet, management is the art
of getting things done through people, which means that management is the
art of achieving goals through other people. This means that managers achieve
organizational goals through the arrangement of other people to carry out
various tasks that may be required.

Meanwhile, according to the Big Indonesian Dictionary (KBBI) there are

two meanings, the first is management is the effective use of resources to
achieve goals. Second, management is the leader who is responsible for the
running of the company and organization (manager).

Based on the two meanings of management above, it can be concluded that

management is a management process that includes planning, organizing,
directing, and supervising to achieve the objectives of management.

Management has three main elements, namely: (1) there are goals to be
achieved, (2) goals can be achieved by using the activities of others, and (3)
the activities of others must be guided and supervised. Thus, management can
be ensured that there is an intention to achieve certain goals of the group or
organization concerned. Meanwhile, to achieve a good planning, consistent
implementation and continuous control, with the intention that the desired
goals can be achieved efficiently and effectively.

A management objective is a goal to be realized that describes a certain
scope and suggests direction to the manager's efforts. Based on the above
understanding, a minimum of four main elements can be taken, namely;

1. Something to be realized(Goal)
2. Scope
3. Precision(definiteness), and
4. Direction


Education management is the process of planning, organizing, directing,

and supervising and assessing educational efforts in order to achieve
predetermined educational goals.

In the process, education management consists of 4 aspects, as follows:

1. Planning
2. Organizing
3. Directing
4. Supervision

The following is an explanation of the 4 aspects of education management

according to the process.

1. Planning is the process of thinking about activities before they are carried
out by involving several methods, logic, not just guesses or hunches but
scientific decision making.
2. Organizing is the process of coordinating resources including people,
equipment, materials, money, and time.
3. Directing is the process of providing direction, work procedures for
employees to carry out work in a better way, and creating a work climate
that is conducive to the implementation of predetermined activities.
4. Supervision, defined as the process of justifying when activities deviate
from organizational goals.

An educational institution will not run well if its education management is
inadequate. In managing an educational institution a leader or manager must
make a plan. The plan for the next year will be how, and what must be done so
that the educational institution and its contents can produce quality products.
A leader or manager is not only in charge of planning but also organizing
(grouping) teachers / employees according to the field taken. Then the leader
or manager must be able to lead teachers / employees and must support
activities that improve teacher performance. And finally there is control,
teachers, staff, and students must be controlled as they should be in
accordance with the rules made so that educational goals can be achieved.


Self-management is self-control over thoughts, speech, and actions carried

out, so as to encourage self-avoidance of things that are not good and increase
good and right actions. This self-control includes words, deeds, and thoughts
so that he avoids bad things and increases himself to do well and correctly in
certain contexts.

Self-management can be defined as a person’s ability to recognize and

manage himself (physically, emotionally, mind, soul, and spiritually). The
goal is for a person to be able to manage other people and various resources to
control and create the reality of life in accordance with the mission and goals.

Self-management is not the only factor that influences students' learning

independence. According to Arkan, students with high self-control will be
faster to master the attitude of learning independence. The existence of self-
control in students will make students focus on achieving learning goals and
refrain from doing other things that do not support learning activities.

According to Prijosaksono in Ardini, many factors can influence self-

management, including environmental factors. Environmental factors are one
of the important factors that can affect self-management. A pleasant social
environment, attitude or response from the environment will form an attitude

towards oneself(self attitude). Therefore, individuals who get an appropriate
and pleasant attitude from the environment will tend to accept themselves,
otherwise the environment can be an obstacle for individuals to develop
potential in themselves which can make it difficult for them to accept
themselves even though the individual is aware of their potential.

This ability becomes very important in everyday life, both in the

workplace, education, and in achieving personal goals. With the ability of self-
management, it can help us to control ourselves whether it is speech, actions,
or thoughts. So that it can hold us from bad treatment that can harm others and

Some things that must be considered in building good self-management

are as follows:

1. Timing, is the ability to manage time effectively, including setting

priorities, organizing schedules, and avoiding procrastination.
2. Emotion Management, is the ability to recognize, control, and manage
emotions positively, including managing stress, disappointment, and
developing mental resilience.
3. Self-Motivation, is the ability to develop internal motivation, set clear
goals, and overcome obstacles or barriers in achieving those goals.
4. Decision Making, is the ability to make appropriate decisions based on
rational thinking and careful consideration.
5. Independence, is the ability to work independently, self-regulate, and take
responsibility for personal actions and decisions.

In building self-management we must be able to control our minds first, if

our minds and hearts are calm then the words and actions we will say and do
will be positive. And avoid things that are negative so as not to have a bad
impact on yourself and others.



Self-management is the activity of restraining and limiting oneself from

doing bad things that will harm others and oneself. In building self-
management there are several things that must be considered, namely: Time
Management, Emotion Management, Self Motivation, Decision Making, and
Independence. All of these things are ways to build yourself to be better. This
ability becomes very important in everyday life, both at work, education, and
in achieving personal goals. With the ability of self-management, it can help
us to control ourselves whether it is speech, actions, or thoughts. So that it can
keep us from bad treatment that can harm others and ourselves.


The author realizes that there are many mistakes and far from perfection,
in the future the author will be clearer and more focused in explaining the
explanation of the above paper with more complete and more sources, and of
course it can be accounted for. Therefore, the author hopes for criticism and
suggestions regarding the discussion of the paper in the conclusion above. As
a consideration in making papers for the future.


Ardini, D. (2017). Hubungan Manajemen Diri dan Orientasi Masa Depan Dengan
Prokrastinasi Akademik Pada Mahasiswa Aktif Kuliah dan Organisasi.
PSIKOBORNEO, 5(4). 510-520. ISSN: 2477-2666 E-ISSN: 2477-2674.
Hutahaean, W. S. (2018). Dasar Manajemen. Malang: Ahlimedia Press.
Sekolah Dasar, 7(37). 3.676-3.685.
Tri Widyastuti, S. (2018). Modul Dasar-Dasar Manajemen. Jakarta:
Manajemen diri | EduChannel Indonesia.

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