12th Physics - Solved SQP 3

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Physics XII Sample Paper 3 Solved www.rava.org.


CLASS XII (2019-20)


Time : 3 Hours Maximum Marks : 70

General Instructions :
(i) All questions are compulsory. There are 37 questions in all.
(ii) This question paper has four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D.
(iii)Section A contains twenty questions of one mark each, Section B contains seven questions
of two marks each, Section C contains seven questions of three marks each and Section D
contains three questions of five marks each.
(iv)There is no overall choice. However, internal choices has been provided in two question of one
marks each, two question of two marks, one question of three marks and three questions of
five marks weightage. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
(v) You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary.
c = 3 # 108 m/s , h = 6.63 # 10−34 Js , e = 1.6 # 10−19 C , μ 0 = 4π # 10−7 TmA−1 ,
1 = 9 109 Nm2 C−2 , m = 9.1 10−31 kg ,
ε 0 = 8.854 # 10−12 C2 N−1 m−2 ,
4πε 0 # e #
Mass of neutron = 1.675 # 10−27 kg ,
Mass of proton = 1.673 # 10−27 kg , Avogardro’s number = 6.023 # 1023 per gram mole,
Boltzmann constant = 1.38 # 10−23 JK−1 .

obstacle in their way. It indicates the particle

Section A nature of cathode rays.
DIRECTION : (Q 1-Q 10) Select the most 3. A radioactive substance emits (1)
appropriate option from those given below each (a) α -rays (b) β -rays
(c) γ -rays (d) all of these
1. A polaroid is used to (1) Ans : (d) all of these
(a) reduce intensity of light
We know that radioactivity is the spontaneous
(b) produce polarised light disintegration of the nucleus of a radioactive
(c) increase intensity of light substance, from which α , β and γ -rays are
(d) produce unpolarised light emitted.
Ans : (b) produce polarised light 4. The torque acting on electric dipole of dipole
We know that a polaroid is a device which moment P placed in electric field of intensity
is used to produce polarised light, when un- E is (1)
polarised light (i.e., ordinary light) is incident " "
(a) P # E
(b) P : E

on it. " "

(c) pE (d) P/E
2. A strong argument for the particle nature of " "
cathode rays is that they (1) Ans : (a) P # E
(a) cast shadow
Torque = Either force # Perpendicular
(b) produce fluorescence
(c) travel through vacuum distance between the two forces
(d) get deflected in magnetic field τ = qE # 2a sin θ
Ans : (a) cast shadow = (q # 2a) E sin θ (Since, P = q#2l)
We know that cathode rays travel in straight = PE sin θ
lines towards anode and cast shadow of " "
= P#E
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5. A 10 μF capacitor is charged to a potential = 40 # 0.1

difference 50 V and it is then connected to = 4 A-m 2
another uncharged capacitor in parallel. If Therefore, torque acting on the bar magnet
common potential difference becomes 20 V, in uniform magnetic field
then capacitance of the second capacitor is (1)
(a) 10 μF (b) 15 μF τ = M B sin θ
(c) 20 μF (d) 30 μF = 4 # (2 # 10−4) # sin 30°
Ans : (b) 15 μF = (8 # 10−4) # 0.5
= 4 # 10−4 N-m.
Given, Capacitance of first capacitor,
7. In a circuit with a coil of resistance 2Ω , the
C1 = 10 μF
magnetic flux changes from 2 Wb to 10 Wb
potential difference of first capacitor, in 0.2 s . The charge that flows in the coil
V1 = 50 V during this time is (1)
(a) 5 C (b) 4 C
Potential difference of second capacitor,
(c) 1 C (d) 0.8 C
V2 = 0 (because it is uncharged)
Ans : (b) 4 C
and common potential,
V = 20 V Given, Resistance of coil, R = 2Ω ,
We Know that common potential difference, Initial magnetic flux, φ 1 = 2 Wb ,
V = C1 V1 + C2 V2 Final magnetic flux, φ 2 = 10 Wb
C1 + C 2
and time-taken, t = 0.2 s
(10 # 50) + C 2 # 0 We know that change in magnetic flux,
or 20 =
10 + C2
Tφ = φ 2 − φ 1
20 = 500
10 + C2 = 10 − 2 = 8 Wb
or 200 + 20C2 = 500 Therefore charge flowing through the coil

or 20 C2 = 300 q = = 8 = 4C
R 2
or C2 = 300 = 15 μF 8. Reactance of a capacitor of capacitance C for
Where, C2 = Capacitance of second capacitor. an alternating current of frequency 400 Hz is
6. If a bar magnet of length 10 cm and pole 25 Ω . The value of C is (1)
strength 40 A-m is placed at an angle of (a) 25 μF (b) 50 μF
30° in a uniform magnetic field of intensity (c) 75 μF (d) 100 μF
2 # 10−4 T, then torque acting on it is (1) Ans : (b) 50 μF
(a) 8 # 10−4 N-m (b) 6 # 10−4 N-m
Given,Capacitance of capacitor = C
(c) 4 # 10−4 N-m (d) 2 # 10−4 N-m
Ans : (c) 4 # 10−4 N-m Frequency of current, f = 400 Hz
Given, Length of bar magnet, Reactance of capacitor, XC = 25 Ω
2l = 10 cm = 0.1 m We know that reactance of the capacitor,
Pole strength, m = 40 A-m XC = 1 = 1
ωC 2πfC
Angle between bar magnet and magnetic
field, C = 1
θ = 30° 1
and intensity of magnetic field, 2π # 400 25
π #
B = 2 # 10−4 T
= 50 # 10−6 F
We know that magnetic moment,
F = 50 μF
M = m # 2l
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9. In an oscillating LC-circuit, effective 12. According to classical theory, the path of an

inductance is 200 μH . If frequency of electron in Rutherford’s atom is .......... . (1)
oscillation is 1200 kHz, then capacitance of Ans : spiral
capacitor in the circuit is (1)
We know according to classical theory that
(a) 11 pF (b) 22 pF
the path of an electron in Rutherford’s atom
(c) 44 pF (d) 88 pF is spiral towards the nucleus due to the
Ans : (d) 88 pF continuous loss of energy of electron.
Given, Inductance, L = 200 μH 13. If the current gain in common-emitter is 100,
then the emitter current in a transistor for a
= 200 # 10−6 H base current of 5 mA, is .......... mA. (1)
and frequency of oscillation, Ans : 0.505 mA
f = 1200 kHz Given,
= 1200 # 10 Hz 3 Current gain in common-emitter,
We know that frequency of LC-oscillation, β = 100
f = 1 Base current, IB = 5 μA = 0.005 mA
2π LC We know that collector current,
or C = 21 2 IC = β # IB
4π f L
1 = 100 # 0.005 = 0.5 mA
= 2 Therefore,
4π (1200 # 10 ) # (200 # 10−6)
3 2

= 88 # 10−12 F = 88 pF Emitter current, IE = IC + IB

10. The magnifying power of a magnifying glass = 0.5 + 0.005 = 0.505 mA
of power 12 dioptre is (1) 14. In a circuit, the internal resistance of cell is
(a) 4 (b) 1200 equal to the external resistance. If e.m.f. of the
(c) 3 (d) 25 cell is 4 V, then the potential difference across
Ans : (a) 4 the terminals of the cell is .......... V. (1)
Ans : 2 V
Given,Magnifying power of glass = 12
Given, Internal resistance of cell, r =R
Power of the lens, P =1
f and e.m.f. of cell, E =4V
We know that current in the circuit,
f = 1 = 1 m
P 12
I = E = E = E
R+r R+R 2R
= 100 cm
12 Therefore potential difference across the
Magnifying lower of simple microscope is terminals of the cell,
given by,
V = I#R
m = 1+D = E #R = E
f 2R 2
= 1 + 25 # 12 = 4 =2V
100 2
= 1+3 = 4 where, R = external resistance in the circuit
DIRECTION : (Q11-Q15) Fill in the blanks with or
appropriate answer.
A galvanometer having a resistance of 8 Ω
11. .......... spectrum is also called molecular is shunted by a wire of resistance 2 Ω . If the
spectrum. (1) total current is 1 A, then current passing
Ans : Band through the shunt will be .......... A. (1)
We know that band spectrum is obtained from Ans : 0.8 A
molecules in the gaseous state. Therefore band Given, Resistance of galvanometer,
spectrum is also called molecular spectrum.
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Shunt resistance, S = 2Ω λ1 = V2
λ2 V1
And, total current, I = 1A
We know that current passing through the = 36 = 6 (1)
galvanometer, 25 5
19. Why is it said that nuclear forces are
Ig = b S l # I saturated forces?
Ans :
= b 2 l # 1 = 0.2 A
2+8 A nucleon in a nucleus experiences force due
Therefore, current passing through the shunt, to nearest neighbours only and not due to
= I − Ig = 1 − 0.2 = 0.8 A all nucleons, hence nuclear force is said to be
15. The pressure exerted by an electromagnetic saturated. (1)
wave of intensity I on a non-reflecting surface 20. The radius of inner most orbit of hydrogen
is (where c = Velocity of light) .......... . (1) atom is 5.1 # 10−11 m. What is the radius of
orbit in second excited state?
Ans : I
c Ans :
Given, Intensity of electromagnetic wave = I
Radius of orbit is given by
and, Velocity of light = c
We know that intensity of electromagnetic rn ? n2
wave, where, rn = radius of n th orbit
I = E = F # d = Fc n = principal quantum number
At At A
For ground state, n =1
or F =I For second excited state,
A c
n =3
or P =I
c r3 = b 3 l2 = 9
where P =Pressure exerted by the r1 1
electromagnetic wave equal to F . r3 = 9r1
DIRECTION : (Q16-Q20) Answer the following: = 9 # 5.1 # 10−11

16. The force Fv experienced by a particle of = 4.59 # 10−10 m (1)

charge q moving with velocity vv in a magnetic or
field Bv is given by Fv = q (vv # Bv). Which pair Compare the radii of two nuclei having mass
of vectors is always at right angles to each numbers 3 and 81, respectively.
other? Ans :
Ans :
Radius of the nucleus,
Pair of vectors always at right angle are Fv
R = R 0 A1/3
and vv, Fv and Bv . (1)
where, A = mass number
17. What is the relationship between amplitudes
R 1 = c A1 m
of electric and magnetic fields in free space?
R2 A2
Ans :
R1 = b 3 l1/3 = 1
Amplitude of electric field ^E 0h R2 81 3
Amplitude of magnetic field ^B 0h
= c (speed of light) (1) Section B
18. Find the ratio of De-Broglie wavelengths 21. The variation of potential deference V with
associated with electrons accelerated through length in case of two potentiometers X and Y
25V and 36 V . is as shown in the given diagram. Which one
Ans : of these two, you prefer for comparing e.m.f’s
Since, λ ? 1 . Therefore, of two cells and why?
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= Z = R2 + X2L
When capacitor is also connected in circuit,
Zl = R2 + (XL − XC ) 2

Clearly Zl < Z , so value of current :I = V D

Ans : (2)
Here, slope of V − l graph = V = k = 25. A short bar magnet placed with its axis
l at 30c to a uniform magnetic field of 0.2T
Potential gradient
Slope of X > Slope of Y. experiences a torque of 0.060 Nm .
` Y has a smaller potential gradient than X. A 1. Calculate magnetic moment of the magnet
potentiometer with smaller potential gradient 2. Find out what orientation of the magnet
is preferred because a larger length of the wire corresponds to its stable equilibrium in
will be required to balance the e.m.f so that the magnetic field.
measurement will be accurate. (2) Ans :
22. Draw a sketch of a plane electromagnetic Given : θ = 30c
wave propagating along the Z-direction.
Depict clearly the directions of electric and B = 0.2T
magnetic fields varying sinusoidally with Z. τ = 0.060Nm
Ans : τ = MB sin θ
The propagation of electromagnetic waves
M = τ = 0.060
along Z-axis is shown below. B sin θ 0.2 # sin 30c
= 0.6J/T
For stable equilibrium, τ = 0
` sin θ = 0
θ = 0c (2)
26. Deduce ohm’s law using the concept of drift
Ans :
As we know,
23. What is (1) momentum and (2) energy of
photon of wavelength 0.01A vd =− eEτ
Ans :
and E =−V
(1) Momentum, p = h = h
λ 0.01 # 10−10 vd = eVτ
= 1012 # 6.6 # 10−34
and I = nAevd
= 6.6 # 10−22 kg/s
` I = neA :eV D
(2) Energy, E = hc ml
τ = :ne Aτ D
−34 8
= 6.6 # 10 # 3−10# 10 , 2 # 10−13 J ml
0.01 # 10
(2) I = 1V
24. When a capacitor is connected in series LR
circuit, the alternating current flowing in the or V = IR
circuit increases. Explain why? where, R = nAem,
is a constant for a particular

conductor at a particular temperature and is

Ans :
called the resistance of the conductor. (2)
Impedance of series LR circuit
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or v its speed in an orbit of radius r . Bohr’s

Derive an expression for the internal quantisation condition for angular momentum
resistance of a cell in terms of e.m.f and is,
terminal potential difference of a cell. mvr = nh

Ans :
Let R be the external resistance and r be the r = nh ...(2)
internal resistance of the cell of e.m.f E . From Eqs. (1) and (2), we get
` In closed circuit, total resistance of the
circuit = R # r . klZe2 = nh
mv2 2πmv

v = 2πklZe

Putting this value of v in Eq. (2), we get
r = nh nh
` Current, I = E 2πm 2πklZe2
R+r 2 2
= 2n h 2
Potential difference, V = E − Ir 4π mklZe
(Ir = Potential drop across r ? n2 (2)
internal resistance) or
Ir = E − V Draw a graph showing the variation of binding
energy per nucleon with mass number. Hence,
r = E−V from the graph, explain why elements having
mass number A between 30 and 170 have
By ohm’s law, V = IR
almost same binding energy.
` I =V Ans :
Binding Energy Curve:
` r = ;E − V E R It is a plot of the binding energy per nucleon
Ebn versus the mass number A for a large
r = :E − 1D R (2) number of nuclei.
27. Prove that the radius of the n th Bohr orbit
of an atom is directly proportional to n2 ,
where n is principal quantum number.
Ans :
Radius of n th Bohr orbit:
To keep electron in orbit, centripetal force
equal to electrostatic force

Therefore, mv2 = klZe2

r r2 Elements having 30 < A < 170 have almost
constant Ebn as the nuclear force are short
where, kl = 1 range forces. In large nuclei, a nucleon will
4πε 0
inside the nucleus experiences force only
r = klZe2 /mv2 ...(1) due to its immediate neighbours. Its binding
where, m is the mass of the electron and energy will thus depend only on the member
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of immediate neighbours. Thus, addition or P =Q

of extra nucleons as A increases for larger R S
nuclei, does not change the binding energy 2. Let a carbon resistor S is given to the
per nucleon (Ebn) of the corresponding nuclei. bridge arm CD Then,
Thus, Ebn remain almost constant. (2) 2R = 2R
Section C
` R =1
28. 1. Use Kirchhoff’s rules to obtain the balance S
condition in a Wheatstone bridge.
R = S = 22 # 103 Ω (3)
2. Calculate the value of R in the balance
condition of the Wheatstone bridge, if the 29. A long straight wire AB carries a current
carbon resistor connected across the arm of 4 A . A proton P travels at 4 # 106 m/s
CD has the colour sequence red, red and parallel to the wire 0.2 m from it and in a
orange, as is shown in the figure. direction opposite to the current. Calculate
the force which the magnetic field of current
exerts on the proton. Also specify the
direction of the force.
Ans :
Here, I = 4A ,
v = 4 # 106 m/s
r = 0.2 m
μ 0 = 4π # 10−7 Tm/A

Ans :
1. In balance condition of Wheatstone
Ig = 0
Using Kirchhoff’s loop law for loop
PI1 − R (I − I1) = 0
PI1 = R (I − I1) ...(i) Magnetic field due to a straight wire carrying
For loop BCDB,
μ I −7

Q (I1 − Ig) = S (I − I1 − Ig) B = 0 = 4π # 10 # 4

2πr 2π # 0. 2
Ig = 0 = 4 # 10−6 T
QI1 = S (I − I1) ...(ii) The field acts at right angles to the direction
of moving proton.
Solving (i) & (ii), we get ` Force exerted by the magnetic field on the
moving proton.
F = qvB sin θ 6Here θ = 90c@
= 1.6 # 10−19 # 4 # 106 # 4 # 10−6 # 1
= 2.56 # 10−20 N . [Away from the wire]
30. For a single slit of width "a" , the first
minimum of the interference pattern of a
monochromatic light of wavelength λ occurs
at an angle of λ/a . At the same angle of
P =R λ/a , we get a maximum for two narrow slits
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separated by a distance "a" Explain.

Ans :
The path difference between two secondary
nλ = a sin θ
Since, θ is very small sin θ = θ . So, for the
first order diffraction n = 1, the angle is
λ/a .
Now we know that must be very small θ = 0
(nearly) because of which the diffraction
(ii) According to questions P1 , P2 and P3 are
pattern is minimum.
placed as shown in the diagram
Now for interference case, for two interfering
waves of intensity I1 and I2 we must have two
slits separated by a distance. We have the
resultant intensity,
I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 + I2 cos θ
Since, θ = 0 (nearly) corresponding to angle
λ a so, cos θ = 1 (nearly)
So, I = I1 + I 2 + 2 I1 + I 2 cos θ
I" = I' cos2 θ = I 0 cos2 (60c)
I = I1 + I2 + 2 I1 + I2 cos (0) 2
I = I1 + I 2 + 2 I1 + I 2 I" = I 0 b 1 l = I 0
2 2 8
Thus, resultant intensity is sum of the two
intensities, so there is a maxima corresponding Therefore, a light of intensity I 0 will pass
to the angle λ a . through P3 and the angle between P3 and
This is why, at the same angle of λ a , we get P2 will be 30c because of the condition
a maximum for two narrow slits separated by given in the questions. Intensity of light
a distance "a" . (3) after talling on P2 ,
31. (i) Show, with a suitable diagram, how I' = I" cos2 (θ) = I 0 cos2 (30c)
unpolarised light can be polarised by I
reflection. = 0
(ii) Two polaroids P1 and P2 are placed with 32. (i) Depict the equipotential surfaces for a
their pass axes perpendicular to each system of two identical positive point
other. An unpolarised light of intensity charges placed a distance d apart.
I 0 is incident on P1 . A third polaroid P3 is (ii) Deduce the expression for the potential
kept in between P1 and P2 such that its energy of a system of two point charges q1
pass axis makes an angle of 60c with that and q2 brought from infinity to the points
of P1 . Determine the intensity of light with positions r1 and r2 respectively in
transmitted through P1 , P2 and P3 . presence of external electric field E .
Ans : Ans :
(i) When unpolarised light is incident on (i) The figure is shown below,
the interface of two transparent media
the reflected light is polarised. It the
unpolarised light is incident at the
angles 0c or 90c the reflected ray remains
unpolarised. When the reflected wave is
perpendicular to the refracted wave, the
reflected wave is totally polarised. The
angle of incidence in this case is called
(ii) By definition, electric potential energy
polarising angle or Brewster’s angle (i p).
of any charge q placed in the region of
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electric field is equal to the work done in = E 0 d + E 0 2d = E 0 d :1 + 2 D

bringing charge q from infinity to that 3 K 3 3 K
point and given by Q d
1 + 2 D ;a E 0 =
Aε 0 E
Aε 0 3 :
or V =
U = qV K
Now, considering the electric potentials at Therefore capacitance,
positions r1 and r2 as V1 and V2 respectively. = 3Aε 0
C =
Therefore, total potential energy of the V d :1 + 2 D
system of two charges q1 and q 2 placed K
at points with position vectors r1 and r2 This is the required expression. (3)
in the region of E is given by U = Work 33. You are given three lenses L1 , L2 and L 3 each
done in bringing charge q , from infinite to of focal length 10 cm . An object is kept at
that position in E is equal to work done 15 cm in front of L1 , as shown. The final real
for charge q2 from infinite to that position image is formed at the focus I of L 3 . Find
in E + work done to that of charge q2 at the separation between L1 , L2 and L 3 .
these positions in presence of q1 .
i.e.,U = q1 V1 + q2 V2
= 1 $ 1 2 (3)
4πε 0 r2 − r1
A slab of material of dielectric constant K
has the same area as that of the plates of a Ans :
parallel plate capacitor but has the thickness
2d/3, where d is the separation between For lens L1 , u =− 15 cm
the plates. Find out the expression for its v =?
capacitance when the slab is inserted between
the plates of the capacitor. f =+ 10 cm
Ans : 1 =1−1
f v u
Let the potential difference across the plates
1 =1+ 1
of a parallel plate capacitor be V and d is the 10 v 15
distance between them, Distance of image from lens L1 ,
A = Area of the plates v = 30 cm
Then electric field E 0 between them is given
by, For lens L 3 , 1 = 1 − 1
f '' v" u"
E0 = V = Distance of image from lens L 3 ,
d Aε 0
When a slab of thickness t = 23 d and dielectric v" = 10 cm
constant K is introduced between the plates. 1 = 1 + 1
10 10 u"
u" = 3
The refracted rays from lens L1 becomes
parallel to principal axis. It is possible only
when image formed by L1 lies at first focus of
L2 i.e., at a distance of 10 cm from L2 .
` Separation between L1 and L2
= 30 + 10 = 40 cm
The distance between L2 and L 3 may take
any value. (3)
34. Obtain the relation between the decay
Then, V = E 0 :d − 2d D + E # 2d constant and half life of a radioactive sample.
3 3
The half life of a certain radioactive material
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against a − decay is 100 days. After how radius centered on the charge.
much time, will the undecayed fraction of the (a) How much flux will pass through the
material be 6.25% ? surface, if the radius of the Gaussian
Ans : surface is doubled?
(b) Find the value of the point charge.
Relation between decay constant and half
(ii) Two point charges qA = 3μC and
life of a radioactive substance:
qB =− 3μC are located 20 cm apart in
The number of atoms at any instant in a
vacuum. What is the electric field and its
radioactive sample is given by,
direction at the mid-point O of the line
N = N 0 e− λt AB joining the two charges?
N = total number of atoms at any Ans :
instant (i) (a) Same since the charge enclosed in
N 0 = number of atoms in radioactive both cases is same, hence amount of
flux does not change. (1)
substance at t = 0 q
(b) As, we know φ E = (Gauss’s law)
When, t = T (where, T is the half life of ε0
q = φE ε0
the sample)
=− 1 # 103 # 8.85 # 10−12
N = N0 .− 8.8 nC (1)
N 0 = N e− λT (ii) Given, AB = 20 cm
eλT = 2
Taking log on both the sides, we get
λT = loge 2 = 2.303 log 10 2 AO = OB = 10 cm = 0.1 m
2.303 log 10 2 qA = 3 μC = 3 # 10−6 C
T = = 0.693
λ λ qB =− 3μC =− 3 # 10−6 C
Let t be the required time after which the The electric field at a point due to a charge
undecayed fraction of the material will be q is
6.25 ~. q
E = 1 $ 2 (1)
6.25 = 1 4πε 0 r
100 16 where, r is the distance between charge and
N = N0 the point. Electric field due to qA at O is EA .
16 q
EA = 1 $ A 2
But, N = N0 b 1 l
4πε 0 ^AO h
2 9 −6
EA = 9 # 10 # 32 # 10
where, N = t ^0.1h
T 3
N0 = N 1 n = 27 # 10
0b l
0.1 # 0.1
16 2
= 2.7 # 10−6 N/C
b 12 l = b 12 l
4 n

The direction of EA is A to O , i.e., towards O

Hence n =4 or towards OB as the electric field is always
directed away from positive charge.
Time, t = n # T = 4 # 100 Electric field due to qB at O is EB .
= 400 days (3) q
EB = 1 $ B 2
4πε 0 ^OB h
Section D 9
EB = 9 # 10 # 32 # 10

35. (i) A point charge causes an electric flux ^0.1h

of − 1 # 103 N − m2 C−1 to pass through = 27 # 10
a spherical Gaussian surface of 10 cm 0.1 # 0.1
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= 2.7 # 106 N/C (1) Force on charge − q at A = qEv (opposite

The direction of EB is O to B , i.e. towards B to Ev )
or towards OB as the electric field is always Force on charge + q at B = qEv (along Ev ).
directed towards the negative charge. When electric dipole is placed under the
Now, we see that both EA and EB are in action of two equal and unlike parallel
same direction. So, the resultant electric field forces, it gives rise a torque on the dipole.
at O is E . Hence, τ =Force#Perpendicular distance between
E = EA + EB the two forces
= 2.7 # 106 + 2.7 # 106 τ = qE (AN) = qE (2a sin θ)
= 5.4 # 106 N/C τ = q (2a) E sin θ
The direction of E (resultant electric field) τ = pE sin θ
will be from O to B or towards B . (1)
` τv = pv # Ev (2)
or 2. (a) Charge enclosed by sphere,
1. Deduce the expression for the torque S1 = 2Q
acting on a dipole of dipole moment pv in By Gauss law, electric flux through sphere
the presence of a uniform electric field Ev . S1 is,
2. Consider two hollow concentric spheres,
φ 1 = 2Q/ε 0
S1 and S2 , enclosing charges 2Q and 4Q
Charge enclosed by sphere,
respectively as shown in the figure.
(a) Find out the ratio of the electric flux S2 = 2Q + 4Q = 6Q
through them. ` φ 1 = 6Q/ε 0
(b) How will the electric flux through
the sphere S1 change if a medium of The ratio of the electric flux is,
dielectric constant 'ε r ' is introduced φ 1 φ 2 = 2Q/ε 0 /6Q/ε 0
in the space inside S1 in place of air? = 2/6
Deduce the necessary expression.
= 1/3
(b) For sphere S1 , the electric flux is,
φ' = 2Q/ε r
` φ'/φ 1 = ε 0 /ε r
φ' = φ 1 .ε 0 /ε r
a εr > ε0
` φ' < φ 1 (3)
Therefore, the electric flux through the
Ans : sphere S1 decreases with the introduction
1. Dipole in a Uniform External Field, of the dielectric inside it.
36. (i) Describe a simple experiment (or activity)
to show that the polarity of emf induced
in a coil is always such that it tends to
produce a current which opposes the
change of magnetic flux that produces it.
(ii) The current flowing through an inductor
of self inductance L is continuously
increasing. Plot a graph showing the
variation of
Consider an electric dipole consisting (a) Magnetic flux versus the current
of charges − q and + q and of length (b) Induced emf versus dI/dt
2a placed in a uniform electric field Ev (c) Magnetic potential energy stored
making an angle θ with electric field. versus the current.
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Ans :
(i) In the experiment, when N-pole of a
magnet is moved towards the coil, the
upper face of the coil acquires north
polarity. So work has to be done against
the force of repulsion in bringing the
magnet closer to the coil.

[The graph is drawn considering only

magnitude of e . (1)
(c) Since magnetic potential energy is
given by,
U = 1 LI 2
U ? I2
So, graph will be parabolic upwards.
When the N-pole is moved away, south
polarity is developed on the upper face of
the coil. Therefore, work has to be done
against the force of attraction in taking
the magnet away from the coil
` Mechanical work done is converted into
electrical energy of the coil.
When the magnet does not move work
done is zero. Therefore, induced current (1)
is also not produced (2) or
(ii) (a) where A series L-C-R circuit is connected to an AC
l = Strength of current through the coil source having voltage V = Vm sin ωt . Derive
at any time the expression for the instantenous current
φ = Amount of magnetic flux linked with I and its phase relationship to the applied
all turns of the coil at that time voltage.
and, L = Constant of proportionality Obtain the condition for resonance to occur.
called coefficient of self induction Define ‘power factor’. State the conditions
under which it is maximum and minimum
Ans :
Phase difference between voltage and current,
tan φ = XL − XC ....(i)
and, I 0 = V0 = V0
2 (XL − XC2 +) R2
(1) ` Expression of AC,
(b) Induced emf, I = I 0 sin (ωt = φ)
− dφ Condition for Resonance
e =
dt Inductive reactance must be equal to
= − d (LI)
capacitive reactance,
i.e., XL = XC
i.e., e =− L dI As, XL = XC
ω0L = 1
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ω 20 = 1 Let f1 and f2 be the focal lengths of the two

LC mediums. Then,
ω0 = 1 ;R b R lE
1 = (μ − 1) 1 − − 1
LC f1
where, ω 0 = resonant angular frequency.
bR l
1 = (μ − 1) 2
Impedance becomes minimum and equal to f1 1

ohmic resistance
;b R l 3E
1 = (μ − 1) − 1 − 1
i.e., Z = Z minimum = R f2 2

AC becomes maximum,
b Rl
1 = (μ − 1) − 1 (2)
` I max = Vmax = Vmax
Z min R 1. If feq is the equivalent focal length of the
Voltage and current arrives in same phase. combination, then
Power factor 1 =1+1
In an AC circuit, the ratio of true power feq f1 f2
consumption and virtual power consumption 1 = 2 (μ 1 − 1) − (μ 2 − 1)
is termed as power factor. feq R R
True power
i.e., cos φ = Pav = 1 = 2μ 1 − μ 2 − 1
Vrms Irms Apparent power feq R
Also, cos φ = R = R
feq = R (1)
Z R2 + (XL − XC2) 2μ 1 − μ 2 − 1
The power factor is maximum i.e., cos φ =+ 1, 2. For the combination to behave as a
in L-C-R series AC circuit when circuit is diverging lens, feq < 0
in resonance. The power factor is minimum R <0
when phase angle between V and I is 90c 2μ 1 − μ 2 − 1
i.e., either pure inductive circuit or pure 2μ 1 − μ 2 − 1 < 0
capacitive AC circuit. (5) (μ + 1)
37. A biconvex lens with its two faces of equal μ1 < 2 (1)
radius of curvature R is made of a transparent Which is the required condition
medium of refractive index μ 1 . It is kept in 3. For μ 1 > (μ 2 + 1) /2 the combination will
contact with a medium of refractive index μ 2 behave as the converging lens. So, an
as shown in the figure. object placed far away from the lens will
from image at the focus of the lens.

1. Find the equivalent focal length of the The image so formed will be real and
combination. diminished in nature. (1)
2. Obtain the condition when this or
combination acts as a diverging lens.
3. Draw the ray diagram for the case 1. Using Huygen’s construction of secondary
μ 1 > (μ 2 + 1) /2 , when the object is kept wavelets explain how a diffraction pattern
far away from the lens. Point out the is obtained on a screen due to a narrow
nature of the image formed by the system. slit on which a monochromatic beam of
light is incident normally.
Ans :
2. Show that the angular width of the first
From the lens maker formula, we have diffraction fringe is half that of the central
b l
1 = (μ − 1) 1 − 1
f R1 R 2 3. Explain why the maxima at θ = bn + 1 l λ
2 a
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become weaker and weaker with increasing wavelets from alternate regions interfere
n. with path difference of λ/2 .
Ans : or for nth secondary maximum, the slit
can be divided into (2n + 1) equal parts.
1. A Parallel beam of light with a plane
Hence, for nth secondary maximum,
wavefront WW' is made to fall on a single
slit AB . As width of the slit AB = d is of d sin θ n = (2n + 1) λ (n = 1, 2, 3, .....)
the order of wavelength of light, therefore
diffraction occurs on passing through the or sin θ n = (2n + 1) λ
slit. 2d
Hence, the diffraction pattern can be
graphically shown as below. The point
O corresponds to the position of point
with path difference, d sin θ = λ, 2λ, ... are
secondary minima. The above conditions
for diffraction maxima and minima are
exactly reverse of mathematical conditions
for interference maxima and minima.

Diffraction of light at single slit

The wavelets from the single wavefront

reach the centre O on the screen in same
phase and hence interfere constructively
to give central maximum (bright fringe). (2)
The diffraction pattern obtained on the 2. For central bright fringe, θ = 0c.
screen consists of a central bright band,
having alternate dark and weak bright
band of decreasing intensity on both
Consider a point P on the screen at which
wavelets travelling in a direction, making
angle θ with CO, are brought to focus by
the lens. The wavelets from points A and
B will have a path difference equal to BN.
For first dark fringe,
From the right angled ΔANB , we have
a sin θ = !λ
BN = AB sin θ
or BN = d sin θ or sin θ = ! λ
To establish the condition for secondary If θ is small, then sin θ . θ.
minima, the slit is divide into 2, 4, 6,
.... equal parts such that corresponding So, θ =!λ
wavelets from successive regions interfere So, the half angular width of central
with path difference of λ/2 . maximum is,
or for nth secondary minimum, path
difference θ . sin θ = λ (2)
= d sin θ n = nλ 3. On increasing the value of n, the part
of slit contributing to the maximum
or sin θ n = nλ (n = 1, 2, 3, ...)
d decreases. Hence, the maxima becomes
To establish the condition for secondary weaker. (1)
maxima, the slit is divided into 3, 5,
7,..... equal parts such that corresponding
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