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Emotional Management

- According to the study of Masa’deh, Al-lozi and Maqable (2016) that employees with higher EI
to be more likely satisfied with their jobs. Employees with high EI are more capable of
understanding and managing their emotions, which enables employees to be more aware of the
factors that contribute to their experience of positive and negative emotions about their jobs.
This makes employees with higher EI better able to take action to address such factors and
increase their JS levels.
- They also added that those with higher EI perform better than those with lower EI partially
because EI alone influences Job Performance, and partially because those with higher EI are
generally more satisfied with their jobs and those more satisfied with their jobs perform better
than those who are less satisfied with their jobs. These findings confirm the necessity of giving
concern for Job Satisfaction among the employees.

- According to Lee and Pekrun (2016) that reappraisal correlated positively with deep acting,
whereas suppression correlated positively with surface acting. They also suggest that reappraisal
and deep acting are linked to experiencing positive emotions, whereas suppression and surface
acting are linked to experiencing negative emotions. However, there also were some differences
in how emotion regulation and emotional labor were related to teachers’ discrete emotional
experiences. Specifically, reappraisal and deep acting strategies were positively related to
enjoyment; in addition, deep acting was negatively related to negative emotions such as anxiety,
anger, and frustration. By contrast, suppression and surface acting strategies were positively
associated with negative emotions (i.e., suppression with anxiety; surface acting with anxiety,
anger, and frustration), and surface acting was negatively associated with the positive emotion
enjoyment. Implications for integrating research on teachers’ emotion regulation and emotional
labor are discussed.

Relationship Management

- According to Snijders, Wijnia, Rikers, and Loyens they discussed that student’s’ perspectives
should be taken into account when investigating what relational quality aspects are important
for building positive relationships with them. Establishing positive relationships might lead to
positively engaged and loyal students.

Emotional Management

- According to Pienimaa, Talman and Haavisto (2021) that emotional adaptability included
elements such as mentalization, resilience, optimism, tolerance of stress and the ability to
anticipate emotional situations and consequences of actions. It was considered essential to link
emotions and cognition, using both emotion and logical reasoning to solve problems and being
able to recognize whether to depend more on logic or emotion when making decisions.

Relationship Management

- According to the study of Fabio and Saklofske (2019) it appears that because EI encompasses
the perception, recognition and management of emotions, individuals higher in emotional
intelligence would likely have greater positive relational management skills.

Can also be a Social Management

- According also to their study that the additional contribution of emotional intelligence with
respect to personality traits in relation to perceived social support that includes relational
aspects. At the level of the EI facets, well-being and sociability emerged as the two dimensions
most associated with PRM, attesting to the importance of self-management when interacting
and forming relationships with others. Well-being refers to the perception of having many
positive personal strengths, whereas sociability relates to the effectiveness of our interaction
with others.

Social management

- According to the study of Tseng, Yi and Yeh that in online business management courses,
graduate students had higher soft skills than undergraduate students, especially in self-
regulation and motivation. It is clear that graduate students are more mature and have more
real-life. Graduate students and students with managerial experiences demonstrated higher
level of soft skills. Also, goal setting, self-efficacy, and social skills management were found to be
significant predictors on learning outcomes.

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