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202016, U/see 306 IP (POA) Act 1989 of PS Cachbow Lis of Documents in Cr.No. See 30). 20} oA oF © 6ST - - [No.of hes Document sino Final report with Hs OF wines — aa sei 2 Rate fe Zomplainant 4 riwsigaton procedingy aed By he Commision ve erabad vide €.No 12/C-UC ya 2016, di 1.012016 ee a 98 elt | See ene Ssewaon ancana ashes a Sheet "strapon vide Doc No. aV016 an 7082016 Orgia is Rohit Chabrovarti ‘ede note of daceaved (ere | (Origiats py of Post ort Examination report Fi son meno Ur SEH, oF SIT (POA) team of National Commision for SCITS ion oF aw motion See. TAN) OTSCIST to on ong etions 306 IPC. Se, 3)0X)08) of 1 Sheet ea ees 9 Copy of fe fats pert! wo copy efSe za {ian) Act wi SOS POA) AA aaa: a Sipe i BP 205 and EOS FOTS SLVR | AC tase by Reghtor UoH | aes Ssreted 10 the Ve Se parts dened rT EVE igo) APEC RE ance ESA cia videC. No-T92OK 1 a Te 305 PC. S 3) (9909 nd 20 | SOst POA) Act “cate of, Manian and decent ed wT as Ca cand Bao, Teh, Curazle mone a eas tly mabe ced BY MS 1 phair, Guetur Urban Cine Caries Rajan Kemer i 5a ued by Dit Cole ck 5 A Gangs Reda. a 4p Teap ategal opinion. hop ad Sst. Seasons dae, Maa pat Prone. pg rio REBT ee _ - i of etn es eeyerabd vide ReNe, OB/DCP 2 Ses 2 | Coimmisioner of Pole. SereD.cyb 2028. ct: 05.03.2024 Sy le core Peay HUEY nl oe oe. Gyoeabed vide NO-SOIES/CD: | me 1g.03 2026 oS “2 ~ 20/2016, Ue 306 PC, pot Lis of Documents in Cr.No. JO) Aa, 1988 of PS Gachibou Sec 30a). 20) oF SC & 57 sino Document 1 loaTeport wath ti of wines wea nas -inlainant Thee | Fveigtion rowieaiasoed ye Com sjomerot |e ser ereoad vide € No 12 UCyb/2016. di: 18.04.2076 —— 95 Bets 5 frend ot ieee Pit reports vide Boe. Ta, TeV/IOTS and 208/2016 (Original) 4 Sheets eae ated ol cao | (Originals) } v Ta Wen aon pO | heats ay] ae i Sai ton aso Ue STAN) TIT PA) | national Commision for SCT! | | 5 Gey Datos pee the cretion eee ee eT Sermmjsione ‘of Police. Cyberabed vide NO- SO/CS/CD- pieteaesse Thule - Pol No. 754, Notice tothe compitonts Form No, arte. 10, le. 306 1, See: BOXA) Gay | se)s7 Ae BS. Gackt kook B To, a bh Dontha Prothanth, 54, Radial, 90:34 on B ‘cet: (r)cliclemt eG, race ‘na Projet fn Scho atl ard Sciences, AZo. Bech Oniver-ty, Bangaru, Kasra states 56007 Please re note that you complaint nde tion 2. (othe gu Magis of, on eee (0) Fate @non-opsablemisae of fet off Pade 4-4 (@)undertae cose in whi investigation re reused any stage come under this head) (6) charged on — =n that it you want to oppose this eport 308 ‘wl have to do as befor the above Magirate Wun at tation ex gnadlhapen Division si AC ies hap Date Asst. Lo i on tenes BOA PUISION, CYBERABAD. pares iet ect wm UiEhcaetinna BAR, Ay TSEUSCY AOA RARAAAROE 30000000000000The Deccan Slaonery Stores. Fate icant B € POT INAL RESULT (ner Section 173 crc} District: Cyberabad PS Gachibowit [rear20r6 FIRN020, Di T7Ora0e | 02 | Final report Nor oy a0a7 [04 | Rets IPC and SCTE (POA) Act. [or | Date: 21.03.2024 "Uli 308 1, See TV AAT TCE ST (POA) Act, 1969, 05 | Type of final Form Report [06 | ER. as Lack of evidence, | FR. Un Occurred: TACK OF EVIDENCE O7 | # Charge Sheet: Original Supplementary | Orginal 7 08 | Names of the LOr and Rank; 1. SiiM, Ramana Kumar, the then ACP ‘Madhapur Division 2. SHIN. Shyam Prasad Rao, the then ACP, ‘Medhapur Division 3. CH, Sreekanth, ACP, Medhapur Division Cyberabad lame of complainant /Informanty S11 Dontha Prashanth S/o D. Rajalah, ager 34 years, Student of Ph.D, in Hyderabad Central University, Gachibowli, r/o Amakonda village, Choppadendi manda, (©) Fatherihurband's names imnagar district 10, Details of Properties/ArticleDocuments seized duting investigation and reled upon:NIL 11, Particulars of accused persons charge sheeted, 12, Particulars of accused persons ~ not charge sheeted 13, Particulars of witnesses to be examined 14, IFLR Is false, indicate action taken or Proposed to be taken U/s 182/211 IPC, 15. Resull of Laboratory Analysis: 16, Brief facts of the case: + Separate list enclosed NIL NIL. As follows, 17, Is acknowledged Copy of “Notice to Complainant” attached? : Yes, 18. Dispatched on: Forwarded by / Signature of toi o(ncer Nam th. SBekhSnith Ast. Commissioner of Police, Madhopur Diviton, Cyberabad. SS e Ine Honourable Cour of Speci Sestons udge for Tal of Cates under SCST (POA) ‘AcvoimVIl Adal, Distct Sessions Judge, Ranga Reddy District at LB Noga Honoured sir, ects ofthe cse are that, on 171-2016 at about 1920 hour, the then Inspector of Folie, Gacibowl PS had reved Information on his motile phone from Mt. TV. Rac Securly Offer, UoH that one student by name Vemule Rohith commited side by "hanging at NRS hostel Room No. 1.207. On this, the Inspector of Polce, Gachibowt along ‘with aff and others rushed to the HU, found the room open, dead body removed from {Re hanging and kept on a tele, A hend writen slide note was ound inthe room whieh ‘nor blame anyone and specifically stated that no one is responsible for the ect of king Himself Dr. Rajashree, CMO of University Heath Center who examined the dead body sched him dead, The Inspector of Police, Gachibowi red to shift the dead body to the Hostal to hich the ogeting students rested: and with grest dif, the Inspector of Poles, Gechibowlt could bring it up tothe entrance hall of the hotel. By that time, the storing of students swollen to about 200 and they started protesting, The university abvlonce which was parked inftont of the NRS hostel was damaged by the agitating students preventing its use to shift the body, ‘i round 7:50 PM, the then ACP Madhapur had received a call from the Inspector of Pols, P§ Gachibow!l who had informed about the incldent. Then he slong with Svaisble ofcers and staff, rushed to University of Hyderabad and reached there at about B15 PML The ACP found the deed body of Verula Rohit kept on a table inthe entrance hall f the NRS hostel builng, There were more than 300 students and ASA student leaders including Mr. Proshanth and Mr. Vjy, Agnes and others and leaders of AISP and SF and citer. The mob induded a lage number of git students aio. They were In angey mood ‘etatng by ralsng slogans stoting that the Vice Chancellor Prof. Podlle Appa Rao, se Bandera Dattatreya, (Member of Parlament, ecunderabac), Mrs. Smith’ len, Minster of HRD, BJP MIC N.Ramehandra Rao, ABVP leaders Mr. Krishna Chaitanya, Nandenam Seshee Kumar and Nendsnam Divalar of BJP ere responsible for the deth of Rhth and ‘Pey demanded ther immediate arrest. They dd not give any writen complaint and they Stee demanding for resraton of cae, They were showering abuts on everyone an they ‘ed to manhancle press people and tied to throw water on thelr cameras. The ACP alse ¥sar from some students nthe crow that they had sleady manhandled the Dean, Student ‘Welfore wiven he ceme tothe scene, They were behaving lke an irate mob. Some of them -— 6 ‘were ring slogans to il the Vie Chancellor, to attack the ABVP students and to damage ‘he bulldings, ‘They were demanding the immediate presence of the Vice Chancellor at the ‘eene, However, the mood of the mob was to cause harm to him if he arives atthe scene. A lege rumber of Dalit activists from Osmania Univesity and other parts ofthe ty arrived thete and they started beating drums and singing songs in prise of Rohit and forthe Dalits end they were condemning Hindu religion and Manu. They further sang songs in prase of Ravenasure, Narakasura, Thatak, Shoorpanaka etc, They were haling De. B.R. Ambedkar ‘and abusing leaders of BP party. Someone from the students brought a dead body storage freezor and shifted the dead body into it. Then they requested all the polce personnel to leave the room in which the body was kept. Sensing the mood ofthe mob, the police personnel withdrew to outside the ‘oom, Then the mab closed the doors ofthe entrance and broke one window glass pane of ‘fe main door and through that passage, they stared commuting to prevent the polle to ‘uh In and take the body out to hostel or for conducting investigation. They did not slow the police to enter into the hall where the dead body was kept. Deiite repeeted eauests and suggestions, the agitting students refused to allow the police to conduct ‘nvesigation and they were constantly demanding the arrest of the Vice Chancellor and ‘others before shifting the body of the deceased, ‘With much persuasion, they allowed Dr. Vineet C.P. Nair. Warden of NRS Hostel, HICU to give a complint at 2130 hours informing the suede of Rohit that was restored as 2 aie In CsNo.19/2016 ws 174 CrP.C at S Gachibowl, However, the eglating students ‘who gathered in large number did not allow the police to conduct investigation even after ‘he registration ofthis case. They shouted slogans, abused police and others, They did not allow the police to conduct investigation even after the arival of the fermly members ofthe Cleeated, The atmosphere was surcharged with tension and they students refused to tall when the Dean, Student Welfare and the Registrar came there on behalf of Vice Chancellor to tlk to them. Dicusions were held with various student groups from 8 PM to 6 AM but in vain. Joint Commissioner of Police, Sri TLV. Shashidhar Reddy, IPS and Deputy Commissioner of Police, Sti Kartikeya Sharma, IPS camped at the scene and oversaw the bbandobasth arrangements throughout the night, (On 1812016 at 0530 hrs, the complainant SH Dontha Prashanth S/o D. Rajah, Ccau: PhD. student Of Hyderabad Central University, Gachibowli presented a report at so d- Gachibowll PS stating that he is pursuing Ph.D. In Economics at University of Hyderabad and ho @ member of Ambedkar Students Astociation. Further stated that on 171-2016 at about 7 _PM, when he was at shopping complex, Univenity of Hyderabad, he recelved information from his fend by name Mr. Vjay Pedapudl, that when Room No.207 of NARS. Hostel of UoH was knocked several times, the room vias not opened. Immediately he slong with Matta Srinivas, Ph.D, Student, School of Eeonomis, went to NRS hostel and Sed to lneck the door, but it was not opened. Then he immediatly informed Security Offeer FY. Reo. Immetately 8 team of security guards led by Ramulu reached the spot, pened door, found body hanging to the fan. immediately, they Informed doctors and the osior of University Health Center reached the spot, examined the body of Rohith and Gecared him dead. He further submitted thatthe cause of death of Vemula Rohith was due {e haratment and the atrocties of Prof. Podlle Apparao who is the vice-chancellor of University of Hycteabad, Mr, Bandra Datareya, (Member ofPartament,Secnderabed), BYP MIC. N. Ramchandra Rao, Aé, Mr. Krishna Chaitenya, Me. Nandenam Suhee! Kumar ‘ond Mr. Nandanam Diwakar. Me further submitted that the folowing facts have led to the death of Rohith Vemulas On 3° Avgust 2013, Ambedkar Students Asodtion conducted & potest gathering againt ABV? attack on Montage Film Society. At that time, one student who isthe president of ASVP namely Mr. Nandanam Suse! Kumar, PRO Scholar in Applied Lngusies and “Tensston Studies posed a message in socal media (face book) insulting ASA as goons, ‘Thr asodation condemned the sld comment and requested him to remove the comment ‘fom fodial media and asked to tender unconditional apology. During such convention, the university security offcer was present and witnessed the incident. Consequently, the sac ‘udent tendered his apology and the same was handed over to the securty officer present there at, who in turn subseribed his signsture over it He further submitted that this incident shaped differently by the ABVP General Secretary Mr. Kebhna Chathanya, Mc. In his complaint deted 4-8-2015 submitted to View Ghaneelor, Universty of Hyderabad. The sald complaint Is made with full of fale allegation fcttous and concocted version. In fat he was not at alla witness to the incident Cecured with Nandanam Susheel Kumar on 38-2015, Further, he traversed beyond the ‘cual poston ofthe Incident and made several fae aerusstlonsInuding picturing us Including deceased as antinationals, Basing on his complaint, the BJP pany member and - & Dresenk MLC tothe state of Telangane Mr. N, Ramchacinea Reo entered in tothe university nd conducted a movement against them Including deceased insisting the authorities to take Action on them. Nandanam Suse Kumars mother Nandenam Vinay alo accompanied him to raise sentimental emotions, He farther sated that, without enauiring the facts of the above allegations, the Univesity authorities siled themselves with the ABVP and BJP demands and took action over him and 1) Pedapuct Vlay Kumar 2) Seihssh Chemucugunia 3) Sunkanna Velpula 4) Kohith Verula (ecsased). In that proces, he along with the deceared were suspended from the unversty and facing criminal cases. Meare the Union Minter Mr, Bandatu Dettateya 'e BE personal capadty wrote an infuencing letter to Smit Zubin iran, MHRD without Gramining the veracity of the complaint forwarded by Nendenam Divakar, who is none ther than Vice-President, Bharatiya Janata Party, Ranga Reddy Distt. Infact, Nendanayn Povslae's complaint forwarded to Me. Bandaru Datatreya Is nothing but a replica of “she Chaltanya's complaint dated 48-2015. MHRD office being mided by the letter of andere Datttreya, ued thelr power without enqurng the matter and thereby Intuced ‘he university authorities report the dedsion taken against them Inching deceased on the alleged incident of 38-2015, Thereby the Univesity authorities consituted @ committee and through such

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