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1. What is Cooling Load Calculation? Discuss its importance in Gir-conditioning system. According to the study conducted by Hashim et al. (2018), calculating a buikiing's cooling load is a crucialstep in determining tne appropriate capacity for an air-conditioning system. This is essential for maintaining comfortable indoor conditions while minimizing initial investment, maintenance, dnd operating costs. The cooling load calculation entails evdivating heat gain in a space or building, influenced by external conditions euch as climate, solar yadiation, and ambient air temperature, as well as internal loads like occupancy, lighting, and equipment, and building envelope characteristics such as insulation, windows, and walls, To ensure the selection of a suitable cooling system, it is crucial to determine the building's cooling load before installation. Failure to do so may result in increased costs and compromised indoor comfort conditions The reliability calculation method emerges as ‘the preferred approach, involving the consideration of various factors and variables. Various methodologies exist for calculating cooling loads, ranging from simplified methods to complex computer dmulations. Manual methods, such as the Cooling Load Temperature Difference/ Cooling Load Factor metnod CLTD/CLF), Total Equivalent Temperature Difference/Total Area method (TEDT/TA), Heat Balance (HB), Transfer FUnction Method (TFM), and Radiant Time Geries (RTS), are Commonly used in the industry. Additionally, software tools like EnergyPlus and TRACE are useful for calculating cooling loads, providing flexibility in choosing the most evitable approach based on project requirements and yeeources. Therefore, itis essential to evaluate all available optionsto determine the most appropriate cooling load caloulation method for a given project to achieve optimal results. As specified by Patel, M. (2023), when selecting an air conditioning system for a home, it is crucial to choose the right system size to ensure maximum comfort and minimize energy costs. An Undersized system may lead to insufficient cooling, while an oversized system vesults in inefficiency and increased energy consumption. Proper sizing enhances energy efficiency, reduces ©perational costs, and has a positive environmental impact. Accurately determining the cooling load ensures that the oir Conditioning system can effectively maintain indoor temperature and humidity levels, enhancing ocoupant comfort: Furinermore, if helps prevent issues like overcooling or undercooling, which can compromise indoor air quality. Sustainable building practices emphasize energy conservation. By accurately calculating cooling loads, designers can implement energy-efficient HVAC systems. aligning with green building etandards and contributing to overall sustainability goals. 2. Define the sensible heat gain and latent heat gain in an airconditioned room. Asstated by LiquoysT. (2022), sensible heat gain and latent heat gain denote distinct facets of the heat load in an ait-condifioned space, and achieving a harmonious balance between tne two is vital for optimal comfort and eneray efficiency within a conditioned environment. Sensible heat gain is introduced directly into tne conditioned space through conduction, convection, and radiation. It's crucial to recognize that the sensible heat gain entering the conditioned space doesn'tequate to the sensible cooling load during the same timeframe, given the heat stored in the building envelope. Only convective heat becomes a cooling load instantaneously. The sensible heat gain encompasses various factors, induding neat transmitted through floors, ceilings, and walls, the body heat of occupants, internal heat generators, solar heat gains through glass, and the infiltvation of outside air. Directly influencing the perceived voom temperature, sensible heat gain plays a pivotal role in thermal comfort. Effectively controlling it is imperative for maintaining the desired indoor temperature. Hence, common control strategies involve insulation, shading, managing lighting and equipment usage, and selecting suitable window treatments. Conversely, latent heat gain occurs when mofstureis introduced +0 a space from internal sources, Such a5 vapor emitted by occupants and equipment, or ovtdodr air due to infiltration or Ventilation required fo uphold proper indoor ai quality. Although latent heat gain doesn't directly impact air temperature, it Significantly influences occupants perceived comfort by affecting humidity levels. Heyated latent heat gain can lead to a sense oF Stickiness or discomfort. Based on the article of HectricalWorkbook (2021), to maintain a consistent humidity ratio, water vapor must condense on the cooling apparatus at arate comparable to ite addition rate into the space. This process, Known ds dehumidification, is energy-intensive. the intvicacies of sensible and latent neat gain underscore the multifaceted considerations in achieving a well-balanced and eneray-efficient air-conditioned environment. In essence, the balance between sensible and latent heat gain is the key to creating a comfortable, energ y-eficient, and healthy indoor environment. Understanding and managing these components are essential for HVAC professionals to design, install, and operate air conditioning systems that meet the specific needs of occupants and the space. 3. Identify the sources of heat gains in an airconditioned room. As specified by Galmiche & Sons (n.d.), maintaining an air conditioned room in good working condition is a daunting task, particularly when dealing with heat gain. Heat gain isa common issue that not only makes q room uncomfortable but also increases energy costs. TO combat heat gain, itis essential to identifythe main sources of heat gain and take necessary steps to address them. This approach can help mitigate the effects of heat gain and keep the air conditioner running smoothly. Heat gain occuys when heat enters a room faster than it can escape, Causing the air conditioner to work harder fo maintain cooley temperatures. Unfortunately, this translates To higher utility bills. Therefore, it is cru cial to identify the most common sources OF heatgain ina house and take measures to combo! them. AS shown above the diagram, some of the most common sources of heat gain include: (1) poorly insulated walls, windows, doors, roofs, floors, and partitions, which are caused by temperature changes on either side of the barier and allow heat +o enter. (2) Solar effects, such as vadiation through glass, can be. absorbed by inside surfaces and furnishings exposed to sunlight and transferred inside. (3) Ventilation and infiltration air can also raise heat and moisture. (4) Other sources of heat gain include heat generqted by gcoupants, body heqt, and human activities contribute to heat gains, (6) Appliances, combustion equipment and electronic devices release heat when in operation, (6) as well as heat from lighting can contribute to heat transfer inside q room, To mitigate the effects of heat gain, various measures can be taken, such as improving insulation in a room, sealing gaps and cracks around windows and doors,using refle ctive film On windows, shading windows with ourtaine oY blinds, and using energy-efficient lighting and appliances. These measures can help reduce the amount of heat that enters a room, making i+ easier foy the air conditioner to maintain cooler temperatures without consuming excessive energy. 4. Discuss the psychometric processes of heating, mixing, cooling humidification and dehumidification. As stated by Mulia, Juber (2019), psychrometic processes refer to the alterations in air characteristics as they undevgo various operations. These processes are critical (1 Applications that ive precise control over the air’s temperature, humidity, and other properties. In the realm of HVAC, there are several psychromelic Processes that are commonly used to modify the air's state. Sensible heating is a process that involves adding heat to the air without attering its humidity. This process is commonly utilized during colder months to elevate the temperature oF cold air before being cirvlated backinto avoom. On the other hand, sensible cooling is the opposite of sensible heating, where tne temperate of the air decreases while the humidity remains constant. This process is used duving warmey months to decrease the temperature oF warm air before being cirovlated back into a room, Humidification and heating is a process that involves adding moisture +0 dry ay while simultaneously elevating its temperature. This process is used in areas that require a high level of humidity, such as greenhouses and certain manufacturing environments. Conversely, humidification and cooling is similay to the previous process, but instead of vaising the temperature, the air is cooled. This process finds use in areas that require a high level of humidity, such as data centers and cleanrooms. Furthermore, cdehumidification and heating involves Yemoving moisture from the air while elevating its temperature. This processis used during cold months in areas with high humidity te prevent condensation from forming on surfaces. Dehumidification and Cooling involves removing moistwe from the air while simuttaneousy lowering its temperature. This process is used in areas. with high humidity to maintain a comfortable temperature and reduce the potential for mold growth, 5. Draw the schematic and psychrometric diagram of each Psychrometric process. OVERALL DIAGRAM FORTHE PROCESSES: EFFECT OF ADDING SENSIBLE EFFECT OF REMOVING HEAT (Heating) SENSIBLE HEAT (Cooling) EFFECT OF ADDING MOISTURE EFFECT OF REMOVING MOISTURE (Humidification) (Dehumidificetion) REMOYING SENSIBLE HEAT AND MOISTURE (Dehumidification and Cooling) ADDING 6ENSIBLE HEAT AND REMOVING MOISTURE (Dehumidification and Heating) ADDING SENSI6LE HEAT AND REMOVING SENSIBLE HEAT AND. MOISTURE ADDING MOISTURE (Hu midification and Heating) (umidification and Cooling) Soaked pad

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