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Why is adoption

Written by:Lidia Robayna Retana Yr 10

What is adoption and Foster Care

Adoption is the legalisation of permanent parenting of a child which

is not biological his, from a couple or single parents. Adoptive parents
have the same responsibility than a birthparent, not only financially but
mentally to.1 Foster care and adoption have partially the same the same.
Foster care is temporarily tacking care of someone else’s child who can’t
be taken care by it’s parents in that specific time. Foster care is not for
delinquents kids as people think.2

There are different types of adoption: Private, public, International

and relative adoption.3

Private adoption

Is when the birthparents are connected with the adoptive parents

and are connected with each others. 4

Public adoption

Public adoption is in which the foster care of the child is acting as a

crown ward and is connected with the adoptive parent. These 5

International adoption

An international adoption is the adoption of a children from another

country by a Ontario Family. These happens with the help if a society
called “Children’s aid society”.6

Relative adoption

Relative adoption in an adoption done by a step-parent or a close

relation. By close relation is defined as a grandparent, uncle, great-uncle
etc… . These adoption has to be done by private adoption too.7

Russia, China, Vietnam and Ethiopia are the countries that had the
highest number of kids adopted.

Spain and adoption

In Spain there have been around 1250 adopted kids. 1000 of them
have been adopted internationally while 250 kids we’re nationally
adopted; each year between 1996 and 2016 there were adopted
around72,000 kids adopted and in which 1400 of them were put back in
adoption. 8

In Spain the median of time spent in an orphanage before they

move them to another orphanage is 6 years nationally and 8 years
internationally. For adoption to happen it normally takes in between 1 to
10 years to occur the time of waiting for adoption changes depending on
the family and the child’s health. A child with any health problem is tried
to be adopted first. An 80% of adoptions happen in between 0 and 6 years
in a international adoption while in a national adoption that number
increases and is 1 year or less.9

Spain is a healthy country and has internationally adopted lots of

homeless kids, that’s why in 2014 Spain was the 4 th country that had
adopted internationally.10

America and adoption

In America 1/3 of its population has confederated adopting a child

but these number decreases to 2% when the adoption is done. 1 in every
25 U.S has actually adopted in which half of those families actually have
biological and adopted kids.


I did two small interviews to two person, one had experience ( the
man)with adoption and the other hadn’t( the woman).

I asked them three question: “How would you describe adoption?”

The one with experience answered: “it’s a way so that adults who want to
have children but can’t or doesn’t want to have them biologically. It’s also
a opportunity for the child for some circumstances, doesn’t have birth
parents that can take care of them, that can’t keep them a grow as a
family.” The person who has had experience answers a very similar
answer : “ It’s a act of humanity and helps the same way to the family as
the child that needs it.

The next question was: “Do you think the child could have mental
problems by the adoption?” the woman answered: “there is no need for

it, while the child doesn’t have a mental pathology since birth that could
affect the same way as deign adopted or not. It also doesn’t need to be if
the child is in a family friendly, healthy and happy.”

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