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The body of an adult insect is subdivided into a head, a thorax of three segments, and a

segmented abdomen. Ordinarily, the thorax bears three pairs of legs. One or two pairs
of wings may be attached to the thorax. Most adult insects have two large compound
eyes and two or three small simple eyes.

Features of the mouth parts are very helpful in classifying the many kinds of insects. A
majority of insects have biting mouth parts or mandibles as in grasshoppers and
beetles. Behind the mandibles are the maxillae, which serve to direct food into the
mouth between the jaws. A labrum above and a labium below are similar to an upper
and lower lip. In insects with sucking mouth parts, maxillae, labrum, and labium are
modified to provide a tube through which liquid can be drawn. In a butterfly or moth, the
coiled drinking tube is called the proboscis. Composed chiefly or modified maxillae fitted
together, the proboscis can be extended to reach nectar deep in a flower. In a mosquito
or an aphid, mandibles and maxillae are modified to sharp styles with which the insect
can drill through surfaces to reach juice. In a housefly, the expanding labium forms a
sponge-like mouth pad used to stamp over the surface of food.

What is the best title for this passage?

The Structure of an Insect
Karena topic sentence paragraph pertama dan kedua bahas menegenai struktur
serangga. Paragraph pertama mengenai The body of an adult insect is subdivided into
a head, a thorax of three segments, and a segmented abdomen dan paragraph kedua
mengenai Features of the mouth parts are very helpful in classifying the many kinds of
What is the purpose of this passage?
to inform karena isi keseluruhan teks berisi tentang informasi
mengenai structure of an insect
How are insects classifed?
Features of the mouth parts are very helpful in classifying the many kinds of insects.

What is the purpose the maxillae

Ada di kalimat ketiga paraghrap 2 yang which serve to direct food into the mouth
between the jaws.

The author compares labrum and labium to

an upper and lower lip. Ada di kalimat keempat paraghrap 2 yang A labrum above and a
labium below are similar to an upper and lower lip

What is the proboscis?

a tube constructed of modified maxillae. In insects with sucking mouth parts, maxillae,
labrum, and labium are modified to provide a tube through which liquid can be drawn. In
a butterfly or moth, the coiled drinking tube is called the proboscis

which of the following have mandibles and maxillae that have been
modified to sharp styles? In a mosquito or an aphid, mandibles and maxillae are
modified to sharp styles with which the insect can drill through surfaces to reach juice


The protozoans, minute, aquatic creatures, each of which consists of

a single cell of protoplasm, constitute the most primitive forms of
animal life. They are fantastically diverse, but three major groups may
be identified on the basis of their motility. The Mastigophora have one
or more long tails, which they use to project themselves forward. The
Ciliata, which use the same basic means for locomotion as the
Mastigophora, have a larger number of short tails. The Sarcodina,
which include amoeba, float or row themselves about on their crusted

Protozoans are considered animals because, unlike pigmented plants

to which some protozoans are otherwise almost identical, they do not
live on simple organic compounds. Their cell demonstrates all of the
major characteristics of the cells of higher animals.

Many species of protozoans collect into colonies, physically connected

to each other, and respond uniformly to outside stimulae. Current
research into this phenomenon along with investigations carried out
with advanced microscopes may necessitate a redefinition of what
constitutes a protozoan, even calling into question the basic premise
that they have only one cell.

With what topic is the passage primarily concerned?

Characteristic of Protozoa
Saya waktu itu eliminasi jawaban bu, menurut saya waktu itu jawaban
yang benar antara Colonies of Protozoans dan Characteristic of Protozoa. Tapi
saya akhirnya milih characteristic karena setiap paragraph jelasin tentang protozoa.
Contonyan di paragraph pertama jelasin mengenai karakteristic setiap jenis protozoa ,
lalu paragraph yang kedua mengenai character cell di protozoa lebih mirip ke hewan
daripada ke tumbuhan dan yang ketiga karakteristik hidup protozoa yang hidup

Where do protozoans probably live?

water aquatic creatures

What is protoplasm? The substance that forms the cell of a protozoan

each of which consists of a single cell of protoplasm

To which class of protozoa do the amoebae belong? Sarcodina

The Sarcodina, which include amoeba, float or row themselves about

on their crusted bodies.

Why are protozoa classified as animals?

because they do not live on simple organic compounds
unlike pigmented plants to which some protozoans are otherwise
almost identical, they do not live on simple organic compounds

The general principles of dynamics are rules that demonstrate a

relationship between the motions of bodies and the forces that
produce those motions. Based in large part on the work of his
predecessors, Sir Isaac Newton deduced three laws of dynamics,
which he published in 1687 in his famous Principia. Prior to Newton,
Aristotle had established that the natural state of a body was a state of
rest and that unless a force acted upon it to maintain motion, a moving
body would come to rest. Galileo had succeeded in correctly
describing the behavior of falling objects and in recording that no force
was required to maintain a body in motion. He noted that the effect of
force was to change motion. Huygens recognized that a change in the
direction of motion involved acceleration just as did a change in
speed, and further, that the action of a force was required. Kepler
deduced the laws describing the motion of planets around the sun. it
was primarily from Galileo and Kepler that Newton borrowed.
What was the main purpose of this passage? to demonstrate the
development of Newton’s laws. Kalo menurut saya ada kata kunci demonstrate di
paragraph pertama bu.
The phrase "prior to" in line 5 could best be replaced by which of the
Which of the following scientist established that the natural state of a
body was a state of rest? aristotle
Aristotle had established that the natural state of a body was a state of
rest and that unless a force acted upon it to maintain motion, a moving
body would come to rest
Who was the first scientist to correctly describe the behavior of falling
objects? galileo
Galileo had succeeded in correctly describing the behavior of falling
According to Huygen, when was acceleration required? for either a
change in direction or a change in speed
Huygens recognized that a change in the direction of motion involved
acceleration just as did a change in speed, and further
According to this passage, Newton based his laws primarily upon the
work of ... Galileo and Kepler

Sir Isaac Newton deduced three laws of dynamics, which he published

in 1687 in his famous Principia. it was primarily from Galileo and
Kepler that Newton borrowed.

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