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1. What is the aim of putting on the notice?

A. Don’t bring drugs to school. SAFE SCHOOL NOTICE

B. Don’t bring drugs and weapons to school.
C. Don’t bring weapons to school. SCHOOL ZONE
D. School is free from violators. VIOLATORS WILL BE PROSECUTED
2. What action is expected from the readers after
reading the text?
A. They will break the rule.
B. They will obey the school rule.
C. They will bring drugs and weapons.
D. They will prosecute the violators.

Hi, Guys! Our neighborhood will hold a Fund-Raising Activity next month. It is intended
to help the victims of the landslide happening yesterday. Please join us. You are also
welcome to donate your used clothes. If you have any questions, please feel free to
contact Ms. Maryam as the program coordinator at her house from 07.00 a.m. – 03.00
p.m. Monday to Friday.

3. What does the text tell us about?

A. An information about a fund-raising program.
B. An information about helping landslide victims.
C. A neighborhood activity on Monday-Friday.
D. An invitation to donate some used clothes for the victims.
4. “It is intended to help the victims of the landslide ….”
The underlined word is closest in meaning to ....
A. agents
B. visitors
C. residents
D. sufferers
To : Fahmi

For being a bright and enthusiastic student in Class IX-5. Your bright
smile lights up our classroom every day. Great work this year Jack.

5. The card is sent with the aim to ....

A. express Joanne’s appreciation on Fahmi as the class star
B. congratulate Fahmi on his winning the competition
C. inform the classmates that Fahmi is the best
D. admire Fahmi’s bright smile
6. The phrase “your bright smile lights up our classroom every day” means that ....
A. Fahmi’s smile glow every day
B. Joanne likes Fahmi’s smile
C. the students in the class admires Fahmi’s hospitality
D. Fahmi always smile everyday in the classroom
7. What will you do if you were Fahmi?
A. I will do my best to keep my attitude
B. I will smile all the time
C. I will be nice to my friends
D. I will be proud of my self

8. The text is written to…of Milk Calcium.

A. give the detailed information
B. promote the superiority

C. advertise the benefits
D. tell the side effects
9. The medicine is produced to ....
A. heal the fever
B. cure headache
C. increase health
D. decrease temperature
10. “Daily value has not been established. The underlined word is closest in meaning to...”
A. carried
B. helped
C. ordered.
D. determined

11. Who sends the card?

A. A child.
B. A father.
C. A mother.
D. A brother.
12. “For your strong shoulders” If someone has strong shoulders, it means that he ….
A. has a big responsibility
B. has a strong body
C. brings happiness
D. likes exercise
13. From the text we can conclude that the sender ….
A. loves his father very much
B. wants to meet his father soon
C. does not enjoy living with the father
D. suggests his father to seek a happy life

14. One of the advantages of reading the label is knowing…
A. the price of the product.
B. the smell of the product.
C. how to serve the product.
D. what the product is made of.
15. The word perishable means that the food…
A. is healthy and delicious.
B. contains a lot of nutrition
C. needs to be put near a refrigerator.
D. is likely to decay and go bad quickly.
16. By reading the text the readers will know that the product contains … fat.
A. a little
B. a lot of
C. plenty
D. bulk of
On a very hot summer day, the weather was extremely hot and everybody was thirsty. A
hyena and a leopard came at the same moment to a small well to drink. They were arguing which of
them should drink first, and were soon fighting furiously.
When they … (17) from their fighting, they saw some vultures in the distance. The birds were
waiting for one of them to die so they could eat. The vultures were looking and anticipating eagerly.
They were more than five vultures ready to grab any victim from the fight.
Realizing the situation, the hyena and the leopard soon decided to stop fighting and made up.
They didn’t event continue the quarrel and arguments. “Look at those vultures. They can’t wait to eat
our bodies once we die. Let’s just stop fighting,” said the hyena to leopard. “You’re right. It’s better
for us to be friends than to be the food of those vultures, which will certainly happen if we get hurt or
die,” replied the leopard.
17. The most appropriate word to fill the blank is…
A. rest
B. get rest
C. rested
D. got rest
18. What can we learn from the story?
A. Fighting can’t solve all problems.
B. Patience can’t solve our problems.
C. We need to argue for every dispute.
D. Not every problem has solution.
19. From the story we can conclude that the hyena and the leopard …
A. were good friends
B. were fighting each other
C. became enemy
D. became victim of vultures.

Perhaps the most extra ordinary building of the nineteenth century was the Crystal Palace, which was built
in Hyde Park for the Great Exhibition of 1851.The Crystal Palace was different from all other buildings in the
world, for it was made of iron and glass. It was one of the biggest buildings of all time and a lot of people from
many countries came to see it. A greats many goods were sent to the exhibition from various parts of the world.
There was also a great deal machinery on display. The most wonderful piece of machinery on show was
Nasmyth's. Thought those days traveling was not as easy as it today, steamboats carried thousands of visitors
across the channel from Europe. On arriving in England, they were taken to Crystal Palace by train. There were six
million visitors in all and the profits from the exhibition were used to build museums and colleges. Later, the
Crystal Palace was moved to South London. It remained one of the most buildings in the world until it was burnt
down in 1936.
20. …they were taken to Crystal Palace by train. The underlined word refers to …
A. Steamboats
B. Visitors.
C. Goods
D. Countries
21. The communicative purpose of the text is to …
A. Describe the Crystal Palace
B. Tell the events of visit to the Crystal Palace

C. Inform the news of what happened to the Crystal Palace
D. Entertain the readers with the story of the Crystal Palace
22. The Crystal Palace was not the same as other building because . . . .
A. It was made of Crystal
B. It was made of iron and glass
C. It attracted visitors from various part of the world
D. It exhibited many goods from different countries.
23. Where does the Chrystal Palace location?
A. In our country
B. In Europe
C. In England
D. In London

I am so glad that today is over. So many things have gone wrong. For some reasons I didn’t sleep a wink last
night. I was very tired when Mum called me this Morning. I fell a sleep again until Mum called me again. That
snooze made me late.
I did not have time for breakfast. I was starving as I ran to catch the school bus. I just missed it. Dad had to
ride me to school. He was late for teaching at his school and he was furious at me. He scolded me for being late.
I arrived at school on time. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. My homework was not in my
bag. I had forgotten the put in my bag the night before. I usually check my bag in the morning. I did not do this
because I was late I had to do extra assignment as a punishment.

24. What made everything went wrong?

A. He got up late in the morning
B. His came to school on time
C. His bag was left at home
D. He got punishment from his teacher
25. Which of the following statement is NOT TRUE according to the text?
A. The writer didn’t sleep a wink at that night
B. He didn’t hand in his homework
C. He has breakfast before leaving foe school
D. He fell down the stairs
26. What is the purpose of the writer to write the text?
A. To explain about something wrong
B. To inform about the writers activites
C. To entertain the readers about the funny story
D. To retell about the writer’s terrible day.
27. The teacher asked us to hand in our homework. The underlined words mean…
A. To do the homework
B. To submit the homework
C. To write the homework
D. To read the homework.

28. What is the aim to write the text?

A. To tell how to use a toaster
B. To describe how to use a toaster
C. To inform how to use a toaster.
D. To know how to use a toaster.

29. What will you do after choosing the toasting level?
A. Picking the bread.
B. Inserting the bread.
C. Waiting until the toasting process is finished.
D. Pouring some honey on the bread while it is still warm.
30. Where should we put the bread before pouring some honey?
A. In a toaster.
B. In a slot
C. On a table
D. On a plate
Questions 31 – 32 are based on the following text.

The potato or Solanum tuberosum is a perennial tuber of the Solanaceae family. It is

one of the most widely used vegetables in Europe and North and South America. There are six
other species of Solanum of minor importance. There are thousands of varieties of potato in
Potatoes have a high carbohydrate content and include protein, minerals (particularly
potassium, calcium) and vitamins, including vitamin C. More vitamin C is found in freshly
harvested potatoes than potatoes that have been stored. Peeled, long-stored potatoes fried by
fast-food establishments have less nutritional value although they still have potassium and
vitamin C.
Potatoes can be prepared for eating in numerous ways, either with their skin on or
peeled, whole or cut into pieces, and with seasonings or without. All that is required is that they
be cooked to break down the starch and make them edible. Potatoes are generally eaten hot, but
several basic potato recipes involve cooking the potatoes and then eating them cold - potato
salad and potato chips. One of the commonest presentation methods is 'mashed potatoes'. These
are peeled, boiled then mashed and mixed with butter, cream, or other seasonings before
serving. Potatoes can also be baked whole; cut into cubes and roasted; grated and formed into
dumplings or potato pancakes; and cut into long, thin pieces and fried or baked.

31. If a customer wants to enjoy the best nutrition of potatoes, he should ….

A. consume them as soon as they are harvested
B. peel the potatoes before consuming them
C. harvest the potatoes before they are ripe
D. mash the them before cooking them
32. Why must we cook potatoes before consuming them?
A. To create better taste.
B. To get rid of the germs.
C. To keep them fresh longer.
D. To make them able to be consumed.

33. What is the last paragraph about?

A. The dish made of potatoes from various countries.
B. How to make delicious mashed potatoes.
C. The kinds of potatoes we can consume.
D. The various ways to serve potatoes.
34. Complete the sentence with the words provided.
You need to peel and boil the potatoes … mashing and mixing them with other ingredients.
A. before
B. when
C. while
D. after

A long time ago, people were afraid to sail along Tulang Bawang River. A big crocodile lived
there and would attack boats he saw.
Not far from the river, there was a village. Aminah, a beautiful girl, and her parents lived there. One
day her parents asked her to go to another village across the river.
“Please be very careful, dear. If you see the crocodile near you, row your boat as fast as you

said the mother.
“I will, mom,” Aminah promised.
Aminah rowed her boat slowly. She did not want to make any noise. She did not want the
crocodile to hear her.
However, the big crocodile already saw her. The crocodile silently swam closer and turned
the boat face down.
Aminah was drowned. She was unconscious. When she was awake, she was inside a big cave.
She stood up and looked around. She saw something shining in the dark. When she approached it,
she found a lot of jewelries. She was very surprised. Suddenly she heard a voice.
“You can take those jewelries. But you have to stay with me.”
The voice was from the crocodile. It was the same crocodile that attacked her in the river.
“Don’t be afraid. I’m not a real crocodile. I was a human. I was a pirate and always rob
jewelries. A witch cursed me into a crocodile. And now I keep all the jewelries here inside the
cave.” “How do you go to the river?” asked Aminah.
“There is a tunnel that connects the cave to the riverside,” explained the crocodile. He
accidently revealed his big secret.
Aminah then pretended to agree to stay inside the cave. When the crocodile was sleeping, she
took the jewelries and went to the tunnel.
Finally, she arrived at the riverside and some villagers helped her. Aminah’s parents were very
happy, their daughter managed to be back home. They sold all the jewelries and gave the money to
other villagers. Everybody was happy, they were not poor anymore. ***

35. What did the crocodile want from Aminah?

A. He wanted her to stay with him.
B. He ordered her to help her people.
C. He insisted her to listen to his story.
D. He asked her to leave the cave soon.
36. By reading the text we can conclude that Aminah is a … girl.
A. coward
B. mean
C. smart
D. shy
37. What can we learn from the story?
A. One bird in hands is worth two in the bush.
B. Every cloud has a silver lining.
C. Early birds catch the worms.
D. Honesty is the best policy.
38. What is main idea of the last paragraph?
A. Aminah deceived the crocodile.
B. Aminah obeyed the crocodile.
C. Aminah didn’t deceive the crocodile.
D. Aminah didn’t break the crocodile.
I really enjoyed my holiday in Australia. Last Sunday I visited a marine park called Sea World
which is at surfers’ Paradise near Brisbane. It’s Australia’s largest marine park and I had a wonderful
day there.
The first thing I saw was the Oceanorium where you can watch all sorts of sea fish and animal
under water. There were huge turtles, sharks, and a beautiful tropical sea fish. The most exciting thing
was watching a man feeding the sharks. He wore a special diving suit. Then I watched the performance
of sea animals. The saw was in a big outdoor swimming pool. There were killer whales, dolphins and
sea lions, and they did all sort of fantastic things in the water. One of the girls in the show rode around
the pool on the back of killing whale, and another girl rode underwater on the back of a big turtle.
After the saw I had lunch. There were several big restaurant at the park and I had lunch in a restaurant
that was shape like a ship! Then I watched a wonderful waret-ski show which was held on a lake.
There were lots of other things to do at tthe park. There was lake cruising, a train ride, a big
water slide, swimming pools, and an incredible roller coaster called the ‘corkscrew’- because it goes
three loops upside down. But I wish I had gone on the roller coaster ride before lunch rather than after
39. Which of the following had made the writer very excited?
A. Watching a girl riding on a back of a turtle
B. Watching a girl riding on a back a whale

C. Watching a man feeding the shark
D. Riding the roller coaster
40. Which of the following sea animals is known as ‘killer’?
A. Sea lions
B. Seals
C. Turtles
D. Whales.
The following text is for test item 41-43.
Dear Diana,
First of all, I want to say congratulations! I am so proud of you and this amazing
accomplishment. I know how hard you’ve worked the last four years to get here, and watching you
grow into an awesome, smart and funny adult has been so much fun. You are one of the kindest people
I have the pleasure to know and you care so deeply about other people. The fact that you continue to
see the good in people is a rare and special quality.
I hope you got everything you wanted to out of your high school years. I hope you made
friendships that you will keep forever. I hope you learned lessons that will carry you into your next
phase in life. I hope that you developed skills that will help you to be successful in college. Knowing
you did everything you were given the opportunity to and are happy with how it turned out. You
should be, you did an amazing job.
Being an adult can be absolutely terrifying. I get it. But you are so capable and smart; I just
know this is going to be a breeze for you, as long as you can learn how to get up with your alarm the
first time. Mom won’t be there to wake you up.
41. What is Dinar's intention of writing the letter?
A. To give Diana advice on how to live a college life.
B. To motivate Diana to be study more independently.
C. To thank Diana for keep supporting her during the study.
D. To show her support and appreciation for diana's accomplishment.

42. What is Dinar's relation to Diana?

A. Daughter
B. Mother
C. Sister
D. Aunt

43. From the text, we know that Diana is a...person.

A. Spoiled and terrifying
B. Hilarious and amusing
C. Hard-working and caring
D. Independent and entertaining

The following text is for test item 44-45.

Dear Mom,
Happy Mother’s Day! Now that I am a mother, I’m realizing just what you went through with
me. You were always so patient and kind even when you had to sacrifice what you were doing to help
me. I admire your intelligence. I know you gave up your dreams of being a pharmacist when I came
along. I can't imagine all the dreams you actually gave up just for me and because of me, but I am glad
you are my mom.
Whenever I had faced hard times in school, you were there to encourage me. Learning how to
make friends, dealing with hurts, feeling alone, and learning how to navigate through the craziness of
growing up—I knew I could turn to you for answers.
What I appreciate is that you wouldn’t just see what I went through and just tell me what to do.
The point is that you would actually take time out of your day to listen to me and my problems. I do
that with my daughter now, and I realize how much I love doing this. Thank you for your example to
me. Again, I love you and Happy Mother’s Day.

Lots of love,

Seo Ye Ji

44. When did Seo Ye Ji likely write the letter?

A. On her mother's birthday celebration.
B. After the Mother's day celebration.
C. During her mother's birthday.
D. Before the Mother's Day.

45. Seo Ye Ji thinks that her mother is...

A. Caring, humble and brave.
B. Loving, supportive and smart.
C. Humble, loving and supportive.
D. Smart, courageous, and brave.

The text is for questions 46 and 47.

46. If someone wants to leave Davao to Manila, he should go on...

A. Monday
B. Tuesday
C. Thursday
D. Saturday

47. Which route is available every day?

A. Manila-Davao-Manila
B. Manila-Catician-Manila
C. Manila-Tacloban-Manila
D. Manila-Puerto Princess-Manila

The text is for question 48.

48. Why did the boy thank to the girl?
A. Because she had answered his question.
B. Because she had introduced herself to him.
C. Because she had taken him to the principal's room.
D. Because she had showed the direction to the principal's room.

The following text is for test items 49.

49. What must a driver do when he drives at the speed of 23 mph and the light flashes?
A. He must slow down his car
B. He must stop the car immediately.
C. He must wait for the lights to flash.
D. He must not let the pedestrian to cross.

The following text is for test items 50.

50. Who probably publish the notice?

A. The students of the campus.
B. The lectuters of the campus.
C. The campus stakeholders.
D. The campus gardeners.


Dennis : How was your weekend, Raul?

Raul : Oh, it was the best ever.
Dennis : Wow! What did you do?
Raul : I went to Green park Campsite with my classmates.
Dennis : Sounds great.
Raul : We did a cool game at night. All of us wore scary masks and played hide and seek.
Dennis : That’s cool.
Raul : Indeed. How about you? What did you do on the weekend?
Dennis : Well, it was a very bad weekend.
Raul : Was it? What happened?
Dennis : Yeah. I planned to watch a movie, but I was trapped in the traffic jam. The film had
just finished when I arrived at the cinema.

51. What had happened to Dennis?
52. We did a cool game at night. What does the underlined words refer to?

I have a little sister in my family. She is 9 years old. She has round face with dimple cheek. Her
hair is long and straight. She has sharp nose. She has fat body and her eyes are brown. She is a nice
girl. She is always making me happy every day because of her jokes. Her body languages are funny
because she cannot walk straightly. She is a smart and beautiful girl. She always gets the first
champion in many sing competitions. I love her voice. But she often sings a song with silly voice in
my home so it can make Mom, Daddy, and me laughing.
Now, she is at four grade of elementary school. The subject she likes the most is science. She
told me that someday she wants to be a doctor. She wants to take care of sick and old people. That is a
good dream. She always prays before she goes to sleep and ask to God for her dream.

53. What is the writer’s purpose to write the above text?

54. Please describe the physical appearances of the writer’s sister!
55. She is a smart and beautiful girl. What are the synonym of the underlined words?



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