2nd Bac All Units Summary Grammar Vocab Writing

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Preparation for National Exam

Assembled by Teacher Abdel Ali HAMRAS

Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
Unit 1: The Gift of youth: ‫مواهب الشباب‬
‫ من خاللها يجب على المتعلم أن يفهم بعض المفردات التي تصف الشباب و ما يجعلهم يختلفون عن الفئات‬، ‫هذه المجزوءة تتحدث حوال مواهب الشباب‬
‫ و نعلم‬.‫] إلى غير ذلك من الصفات‬vigor[ ‫] و القوة‬adventure[ ‫] و المغامرة‬audacity[ ‫ نعلم أن الشباب يتمتعون بالجرأة‬،‫ مثال‬.‫العمرية األخرى‬
‫ و يصطلح على‬،‫] بين الشباب و كبار السن‬way of life[ ‫] و لذلك طريقة الحياة‬opinions[ ‫] و األراء‬ideas[ ‫أيضا أن هناك دائما صراع في األفكار‬
. ]generation gap[ ‫ذلك صراع األجيال‬
-Adventure: willingness to take risk. ‫المغامرة‬
-Imagination: the mental ability of forming new ideas. ‫الخيال‬
-Passion: intense enjoyment , interest , or excitement. ‫الشغف‬
-Ambition: a strong desire to do or achieve something. ‫الطموح‬
-Vigour: physical strength or good health. ‫القوة‬
-Creativity: the ability to generate new methods or innovative ideas. ‫اإلبداع‬
-Vitality: the state of being strong and active. ‫الحيوية‬
-Talent: natural aptitude , ability or skill. ‫الموهبة‬
-Audacity: courage, fearless, disposition to do something. ‫الجرأة‬
‫ لكن السؤال هو ما هي طبيعة األسئلة التي قد تأتي في‬،‫[ التي يجب على التلميذ أن يعرفها‬adjectives] ‫هذا الجدول إذن يحتوي على جميع النعوت‬
‫ مثال نقول‬،‫[ لكتابة الوصف‬verb to be] ‫ نستعمل فقط‬،‫ وذلك سهل جدا‬،‫هذه النعوت يمكننا استخدامها لوصف شخص ما‬: ‫اإلمتحان؟؟ و الجواب هو‬
،‫[و تعني [جاك هو مغامر ]و يمكن من طبيعة الحال أن نكتب مجموعة من هذه الجمل و نربط بينها بإستعمال أدوات الربط‬Jack is adventurous]
:‫كما في المثال التالي‬
Amine is my friend. He is very talented. Besides, He is self-confident. In addition, he
is optimistic and enthusiastic every day. Moreover, Amine is ambitious because he wants to be a doctor in the
‫[ و نربط بين الجمل بإستعمال أدوات الربط كما في المثال أعاله‬Adjective] ‫بهذ الطريقة يمكن أن نكتب فقرة طويلة جدا إذا تمكنا من تذكر النعوت‬
. ‫[ و كلها تعني[ باإلظافة إلى ذلك ]باللغة العربية‬In addition] ‫[ و‬Moreover] ‫[و‬Besides]
Noun Adjective Noun Adjective
Vitality Vital Vigor Vigorous
imagination Imaginative Adventure Adventurous
Passion Passionate Creativity Creative
Talent Talented Motivation Motivated
Audacity Audacious Courage courageous
Enthusiasm Enthusiastic Ambition ambitious
Skill Skilful Gift Gifted

Unit 2 : Humour ‫المرح و الفكاهة‬

‫[ و‬Bad mood] ‫[ أي كل يمكن أن يساعد الشخص على التخلص من مزاجه السيء‬Humor] ‫[ و المرح و الفكاهة‬Laughter] ‫مجزوءة الضحك‬
Humour is anything that causes laughter [Good mood].‫[ و مزاج جيد‬Happiness] ‫الحصول على سعادة‬
Words Definitions
Humour: => [‫]الضحك‬: A joke is a story that causes laughter. -Something said to cause laughter
A Joke: => [‫]نكتة‬: My friend tells very funny jokes. -A short story that causes laughter
Humorous: => [‫]مظحك‬: Mr. Bean is a humorous actor. -Amusing , funny and laughable
An impression=> [‫]انطباع‬: He has an impression of Mr Bean. -An amusing imitation of a famous person
To make fun of someone=[‫]استهزاء‬: Ali is making fun of me. -Laugh at someone in a mocking way
To kid : => [‫]يمزح‬: I am not serious, I am joking. -To make jokes or to joke with someone
Silly : => [‫]سخيف‬: He tells very silly jokes. -Funny in a stupid way
Witty : => [‫]بارع‬: Tom and Jerry make witty moves. -Funny in an intelligent way

Positive emotions :‫أحاسيس جميلة‬ Negative emotions: ‫أحاسيس سيئة‬

Joy ‫الفرح‬ · Anger ‫الغضب‬ ·
Happiness ‫السعادة‬ · Depression ‫اإلكتئاب‬ ·
Delight ‫البهجة‬ · Despair ‫اليأس‬ ·
Satisfaction ‫الرضى‬ · Sadness ‫الحزن‬ ·
Optimism ‫الفرح‬ · Pessimism ‫التشاؤم‬ ·
Ecstasy ‫النشوة‬ · Loneliness ‫الوحدانية‬ ·

Unit 3 : Education: ‫التعليم‬

Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world. Nelson Mandela
Types of education there are many types of education but the most frequent ones are : :‫أنواع التعليم و الفئات المستهدفة‬
Formal , Non-formal, and informal education
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
- Formal education: refers to the types of learning that are taking place in an educational institution , where
there is a syllabus , a teacher and is usually recognised in a qualification or a certificate . ‫ تعليم النظامي‬،
-Non-formal education: it refers to a learning through programme (like formal education ) but it is not
usually evaluated and it does not lead to certification .‫ التعليم من الحياة العامة‬،
-Informal education: any learning resulted from activities related to our daily life.‫ التعليم الغير النظامي‬،
-Vocational education: it prepares for careers or professions related to occupation or vacation ‫التكوين المهني‬
-Special education: Describes an educational alternative that focuses on the teaching of students with special
(behavioural, health academic or physical) needs that can not be met using traditional programs or techniques. ‫ تعليم‬،
‫دوي االحتياجات الخاصة‬
-Inclusive education: It is the one that addresses the learning needs of children, youth and adults especially
those who vulnerable to marginalization and exclusion ‫تعليم الفئات المهمشة كالمسجونين‬
-Gifted education: is a broad term for special practices, procedures and theories used in the education of
children who have been identified as gifted or talented ‫تعليم الموهوبين‬
-Basic education: The whole range of educational activities taking place in various settings (formal,
nonformal and informal) that aim t meet the basic learning needs such as reading, writing and arithmetic ‫التعليم الشامل‬

]Formal education[ ‫ التعليم النظامي‬،‫ مثال‬.‫] و الفئة التي يستهدفها ذلك النوع من التعليم‬Types of education[ ‫هذا المحور يتعلق بأنواع التعليم‬
]People who want a vocation[ ‫] يستهدف الناس الذين يريدون مهنة‬Vocational training[ ‫] و التكوين المهني‬Students[ ‫يستهدف التالميذ‬
:‫و في هذا الجدول أهم أنواع التعليم و الفئات المستهدفة‬

‫مصطلحات متعلقة بالتعليم‬

‫] و‬ignorance[ ‫] و الجهل‬illiteracy[ ‫] و ضده األمية‬education[ ‫من أهم المصطلحات التي يجب عليك أن تتعلمها في هذه المجزوءة هي التعليم‬
:]dropping out of school[ ‫] و المنقطعون عن الدراسة‬student[ ‫المتعلم‬

Examples of Education Vocabulary

‫أمثلة لمصطلحات التعليم‬
‫ التعليم يجب أن يكون إجباريا في جميع‬:‫ مثال‬Example: Education should be obligatory in every country. ]education[ ‫التعليم‬

‫ األمية مشكل كبير في دول العالم‬:‫ مثال‬Example: illiteracy is a big problem in the third world countries. ]illiteracy[ ‫األمية‬

‫ هناك العديد‬:‫ مثال‬Example: There are many drop-outs in the city than rural areas.]drop-outs[ ‫المنقطعون عن الدراسة‬
.‫من المنقطعين عن الدراسة في المدن مقارنة مع البادية‬

‫ الكتير من الناس يعانون من الجهل في‬:‫ مثال‬Example: Many people suffer from ignorance in our country. ]ignorance[ ‫الجهل‬

‫ ال‬:‫ مثال‬Example: No one can understand the suffering of students to go to school in rural areas. ]Sufferings[ ‫المعانات‬
.‫أحد يمكن أن يفهم معانات التالميذ في الدهاب إلى المدرسة في المجال القروي‬
.‫ المدارس بعيدة عن السكان في المجال القروي‬:‫ مثال‬Example: Schools are very far from houses in rural areas.]School[ ‫المدرسة‬

.‫ الكثير من العائالت في المغرب يعانون من الفقر‬:‫ مثال‬Example: Many families in Morocco suffer from poverty. ]Poverty[ ‫الفقر‬

.‫ المدارس العمومية مجانية‬،‫ في المغرب‬:‫ مثال‬Example: In Morocco, public schools are free. ]Public school[ ‫المدرسة العمومية‬

‫ المدارس‬،‫ في المغرب‬:‫ مثال‬Example: In Morocco private schools are expensive. ]private school[ ‫المدرسة الخصاصة‬
.‫الخاصة باهظة الثمن‬

Examples of Education
Formal education: Secondary school vocational training workshop-university studies.
Non-formal education: Evening classes ,literacy classes.
Informal education: Theater, television, daily life in general .
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
A collocation is a pair of words that generally goes or occurs together. Here are some related to education.

system lessons Other collocation :

Education goals • higher education
Private institution
• university graduate
background school • free classes
• learning needs
subject opportunities
• mixed classes
School year Equal rights • cultural background
• adult illiteracy
uniform status

Unit 4: Sustainable Development: ‫التنمية المستدامة‬

‫( أو المدى المتوسط‬short term) ‫( هي محاوالت الدول تحقيق التطور على المدى القصير‬sustainable development) ‫التنمية المستدامة‬
‫( و المجتمع‬economy) ‫( عن طريق حل مجموعة من المشاكل و القضايا المتعلقة باإلقتصاد‬long term) ‫(أو المدى البعيد‬medium term)
(environment). ‫(و البيئة‬society)
Sustainable development:
Social issues ‫العدالة االجتماعية‬: Health care / social justice/ Poverty elimination/ Property rights / equal pay for women
Economic issues ‫القضايا االقتصادية‬:Raw materials/ Climate change/ Micro enterprise/ Transport infrastructure/
Environment issues ‫المشاكل البيئية‬:Climate change/ecological crisis/ Water pollution/forest preservation/Recycling
waste/energy preservation
collocation ‫االسماء المركبة‬: :
Civil society/ Non-governmental organization/ Sustainable development/ Renewable energy/ Urban areas

Unit 5: Women and Power ‫المرأة و القوة‬

‫[ و التحرر من القيود‬equality] ‫[ مثل المساواة‬society] ‫[ و المجتمع‬women] ‫[ تدور حول المرأة‬women and power] ‫مجزوءة المرأة و القوة‬
‫ باإلضافة إلى ذلك يجب أن‬.‫[ إلى غير ذلك‬feminism] ‫[ و الحركة النسائية‬achievements] ‫[ و اإلنجازات‬freedom] ‫[و الحرية‬emancipation]
[the situation of women ‫[ و وضعية المرأة حاليا‬the situation of women in the past] ‫تعلم كيف كانت وضعية المرأة في الماضي‬
[society].‫[ في المجتمع‬important status] ‫[ التي جعلت المرأة تحقق مكانة مهمة‬reasons] ‫كما ستتعلم األسباب‬nowadays]

-stereotype: an exaggerated or wrong image of the characteristics of a particular group. ‫صورة نمطية‬
-violence: actions or words which are intended to hurt people.‫العنف‬
-feminism: a movement which claims to advocate the right of women. ‫الحركة النسائية‬
-self-confidence: a belief in one’s own abilities and skills.‫الثقة بالنفس‬
-international women’s day: an occasion celebrated by women’s groups around the world on March 8th. ‫اليوم‬
‫العالمي للمرأة‬
-emancipation: freeing someone socially and politically.‫التحرر‬
-polygamy: having more than one spouse/wife.‫تعدد الزوجات‬
-gender: male or female.‫الجنس‬
The Situation of Women in The past The Situation of Women Nowadays
🔴Women were enslaved and were subject to violence. 🔴Women enjoy their freedom and emancipation.
🔴Women were considered property not human beings. 🔴There are laws that protect women every where.
🔴Women had no rights and no status in society. 🔴Women gained their rights of equality and justice.
🔴Polygamy was prevalent in patriarchal societies. 🔴Women have audacity and self confidence.
🔴Women were dependent on men in everything. 🔴They are in positions of power, leadership and respons
🔴Women were objectified and manipulated. 🔴Polygamy can’t be practiced without the wife’s approv
🔴Early marriage and rap was prevalent. 🔴Women are financially, socially, culturally independen
🔴There were no laws that protect women.
🔴Issues like illiteracy, ignorance, exclusion, exploitation,
marginalization were prevalent.

Factors that helped change the situation of women Women's achievements

‫العوامل المساعدة في تحسن و ضعية المرأة‬ ‫إنجازات النساء في العالم‬
✅Social changes (‫)التغيرات اإلجتماعية‬ ✅Freedom and emancipation. (‫)الحرية و التحرر‬
✅Constitution amendments (‫)التعديالت الدستورية‬ ✅Gender equality . (‫)المساواة بين الجنسين‬
✅Women’s awareness (‫)وعي النساء‬ ✅Equal opportunities . (‫)تساوي الفرص‬
✅Globalization (‫)العولمة‬ ✅Equal rights . (‫)حقوق متساوية‬
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units

✅Feminism (‫)الحركة النسائية‬ ✅Women unity (feminism) . (‫)إتحاد النساء‬

✅Freedom emancipation (‫)الحرية و التحرر‬ ✅Success and prosperity . (‫)النجاح و اإلزدهار‬
✅Family code (‫)مدونة األسرة‬ ✅Audacity and strength . (‫)الجرأة و القوة‬
✅Women's’ unity (‫)إتحاد النساء‬ ✅Realize dreams . (‫)تحقيق األحالم‬
✅Women’s rights (‫)حقوق النساء‬ ✅Women’s Day. (‫)اليوم العالمي للنساء‬
✅Freedom of speech (‫)حرية التعبير‬ ✅Mother’s Day. (‫)عيد األم‬
✅Women’s literature (‫)اآلداب النسوي‬ ✅Freedom of speech . (‫)حرية التعبير‬
✅Development (‫)التطور‬ ✅Monogamy (‫)زواج أحادي‬
Prefixes and suffixes
1. Prefixes
A prefix is a group of letters at the beginning of a word which changes the word’s meaning.
Example: dis – pre – contr – anti – re – post – out – co – mis
Disappear – prehistoric – antibiotic – re-elect – post-war – outnumbered – co-exist – misunderstand
2. Suffixes
A suffix is a group of letters at the end of a word which changes the word’s meaning and often its part of speech.
Example: -cy –al -ance -ence –ism -able, -ible
privacy refusal – maintenance – eminence – communism – edible, presentable.

Unit 6: Cultural issues ‫القيم الثقافية‬

.‫ التقاليد و طرق العيش عامة التي تجعل مجموعة من الناس مختلفة عن مجموعة أخرى في زمن و مكان ما‬،‫الثقافة هي مجموعة من المعتقدات‬
Culture refers to the sum of beliefs, customs and the general way of life of a group of people that makes them
different from other groups in a certain time and a certain place.
Value Meaning
1.culture ‫الثقافة‬ 1. The arts and other manifestations of human intellectual achievement regarded collectively
2. Altruism ‫االيثار‬ 2. Selflessness , generosity and kindness
3.Citizenship ‫المواطنة‬ 3. The set of rights and duties
4. Initiative ‫المبادرة‬ 4. The ability or opportunity to act before others do
5. Tolerance ‫التسامح‬ 5. The ability to accept and respect the opinions and beliefs of others
6. intolerance ‫عدم التسامح‬ 6. Unwillingness to accept views, beliefs, or behaviour that differ from one’s own
7.Coexistence ‫التعايش‬ 7. The ability to live together in harmony
8.Cooperation ‫التعاون‬ 8. Participating and working together towards the same end or objective
9. Equity ‫العدل‬ 9. Equal treatment to anyone
10. Diversity ‫االختالف‬ 10. Showing a great deal of variety; very different.
11. stereotype ‫الصورة النمطية‬ 11. A widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person.
Words Antonyms
Altruism (‫)اإليثار‬ Selfishness (‫)االنانية‬
Tolerance (‫)التسامح‬ Intolerance (‫)عدم التسامح‬
co-operation (‫)التعاون‬ individuality (‫)الفردانية‬
equity (‫)اإلنصاف‬ injustice (‫)الظلم‬
responsibility Irresponsibility (‫)الالمسؤولية‬
love (‫)الحب‬ hatred (‫)الكراهية‬
Harmony (‫)الود‬ Conflict (‫)الصراع‬
Cultural Values (‫)القيم الثقافية‬ Universal Values (‫)القيم الثقافية‬
Moral Obligations (‫ )الواجبات األخالقية‬Wedding Rituals (‫)طقوس الزواج‬
Civic Education (‫)التربية المدنية‬ Culture Shock (‫)الصدمة الثقافية‬
Common Good (‫)الصالح العام‬ Cultural Diversity (‫)التنوع الثقافي‬

Unit 7 : Citizenship ‫المواطنة‬

Citizenship refers to the status of being a member of a particular country with rights to enjoy and responsibilities to
consider. Every citizen should be an active participant in social, economic, political and cultural life of his country. It
also involves equality in rights and duties between citizens of different race, skin color, beliefs and origin.
‫ كل مواطن ينبغي أن‬.‫المواطنة تعود على كون الشخص فردا ينتمي لدولة ما مع التمتع بمجموعة من الحقوق و أخد بعين اإلعتبار مجموعة من الواجبات‬
‫ الموطنة تشمل كذلك المساواة بين المواطنين في الحقوق و‬.‫يكون مشاركا فاعال في الحياة اإلجتماعية و السياسية و اإلقتصادية و الثقافية في دولته‬
.‫الواجبات كيفما كان أصلهم و عرقهم و لونهم و معتقداتهم‬
Rights ‫الحقوق‬ Responsibilities /duties ‫الواجبات‬ Can be both
• earn your livelihood
• to have a job • to tell the truth
• to have somewhere to live
• to be respected • do your personal best
• to volunteer in your community
• have access to leisure • respect others service
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units

activities • to be concerned for the common good • to vote

• to have a say in what • to respect the flag of your country
happens • to participate in community activities
• to be free to tell your opinion • to believe in human dignity and equality
• to have access to health care • respect the rules and laws
• to be safe • to respect the environment
• to have access to education • to pay taxes
• to be free to move
Collocations (‫)الكلمات المركبة‬
Citizenship Vocabulary Collocations

✅Human Rights (‫)حقوق اإلنسان‬ ✅Voluntary Work (‫)العمل التطوعي‬

✅Active Citizen (‫)مواطن فاعل‬ ✅Global Citizenship (‫)المواطنة العالمية‬
✅Community Service (‫)العمل الجمعوي‬ ✅Property Right (‫)حق الملكية‬
✅National Anthem (‫)النشيد الوطني‬ ✅Political Party (‫)حزب سياسي‬
✅Obey The law (‫)الخضوع للقانون‬ ✅Local Community (‫)جماعة محلية‬
✅Dual Citizenship (‫)مواطنة ثنائية‬ ✅Common Good (‫)الصالح العام‬

Unit 8: International Organisations :‫المنظمات العالمية‬

According to Wikipedia:
An international organization is an organization with an international membership, scope, or presence. There are
two main types: governmental and non-governmental organizations. These pages provide facts sheets about some
of these organizations.
:‫المنظمات العالمية تعتبر محايدة و غير ربحية و كذلك غير حزبية مما يعني أنها يعني ال تنتمي إلى أي جهة سياسية و تمول عن طريق‬
International Organizations are non-partisan, non-profit and neutral. The sources of their finanace include the
🔴Signing Partnerships = ‫عقد شراكات‬
🔴Collecting donations = ‫جمع التبرعات‬
🔴Voluntary contributions = ‫مساهمات تطوعية‬

Acronyms (abbreviations) of famous International organisations

UNESCO: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation ‫منظمة األمم المتحدة للتربية والعلم والثقافة‬
UNICEF: United Nations Children‘s Emergency Funds ‫منظمة األمم المتحدة للطفولة‬
UNHCR: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees ‫المفوضية السامية لألمم المتحدة لشؤون الالجئين‬
WHO: World Health Organisation ‫المنظمة العالمية للصحة‬
FAO: Food and Agriculture Organisation ‫منظمة األغذية والزراعة‬
ICRC: International Committee of the Red Crescent / Cross ‫اللجنة الدولية للصليب األحمر‬
TI: Transparency International ‫منظمة الشفافية الدولية‬
AI: Amnesty International ‫منظمة العفو الدولية‬
Officials (persons) ‫أشخاص‬ Documents ‫مستندات‬ Establishment (places) ‫أماكن‬
Ambassador = ‫السفير‬ Charter = ‫الميثاق‬
Headquarters = ‫مقر‬
Secretary general = ‫األمين العام‬ Declaration = ‫بيان‬
Office = ‫مكتب‬
Commissioner = ‫المفوض‬ Diploma = ‫شهادة‬
Parliament = ‫برلمان‬
Spokesperson = ‫الناطق الرسمي‬ Resolution = ‫قرار‬
Court of law = ‫المحكمة‬
President = ‫الرئيس‬ Report = ‫تقرير‬
Council = ‫المجلس‬
Vice president = ‫نائب الرئيس‬ Constitution = ‫الدستور‬

Unit: 9 Advances in science ‫العلوم و الكتنولوجيا‬

Focuses on general knowledge , it is the process of producing knowledge via observations and
investigating natural phenomena . Examples: math , physics chemistry , astronomy ……
Applied science, it is the ability to change the world with materials, it is practical. Examples: robotics ,
biotechnology , communication , engineering ……
Science refers to the systematic study of structure and behavior of the physical and natural world
through observation, investigation, research and experiment.
‫ و التحقيق و اإلتفراض والتجربة‬،‫العلوم تعود على الدراسة الممنهجة للظواهر الطبيعية عن طريق المالحظة‬
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
Technology can be described as the application of scientific findings to invent or develop new materials, machines.
‫يمكن وصف التكنولوجيا على أنها تطبيق النتائج المحصل عليها عن طريق البحث العلمي إلختراع أو تطوير مواد وآالت جديدة‬

I. Vocabulary Of Science: II. Vocabulary Of Technology:

1. Process = ‫العملية‬ 2. Communication = ‫التواصل‬ 1. Internet = ‫األنترنت‬
3. Research = ‫البحث‬ 4. Observation = ‫المالحظة‬ 2. Communication = ‫التواصل‬
5. Computing = ‫ الحوسبة‬6. Mathematics = ‫الرياضيات‬ 3. Virtual reality = ‫الواقع اإلفتراضي‬
7. Physics = ‫الفيزياء‬ 8. Investigation = ‫التحقيق‬ 4. Invent = ‫إخترع‬
9. Experiment = ‫ التجربة‬10. Astronomy = ‫علم الفلك‬ 5. Robotics = ‫الروبوتات‬
11. Chemistry = ‫ الكيمياء‬12. Programming = ‫البرمجة‬ 6. Micro-camera = ‫كاميرا مجهرية‬
13. Engineering = ‫ الهندسة‬14. Biology = ‫البيولوجيا‬ 7. Machine = ‫آلة‬
15. Discover = ‫ إكتشف‬16. Psychology = ‫علم النفس‬ 8. Electronics = ‫اإللكترونيات‬
17. Theory = ‫ النظرية‬18. Sociology = ‫علم اإلجتماع‬ 9. Application = ‫التطبيق‬
19. Hypothesize = ‫إفترض‬ 10. Computer = ‫الحاسوب‬
11. Device = ‫الجهاز‬

Unit 10: Brain Drain ‫هجرة األدمغة‬

According to Merriam-Webster Dictionary :
Brain Drain is the departure of educated or professional people from one country, economic sector, or field for
another usually for better pay or living conditions
‫هجرة األدمغة هي هجرة النخب المثقفة و الخبراء من الدول الفقيرة نحو الدول المتقدمة للبحث عن حياة أفضل‬
‫ النوع األول يسمى‬.‫ كلن سنقسم هذ األسباب إلى نوعين‬.‫هناك عدة أسباب تجعل الفئات المثقفة تترك بلدانها للبحث عن حياة أفضل في الدول المتقدمة‬
. ‫[ و يعني العوامل المستقطبة‬Pull Factors] ‫[و يعني العوامل الدافعة و النوع الثاني من األسباب يسمى‬Push Factors]

Causes of brain drain ‫أسباب هجرة األدمغة‬

Push factors ‫العوامل الدافعة‬ Pull factors ‫العوامل المستقطبة‬.
• Low wages and income • Higher wages and salaries
• Unsatisfactory living conditions • Substantial funds for research, advanced technology, moder
• Lack of research and other facilities including support facilities
staff • Political stability
• Declining quality of educational system • Better working conditions
• Social unrest, political conflicts and wars • Intellectual freedom
• Discrimination in appointments and promotions
• Lack of satisfactory working conditions
Words Definition
Brain drain ‫هجرة األدمغة‬ The emigration of educated professionals to other countries
Physicien ‫طبيب‬ A person who practices medicine
Physicist ‫فزيائي‬ An expert in physics
Scholar ‫عالم‬ An educated person who has gained mastery in one or more disciplines
Income ‫مدخول‬ Revenue
Gain ‫ربح‬ Obtain something needed or wanted
Underdeveloped ‫متخلف‬ Not yet fully developed
Skilled ‫متعلم‬ Having the ability to perform a task expertly and well
Unskilled ‫غير موهوب‬ Not having a special skill or training
Tempting ‫مثير‬ Highly attractive
Prefixes meaning Examples
inter Between , among intercontinental
extra Outside , beyond extraterrestrial
intra Within , inside intercellular
under Less than , insufficient underpaid
over Excessively , more than overpopulated
super Above , over , beyond supersonic
hyper Above , over , excessive hypersensitive
Collocation : Brain drain/ Low pay/ Attract attention/ Developed countries/ High technology/ Skilled workers
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Grammar Summary : all units
Gerund and Infinitive
A gerund is a noun made from a verb by adding “-ing.” The gerund form of the verb “read” is “reading.”
The Infinitive is the “to” form of the verb. There are two forms of the infinitive : Bare (without to ) and full infinitive ( with to ).
The infinitive form of “learn” is “to learn.” You can also use an infinitive as the subject or the object of a sentence.)
]coming[ ‫] و‬revising[ ‫] و‬playing[ ‫] و‬reading[ :‫] مثال‬ing[ + ‫] هو الفعل‬Gerund[
]to come[ ‫] و‬revise to[ ‫] و‬to play[ ‫] و‬to read[ :‫] مثال‬verb[ ‫] يتبعها الفعل‬to[ ‫] هو‬Infinitive[
]come[ ‫] و‬revise[ ‫] و‬play[ ‫] و‬read[ :‫] فقط مثال‬verb[ ‫] هو الفعل‬bare infinitive[

Modal verbs‫االفعال الجامدة‬

:‫ مثال‬.‫] ال يتغير‬modals[ ‫] يعني الفعل الذي يأتي بعد هذه‬infinitive[ ‫] يتبعها الفعل في‬modals[
1. I can speak English
2. You should revise your lessons
3. Muslim people must fast in Ramadan
4. I may come visit you if I have time
5. You ought to prepare well for your exams
]simple modal[‫ في الجدول أسفله تجد شرحا مبسطا لجميع‬.‫]فنحن نركز على معاني هذه الكلمات الصغيرة‬modals[ ‫عند دراسة‬
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The past perfect‫الماضي التام‬
1. Form of the past perfect Had + past participle Ex : had played Had seen/Had gone
2. Use of the past perfect The past perfect is used to clarify the order of two actions in the past.
‫ بعد ذلك دهبت إلى النوم" هنا نعلم‬،‫ شاهدث فيلما‬،‫ مثال يمكن أن أقول "البارحة‬.‫] عندما نتحدث عن حدثين وقعا في الماضي‬past perfect[ ‫نستعمل‬
.]‫أن لدينا حدثين في الماضىي وهما [شاهدث] و [دهبت‬
(*) Action one: I watch TV
(*) Action two: I go to sleep.
: ]simple past[ ‫] و الفعل الذي حدث بعده في زمن‬past perfect[ ‫]ألننا دائما نضع الفعل الذي حدث أوال في زمن‬past perfect[ ‫هنا يأتي دور‬
(*) Yesterday, I had watched Television before I went to sleep.
‫(*) البارحة شاهدت فيلما بعد ذلك دهبت إلى النوم‬
‫] أما‬had+past participle[ :‫] و قاعدته هي‬past perfect[ ‫] هو الذي حدث أوال ووضعناه في زمن‬had watched[ ‫إذن هنا تالحظ أن الفعل‬
.]simple past[ ‫الحدث الذي يحدث ثانيا فيأخد زمن‬
:]had+past participle[ ‫] سهمل جدا ألنه يتكون فقط من‬past perfect[ ‫ زمن‬،‫(*) في الحقيقة‬
=> Affirmative: subject + had + past participle (*) I had played football.
=> Negative: subject + had + not + past participle. (*) I had not finished my work.
=> Interrogative: had + subject + past participle (*) Had you visited the place?
3. Time expressions used with past perfect
Past perfect Simple past
as soon as , never , already When
Until , just , since By the time
After/ because Before
Examples : - My brother had gone to school before I woke up .
• after I had revised my lessons , I watched a film .
• I had never seen such a film before
The future perfect‫المستقبل التام‬
1- Form : [ will have + verb ( past participle ) ]
2- Examples : - Affirmative :You will have finished your school year by the end of July.
- Interrogative: will You have finished your school year by the end of July ?
- Negative : You will not have finished your school year by the end of July
3- Use :The Future Perfect expresses the idea that something will occur before another action in the future. It can also show that
something will happen before a specific time in the future. It is generally used with expressions like : By , by then , by that time
, by the 24th , by 2023
Passive voice ‫المبني للمجهول‬
:‫ مثاال في هذه الجملة‬.‫] أي الشخص الذي قام بالفعل‬Doer[ ‫] هو عندما نعرف الفاعل‬Active Voice[ ‫لمبني للمعلوم‬
(*) ‫صديقي ينظف غرفته‬ ==>(*) My friend cleans his room.
]object[ ‫] و المفعلول به‬cleans[ ‫] هو‬verb[ ‫ و الفعل‬،‫] في هذه الحالة‬My friend[ ‫] و هو‬doer[ ‫هذه الجملة مبنية للمعلوم ألنه يوجد لدينا الفاعل‬
.]his room[ ‫هو‬
(*) My friend cleans his room. => subject | verb | object
.]object[ ‫] و المفعول به‬verb[ ‫] و الفعل‬subject[ ‫] يجب التركيز عن الفاعل‬Passive Voice[ ‫عندما نتحدث عن المبني للمجهول‬
]‫ مثال لتحويل جملة [صديقي ينظف غرفته‬.‫] أو الفاعل غير مهم أصال‬subject[ ‫] هو عندما ال نعرف الفاعل‬Passive Voice[ ‫المبني للمجهول‬
:‫ و باإلنجليزية سنقول‬.‫سنقول بالعربية [الغرفة نظفت] و ال نذكر الفاعل‬
(*) The room is cleaned. => Object | verb to be | verb in past participle
‫] لذلك هي مبنية للمجهول‬subject[ ‫إذن في هذه الجملة ال يوجد الفاعل‬
How To Change Active Voice To Passive Voice? ‫كيف نحول الجمل من المبني للمعلوم إلى المبني‬
Active Voice: My friend cleans his room. ➔ Passive Voice: His room is cleaned.
‫] في زمن الفعل في جملة‬verb to be[ ‫] أوال و يتبعه فعل الكون‬object[ ‫إذن لتحويل جمل المبني للمعلوم إلى المبني للمجهول نكتب المفعول به‬
.]past participle[ ‫المبني للمعلوم ثم يتبعه الفعل الرئيسي في‬
:‫و القاعدة هي‬
]past participle[ ‫ الفعل في‬+ ]to be[ ‫ فعل الكون‬+ ‫ المفعول به‬:‫==< المبني للمجهول‬.‫ المفعول به‬+ ‫ فعل‬+ ‫ فاعل‬:‫المبني للمعلوم‬
:‫الحظ هذه األمثلة كذلك‬
Active Voice: My mothers cooks lunch. ➔ Passive Voice: Lunch is cooked.
Active Voice: My mother cooked lunch. ➔ Passive Voice: Lunch was cooked.
Active Voice: My mother will cook lunch ➔ Passive Voice: Lunch will be cooked.
‫] و دائما يتغير مع تغير زمن الفعل‬verb to be[ ‫الحظ أننا في المبني للمجهول دائما نبدأ بالمفعول به الذي يأتي مباشرة بعد الفعل ثم يتبعه فعل الكون‬
]past participle[ ‫في جملة المبني للمعلوم ثم يأتي الفعل الرئيسي في‬
1-Sentence order Consider these changes in the table below :
As you may have noticed that the structure of the active is different from the passive in this way :
Active : Subject + Verb + object Passive : Object + verb + subject
2-The rule of passive voice
the verb form in the passive sentence is written this way :BE + Past participle
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
Important : (Be) takes the tense/time of the verb in the active form .


simple present Leila feeds an animal an animal is fed by Leila
present continuous Leila is feeding an animal an animals is being fed by Leila
present perfect Leila has fed an animal an animal has been fed by Leila
simple past Leila fed an animal an animal was fed by Leila
past continuous Leila was feeding an animal an animals was being fed by Leila
past perfect Leila had fed an animal an animal had been fed by Leila
the simple future Leila will feed an animal an animal will be fed by Leila
future perfect Leila will have fed an animal an animal will have been fed by Leila
modal verbs Leila can feed an animal an animal can be fed by Leila
Phrasal verbs‫األفعال المركبة‬
(preposition)‫( و حرف جر‬verb) ‫( هي أفعال تتكون من الفعل‬phrasal verbs) ‫األفعال المركبة‬
Phrasal verbs consist of a verb and a particle (preposition, adverb). The particle can change the meaning of the verb completely.
• look up – consult a reference book look for – seek look forward – anticipate with pleasure
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
Reported Speech‫الخطاب الغير مباشر‬
• A speech can be divided into direct and indirect .
• “they are building a new school here “ => direct speech‫الخطاب مباشر‬
• He said that they were building a new school there . => indirect speech‫الخطاب الغير مباشر‬
• It can also be divided into :
1 – Statement ‫ جمل‬: “they have just finished the exam “
2 – Question ‫اسئلة‬: “what were you doing when they came? “Have you finished the exercise? “
3 – Command‫ أمر‬: “stop teasing me “ “You must not smoke here “ “ you needn’t come “
If the reporting verb is in present simple , present perfect or future simple then we report the sentence as it is . In other words
, we make no changes .
Ex : “they will move from here next week “ He says / is saying /will say that they will move from here next week
But if the reporting verb is in simple past then certain changes are necessary. These changes affect :
Verbs. Pronouns ( I , you …. My ,your …., mine , their …..), Time indications ( yesterday , tomorrow , now , next ……)
Place indications ( here , there , this place …..)
NB : these changes take place when the reporting verb is in simple past and they are applied to : statements , questions and
Direct‫الخطاب مباشر‬ Indirect‫الغير مباشر‬
Verb tenses 1. present Simple 1. past simple
‫االزمنة‬ 2. present continuous 2. past continuous
And modals 3. present perfect 3. past perfect
‫األفعال الجامدة‬ 4. past simple 4. past perfect
5. past continuous 5. past perfect continuous
6. past perfect 6. past perfect
7. will 7. Would
8. can 8. could
9. may 9. might
10. shall 10. should
11. must, have to . 11. had to .
Time and place 1. Today 1. That day
Indication 2. Yesterday 2. The day before
‫ظروف الزمان والمكان‬ 3. The day before yesterday 3. Two days before
4. Tomorrow 4. The next/following/coming day
5. The day after tomorrow 5. In two days’ time
6. Next week, year…. 6. The following week , year….
7. Last week, year…. 7. The previous week , year …
8. A day/weak/month/year… ago 8. A day before / the previous week
9. Here 9. There
10. This place / city …. 10. That place / city …

• Statements ‫جمل‬
Direct speech : “ I saw her the day before yesterday, here “ he said
Indirect speech : he said that he had seen her two days before , there .
• Questions ‫أسئلة‬
1 – Wh –questions : ( these are questions that begin with a wh-word :what,where….)
• Direct speech : “ where is she going ?”
• Indirect speech : she asked where she was going .
Notice : – the question mark is omitted .
The interrogative form of the verb becomes affirmative : Where is she => where she was
2- Yes/no questions ( these are questions that their answers are either yes or no)
• Direct speech : “ will you participate in the ceremony?” Kamal asked me
• Indirect speech : he wondered if /whether if /whether I would participate in the ceremony .
Notice : – the question mark is omitted .
The interrogative form of the verb becomes affirmative : Will you participate => I would participate
• Command ‫أمر‬
-Direct speech:“revise your lessons” the mother said to her son .=> Indirect speech : the mother ordered her son to revise his
-Direct speech : “ don’t smoke here “ said the doctor => In Direct speech :he ordered him not to smoke there
Notice : in the indirect speech :
Affirmative : reporting verb + pronoun + verb (infinitive)
Negative : reporting verb + pronoun + not + verb (infinitive)
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
Linking words ‫أدوات الربط‬
:‫ مثال‬.‫] و لكل أداة دور معين حسب سياق الجملة‬linking words[ ‫ هناك مجموعة من أدوات الربط‬.‫كلمات نستعملها لربط أفكارنا عندما نكتب‬
The internet is a source of information. It is a source of entertainment (besides)
The internet is a source of information. Besides, it is a source of entertainment.
‫ هو مصدر للمرح‬،‫ إلى جانب ذلك‬.‫األنترنت مصدر المعلومات‬
."‫] و تعني "إلى جانب ذلك‬Besides[ ‫إذن في هذه الجملة أداة الربط التي إستخدمت لربط الفكرتين هي‬
]effect[ ]cause[ ]addition[ ‫هناك العديد من أدوات الربط التي تفيد مثال‬

ADDITION ‫اإلضافة‬
o Career women work outside and do the housework at home
o ______________________ . They also do the housework at home
o ______________________. In addition, they do the housework at home.
o ______________________. Moreover, they do the housework at home.
o ______________________. Furthermore, they do the housework at home.
o ______________________. Besides, they do the housework at home.
o Career women both work outside and do the housework at home.
o Career women not only work outside but (also) do the housework at home (as well).
o Not only do career women work outside but also do the housework at home.
PURPOSE ‫الهدف‬
o Alex works hard in order to succeed
o Alex works hard so as to succeed.
o Alex works hard to succeed.
o Alex works very hard for success. (for+ noun)
o _______________ . However, _______________ .
o _______________. Yet, _______________ .
o _______________. Nevertheless, _______________ .
o _______________, I couldn’t sleep though.
o Although I was very exhausted, I couldn’t sleep.
o Even though _____________ , ____________ .
o Even if _______________ , ______________ .
o In spite of being exhausted , I couldn’t sleep. (verb+ing or noun)
o Despite my exhaustion I couldn’t sleep. (verb+ing or noun)
CAUSE ‫السبب‬
o People are killed in accidents because drivers don’t respect the road code.
o _______________________ since_________________
o _______________________ as ___________________
o Because drivers don’t respect the road code, people are killed in accidents.
o As drivers don’t respect the road code, people are killed in accidents.
o Since drivers don’t respect the road code, people are killed in accidents.
o Because of the drivers’ disrespect of the road code, people are killed in accidents. (because of+ noun)
o Due to___________________________________, _______________________ (due to + noun)
o People are killed in accidents because of the drivers’ disrespect of the road code.
o ________________________ due to________________________________
o Thanks to hard work, many students succeed. (thanks to ➔ positive)
Effect/ consequence/ result ‫النتجة‬
o It rained. So, we postponed the match.
o _______. Therefore, _____________________.
o _______. Consequently, __________________.
o _______. As a result, ____________________ .
o _______ .As a consequence, _______________.
o _______. That was why, __________________ .
Comparison ‫المقارنة‬
o Both John and Sarah are hard-working.
o John is hard-working in the same way Sarah is.
o John is hard-working. Similarly, Sarah is.
Contrast ‫العكس‬
o While cities are noisy and stressful , the countryside is calm and relaxing.
o Cities are noisy and stressful whereas the countryside is calm and relaxing.
o Cities are noisy and stressful . In contrast, the countryside is calm and relaxing.
o _______________________. However, ________________________________
o _______________________. Yet, ____________________________________
o ______________________ . On the contrary, the countryside is calm and relaxing.
o On the one hand, cities are noisy and stressful . On the other hand, the countryside is calm and relaxing.
o Unlike cities, the countryside is calm and relaxing.
o Contrary to cities, the countryside is calm and relaxing.
Conditional 3 / wishes‫التمني و الندم‬
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
"‫ و كسرت ساقي‬،‫ "لعبت الكرة البارحة‬:‫ متال‬.‫] للتعبير عن الندم أو الحسرة على أشياء ال يمكن تغييرها اآلن‬conditional type 3[ ‫نستعمل‬
I played football yesterday and I broke my leg.
If I had not played football, I would not have broken my leg:‫] نقول‬Conditional Type 3[ ‫للتعبير عن الندم أو الحسرة بإستعمال‬
"‫ لما كسرت رجلي‬،‫ "لو لم ألعب الكرة البارحة‬:‫و تعني‬
• Conditional type 3
[If + Subject + Verb (past perfect) + complement] + [subject + would + verb (present perfect) + complement]
Example - Source sentence : I didn’t play sports , I was fat .
- Target sentence : If I had played sports , I wouldn’t have been fat .
• Wishes :‫التمنى‬
Steps to follow : We look at the verb in the source sentence , if it is in simple present then we change it to the simple past and if
it is in the past we change it to the past perfect
Present wish : - Source sentence: I don’t play sports , I am fat
• Target sentence: If only I played sports / I wish I played sports
‫( و في‬simple past). ‫( عندما نعبر عن التمني يتحول الفعل إلى زمن الماضي‬simple present) ‫في الحالة الواقعية يكون في زمن الحاضر‬
.‫( و العكس ألننا دائما نتمنى عكس الحالة الواقعية‬affirmative form) ‫( إلى‬negative form) ‫نفس الوقت يتحول الفعل من‬
Past wish : - Source sentence: I didn’t play sports , I was fat .
• Target sentence: If only I had played sports . / I wish I had played sports
‫( و هو عبارة‬past wishes) ‫ و عندما نعبر عن التمني في الماضي‬.‫( ألننا نتحدث عن الماضي‬simple past) ‫عندما الفعل يكون في زمن الماضي‬
(negative ‫( و دائما‬past perfect). ‫( إلى زمن الماضي التام‬simple past) ‫ يتحول الفعل من زمن الماضي‬،‫( في الحقيقة‬regret) ‫عن الندم‬
.‫ ألننا نتمنى عكس الحالة الواقعية من طبيعة الحال‬،‫( و العكس‬affirmative form) ‫يتحول إلى‬form)

Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses

• Both Restrictive and non-restrictive clauses begin with WH-words (who , which , whose ……..)
• Restrictive clauses: are not set off by commas , they are dependent , very important and limit the meaning .
• Non restrictive clauses: are set off by commas , they are independent , not very important to the meaning
Who = used for persons Which = preferences Whose = possession That = people, animals and things
Examples : - She has a son who is a doctor. ==> She lives in a city, which she likes a lot
- That boy ,whose jeans are blue, is my friend ==> I don’t like the table that stands in the kitchen
.]whom[ ‫] و‬whose[ ‫] و‬which[ ‫] و‬where[ ‫] و‬when[ ‫] و‬who[ :‫] و هي‬relative pronouns[
]whose[ .5.‫] تعود على الجماد و الحيوان‬which[.4.‫] تعود على الزمان‬when[ .3 ‫] تعود على المكان‬where[ .2.‫] تعود على اإلنسان‬who[ .1
.‫] توعد على الشخص إن كان مفعوال به‬whom[ .6.‫تعود على الملكية و تعني [صاحب] بالعربية‬
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Communication/ Functions
Making request Responding to request Expressing lack of Asking for
‫طلب‬ Accepting ‫قبول‬ Rejecting/Refusing understanding ‫عدم الفهم‬ clarification ‫طلب التوضيح‬
-Can you - Sure - Sorry, it’s not -I don’t know what you -Do you mind clarifiying
please…. ? - My pleasure! possible. mean by…: I don’t for me…?/ -What do you
-Could you… ? - That will be fine. - Excuse me, I can’t understand your mean by… ?/ -Could you
-Would you point…/-I don’t quite repeat once again?/Could
mind…ing ? follow you / -I’m not you be more explicit?/
-I would be sure I understand what Would you explain to
grateful if you mean by…/ -I’m me?/Would you simplify
you…. afraid I didn’t get the or clarify?
Making Responding to complaint ‫جواب الشكوى‬ Asking for advice ‫طلب‬ Giving advice ‫اعطاء‬
complaint ‫النصيحة‬ ‫النصيحة‬
-Sorry to bother Accepting Rejecting/refusing -What do you advise me -I advise you to…..
you, but../- I’m (apologizing) ‫االعتذار‬ to do?/ -I think you should…
afraid I have a -I’m really sorry, so - I’m afraid there is -What should I do? -I think you ought to….
serious sorry, awfully sorry, nothing I can do -What do you suggest? -If I were you, I would….
complaint/ - I terribly sorry…/ -I about it -If you were me, what - Why don’t you…
would like to can’t tell you how - Sorry, that was not would you do?
complain sorry Iam/- I my mistake Expressing Expressing
about……/ - I apologize for…/- -Sorry, that was not certainty ‫التأكد‬ Uncertainty ‫عدم التأكد‬
have a problem I’m sorry/ -Excuse my fault -Of -I’m not sure about that/
here……/ - me / -Pardon me -That’s not my course/Sure/Certainly/ I’m not certain about
Sorry, but…/ - business… Definitely/ that/I doubt/I’m
Pardon me, Absolutely/I’m sure or doubtful/Maybe/
but…./ -Excuse certain about that Perhaps/It’s possible…
me, but… Responding to Making Accepting
apology suggestion ‫االقتراح‬ suggestion ‫قبول االقتراح‬
-How about…/ -What -Why not?..../ -That’s
-No problem/ It’s about…../ - Why don’t great idea…./ - Ok,
ok/ It’s alright/ we…./ - Let’s + verb…. let’s….
Never mind/ Don’t -I suggest …..
mention it
Asking about opinion ‫طلب الرأي‬ Giving opinion ‫إعطاء الرأي‬ Agreeing ‫الموافقة‬ Disagreeing ‫المعارضة‬
-What’s your opinion -In my opinion, …/ In my -I totally agree with -I’m afraid I disagree
about..?/What’s your point of view point of view,…/ I think…/ I you/ You are right/ You with you/ I don’t agree
about…?What do you think believe…../For are absolutely right/ with you/ I don’t think
about…?What do you believe me,……/Personally,…../As That’s true!/ I can’t so/ I don’t share the same
about…? Are you for or against? far as I am concerned,…….. agree more! opinion
Expressing bad news Responding to bad
Expressing Good news ‫إعطاء أخبار‬ Responding to good news ‫إعطاء أخبار سيئة‬ news‫جواب أخبار سيئة‬
‫جميلة‬ ‫جواب أخبار جميلة‬

-I’m really sorry or sad -Oh dear!That’s

-I have a good news for you/-I’m That’s wonderful, fantastic, to tell you that…/-I terrible!Oh my God, /-
happy to tell you that…/-I have got great/-That sounds exciting/- really don’t know how Sorry to hear that!/-This
fantastic news I’m happy to hear that to say it,but…/- Be is so sad!/-I will keep
patient! you in my thoughts and
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units

Writing samples layout for national exam

Writing examples for national exam are templates/examples that are meant to help students in their writing task
during the national exam. it includes :
1. Writing a report. ‫تقرير‬
2. Book / Film review.‫مراجعة فلم او كتاب‬
3. Personal (informal) letter. ‫رسالة رسمية‬
4. Official (formal) letter. .‫رسالة غير رسمية او رسالة لصديق‬
5. Email. ‫رسالة الكترونية‬
6. Cause and effect essay. ‫مقالة حول األسباب و النتائج‬
7. Advantages and disadvantages essay. .‫مقالة حول اإليجابيات و السلبيات‬
1. Report
A report must at least contain these elements:
1. Place of the event.
2. Time of the event.
3. Number of the attendants.
4. What happened.
5. Your evaluation/opinion
6. Normally the topic is as follows: Write a report about………..

2. Formal letter
An official letter (also called formal ) is a letter that you write to someone whom you look up to, it can be the
headmaster of your school , your teacher , a manager etc. The layout must be respected

3. Book/film review
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units
Imagine you have seen a movie or you have read a book which you really liked. And you loved that much to the
extent you want to tell everyone about it. What will you tell them about the film/the book you have
watched/read?You will tell them:
1. The title of the film/book. 2. The writer/producer. 3. Date of publication (book) or production (film)
4. Genre of film/book.5. Director and actors (film).6. Characters (book if it is a novel or play)
7. Duration (film). 8. The story of the film/book. 9. Your evaluation/opinion.
Normally the topic is as follows: Write a review of a film or a book that you have seen or read
Film review
…………….(Title of the film)……………… is one of the films that attracted my attention.
It was produced by………….. (name of producer)………………. in (date of production)…………... It is a
…………(genre e.g. an action / detective / story / drama / humour / thriller / sci-fi / comedy / adventure /
western etc.)………………… film. The castings are the famous ……….(names of

During (1h30 / 2 hours / 45 minutes etc.) …………….(Name of the film)

…………………… revolves around ………………. (give a brief summary of the film)…………………..

To sum it up, I really ………………….(you opinion/evaluation)………… because it

(justify your opinion)……………..

Book review
…………….(Title of the book)……………… is one of the books that attracted my
attention. It was written by………….. (name of writer)………………. in (date of production)…………... It
is a …………(genre e.g. an action / detective / story / drama / humour / thriller / sci-fi / comedy /
adventure etc.)………………… book. The major characters of the book are ……….(names of

…………….(Name of the book)…………………… revolves around ………………. (give

a brief summary of the book)……………………..

To sum it up, I really ………………….(you opinion/evaluation)………… because it

(justify your opinion)……………..

4. Personal letter
A personal letter (also called informal) is a letter that you write to someone of your age , s/he can be your friend or
your sibling etc. The layout must be respected.
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units

5.Email: an electronic letter sent using a network. It should be precise, concise and to the point

6. Cause and effect essay

It is another common type of essays in The Baccalaureate Exam. In cause/effect essay you discuss the causes
(reasons) for something, effects (results) or both causes and effects.
Teacher :Abdel Ali HAMRAS Summary : all units

7. Advantages and disadvantages essay

It has the same structure as the Cause/Effect essay. Just change the word causes with advantages, and the word
effects with disadvantages.

Linking words and phrases

• In my opinion • Besides
• As far as I am concerned • In addition (to)
• It is clear that • What is more
• It seems to me that • Another reason is
• I think/feel that • Furthermore
• I agree/disagree • Moreover
• Personally • Also
• To my mind • What is more
• I (strongly) believe that
• As I see it

• However • In conclusion
• On the one hand........On the other hand • To sum up
• Despite • All in all
• Although • In short
• In spite of • In a nutshell
• As opposed to the above ideas • In brief
• On the whole

◊ showing time: when, whenever, before, while, as soon as, etc.

◊ listing points or show sequence: first, to start with, next, finally, secondly... etc.

◊◊ showing cause and effect: because, since, as a result, etc.

◊ giving examples: for instance, for example, such as, especially, etc.

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