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SPARK STAR-83 / 2024-25

Non tripping of 33KV Breaker during Night Hour

Shared awareness of Engineers

At one of the 132/33 KV GSS, one of the 33KV feeder VCB was not tripping
frequently between night hours (between midnight to 5am) resulting 33KV
power transformers pulled out.


1. This feeder was not tripping during mid-night. The PROTECTION ENGINEER team
tested the breaker with relay, all test results and protection found in order. But all
testing works were conducted during day time whereas the non-tripping was
happened in the night hour. Resulting blackout situation in the said GSS several
2. The complaint raised by O&M wing through higher authorities to shift responsibilities
for PROTECTION ENGINEER for non-solving the issue. But whenever
PROTECTION ENGINEER tested it all things found in order. The case was so
peculiar that it was very difficult to find out.

Action and analysis

1. Breaker timing test, parallel path for trip coil inside breaker, relay test, no of
contacts parallel in relay, relay replacement, two protection trip cables( through
master trip and directly through over current / earth fault relay) had been carried out
to resolve the issue but the problem could not solved. Because of such peculiar
behavior, the tripping circuit used for this system checked thoroughly.
The situation was very insulting for PROTECTION ENGINEER people. Hence one
night whenever the same feeder did not trip experiment started through grid people
over phone. By using a 2.5 sq mm cable direct 220volt DC fed to the trip coil, but the
VCB did not trip and some spark observed at the coil terminal. To find out the
situation the said feeder put to service through bus coupler.

2. The trip coil brought out from its tripping unit for analysis. During the opening of
tripping coil it was found that some semi liquid lubricating oils impressed inside coil
hollow plunger which became more adhesive in nature during cold night and creates
problem in tripping during mid-night only. During day time the liquid became thinner
and breaker operates smoothly.

Result and Recommendations

1. Never use lubricating oils inside trip/close coil plungers.

2. More lubrication inside breaker mechanism may create problem.
3. Skilled persons must be engaged for lubrication purpose who can use it in proper

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