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Julliana Maria Francheska C.

Grade 9 - Saint John the Evangelist

Science Narrative Report: Egg Drop Challenge

For our Performance Task in Science for the 4th Quarter, we were tasked to make a design with
limited materials so that we are able to drop an egg from the second floor of a building without it being
cracked. Unfortunately, my design was not effective because when I dropped it, the egg was
immediately cracked open. But, I was lucky enough to gain experience, practice my creativity, and
deepen my understanding with Physics through this task.

First, I needed to get the materials. I gathered 10 pieces of paper straws, 3 pieces of styrofoam cup,
10 popsicle sticks, 5 pieces of cotton balls, 5 pieces of rubber bands, and 10 pieces of toothpicks. I
wasn't able to find a sandwich bag so I decided to make my design without it.

After gathering the materials, I experimented with different designs to identify the mistakes and fix
them before the actual challenge. I had the idea that if the egg is compressed inside the cup, there
would be a small possibility that it would crack. I put all the 5 pieces of cotton balls in the cup along
with several popsicle sticks to make it as compressed at possible. I also made extra protection by
combining the paper straws through rubber bands. I made a few tests outside our house and the egg
didn't crack. Unfortunately, there was a mistake that I didn't notice when I was making my design:
there wasn't enough protection at the top. It was the main cause of the egg's crack because the egg
landed with the unprotected part hitting the ground. It was devastating when I saw that the egg was
cracked but after a few moments, I realized that it was okay because I enjoyed making the design
even though it didn't end up the way I wanted it to be. It also gave me a deeper understanding of the
concept of Physics that the greater the height, the faster a falling object drops, hence making a bigger
impact when falling.

After the task, even if I failed the challenge, I learned many things. Things about Physics and about
life. I learned that things may not turn out the way you expect them to be but there's still knowledge to
gain along the way. It also made me realize that enjoying the process is much more important than
focusing only on the outcome.

Address: JP Rizal St. Poblacion, Ibaan, Batangas

Contact No.: (043) 414-1040, 706-2512, 414-3271, 321-9594

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