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一、單字選擇 LT B4 L5 Basic

1. ( )To everyone’s surprise, the neighbor, who had seemed very polite, was ____________ by the
police for committing a murder. (A) arrested (B) breathed (C) sealed (D) admitted
2. ( )Irene ____________ on the icy sidewalk, but her boyfriend grabbed her arm just in time and
saved her from an embarrassing situation. (A) slipped (B) sighed (C) seized (D) sealed
3. ( )This foreign company claims to do business with locals, but in fact, it has been ____________
numerous historical treasures out of the country. (A) arresting (B) smuggling (C)
convincing (D) recruiting
4. ( )Since Dale prefers to be alone rather than socialize with people, it is very difficult to
____________ him to join the dance club. (A) admit (B) obtain (C) sneak (D) convince
5. ( )The instant Mary smelled something bad, she ____________ into the kitchen, only to find her
beef curry had burned. (A) burst (B) slipped (C) sighed (D) sneaked
6. ( )It is very shocking that quite a few paintings exhibited in this museum have been confirmed as
____________. (A) sacks (B) fakes (C) seals (D) slips
7. ( )If you want to visit this protected nature reserve, you need to ____________ permission first.
There is a limit on the number of visitors per day. (A) recruit (B) obtain (C) smuggle (D)
8. ( )We will always remember Malala’s ____________ act of standing up for girls’ right to
education. (A) courageous (B) plentiful (C) compassionate (D) prosperous

1. ____________________ In Singapore, drug dealing is a crime punishable by death, and convicted drug
dealers face e____________n by hanging.
2. ____________________ Mother Teresa was a c____________e nun who devoted her whole life to caring
for the poor and the sick.
3. ____________________ The general’s c____________s act during the battle was honored by the
4. ____________________ To deal with the overflow of students, the school r____________ted a few
teachers from Canada and the United States.
5. ____________________ Sean did his very best to c____________e everyone in the company that his
marketing plan would work, but few had faith in him.
6. ____________________ The serial killer is now under a____________t after the police caught him in
the mountains.
7. ____________________ Whether Mr. Baker will o____________n the position has not been confirmed

8. ____________________ If you want to open a bank account in Taiwan, you need to bring a
s____________l with your name on it.
9. ____________________ Called to the front of the classroom, the student a____________ted to the
teacher that he had cheated on the exam.
10. ____________________ General Douglas MacArthur received the Medal of Honor several times for his
exceptional b____________y in battle in WWI and WWII.
11. ____________________ It was very c____________s of the little boy to save his little sister from being
bitten by a stray dog.
12. ____________________ The middle-aged man was caught by the airport police for s____________ling
a large amount of unlabeled medicine into the country.
13. ____________________ Inflammable items such as hair spray and batteries are not allowed inside a
s____________e going on a plane.
14. ____________________ The police officer caught the man drunk driving and found that he had a
f____________e driver’s license.
15. ____________________ The plan sounded simple at first, but the e____________n of it met with
numerous difficulties.

1. ____________________ It is an act of ____________ (brave) to tell a friend that he or she made a
2. ____________________ The priest is a man full of ____________ (compassionate), and he’s always
willing to help people without asking for anything in return.
3. ____________________ The Red Cross is a private organization; it is not a government ____________
4. ____________________ Helen is a very ____________ (compassion) teacher who feels strongly
motivated to offer high-quality education to children from poor families.
5. ____________________ The woman was ____________ (arrest) for possessing a large amount of illegal
6. ____________________ Kublai Khan is regarded as one of the most ____________ (courage) fighters in
history, for he led his army to win many crucial battles.
7. ____________________ UNESCO is a specialized ____________ (agent) aimed at promoting world
peace and international cultural development.
8. ____________________ Many people think that the crimes of this serial killer should be punishable by
death; in other words, the public wants him to be ____________ (execution).

1. ( )My mother discovered her diary from the third grade while ____________. (A) pack (B)
packed (C) was packing (D) packing
2. ( )If Joyce ____________ caught a cold, she would have taken part in the school’s annual singing
contest. (A) does not have (B) did not have (C) has not had (D) had not
3. ( )____________ a noise from behind, Mr. Brown turned around and found that his one-year-old
daughter had broken his glasses. (A) Heard (B) Hearing (C) Hears (D) Had heard
4. ( )____________ at a height of 324 meters, the Eiffel Tower is about the same height as an 81-
story building. (A) Stands (B) Stand (C) Standing (D) Stood
5. ( )If Ed had taken his father’s advice to wait a few months, he ____________ the serious downturn
in the stock market. (A) did not encounter (B) will not encounter (C) will not have
encountered (D) would not have encountered
6. ( )The old man regretted not traveling more when he was younger. If he ____________ forty
again, he would have gone abroad to see the world. (A) was (B) were (C) had been (D)
has had been
7. ( )____________ of the dark in his bedroom, Johnny asked his mother to leave his light on all
night. (A) He was afraid (B) Was afraid (C) Afraid (D) Be afraid
8. ( )If Oliver had contacted us a few minutes earlier, we ____________ and met him in person. (A)
would wait for him (B) might wait for him (C) could have waited for him (D) will have
waited for him

1. ( )In the café, some are leisurely reading magazines, and ____________ are checking their emails.
(A) other (B) another (C) the other (D) others
2. ( )Determined ____________ the ice-skating competition, Jill practiced day and night. (A) to
winning (B) to win (C) winning (D) win
3. ( )Sue began helping ____________ the flyers for her father’s lunch shop after school. (A)
delivering (B) delivered (C) to deliver (D) to delivering
4. ( )During the pandemic period, you are strongly advised to wear a mask in public places; not
wearing one in public may put everyone ____________ risk. (A) at (B) in (C) by (D) for
5. ( )Andy and his younger brother went to see the film with great expectations since their mother
____________ the book to them when they were little. (A) read (B) has read (C) had read
(D) reads
6. ( )____________ you adopt a dog, it becomes your responsibility to treat your pet like a family
member. (A) While (B) Only when (C) Once (D) Even if
7. ( )Despite being ill, Katherine managed ____________ her assignment to the teacher before the
deadline. (A) hand in (B) to hand in (C) in handing in (D) handing in
8. ( )Lilly went on a diet ____________ she could fit into that gorgeous wedding gown the following
month. (A) so as to (B) in hopes that (C) in order to (D) for fear that

1. Combine the following two sentences using the pattern “If + S + had + p.p...., S + would/could/might +
have + p.p.....”
I did not study hard to prepare for the test last night.
I failed the test.

2. Combine the following two sentences using the pattern “If + S + had + p.p...., S + would/could/might +
have + p.p.....”
I did not bring my wallet with me this afternoon.
Therefore, I could not take a taxi home.

3. Combine the following two sentences using the pattern “S + V, V-ing/p.p....” and begin the sentence with
“The teacher left....”
The teacher left the classroom.
The teacher was followed by three students.

4. Rewrite the following sentence using the pattern “If + S + had + p.p...., S + would/could/might + have +
I had not told my mother the truth earlier, so she got really mad about what I had done.

5. Combine the following two sentences using the pattern “If + S + had + p.p...., S + would/could/might +
have + p.p.....”
Mr. Johnson gave me a few useful suggestions.
Thus, I finished my project on time.

6. Rewrite the following sentence using the pattern “V-ing/p.p...., S + V....”

Because I was given a second chance, I performed much better than last time.
7. Combine the following two sentences using the pattern “V-ing/p.p...., S + V....”
I was bored with the documentary.
I couldn’t help but fall asleep in the movie theater.

8. Combine the following two sentences using the pattern “V-ing/p.p...., S + V....” and begin the sentence
with “Not....”
Kevin did not want to get up so early on a Sunday morning.
He turned off the alarm clock and continued to sleep.

1. 如果 Brian 當時知道他的車會被拖走,他就不會把它停在這裡。
If Brian had known that his car would be towed away, he ①____________ ②____________ ③
____________ here.
2. 外頭持續的工地噪音真的很干擾 Stanley,所以他把他的音樂調大聲以壓過噪音。
The constant construction noise outside really disturbed Stanley, so he turned up his music to ①
____________ ②____________ the noise.
3. 由於是在有限度的預算下旅行,Jodie 將她去瑞士旅行的每一項花費都做紀錄。
Traveling on a limited budget, Jodie ①____________ ②____________ ③____________ of everything
she spent during her trip to Switzerland.
4. 由於對於研究的結果感到驚訝,這些科學家決定做更多實驗來更加了解這個現象。
①____________ ②____________ the results of the research, the scientists decided to do more
experiments to shed light on the phenomenon.
5. George 的太太無法忍受他一直把流浪動物帶回家中。
George’s wife can’t stand the fact that he keeps ①____________ ②____________ stray animals.
6. 為了要壓過顧客的談話聲,這家咖啡店的店主整天都播放背景音樂。
In order to ①____________ ②____________ the chatter of customers, the coffee shop owner plays
background music all day.
7. 儘管湯瑪斯.愛迪生過世許久了,他的發明直到如今仍然嘉惠了全球的人們。
Even though Thomas Edison passed away a long time ago, his inventions still benefit people worldwide
①____________ ②____________ ③____________.
8. 這間房子原本很髒亂,不過,由於家族成員已將它徹底整理,它看起來很棒。
The house was a complete mess at first; however, now that the family members have cleaned it ①
____________ ②____________ ③____________ ④____________, it looks gorgeous.
9. 當這名病患一聽到他的病可以有效地用藥物治療時,他如釋重負地鬆了一口氣。
Upon hearing that his disease could be treated effectively with medication, the patient ①____________ a
②____________ of ③____________.
10. 在亂流結束後,機上所有的乘客都如釋重負地鬆了一口氣。
After the turbulence ended, all the passengers on the plane ①____________ a ②____________ of ③

1. 在公眾場所沒有戴口罩會讓別人處於危險(risk)中。(Not + V-ing...)
2. 我媽媽幫我請了一位英文家教,希望我的英文寫作技巧能進步。( hopes that....)

3. 那名消防隊員進入燃燒的建築物救人,讓他自己處於危險(risk)中。(S + V..., V-ing....)

4. Janet 下定決心要為明年的歐洲之旅存錢,所以她對她的日常生活開銷做紀錄(keep...)。

5. 假如當時我知道這漂亮的植物是有毒的,我就不會去碰它。

6. 許多志工被招募來徹底清理社區圖書館。

7. 駕照考試失敗三次後,Amy 最後通過並得到駕照時,如釋重負地鬆了一口氣。

8. Charlotte 調大電視的音量以壓過外面小孩玩耍的噪音。

(1)對那隻在超級市場旁的狗感到憐憫,Iris 決定帶牠回家。(Feeling....)

(1)被一輛車撞到,Teddy 被一輛救護車載到醫院。(Hit....)

(1)假如 Mary 知道 Steve 是個騙子的話,她絕不會跟他出去。

1. Have you heard of the movie Schindler’s List? It was based on a man named Oskar Schindler, who
was famous for __(1)__ and helping 1,200 Jews during WWII. At the time, any Jew who was considered
healthy was forced to work in a labor camp, __(2)__ those that were unhealthy were sent to concentration
camps to die. For Jews that carried out “essential work,” however, their lives were spared, which was
exactly how Schindler saved their lives. Schindler was a smart businessman and __(3)__ German officers
that his Jewish workers were making bullets for the German army—work that was no doubt “essential.”
However, if the German officers __(4)__ a closer look, they would have found that all of Schindler’s
bullets were useless. And if caught, Schindler would certainly have ended up __(5)__ or being executed.
His story was made into a famous film and with good reason. He is an inspiration to many for his
tremendous acts of bravery.
( )(1)(A) keeping a record of (B) bursting into (C) taking in (D) making way
( )(2)(A) since (B) while (C) as (D) when
( )(3)(A) sneaked (B) convinced (C) slipped (D) recruited
( )(4)(A) took (B) could have taken (C) had taken (D) have taken
( )(5)(A) to jail (B) jail (C) go to jail (D) in jail
2. A lot of heroes and heroines emerged during World War II, and Irena Sendler was one of them.
Sendler was a social worker who helped to __(1)__ over 2,000 children out of the Warsaw Ghetto, the
largest of all the Nazi ghettos during WWII. How did a single woman __(2)__ such a difficult task? Well,
she employed the help of friends and colleagues. They would often sneak the children out in suitcases or
even under ambulance stretchers with dogs barking to __(3)__ their cries. Sometimes, the children were
taken out through sewer pipes or secret underground passages. Still others escaped through an old
courthouse that stood at the edge of the ghetto. __(4)__ to help, Sendler did whatever she could to give the
children the opportunity to survive, even providing them with new birth certificates* and family records
once they were out. She put her own life __(5)__ to save the children. If caught, she would certainly have
been executed. To this day, she is an inspiration to many for her selfless acts of bravery.
註:certificate 證明
( )(1)(A) arrest (B) smuggle (C) seize (D) seal
( )(2)(A) be managed to accomplish (B) manage to accomplish (C) be managed accomplishing
(D) manage accomplishing
( )(3)(A) burst into (B) keep a record of (C) take in (D) drown out
( )(4)(A) Determined (B) Be determined (C) Determining (D) To determine
( )(5)(A) out of trouble (B) to worse (C) at risk (D) to the full

1. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
(A) with (B) obtained (C) colleagues (D) from (E) seized (F) arrested (G) agents (H) record
(I) in (J) starvation
The Diary of Anne Frank is one of the best-known books related to the Second World War. Anne was
a German Jewish teenager living in the Netherlands who decided to keep a __①__ of her life during
World War II. Her family was living in Amsterdam when the German Nazis __②__ control of the
Netherlands. Anne __③__ her diary as a birthday gift in 1942 and began writing in it. During the period
of Nazi rule, Anne was to be sent to a Nazi work camp. With the help of her father’s __④__, Anne and her
family hid in a secret room behind a moveable bookshelf. One day, the Frank family was discovered and
__⑤__. Some say the family was found by the Gestapo __⑥__ accidentally, while others say they were
betrayed* by an informant*. Anne was sent to a concentration camp in the summer of 1944 and was never
reunited __⑦__ her family. She suffered from __⑧__, like many other prisoners. Anne is believed to
have died __⑨__ illness in the spring of 1945, just before Germany lost the war. __⑩__ the end, Anne’s
father, Otto, was the only member of his family who survived the war. He found his daughter’s diary and
had it published in 1947.
註:betray 出賣 informant 提供消息者;舉報者

2. 作答時不需考慮大小寫
(A) admit (B) recruited (C) at (D) agency (E) during (F) documents (G) fake (H) arrested
(I) agents (J) convince
The Soviet Union’s “KGB” was an organization famous for its secrecy*. The KGB was a(n) __①__
that handled national security in the Soviet Union from 1954 to 1991. Its main purpose was to maintain
government control, keep secrets, and gather information about foreign countries. It __②__ spies and sent
them around the world on missions. __③__ the Cold War (1947-1991) between the Soviet Union and
America, the Soviet Union used KGB __④__ for a variety of missions. The spies would often use __⑤__
passports to enter America. Then, they would sometimes be told to steal important government __⑥__ or
record secret conversations. They would also use charm or money to __⑦__ people to give them
information. The spies were trained to keep calm in case they happened to be __⑧__. Very few of them
would openly __⑨__ their secret identities, even when caught. Because of the KGB’s secrecy*, it was
impossible to know how many spies they had __⑩__ the height of the Cold War. When the Soviet Union
fell in 1991, the KGB was renamed the FSB. It is quite possible that the FSB’s spies continue to work
quietly in countries around the world.
註:secrecy 保密;祕密

1. During World War II, Japan allied* itself with Germany; however, not all Japanese government
officials agreed with the actions of the Germans. In the late 1930s, one Japanese man managed to save the
lives of thousands of Jews through his power as a foreign diplomat.
As a Japanese diplomat, Chiune Sugihara worked in Manchuria but left his position in protest against
the way the Japanese treated the locals there. Later, the Japanese government sent him to Lithuania. When
the Nazis conquered Poland, many Jews fled to Lithuania. However, they knew that they were not
completely safe there either, since Germany was nearby. Therefore, many Jews decided to leave Europe
together. One group of Jews asked Sugihara for Japanese visas that would allow them to cross the Soviet
Union to safety. Sugihara agreed, even though he would be disobeying government orders and risking the
anger of both the Nazi and the Japanese governments. In total, Sugihara issued 2,139 transit visas. Since
each visa holder was able to bring their family along with them, it is estimated that the lives of 6,000
people or more were saved. Later, Sugihara said, “I couldn’t abandon those thousands of people depending
on me. I did not do anything special—I just did what I had to do.”
註:ally 與……結盟
( )(1)What is the best title for this passage? (A) A Japanese Diplomat’s Contribution to Humanity
(B) Strange Diplomatic Relations between Japan and Germany during World War II (C)
The Nazis’ Major Enemy at War (D) The Japanese Government’s Handling of Jews in
( )(2)According to the passage, which of the following is true? (A) A group of Jews turned to
Sugihara because they wanted to obtain visas to leave Japan. (B) In total, Sugihara
managed to save around 2,100 Jews leaving Lithuania with transit visas. (C) Sugihara had
worked in Manchuria for several years until he was promoted to a position in Lithuania.
(D) Although many Jews fled to Lithuania, they still felt unsafe and wanted to leave Europe
to avoid the Nazis.
( )(3)Based on Sugihara’s words in the last paragraph, which of the following words can be used to
describe him? (A) Selfish. (B) Humble. (C) Careful. (D) Proud.
2. In 1937, the Japanese army conquered Nanking, China, and the violence they committed was so
extreme that the conquest* came to be known as the Rape of Nanking. Hundreds of thousands of people
sought protection in the Nanking Safety Zone (NSZ), which had been set up by foreign businessmen,
doctors, and teachers. The head of the NSZ was John Rabe, a German businessman.
Rabe, who lived in Nanking, was a loyal member of the Nazi Party, even though he had not seen
what was happening in Germany under Hitler. Therefore, when Japanese planes first began bombing the
city, Rabe and his workers held up a giant Nazi flag above their heads. They did so hoping the Japanese
pilots would spare their lives. After all, Germany and Japan were on the same side in the war. When the
Japanese took control of Nanking, Rabe took in hundreds of Chinese people. Whenever Japanese soldiers
came near, Rabe would show them the Nazi symbol as a warning to stay away.
Rabe has been credited with saving the lives of 200,000 people through his actions. Yet, it’s strange
to think that he probably could not have done it without the help of the Nazi symbol. These events show
just how complicated history can be and that something associated with death cam also have the power to
save lives.
註:conquest 征服
( )(1)What is the passage mainly about? (A) A person who saved thousands of innocent people.
(B) A historical event that changed the fate of Germany forever. (C) A story that was never
told until very recently. (D) A businessman who fought to defend the rights of people.
( )(2)According to the passage, which of the following statements about Rabe is true? (A) Since
Rabe had witnessed how efficiently Hitler ruled Germany, he became a loyal member of the
Nazi Party. (B) Rabe showed the Nazi symbol to the Japanese army in order to earn their
respect. (C) Rabe used the Nazi flag to prevent Japanese bombers from attacking him and
others. (D) Rabe helped many Chinese people escape from the Nanking Safety Zone.
( )(3)In the last paragraph, what can we infer about the author’s viewpoint regarding the Nazi
symbol? (A) The author probably thinks the symbol was useful in showing the Japanese
army that Japan and Germany were on the same team. (B) The author may think that the
symbol has historical value and thus should be preserved. (C) The author may praise Rabe’s
actions in saving people’s lives but does not approve of his use of the Nazi symbol. (D) The
author probably thinks it’s ironic that a symbol representing murder and death could also save
the lives of thousands.

1. (A) Nelson Mandela was a symbol of the fight for equality.
(B) Meanwhile, most black people worked in low-paid jobs, lived in poor communities, and had few
(C) Unfortunately, this time the government did not let him off easy and sentenced him to life in prison.
(D) Then in 1960, the killing of 69 black people by the police changed Mandela’s belief in nonviolent
South Africa is nicknamed the “Rainbow Nation” for its diversity of people and cultures. However,
back in the days when it was ruled by white people, unfair treatment could be seen between races. For
fifty years, white people ruled the country and led comfortable lives. __①__ Thus, one man sought to lay
the foundations for democracy in the nation.
Nelson Mandela was born in a small village in South Africa in 1918. Growing up, he had heard his
elders speak of their bravery during wars of resistance. It became his dream to help his people achieve
freedom. At age 25, he attended law school where he became familiar with the concepts of racism* and
discrimination*. His passion for politics grew.
In 1944, Mandela became an active member of a political party aiming to challenge the segregation*
laws. This party led peaceful protests against the South African government and racist policies for years.
During this time, Mandela was arrested and sentenced to five years in jail. __②__ He formed a secret
military group and began using armed force. He was arrested again during a national workers’ strike in
1962. __③__ The authorities tried to persuade him by promising freedom in exchange for the end of
protests. But Mandela stayed true to the cause and refused. It was not until 1990 that he was released. He
was able to help organize the first democratic election in South Africa on April 27, 1994, and became his
country’s first black president.
__④__ He stood firmly behind his goal and never gave up even during times of hardship. The
freedom and the rights he won revolutionized South Africa and paved the way for a better world for all
註:racism 種族歧視 discrimination 歧視 segregation 種族隔離
①________ ②________ ③________ ④________

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