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Title: Rooted in Harmony: Bangsamoro Grassroots Initiatives for Peace

(Cascading the Updates of GPH-MILF Peace Process)


Duration: Six Months (Thrice a Month Activities)

Total Cost:

Venue: Community Based Program


Rooted in Harmony: Bangsamoro Grassroots Initiatives for Peace" is a

multifaceted program designed to catalyze peace-building efforts within
the Bangsamoro region. At its core lies the recognition of the indispensable
role played by grassroots involvement in sustaining peace processes.
Through collaborative efforts with the United Nations Development
Programme (UNDP), the program receives vital support, ensuring its
efficacy and enduring impact.
One of the primary strategies of the program is to disseminate updates
on the Government of the Philippines (GPH)-Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF) peace process. This ensures that communities are well-
informed and actively engaged in ongoing implementations, fostering
transparency and trust between the government and the people. These
regular updates empower stakeholders with insights into progress,
challenges, and decisions, enabling them to contribute meaningfully to the
peace-building process.
Moreover, "Rooted in Harmony" serves as a dynamic platform for
dialogue and collaboration among diverse groups within the Bangsamoro
region. By facilitating discussions and exchanges between MILF leaders,
civil society organizations, and local communities, the program promotes
inclusivity and fosters a sense of ownership over the peace process. This
comprehensive approach not only strengthens the legitimacy of peace
agreements but also enhances their implementation and sustainability.
Ultimately, through the invaluable support of UNDP and a commitment to
nurturing partnerships and promoting grassroots initiatives, "Rooted in
Harmony" lays the foundation for lasting peace, social cohesion, and
economic prosperity in the Bangsamoro region, ensuring benefits for all its
inhabitants for generations to come.

a. Enhance Community Awareness and Understanding: Increase

knowledge among local communities about the GPH-MILF peace
process, its progress, challenges, and significance, thereby fostering a
deeper understanding of the issues at stake and the potential pathways
to peace.
b. Facilitate Multi-Stakeholder Collaboration: Foster partnerships and
collaboration among, MILF members, civil society organizations, and
local leaders to create a conducive environment for dialogue,
cooperation, and joint decision-making, thereby promoting inclusivity
and consensus-building in peace-building efforts.

c. Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: To facilitate regular updates

and communication channels between the Government of the
Philippines (GPH), Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF), civil
society organizations, and local communities, fostering transparency,
trust, and inclusivity in the peace process.

d. Promotion of Dialogue and Collaboration: To create a platform for

constructive dialogue and collaboration among diverse groups within
the Bangsamoro region, including MILF leaders, civil society
organizations, and local communities, aiming to bridge differences,
build consensus, and promote mutual understanding.

a. Lecture:

 Conducting informative sessions and workshops to disseminate

updates, information, and key concepts related to the
Government of the Philippines (GPH)-Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF) peace process.
 Providing educational materials, presentations, and expert-led
discussions to deepen understanding and awareness among
participants regarding the peace-building efforts in the
Bangsamoro region.
 Utilizing lectures as a platform to address misconceptions,
clarify doubts, and provide historical context to empower
stakeholders with comprehensive knowledge about the peace

b. Question and Answer:

 Facilitating interactive Q&A sessions following lectures and

presentations to encourage active participation, engagement,
and dialogue among participants.
 Creating a supportive environment where stakeholders feel
comfortable asking questions, expressing concerns, and seeking
clarification on various aspects of the peace process.
 Incorporating feedback from Q&A sessions to tailor future
content, address specific concerns, and ensure that the
information provided is relevant, accurate, and accessible to all

Total of 50 selected participants from different agencies and line agencies
of Moro Islamic Liberation Front


….To be identified by United Nations Development Program…..


Food-related expenditures (Lunch Only) will be covered by the United
Nations Development Program.


a. Empowerment of grassroot Communities: "Rooted in Harmony"
aims to empower grassroot communities within the Bangsamoro region
by providing them with the knowledge and skills necessary to actively
participate in peace-building efforts. This empowerment leads to
increased community resilience, cohesion, and self-reliance, which are
essential components of sustainable socio-economic development.

b. Enhanced Stakeholder Engagement: By fostering transparency, trust,

and inclusivity in the peace process through regular updates and
dialogue, the program creates an environment conducive to
constructive collaboration among diverse stakeholders. This increased
engagement not only strengthens social bonds but also promotes the
exchange of ideas and opportunities, which are critical for socio

c. Promotion of Inclusivity and Ownership: Through dialogue and

collaboration among MILF leaders, civil society organizations, and
local communities, "Rooted in Harmony" promotes inclusivity and
fosters a sense of ownership over the peace process. This sense of
ownership motivates stakeholders to actively participate in decision-
making processes and take ownership of the outcomes, leading to
greater accountability, commitment, and sustainability in peace-
building efforts.

d. Legitimization of Peace Agreements: By strengthening the

legitimacy of peace process through grassroots involvement and
dialogue, the program contributes to political stability in the
Bangsamoro region.

e. Nurturing Partnerships and Initiatives: "Rooted in Harmony"

nurtures partnerships and promotes grassroots initiatives for peace,
which serve as catalysts for socio development at the community level.
By supporting local initiatives, such as reconciliation programs.
In summary, "Rooted in Harmony" not only contributes to peace and
social cohesion but also lays the foundation for sustainable socio
development in the Bangsamoro region, ultimately benefiting all its
inhabitants and future generations.

"Rooted in Harmony: Bangsamoro Grassroots Initiatives for Peace,"
funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), places
significant emphasis on sustainability within its six-month duration.
Despite its relatively short timeframe, the program remains dedicated to
empowering local communities, stakeholders, and Moro Islamic
Liberation Front (MILF) members with essential skills and knowledge to
sustain peace-building efforts in the Bangsamoro region. Leveraging the
support and resources provided by UNDP, the program ensures robust
institutional backing and technical assistance, enhancing its capacity to
effectively implement peace-building initiatives. Community ownership is
central to the program's approach, as stakeholders are actively involved in
decision-making processes, fostering dialogue and collaboration to instill a
sense of responsibility and commitment among participants."
"Throughout its duration, 'Rooted in Harmony' implements rigorous
monitoring and evaluation mechanisms to track progress and adapt
strategies, ensuring continued relevance and effectiveness. With UNDP's
funding, the program secures financial sustainability, enabling it to
maintain operations and deliver impactful outcomes. Additionally,
knowledge sharing and learning are prioritized, facilitating exchanges of
best practices and lessons learned to promote continuous improvement and
adaptation. By harnessing the support of UNDP and maintaining a
steadfast commitment to sustainability, 'Rooted in Harmony' aspires to
leave a lasting positive impact on peace and prosperity in the Bangsamoro
region, even within its limited six-month timeframe."
Prepared by:

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