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Main requirements

*Main Keyword used at least 15 times

*Use local(US) markers(For example: In [City], [State]: *"In Boston, MA, our company offers... "
Serving [City/Region]: "Serving the greater Seattle area, our Software development company
provides.... "
[City]-based [Business Type]: "Our LA-based software development company helps businesses
grow their online presence.")

Article Structure
1. Intro

1 paragraph “How to…”

You can start with a:

1. Thought-provoking question – "Do you know what a blog post and a sandwich have in
2. Quote – "Ernest Hemingway once said: ‘There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit
down at a typewriter and bleed.’
3. Story – "The other day, I had a Newtonian experience. That is, an apple fell on my

2 paragraph “The main problem is clarified”

● The main problem is clarified. The solution to the problem which will be considered in the article.
There must be a link between “the pain” and “our solution”.
● The paragraph must include at least 2 references to authoritative sources that confirm

1) the existence of the problem(with a link to survey/report/research!). Please do not use

“many”, or “a lot”. Use “12% across survey…{link to survey}”

2) the rationale for a proposal to solve it. (links, quotes, research, numbers, etc. - reasons to

*Use for example

3 paragraph “Introduce the author”

● Introduce the author (John Doe) of the article. Tell readers about they experience (for example:
more than 5 years in the industry, experienced software developer, interested in AI technologies)
and why they can be trusted.
● Quote from the article on behalf of the author

4 paragraph “Overview”

● Start paragraph using “You will learn…” .

● A brief overview of what the reader will find in the article (a good chance to insert keywords)
● Linked with our other listings - at least 2 links.

2. Table of contents

3. Article Body

Try to be concise. Always try to keep your paragraphs short.

Two sentences is typically OK. But no more than three sentences. Please.

● The essence of the problem and solutions are revealed

● Linked with our other blog posts - at least 2 links.
● If it is “XXX+ Top Tools…” topic then it has the following structure:
○ Header
○ Screenshot (picture)
○ Description for 2-3 paragraphs, pros. Cons,
○ Small conclusion for 3-4 sentences
○ set of useful data in a vertical list (object key numbers)
○ Source link.
● If it's a "Scientific Article"
○ The article must have a “digital value” - “5 methods…” “8 best solutions…” and so on (
H2 subheadings)
○ Segmented into methods/types/etc.
○ Each method or solution is a separate chapter (H3 subheadings).

5. Conclusion

● Sum up of the article, an overview of what was described

● Call-to-action.

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