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Sir Muzzamil- Co ... te Notes (1).pdf

Page 40 of 241
Qualities (Model of Excellence):
3 (a) Describe three qualities 2012of the Prophet Muhammad that
him a model for
[10] M/J
3 (a) The Prophet Muhammad 2014 is said to have been patient
about events
and trustworthy. Write in his life that illustrate
these qualities. O/N
3 (a) The Qur’an[10]says the2015 Prophet is of “great moral
character” (68.4). Identify events of his moral
from his life that show a range
characteristics. [10] M/J
3 (a) The Prophet was described 2016 as humble and just. Giving
write about events
examples from his life, that describe
these qualities. M/J
4(a) Write about[10]events from 2017 the Prophet’s (pbuh) life that
show honesty
his qualities of and simplicity
in action. [10] O/N
3(a) Giving at least four examples
2018 from his life, write about
Prophet Muhammad
the ways in which the showed generosity
and humility. [10] O/N
3(a) The Prophet (pbuh) was generous and forgiving. Write
that demonstrate
about events from his life these qualities
in action. [10] Intro:
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) is an excellent model for the Muslims to
character and conduct. Allah testi!ed to his character. “And you
(Al Quranin all 68:4).Again
walks of life.AllahHe had saysan“you
idealhave indeed in the Apostle
stand on an exalted
The Prophet (P.B.U.H) standard
mannersofwere character
ideal, he said, “Allah sent me
of Allah the
perfect a beautiful pa#ern ofAisha
good manners.” conduct.
R.A was asked about the habits
to complete the excellent
habits were in accordance with virtues and to
of Prophet
Muslims (P.B.U.H)
should takeshethereplied, “His (P.B.U.H) as a model for
life of Prophet
mould their ofcharacter
Quran.” and
1. Patience inand
every sphere of life and should
personality according to it.
Prophet (P.B.U.H) passed through a period of great distress and
di$culties with patience and never complained about them.
always at Makkah.
treated He bore
them kindly andallnever
the cursed them. He endured
forced to of leave
the ill treatment of his enemies, he
the• When
persecutions of the opponents
the Prophet’s Quraish until he was
greatly increased their
curse them. At this the Prophet replied:“I have not been sent to
to persecution, his companions asked him to
a curse upon men
opponents but to to
continued betreat
a blessing
him and his companions
•unjustly and cruelly,
In the early Makkanbut periodhe always
when the prayed for of the new
companions in number, it o%en happened that when the Prophet
near him andfar exceeded
whistle andthe Prophet’s
clap in order to disturb him, but the
at suchstand acts. toHepray,
alwayshis opted
foes would
for the come
policy of
Prophet would not even once show his anger
tolerance and avoidance of confrontation.

Page 41 of 241
• In one instance when the Prophet was praying at the Ka’bah
every move and action, one of his adversaries put on his back the
while his enemies
prostration. weredid
The Prophet watching hisand stayed in that position.
not react
!lth ofback
o& his and Page
a slaughtered camel 40during/ his241
His• The
ProphetFatimah, rushed
(P.B.U.H) wentto totake theinvite them to Islam, but
Taif to
cleaned him up.
they abused him and pelted him with stones. He took shelter in
andBanu Saqeef
prayed refused
to Allah, to listen
at that time to
angel Jibrailsaid, “Allah has

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